Title My Place, Your Place Summary / overview In this collaboration activity, partner school students share the physical and emotional experience of ‘their place’ (school or neighbourhood) and compare this with their partner’s place. This is a useful project to follow the Getting Started Project. Theme(s) Culture / everyday life / school Objective(s) Through this collaboration activity, partner schools and students will: 1. Work together to decide how to effectively share the experience of ‘our place’ with their partner school 2. Use appropriate speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to communicate effectively across cultures, showing cultural sensitivity in their exchanges 3. Further develop their understanding of the similarities and differences in everyday life in Indonesia and Australia Organisational Details Languages English / Bahasa Indonesia Subject Area(s) Duration English (Writing, Speaking, Reading); Languages (English, Bahasa Indonesia); Studies of Society and the Environment (History and Geography) 8 weeks Project Description Week Week 1 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Resources Useful links Hints Where are we? What makes our place special? In Week 1, your students will: Develop a visual understanding of where their partner school is located by using world maps or online searches Begin to explore how they imagine their partner school to look like Depict what being at their own school is like in a ‘production’ to be shared with their partner school ICT Options: Google Earth, other map tools or world map Venn diagram http://www.globale ducation.edna.edu .au/globaled/go/pi d/1833 Many graphic organiser sites are available e.g. http://www.sdcoe.k1 2.ca.us/score/actba nk/torganiz.htm In your school ‘production’, you could include: Drawn map of school Timetable Photos of people and places Interviews with students, parents, staff Writing or drawing about special school events How to begin? Begin by asking your students to think about how the schools might be similar or different because of where they are? Use a Venn diagram or list on the board (a link to an online example of Venn diagrams is available in the Resources section). Non ICT Option: A Venn diagram can be drawn on the board Think, Pair, Share http://olc.spsd.sk.c a/DE/PD/instr/stra ts/think/ Discuss with your students Discuss what your students would like to know about their partner school and post questions to this effect in the Wikispace. Discuss: A school is more than just buildings. The people, activities and special experiences are also important in understanding what it is like to be ‘here’. You can use a strategy like ‘Think, Pair, Share’, and ask your students to consider what should be included in our productions (See hints). Page 2 of 9 Week Week 2 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Resources Useful links Hints What? How? Who?… The production for your partner school In Week 2, your students will: Decide upon the ‘product’ they will share with their partner school and the type of media they will use to depict your school ICT Options: Digital cameras (video or still) to create a digital photo album (like using Flickr) Sound recording Audacity to edit sound files PowerPoint, PhotoStory or other software Scanner. Storyboard sheet for planning http://www.sdcoe.k1 2.ca.us/score/actba nk/tboard.htm OR http://www.csupomo na.edu/~wcweber/3 25/storybd.htm OR http://www.jasonohl er.com/pdfs/digitalS torytellingStoryBoar d.pdf You might like to look at some school websites to see what is featured Other ideas: Write pamphlets Video Audio Web page Sending items such as school uniform or school bag assembling a package of schoolrelated objects like school map, magazine, newsletter and student diary) Begin by asking your students What will we make to share with our partner school? Brainstorm on the board and list what your students might create. For example: individual writing and drawing using photos with captions using digital photos in a PowerPoint create a digital album with or without sound, or make a PhotoStory with sound and text (can be in English and Bahasa Indonesia). What do we do next? Then, support your students to plan what they will do: They can write up an action plan or storyboard their ideas The SMT and you as teacher should check their plans before they start work Non-ICT Options: Drawing and writing about the school The process is the same no matter what product is intended. If you have established a Student Management Team (SMT), this group may help decide what will be made. Students could work independently or in groups on a range of tasks. Page 3 of 9 Week Week 3 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Filming, Writing, Recording and Chatting In week 3, your students will begin working on their projects. ICT Options: Digital cameras (video or still) to create a digital photo album (like using Flickr) Sound recording Audacity to edit sound files PowerPoint, PhotoStory or other software Scanner What needs to be done When you are working with your students, make sure: They are shown how to include simple surveys in the Wikispace to find out more about their partner class as a whole e.g. o How do you travel to school? o What is your favourite subject? You discuss with them the difference between open and closed questioning You encourage them to post their answers to multiple surveys Resources Useful links Hints There are many sites for creating graphs if needed e.g. http://nces.ed.gov/nce skids/CreateAGraph/ default.aspx You may teach some students to create surveys and have them help others. For surveys, try to use the ICT sharing tools to which you have access: Wikispace, SMS, email, ‘snail