VAED 6223 - University of Arkansas


University of Arkansas, College of Education and Health Professions


I. Program Affiliation: Vocational Education and Adult Education



Catalog Description: Improvement of instruction in vocational and adult education: particular emphasis upon formulating goals and objectives, structuring course of study, group and self-instructional methods, and evaluation of instruction.

Prerequisite: None

Professor: Jack B. De Vore, Ph.D.

II. Relationship to Knowledge Base: FOUNDATIONS

This Advanced Level course is primarily related to the Scholar-Practitioner model as a foundations course. The course helps students plan advanced methods in vocational education.

III. Goal

This course will help develop an understanding of learning and teaching practices as well as specific teaching techniques.

IV. Competencies

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

A. Identify and evaluate teaching skills appropriate in vocational settings. SP 1,4,7

B. Select and evaluate research that relates to teaching practices. SP 4,6

C. Determine appropriate ways to incorporate research into teaching and learning practices. SP 2,5,7

D. Determine appropriate ways to manage vocational activities. SP 1,5,7

E. Integrate instructional technology into vocational and adult curriculum. SP 2,4,6

F. Diagnose student needs to determine appropriate teaching materials and methods. SP 2,4,6,7

V. Content

A. Teaching methods

B. Research sources

C. Use of research practices in vocational classrooms

D. Classroom and laboratory management

E. Instructional technology


Needs assessment

VI. Evaluation

Grades for each student will be based on the following assignments:

A. Each student will evaluate research on teaching in their vocational area. (50 points)

B. Each student will design classroom activities appropriate for the vocational classroom. The units must be based on research findings. (150 points)

C. Each student will present a plan for classroom and

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laboratory management. (50 points)


Final exam. (50 points)

VII. Grading Scale

250 - 300 points

200 - 249 points

150 - 199 points

100 - 149 points

Below 99 points = F


Academic Honesty

= A

= B

= C

= D

The application of the University of Arkansas Academic Honesty Policy, as stated in the Student Handbook will be fully adhered to in this course. Grades and degrees earned by dishonest means devalue those earned by all students; therefore, it is important that students are aware of the University of Arkansas Academic Honesty Policy.

Academic dishonesty involves acts which may subvert or compromise the integrity of the educational process.

IX. Accommodations

Students with disabilities requesting reasonable accommodations must first register with the Center for Students with

Disabilities. The CSD is located in the Arkansas Union, room 104 and on the web at: The CSD provides documentation to students with disabilities who must then provide this documentation to their course instructors. Students with disabilities should notify their course instructors of their need for reasonable accommodations in a timely manner to ensure sufficient time to arrange reasonable accommodation implementation and effectiveness. A typical time frame for arranging reasonable accommodations for students who are registered with the CSD is approximately one to two weeks.

X. Classroom Behavior

Appropriate classroom behavior is expected of the instructor and all students. Inappropriate and disruptive classroom behavior (inappropriate language and gestures, class disruptions, disrespect to other students or instructor, and other behavior as determined by the instructor) will not be tolerated and will result in possible removal from the class and /or disciplinary action as per the student handbook.

XI. Course Resources


University library


Professor’s library


Publication from the National Center for Research on

Vocational Education

XII. Research Base

Non-Text References

Bormann, E. & Bormann, N. (1972). Effective small group communication. Minneapolis, MI: Burgess Publishing Company

The Center for Vocational Education. Performance based teacher education modules C 1-30, B 3, B4. Columbus, OH: Ohio State

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Finch, C. R., & Crunkilton, J. R. (1993). Curriculum development in vocational and technical education. Boston,

MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Grady, M. T., & Gawronski, J. D. (1985). Computers in curriculum and instruction. Alexandria, VA: Association for

Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Handbook for bilingual vocational materials development.

(1978). Arlington, VA: Development Associates.

Joyce, B., & Weil, M. (1986). Models of teaching. Englewood

Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Kanchak, D. P., & Eggen, P. D. (1993). Learning and teaching:

Research-based methods. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Mager, R. (1975). Preparing instructional objectives.

Belmont, CA: Fearon Publishers.

Sarkees, M. D., & Scott, J. L. (1986). Vocational special needs. Homewood, IL: American Technical Publishers, Inc.

Thorum, A. R. (1976). Instructional materials for the handicapped. Salt Lake City, UT: Olympus Publishing


Verduin, J. R., Miller, H., & Greer, C. (1977). Adults teaching adults. Austin, TX: Learning Concepts.


In case of inclement weather, vocational and adult education students should phone 575-4758 to determine if their class will meet. In addition, information concerning University closings can be obtained by phoning 575-2000 for announcements. University closing announcements are also made on KAUF Radio, 91.3 as well as local radio and television stations. The University’s inclement weather site is updated frequently on both UARKINFO and University Online at

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