SO GIAO DUC - DAO TAO TP HCM Vietnam Innovation Day Application 2005 Project name: Education, collection and recycling carton packages at primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City. Project Identification: I. Project Title: Education, collection and recycling carton packages at primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City 2. Location of Project: Ho Chi Minh City 3. Geo#rauhv: Pilot project at 21 schools located at Phu Nhuan District, Binh Thanh, District 1, District 3 (list of schools is enclosed in appendix I) 4. ImDlementing a2enciesIindividuals: Tetra Pak Vietnam and Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education, Primaty Education Division. 4.1 BackEround of Tetra Pak and Tetra Pak Vietnam: Tetra Pak is a Swedish Company, leading in processing, filling and packaging liquid food industry in the world. Established in 1952, Tetra Pak now has presence in more than 170 countries and has more than 21,000 employees worldwide. In Vietnam, Tetra Pak has presence more than 10 years, from 1994. Today, Tetra Pak Vietnam has 83 employees with two offices in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city. Our customers base in Vietnam are including leading multi-international and local companies in food manufacturing companies like: Vinamilk, Dutch Lady, Hanoi Milk, Nutifood, Tan Viet Xuan, Unipresident. Our business is growing rapidly and strongly in the last 10 years with average growth of 30% per annum. Besides commercial activities, Tetra Pak Vietnam is very actively involve in noncommercial activities that benefit to community, especially helping Vietnamese children. We are partner of Vietnam Nutritional Program that provides 2OOml milk and biscuits daily to 315,000 needed children in poor areas of Vietnam in the lat 3 years. This program is funded by USDA and managed by LOL. Tetra Pak Vietnam contributes technology know-how, share cost in nutritional education and environment as well as formulation development for this program. We also work closely with Vietnam Red Cross in Nutritional Education and Feeding program in 4 provinces in center of Vietnam. This program is feeding 2OOml soya milk to 55,000 children daily. In environment field, Tetra Pak Vietnam together with our partner, Ministry of Education, Division of Solid Waste Management organize collection system and recycling paper mill for after used carton packages. In 2005, we sign a collaboration agreement with Department of Education in Ho Chi Minh City in strengthening environment awareness in all primary schools in HCMC with total of more than 200 schools. Together with providing education in environment protection, we also install dedicated garbage bins and put in place a collection system to bring to recycle. It is a complete chain from educate, collect and recycle has been established through Tetra Pak Vietnam effort and Ministry of Education support. (The collaboration agreement is enclosed in apnendix 2) Tetra Pak's budget for this program in 2005 is 40,000 USD. This amount of money is spending in three areas: - RecyclinE: identify and support paper mills in recycling technology. Increase awareness in ability and benefits in recycling after used carton packages. Together with VCCI we organized a conference for all paper mill in HCMC on October 2004. Photo is enclosed -PromotinE collection system in HCM City: We are working with an individual who collect for us but it is only very temporary solution. We are working with Department of Solid Waste Management to find a more efficient and long-term solution for collection. We plan to organize together a seminar for 100 collection companies on July. Our target for 2005 is to collect and recycle 30 tones of after used cartons from 21 schools that we have placed garbage bins and provided environmental education during April 2005. By increasing collection system, we aim to create more jobs for needed people, avoiding land filled and saving value from recycled waste. THUNG 04/PIG RAe TM CH# `# VOHOPGIY Ar Message printed on garbage bins -Provide enyironmental education for primary schools in Ho Chi Minh City: Children are future of the country. We have acknowledged this message of Vietnamese government in educating children including environmental education in primary level, age from 6-Il. Together with Department of Education Ho Chi Minh th City, we launched Environmental Education program on 20 January 2005. More than 200 schoolmasters have attended this launch. From the launch, we have selected 21 schools for pilot program. Follow the launch, we, Tetra Pak Vietnam and Department of Education have worked with 300 dedicated teachers from all primary school in Ho Chi Minh City to find the most efficient way to raise awareness amongst children. A group work was held on th 12 March. Teachers' representative gave presentation of how they will teach the children. Together with normal method of teaching like handouts, posters we also provide them with visual documents of environment activities in Germany, Pakistan (they are enclosing in the environment kit) Another method of sending messages that we are using is puppets show "Story of a empty pack". This puppets show is highly regarded by teachers and children. 