AP® Spanish Language Syllabus 1 Course Overview The AP® Spanish Language course is conducted entirely in Spanish. All students are expected to speak Spanish at all times during this course. They should be able to use the Spanish language to: • Understand spoken and written Spanish including but not limited to: conversations, lectures, oral presentations, newspapers, letters, instructions, radio and television broadcasts, Internet articles, and short stories. • Express themselves orally by conversing, narrating, convincing, arguing, inquiring, and describing. • Express themselves in a variety of writing styles, using different strategies for different audiences. Assessments will be performance based and linked to the major components of language: reading, writing, listening and speaking (including interpersonal and presentational). Each component comprises one fifth of a student’s overall grade. The final component is comprised of vocabulary building and grammar mastery practice activities. There will be formative assessments in each area to prepare the students for the unit’s final summative assessments that include both a recorded speaking component (using www.lingtlanguage.com or audacity) and formal and/or informal writings. For example: During the “Personal relationship” unit, students will write and debate what characteristics are essential for compatibility in their future mates. They will break into groups and create a written profile of an eligible “bachelor” for a dating game. They will listen to both the negative and the positive attributes of each bachelor and will verbally (recorded) and in writing, choose and explain which bachelor would be most compatible with them. After listening to and reading Pablo Neruda’s Poema 20, they will analyze his use of verb tenses throughout the poem and they will determine how Neruda’s lost relationship compares with what they have discovered to be true. Course Outline To teach the AP Spanish course we use several different materials. The textbooks used throughout the course are Imagina (Vista Higher Learning), Revista (Vista Higher Learning), Triángulo (Wayside Publishing), Abriendo Paso: Lectura (Pearson Prentice Hall), Encuentros Marvillosos (Pearson Prentice Hall) and Conexiones (Prentice Hall). These textbooks will help us continue our study of the Spanish language and improve our bank of Spanish vocabulary; as well as, our conversational skills. Additionally, we will be using Repaso: A Complete Review Workbook for Grammar, Communication, and Culture (McGraw Hill) to study and improve our grammar skills. We will also use 5 Steps to a 5 AP Spanish Language (McGraw Hill) to help prepare for the AP Exam. While a strong command of grammar is essential for communicative functions, we use class time for students to interact with authentic materials and with each other. Traditional textbooks and workbooks will be our major focus; however, we will utilize following online sources both in and outside of class for authentic listening activities and/or language mastery: http://www.ver-taal.com/ Online flashcards, movie trailers, authentic video and radio clips http://www.wordplay.com Online flashcards and games http://notesinspanish.com Online listening activities of interpersonal conversation used for note taking http://www.thepaperboy.com/ Spanish newspapers by country www.cnn.com/espanol CNN in Español www.un.org/radio/es Radio Naciones Unidas www.apple.com/intunes iTunes http://www.record.com.mx/ Website devoted to sports news with an emphasis on soccer http://tools.verbix.com/webverbix/Spanish.html?verb=ser Verb conjugations http://www.conjuguemos.com Verb conjugation and vocabulary building http://espanol.yahoo.com/ Yahoo en español http://www.colby.edu/~bknelson/SLC/index.php B.K. Nelson (Colby University) practice activities http://www.fcps.edu/DIS/OHSICS/forlang/spanish/stars/index.htm Spanish games for reinforcement http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/spanish/ Flashcards, video clips, and activities http://www.wordreference.com/ Online dictionary http://zachary-jones.com/spanish/clozeline Songs with comprehension activities http://www.youtube.com Videos in Spanish http://tu.tv/ Videos in Spanish Each week we will write short essays and/or journal entries on a prepared topic. A small English-Spanish dictionary will be needed daily; however, it is our goal to become less dependent on outside sources for additional vocabulary and spelling as the course progresses. The journal will serve as a practice of writing skills and will allow students to reflect on relevant themes using the target language. We will also discuss the topic as a group. We may share the information with each other, have a debate, or try to persuade one another to consider an opposing viewpoint on an issue. We will finish with a more formal essay related to a topic at hand. Written work and spoken conversation or presentations will be evaluated using ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines. Our overall goal is that by the end of the year, we will communicate at a sustained Intermediate High or Advanced Low level. Each week, we will have a quiz on expanded vocabulary reviewed outside of class. This additional vocabulary will be from the Triangulo workbook, from the www.ver-taal.com online flashcards, from the www.wordplay.com