Supplemental Materials Response to Instruction in Preschool: Results of Two Randomized Studies with Children At Risk of Reading Difficulties by C. Lonigan & B. M. Phillips, 2015, Journal of Educational Psychology Appendix S1 Classroom Observations: Frequency and Quality of Instructional Activities As part of the larger project in which this study was embedded, we observed preschool classrooms three times during the school year using a modified version of the Teacher Behavior Rating Scales (TBRS; Landry, Crawford, Gunnewig, & Swank, 2000). The original TBRS included 50 items concerning the quantity and quality of specific teacher behaviors and classroom characteristics that are grouped into 12 subscales. Six subscales relate to overall classroom characteristics or general teaching behavior (e.g., teacher sensitivity, discipline, learning centers), and six subscales relate to specific instructional activities (e.g., book reading, print activities, phonological awareness). Items on each subscale are rated on a 4-point (1 = rarely occurred, 4 = often occurred) quantity scale and 3-point quality scale. The revised TBRS included 12 additional items for phonological awareness activities, including a rating of phonological awareness activities to indicate whether the instruction was explicit (i.e., instructional activities that include modeling and explanation of key terms and concepts, use of scaffolding and corrective feedback when appropriate) or implicit (i.e., simple exposure to different sound patterns and teachers’ commenting about shared sounds between words [e.g., “these words start with the same sound”]). The TBRS-R was completed in the classrooms in the larger study by trained observers who observed classrooms for a minimum of two hours and a maximum of four hours, depending on the structure of the preschool (mean duration = 168.2 minutes; SD = 25.5). Analyses of differences of TBRS-R scores between preschools that were a part of the school district’s Title I program and other local preschools that were not affiliated with the school district used all available observations. Analyses were conducted as mixed models in SPSS (Version 19) using classroom and school as random factors (i.e., observations were nested within teachers’ classrooms that were nested within schools). Descriptive statistics and effect sizes are shown in Table S1. The classrooms in the district’s Title I preschools had a higher frequency, quality, or both for oral language activities, print knowledge activities, phonological awareness activities, and math activities than did classrooms in private preschools, and classrooms in the district schools had a higher quality of center activities, more small-group instruction, and more team teaching than did classrooms in the private preschools. Response to Instruction in Preschool S3 Table S1 Comparison of Frequency and Quality of Instructional Activities in District versus Other Preschools using Teacher Behavior Rating Scales-Revised Preschool Type Subscale Other School District Mean (SD) Mean (SD) 11.21 (7.11) 11.25 (7.89) .01 14.01 (9.50) 14.04 (10.32) .00 20.94 (6.39) 23.06 (7.11) .31** 26.42 (9.53) 28.50 (9.90) .21+ 9.87 (5.61) 10.98 (5.50) .20+ 13.53 (8.30) 14.98 (7.89) .18 12.52 (10.15) 15.46 (11.13) .27** 13.13 (11.03) 16.83 (12.70) .30** Phonological Unit Size Quality 3.01 (2.82) 4.34 (4.07) .36*** Number of Explicit Activities 0.56 (0.78) 0.91 (1.02) .37*** Number of Implicit Activities 0.68 (0.86) 0.72 (0.86) .05 6.02 (4.85) 6.15 (4.77) .03 7.76 (7.03) 7.87 (6.58) .02 6.39 (5.79) 8.71 (5.96) .39*** 8.62 (8.28) 11.48 (8.25) .35*** 4.19 (1.56) 4.51 (1.33) .23+ 17.50 (6.51) 18.95 (4.96) .26* Small Group Instruction 0.39 (0.48) 0.71 (0.45) .70*** Team Teaching Activities Frequency 1.92 (2.01) 3.60 (1.90) .87*** 7.78 (7.10) 13.30 (5.36) .92*** Book Reading Activities Frequency Quality Oral Language Activities Frequency Quality Print Knowledge Activities Frequency Quality Phonological Awareness Activities Frequency Overall Quality Writing Activities Frequency Quality Mathematics Activities Frequency Quality Center Activities Frequency Quality Quality + p < .10, *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. Hedges g Response to Instruction in Preschool S4 Appendix S2 Scope and Sequence of Code and Language Strands for Preschool RTI Intervention: Year 1 Schedule Theme Oral Language Example Target Vocabulary from Sample Books Phonological Awareness Print Knowledge (Letter Name) Weeks 1-3 Fairy Tales Sample story book: The Little Red Hen Comparing size attributes -ing Verbs Wh-Questions Prepositions (in, out, on, off) Barn Wheat Wagon Compound Words Initial Letters in Child’s Name