4.2 Why Tetra Pak actively involvinE in environment activities? - Tetra Pak's aim is to align its business goals with environmental considerations in a way that balances costs and benefits, while continuing to develop in a competitive way. - Our policy is to achieve environmental excellence in the three major areas of our activities: product design and manufacturing, management processes and the design of our equipment. - A life-cycle analysis of all our packages is conducted so that we can fully understand the environmental aspects of our products and optimizes the balance between environmental impact and product performance. - Tetra Pak participates in the recycling activities of local communities. Used cartons can be reused in a number of paper products or made into chipboard for furniture. - Used Tetra Pak packages are well suited for energy recovery in waste management programmes - All Tetra Pak manufacturing facilities implement or will implement environmental management systems to improve our corporate performance and better integrate the environment with our operations. - Tetra Pak takes an active part in the ongoing environmental debate between industry, public authorities and other interested parties. About 7S%-8S% of used cartons are virgin fiber, a valuable raw materials that all paper mills are interested in to recycle. In Vietnam, our ambition is to make full awareness of this factor amongst all paper mills in 2005 and have 50% of them agreed to recycle our packages in 2006 Tetra Pak package contains 80% fiber that came from Scandinavia *J' 7, I- 0 0 0 From these packages, after recycling Vietnam will receive products like below p Globally our recycle rate is 15%. Tetra Pak aim to 18% in 2008. In Germany, the recycling rate reached the highest rate in the world, 65%. Vietnam is poor country but recycling rate for empty cartons almost zero. By providing awareness on recycling, Tetra Pak Vietnam hopes to bring from learning to practicing by placing dedicated garbage bins at schools. Each school on the program is a collection point for recycling. These environmental activities are the first steps of the value chain that follow by success collection and successes recycle. We have submitted this idea to Department of Solid waste of Ho Chi Minh City and they promised to implement this concept widely in 2006. Tetra Pak Vietnam organization chart and FE organization chart in appendix 5 Friends of Environment or volunteers are students, officers in different organization including Tetra Pak employee, MPDF and others Brief CV's of Nguyen Dung. Tetra Pak Environment executive.(Please find enclosed appendix 4) 5. Contact information Tetra Pak Vietnam l4#" Floor, 235 Dong Khoi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City Phone +84 8 8257100; Fax + 84 8 8257101 Project supervisor: Nguyen Thu Thuy, Communication and Environment Director, Tetra Pak Vietnam. Mobile 0903995572 Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training 70-72 Le Thanh Ton, District I, Ho Chi Minh City Telephone: +84 8296088 Fax: + 8488224618 6. Banking information Beneficiary : TETRA PAK INDOCHINA Account number : 01-7-405459-9 (USD) Bank name : Standard Chartered Bank 6 Battery Road Singapore 049909 II. Project Description "Collection and recycling program at 21 primary schools" during school year 20042005 was very much appreciated by teachers and students in Ho Chi Minh's City. Department of Education of Ho Chi Minh City have requested us to continue and expand this project during 2005-2006 school year. The innovation idea we would like to present below is "Initiate awareness and increase participation in collection and recycling amongst 200,000 primary pupils via schools' environment's team and expand 20 more collection points at schools in Ho Chi Minh's City" The target groups of this campaign are pupils, parents and teachers. Department of Education of Ho Chi Minh City's will provide programs as follows: 1. Visit recycling factories for representatives of schools (pupils, parents, teachers) 2. Educational materials and presentations during parents-school meetings 3. Rewards for individuals that actively participate in paper collection campaign. The program will be implemented in the format of training trainers: Department of Education will select 10 actively participating (or highly willing to participate) pupils in environment activities at each school (200 school x 10 pupils each school = 2000 pupils) to build key environment team at each school. These 2000 pupils will be well trained to understand the cause and benefits of putting garbage in the bins and the importance of sorting waste for recycling. We will coordinate and bring children to visit paper-recycling factory. After training, this team will be our trainers to train others pupils at schools. Parents and teachers are also take important role on this program; they supervise and reinforce discipline amongst young pupils. Department of Education will print and deliver lift lets to parents early September during school-parents meeting. Via schools and teachers system, Department of Education will select and reward individuals, group that actively participate in this program. The reward and review will be held in the end of Semester I, December 2005. The amount we apply for funding is 10,000 USD. The amount contributes from Tetra Pak and Department of Education is 36,000 (not including salary for staff and traveling expenses) Action Number Amount I .Factory visit. 