online flashcards, from a list provided by me or from in-class or outside reading. Students will present and discuss current issues from our Imagina or Revista textbooks, or from newspapers and internet news. This will not only help the students improve their reading, speaking, and listening skills, but will also keep everyone up-to-date on events taking place in the Spanish speaking world. Part of our formative and summative assessments will be shorter, mock AP Exams using multiple-choice items from past released exams, and free-response questions that are similar in type and difficulty to those on the AP Exam. These assessments will often include essays relating to themes found in pieces of literature read during the semester. These prompts will be similar in type and difficulty to those on the AP exam. In order to ensure students are progressing as needed, there will be no exam exemptions for AP Spanish Language. Both semester exams will be mock AP exams to prepare students for the format and pacing of the culminating event. Texts ● Blanco, Jose A. Revista: Conversación sin barreras: 3rd Edition. Vista Higher Learning: Boston, Massachusetts. 2010. ● Díaz, José L. AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination. Prentice Hall 2007. ● Blanco-Tocaimaza-Hatch. Imagina: 2nd Edition. Vista Higher Learning: Boston, Massachusetts. 2011. ● Collins, Stephen J, Díaz, José M , Nadel, Maria F. AbriendoPaso: Lectura: Rev. Student Edition. Pearson/Prentice Hill. Needham, Massachusetts. 2004 ● Gatski, Barbara. Triángulo: A Proposito. Wayside Publishing. Milton, Massachusetts. 2006 ● Kanter, Abby. Encuentors Maravillosos. Pearson/Prentice Hill. Needham, Massachusetts. 2005 ● Lavoie, Dennis. 5 Steps to a 5: AP Spanish Language. McGraw Hill 2010. ● McGraw Hill Staff. Repaso: A Complete Review Workbook for Grammar, Communication and Culture : 1st Edition. Glencoe/McGraw Hill 1997. ●Zayas-Bazán, Eduardo. Conexiones. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 2002. General Course Outline (subject to change as needed) Unit 1st two weeks Chapters from Imagina and Triángulo Royalty vocabulary Course description Movie review vocabulary Students combine new movie review vocabulary with from Don Quijote and write movie reviews for formal writing Grammar Focus Literature, Art or Culture Vocabulary Present Preterit Imperfect verb tenses Overview Don Quijote Vocabulary associated with royalty. Top 100 words used in the Spanish language (including 24 foundational verbs) 1. Personal relationships (civil states, emotions, personalities, feelings) Imagina: 1 (Triángulo: 9) Conexiones: 4 Ver-taal Family (all sections) Present and present irregulars Pablo Neruda (poemas del amor) El Prójimo: características físicas, emociones, familia, personalidad Frida Kahlo Diego Rivera Places, home and furniture ser & estar verbs like gustar Written pieces include: My ideal mate---what I am and am not looking for in a companion & a written reaction to the truth about relationships found in Pablo Neruda’s Poema 20 2. City (places around town and at home) Imagina: 2 Preterit Ver-taal La casa Algunos muebles En la mesa En el dormitorio En el baño En el salón En el despacho 2 Imperfect Present perfect Immigration (notesinspanish.com) Time reviewed Leyenda: La llorona Life in Juchitan Written pieces include: a comparision of city life versus country life and a comparision of matriarchal societies vs patriarchal societies. 3. Media (cine, television, press, Imagina: 3 Subjunctive in noun clauses Oscar de la Renta TV, types of media, newspapers, professions, fine art) Triángulo: 5 Art vocabulary (provided) Ver-taal Los deportes Written pieces include: Effects of media usage and a prediction of how the our lives will be changed by technology 4. Family (stages in life, personality, family life, personality) (impersonal expressions) Isabelle Allende Dos Palabras object pronouns Jorge Luis Borges Borges y yo commands possessive adjectives Famous people of Hispanic origin demonstrative adjectives Pirates in the “el caribe” Subjunctive in adjective Clauses por & para La herecia de los mayas (textiles) reflexive verbs Juan Rulfo No oyes ladrar los perros professions and the fine arts Texting vocabulary Imagina: 4 Triángulo: 2 Ver-taal La ropa (all) Ver-taal La casa Tareas domésticas (verbs meaning to become idiomatic expressions) Stages in life, personality, family life Augosto Monterroso El eclipse Laura Esquivel Como agua para chocolate Ver-taal El cuerpo El higiene Written pieces include: How do you contribute to your family unit? How has the family changed over the past few decades? 5. Our World Imagina: 5 Future Jaime Sabines Triángulo: 3 Conditional Ver-taal Animals (select) El mundo vegetal (select) El Mundo relative pronouns que vs. Cual neutral lo Ojalá que llueva café en el campo Donde jugarán los niños Animals, ecology, nature, social issues (el tiempo) Written pieces include: How has our relationship with the physical world around us changed? And What should we be doing to protect our world and why? 6. Beliefs and Ideology Imagina: 6 Subjunctive and adverbial clauses Revista Octavio Paz past subjunctive Isabelle Allende Dos Palabras comparatives and superlatives Armando Valladares La mejor tinta Present perfect reviewed Roberto Matta irregular past participles Juan Madrid La mirada People, law and rights, politics, and danger, cloning Triángulo: 10 Revista (pp. 17 – 21) Vocabulary associated w/cloning Written pieces include: How will we decide whether or not to limit what science can do with respect to the creation and preservation of human life? Which is more important, the individual or society as a whole? 