B, A, O, S, C, D Weeks 4-5 Transportation Sample story book: Road Builders Prepositions (in front, behind, under, over) Wh-Questions Smooth Center Boss 2 Syllable Words Review M, K, T, I Weeks 6-7 Bugs Sample story book: Over in the Garden Regular Past tense Wh-Questions Personal Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Emotion Labels Vine Garden Caterpillar 2 Syllable Words Cumulative Review L, H, E, X Weeks 8-10 Animals Sample story book: Edward the Emu Parts of a Whole Function/Description of objects Wh-Questions Zoo Wonderful Hissing Onset -Rime Cumulative Review P, Z, R,J, W, Y Week 11 Ocean Sample story book: Don’t Eat the Teacher Categories/Classificati on Irregular Past Tense Flapping Seaweed Nibble Onset -Rime Cumulative Review Q, F, G, N, U, V Each unit included multiple Each unit included multiple Note. Each storybook was read several times in one week. Aligned target Interventionists were provided a set of rotating activities assigned to specific days Response to Instruction in Preschool S5 Vocabulary and oral language skill activities were integrated before, during and after book reading with story props and other manipulative materials. Story Event Sequencing and Recall questions were embedded in all units. All interventionists were provided a standardized script, with specific, childfriendly definitions and the target book illustration for teaching each new vocabulary word. in which to conduct language-focused skill building including sorting (e.g., place all the thin bears in this cup and the fat bears in that cup), behavioral and oral responding to whquestions and other specific instructions (e.g., help me finish my sentence about this picture card, ‘today I jump, but yesterday I _____’(jumped). ). manipulatives including word puzzles, memory game cards, and matching strips (e.g., to match rhyming words). Specific games were assigned each day. manipulatives, including magnetic letters, letter cards, game boards, & letter tracing materials. Specific games were assigned each day. Response to Instruction in Preschool S6 Response to Instruction in Preschool S7 Appendix S3 Scope and Sequence of Code and Language Strands for Preschool RTI Intervention: Year 2 Schedule Oral Language Focus Oral Language Tasks Example Target Vocabulary Phonological Awareness Print Knowledge (Name & Sound) Week 1 Colors Labeling/Sorting; Elaborated Noun Phrases; Wh-Questions Primary colors Black/white Compound Words Initial Letters in Child’s Name; A Week 2 Shapes & Colors Labeling /Sorting; Elaborated Noun Phrases; Asking Questions Rectangle, Oval, Square Compound Words Letters in Child’s Name A, U Week 3 Relatives (er) Labeling/Sorting; Compare/Contrast Long, Heavy, Soft Compound Words B, Cumulative Review Week 4 Comparisons Labeling/Sorting; Compare/Contrast Same, Different, Alike 2 Syllable Words M, Cumulative Review Week 5 Animals Labeling/Sorting; Part/Whole; Compare/Contrast Varied Animal Names Pointed, Claws, Stripes 2 Syllable Words P, Cumulative Review Week 6 Prepositions & Spatial Relations & Animals Prepositional Phrases; WhQuestions In, On, Under 2 Syllable Words T, Cumulative Review Week 7 Prepositions & Spatial Relations & Animals Prepositional Phrases; WhQuestions In Front, Behind Onset -Rime D, Cumulative Review Week 8 Body Parts Labeling; Giving Directions Thumb, Shoulder, Wrist Onset -Rime N, Cumulative Review Response to Instruction in Preschool S8 Week 9 Action Verbs & Body Parts Present Tense Phrases; Giving Directions Pull, Lift, Grab Onset -Rime F, Cumulative Review Week 10 Action Verbs & Animals Present Tense Phrases; Giving Directions Bend, Twist, Stretch Cumulative Review J, Cumulative Review Week 11 Prepositions & Body Parts Prepositional Phrases; Giving Directions Cumulative Review Cumulative Review G, Cumulative Review Each unit included multiple manipulatives including word puzzles, memory game cards, and matching strips (e.g., to match rhyming words). Specific games were assigned each day. Each unit included multiple hands-on manipulatives, including magnetic letters, letter cards, & letter tracing materials. Specific games were assigned each day. Interventionists used upward and downward differentiated instruction procedures to elicit extended language from children to elicit one word, multi-word, and complete sentence responses Interventionists were provided a set of unit-specific activities assigned to each day in which to conduct language-focused skill building including sorting (e.g., place the bear behind the chair), behavioral and oral responding to wh-questions and other specific instructions, and elicitation of elaborated expressive language (e.g., ‘{peer name} bend your wrist’.).