200 trips 2000 pupis+2OOO parents 5,000 USD and teachers 2.Rasing awareness on 200 schools Environment team arents-teachers meetin 3. Awards for pupils that 2000 rewards, each value 5000 USD actively involve in this of 2,5 USD Total 46,000 USD Children are Vietnam's future. Invest in building up children awareness and create a good habit now is crucial for Vietnam#s environment in the next 10-15 years. We chose primary age as during these years, children are able to read and write freely and also are very early age to learn new good habits. III. Project outline: Project timing is first semester school year 2005-2006 from 15th September 2005 to 15th November 2005 IV. Beneficiaries and participants V.1 Project steerinR committee: - Environment sector of Ho Chi Minh's City Department of Education and Training - Tetra Pak Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City office V.2 School beneficiaries: Two hundred schools in Ho Chi Minh City V.3 Activities that currently runnins#r: Children are already collecting and separating recycle waste at those 21 schools. There are dedicated garbage bins for that here. However, we believe with these new initiatives we will able to bring in the support from parents and community as well as open 20 more collection points at new schools. We believe this launch together with environment education will create a habit of sorting paper for recycling. This program also will create a good base for sorting and collection waste that Department of Environment and Resource will implement early 2006. V.4 List of project implementers: 1. Mr. Nguyen Van Dua, Environment officer of Ho Chi Minh city Department of Education 2. Madam Nguyen Hoa Mai, Head of Primary Education 3. Ms. Nguyen Thu Thuy, Director of Communication and Environment, Tetra Pak Vietnam 4. Ms. Nguyen Dung, Environment Executive, Tetra Pak Vietnam S.Team of teachers responsibIes at schools 6. Mr. Amid Deep Singh, Environment Technical Support, Tetra Pak Thailand 7. Friends of Environment team V.5 Seminar evaluation of project will be held on December 2005. We will report to you - Total and name of schools participate - Comments of teachers, parents and students - List of 41 collection points All above information will be sent in writing to World Bank. We also will send you monthly report to World Bank V. Project budget Total budget is 46,000 USD Contribution from Innovation Day Fund: 10,000 USD Contribution from Tetra Pak and Department of Education is 36,000 USD as in attached appendix 6 With kind regards, Nguyen Thu Thuy Communication and Environment Director Tetra Pak Vietnam Appendix 6 TOTAL COST OF ENVIRONMENT BUDGET IN 2005 No. Items Unit Quantity Cost (VND) I Materials for kick-off seminar _________ _________ 49,775,000 2 Banner, stickers, posters (vol 2) _________ 2,083,400 3 Story (vol 2) _________ _________ 4,950,000 4 TV Coverage-Seminar 20/1 _________ 3,400,000 5 Organizing cost for seminar 20/1 _________ _________ 18,000,000 6 Brochure (vol 2) 2,800 2,000 5,600,000 7 Folder (vol 2) 1,833 10,000 18,330,000 8 Leaflet 1 (vol 2) 566 10,000 5,660,000 9 Leaflet 2 (vol 2) 566 10,000 5,660,000 10 Poster (vol 2) 7,100 700 4,970,000 11 School kit (vol 2) 87,000 200 17,400,000 12 Polo-shirt for F.E team 33,000 100 3,300,000 13 Cap for F.E team _________ _________ 1,500,000 14 CD sticker _________ _________ 15 Story (vol 2) 770 10,000 7,700.000 16 Set-up puppet program 12,000,000 _________ 12,000,000 17 Puppet show in 21 schools 1,700,000 21 35,700,000 18 Recycling bin 670,000 5 3,350,000 19 Voice over service on video clip _________ 2,000,000 20 P vera eSemi2ar 1213 1,000,000 ________ 1,000,000 21 Copy VCD and CD cover 2,760,000 2,760,000 22 Or anizin cost for seminar 12/3 20,000,000 _________ 20,000,000 23 Refreshment for seminars 1,750,000 _________ 1,750,000 24 Recycling bin for schools 522,500 40 20,900,000 25 Stickers for bins _________ _________ 1,980,000 26 TV Coverage-kickoff day in school _________ _________ 1,000,000 27 ###P'sac 2,277,320 28 Entertainment _________ _________ 2,708,800 29 DecalA4 _________ _________ 25,000 30 Milk, #uice for 21 schools ___ Total cost (up to 412005) _________ 7,392,000 _________ _________ 264,421,520 31 Monitoring cost of education program for DET _________ 100,000,000 32 Contest among schools in the Environment Day 33 Kick-off seminar with scavengers _________ 34 Support collectors (transportation cost) and recyclers (trials) TOTAL ________ ________ ______________________________________ ________ 36,000 USD 100,000,000 50,000,000 50,000,000 564,421,520 ________