7. Work and Finances Imagina: 7 Triángulo: 8 Conexiones: 10 Ver-taal El trabajo (All) Written pieces include: What will work be like in the future? present perfect subjunctive uses of the impersonal se Economy, people at work, labor force 8. Technology and Sciences What natural resources will be required and how will that effect relationships between countries? (Bolivia: litio) Imagina: 8 Past perfect Sun Dial explanation Triángulo: 10 past perfect subjunctive Pedro Orgamide La intrusa Conexiones: 10 uses of the infinitive Scientists inventions, technology, universe, and astronomy Mario Vargas Llosa Ver-taal Vegetation Written pieces include: Is invasion by extraterrestrial beings a possibility? How has life changed in the last 100 years? 9. Escapar y divertirse Imagina: 9 future perfect Ver-taal online El ocio deportes de pelota deportes de nieve conditional perfect What role should the rich and famous (athletes, musicians, tv personalities) play with respect to today’s youth? Presentations of unique recreational activities around the world: la tomatina, the running of the bulls, Carnaval If clauses Gabriel García Marquez—farewell Las cuatro formulas científicas de la felicidad Revista (p. 43) Leisure activities expanded Fine arts Sample Classroom Activities (in addition to those mentioned prior) Listening Skills ● At the beginning of the year, students are allowed to listen to an audio stimulus more than once, and may be provided with a written script for longer pieces in order to scaffold the student’s comprehension. Later in the year, the audio prompt will not be replayed, and students will not be provided with written scripts or text. ● The goal is for students to listen for controlled information. This includes taking notes on a specific excerpt by outlining information, completing grids, or using graphic organizers that enable the student to extract details versus main ideas. ● Students will listen to conversations similar to those on the AP exam and prepare written responses modeling the Informal Speaking (Simulated Conversation) part of the AP Exam. ● Students will listen to Spanish music and learn to extract information about the song and discuss its meaning and impact on the listeners orally. They will also watch an episode of a Spanish TV show or cartoon, outline the storyline, and listen for controlled information. ● With some listening excerpts, students will be asked to share with a partner what is the overarching theme, and will provide specific evidence from the listening exercise to support their answer. Students will later transfer this strategy and use it individually when using audio sources as input for the essay and formal speaking sections of the AP Exam. Sources for authentic listening activities included in Course Outline section Reading Skills Although the focus of this course is not literary works or literature, it is important to practice reading skills since there are reading sections on the AP Exam. Throughout the course, we will be reading articles from Spanish websites on current events. We will also read different literary works including book excerpts, short stories, and poems from Spanish authors. We will prepare presentations or written reviews or summaries of literary works and continue to improve writing skills. Sources for authentic listening activities included in Course Outline section Writing Skills There are several ways students will use writing skills during this course. Daily journal entries, formal essays, and summaries are all examples of the ways students will practice writing in Spanish. For each novel, short story or poem that is read, students may be asked to keep a journal. I will ask specific questions or offer thought provoking prompts in the target language as a springboard for journaling. The questions will circle around the theme of the piece we are currently reading. At the end of each text, students will also be asked to write a longer piece (essay, short story, etc.). This will allow them to practice some of the newly learned vocabulary words and grammatical structures while also focusing on the literary aspects of the piece. Furthermore, students may be asked to change the ending to the story, discuss the overall them of the piece, compare/contrast a character, etc. Speaking Skills There will be constant opportunities to practice speaking skills during this course. Since this course is taught in Spanish, all students are expected to speak entirely in Spanish while in class. Whether they are speaking to the teacher or to their peers, they are encouraged (and expected) to use Spanish in their conversations. Class discussions in Spanish will take place on a daily basis and all students are expected to participate. Performing in plays, preparing and giving presentation, and participating in debates are all examples of ways we will practice speaking skills throughout the course. Throughout the course, students will also practice speaking skills in situations similar to what they will take place on the AP