mail’ and telephone. Page 4 of 9 Week Week 4 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Filming, Writing, Recording and Chatting In week 4, your students will: Focus on making sharing product/s. Discuss survey results ICT Options: Digital cameras (video or still) to create a digital photo album (like using Flickr) Sound recording Audacity to edit sound files PowerPoint, PhotoStory or other software Scanner What needs to be covered in the discussion As one of the aims of the BRIDGE Project is to help partner schools develop strong relationships and gain cultural understanding, it’s important to provide time and space for your students to reflect on the similarities and differences across the two partner schools. Focus your discussions on: o Are there any similarities or differences? o Any surprises? You might get your students to post their reflections on the Wikispace. Resources Useful links Hints Consider making bilingual products by using audio files and sub-titles or labels or captions in both languages if appropriate. Teacher and SMT review progress and provide support for any students having problems. For surveys try to use the ICT sharing tools to which you have access: Wikispace, SMS, email, ‘snail mail’ and telephone. Page 5 of 9 Week Week 5 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Editing and compiling. Reviewing. Digging deeper. In week 5, your students will: Create their product and review it critically. Any edits, additions and alterations are made at this time. ICT Options: Digitally recorded, edited with Audacity, then uploaded to Wikispace or posted to partners on CD-ROM Sent and answered as text messages Dive more deeply into the issues Encourage your students to reflect more deeply and on a more personal level by: Asking them to think of more personal questions to discuss in the Wikispace e.g. o What are the most important things people learn at school? Why? o What makes my school special? Why? o What have been the highlights of my time at this school? Encouraging them to both post their ideas and respond to others’ ideas at least once a week Resources Useful links Hints Post each discussion question on a new page in the Wikispace. This will keep student postings on the topic in one place. Make sure your students apply Netiquette rules in their communications. Non-ICT Options: Answered in writing Page 6 of 9 Week Week 6 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Reviewing In week 6, your students will: Share their productions with the whole class ICT Options: Upload to the Wikispace Burn onto a DVD or CD-ROM How well have their questions been answered? Explore with your students: How well they have answered the questions our partners asked about our school (at the beginning and in the Wikispace) Whether or not they need to decide if they want to change (delete or add) anything? Resources Useful links Hints Depending on products, the sharing could be through the Wikispace or by snail mail or a combination of both. Non ICT Option: Snail mail What’s next? Your students need to send off the information and identify any gaps in knowledge: They need to send it off …. and tell their partners that it is coming! (See hints) Review the initial ideas about their partner school Decide if there is anything else to ask their partner students Page 7 of 9 Week Week 7 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration While we are waiting … just for fun In week 7, your students will: Be asked to envisage their ‘ultimate’ school: What would the school look like? Completely open How can we communicate? Your students can use any medium they choose. Ask them to communicate their ideas through: o Writing o Drawing o Discussion o Photographs o Performing o Creating a documentary o Making a web page The focus will be on succinct messages and a sense of fun! ICT Option: You may need a scanner for artwork Resources Useful links Hints This activity could be dropped if you are making a more timeconsuming product such as digital video. Sharing on the Wikispace Encourage your students to share these brief productions through the Wikispace or in the gallery. They can create an online discussion that targets the following ideas: How different or similar are the ideas? How creative are they? Are there cultural differences between Indonesian and Australian students? Why or why not? Page 8 of 9 Week Week 8 Focus Activity(ies) description ICT / non ICT tools to support the collaboration Comparing In week 8, your students will: View the partner school sharing Discuss the differences and the similarities of going to school in Australia and Indonesia and why? Continue to use the shared Wikispace for communicating and posting reflections. Resources Useful links Hints Provide feedback in culturally appropriate ways. What do they need to communicate? This week, your students need to provide some feedback to their partners on what they liked about their presentation and the conclusions that they have drawn. They also need to: Find out what their partners thought of their productions and what ideas they have Discuss how they might share these new learnings with the school community Be encouraged to reflect on their work: o Any difficulties in communicating online? o Across cultures? o Working together? Outcomes/ Outputs The students will develop a product to capture a key event / place / person or activity that is meaningful to them in their local community. This product can be digital or non-ICT based. It could be a: pamphlet, digital story, image gallery, web page etc The Wikispace will be used as a central point for posting and feeding back on information and will provide a snapshot of the project progress Page 9 of 9