Language Exam. This includes the informal (Simulated Conversation) and formal (Presentational) speaking. Some speaking prompts will be recorded and assessed. The task of passing the AP exam is daunting; however, it is not our main focus. The goal of AP Spanish Language is to achieve a much higher level of mastery in the language. The achievement of this goal will enable students to truly converse in the language, to read and comprehend an enormous body of literature available, to greater understand the Spanish culture and to prepare for their role in our global society. Spanish AP Language Student Contract In order to experience success in the AP Language course I promise to: 1. Speak only Spanish at all times during class 2. Dedicate at least one hour a night to the study of Spanish 3. Bring all necessary materials to class every day 4. Remain on task at all times 5. Make every effort to use the Spanish language inside and outside the classroom. 6. Have a conference with my teacher, the minute I see the need to address any problem that I might be having in class. 7. Attend after school study groups a month prior to the examination 8. Use all the resources available in order to enhance my Spanish skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing and culture) Teacher signature _____________________________________________________________ Student name ________________________________________________________________ Student signature _____________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Dear Parent or Guardian of an AP Spanish student, I am excited that your son or daughter has decided to take AP Spanish this year. I commend him/her on his/her diligence in the pursuit of excellence. I have no doubt that dedication to language study will benefit him/her in the achievement of future goals and the global challenges that lay ahead. I want you to be aware of what he/she will be facing this year and how to best succeed. AP language courses are considered to be intermediate college level courses; therefore, students completing the course and taking the culminating AP exam will earn an extra grade point for the course. Students should expect at least one hour of home study for every hour spent in class. One of the most difficult skills for AP students is time management. I ask that parents encourage their teen to organize his/her time to allow for practice and study. Attendance is also invaluable in attaining the language proficiency level required. Because the development of listening and speaking skills is so essential to succeed in AP Spanish language class, make-up work cannot adequately substitute for actual attendance. For many students, there is an adjustment period at the beginning of the course; however, most students adjust to the rigor and learn to perform at a satisfactory level or above. Your student was advised that _____ has implemented a policy to urge our top students to follow through with his/her academic goals. Please be aware that once classes begin, any student choosing to withdraw from an AP course will receive a withdraw/fail on his/her transcript. By initialing below, I understand the requirements and conditions of enrolling in this Advanced Placement Spanish Course and I agree to the following terms: I understand that the demands of an AP course exceed those of a general college prep course and, I am committed to helping my teen to make the extra effort needed to succeed. I will ensure that my student has nightly access to a computer and to the internet in order to provide the needed grammar practice and vocabulary building activities that are essential to higher-level mastery. (Please consult with the instructor if special arrangements need to be made regarding school computer access.) I realize that an AP course is a year-long commitment and it is expected that my teen will not withdraw from this course. I understand that if my student does not take the AP exam for the course he/she is enrolled in, my teen will not receive an extra grade point. I realize that the AP exam will cost approximately $90 and that I am responsible for this cost. I realize that my teen must abide by the conditions set forth in the course syllabus (e.g., attendance, grading and make-up policies). Course description: The AP Spanish Language course should help prepare students to demonstrate their level of proficiency across three communicative modes: Interpersonal (interactive communication), Interpretive (receptive communication) and Presentational (productive communication), and the five goals outlined in the National Standards for Foreign Language education which are: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities. The course is meant to be comparable to third year college and university courses that focus on speaking and writing in the target language at an advanced level I have read the course description above and the syllabus for this AP course, I am confident that my teen has the skills and dedication necessary to be successful. Student Name (Please Print): __________________________________________________________________________ Parent or Legal Guardian Name (Please Print): ____________________________________________________________ Parent Signature_________________________________________________________Date________________________ Sincerely,