Legislative Items - rec by committee - NEA

10-35: Medical Provider Services for Medicare
Covered Retirees: NEA-Alaska will seek legislation
to provide that any Alaska certified medical
practitioner who receives reimbursement from an
Alaskan public employer-funded insurance plan shall
be required to participate in the Federal Medicare
program to serve retirees in the Alaska state
retirement system. Priority 3
77-56: Training of School Board Members: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation establishing training for
school board members, including regional advisory
school board members. This training is to be
cooperatively developed by the universities, NEAAlaska, and the Department of Education and Early
Development. Such training shall include
information concerning legal responsibilities and
penalties assessed for violation of Alaska statutes and
regulations. The processes for working cooperatively
with professionals and communities shall be stressed.
(Amended by 82-65, 86-CA, 90-CA, 92-CA, 01-CA,
11-76) Priority 3
81-06: Public School Employee Representation on
State School Board: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation requiring two existing seats on the State
School Board be allocated to public school employees
who are not in administrative positions. These public
school employees shall be chosen from a list of at
least five names provided to the Governor by NEAAlaska. (Amended by 95-CA, 05-CA, 07-CA, 11-77)
Priority 2
81-66: Teacher/ESP Representation on Local School
Boards: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation requiring
all school boards to seat at least one teacher/ESP
representative selected by the local bargaining unit if
requested by the bargaining unit. This member would
serve in a non-voting advisory capacity. (Amended by
95-CA, 07-CA, 11-78) Priority 3
82-78: Alaska Board for Career and Technology
Education: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to
establish a state board for employment training and
career and technology education and shall seek to
include licensed career and technology education
teachers on that board. Further, student graduates of
vocational programs shall be provided with job
placement services. (Amended by 07-CA, 11-75, 1267) Priority 3
87-151: Protect Native Ownership of Lands: NEAAlaska supports legislative efforts in the United
States Congress to protect Native ownership of
Alaska Native lands; further, NEA-Alaska requests
that NEA advocate the due process and constitutional
interests of Alaska school employees under contract,
and the constitutional interests and educational needs
of Alaska students in any such legislation; further,
NEA-Alaska supports the exemption of such lands
from taxes only so long as they remain undeveloped;
and further NEA-Alaska requests that NEA advocate
that the Federal government fully reimburse state and
local governments for funds uncollected because of
such tax exemptions. Priority 3
90-39: Nurses for Districts: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation which would provide a full-time licensed
school nurse to each school and/or village with
multiple schools. A school nurse will be provided for
a minimum enrollment of 250 and a maximum of 750
students unless a special need exists for a nurse on
site with fewer students. Schools with enrollments
above 750 students will be provided additional
nursing services. (Amended by 91-87, 11-79)
Priority 3
92-130: Career and Technology Education Program
Support: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation resulting
in development and maintenance of viable career and
technology education programs. (Amended by 96-50,
11-81, 12-65) Priority 3
93-32: Career and Technology Education Foundation Unit: NEA-Alaska will seek and support
legislation which will fund one unit of career and
technology education funds to each district and will
fund on a per pupil basis above one unit. (Amended
by 11-80, 12-64) Priority 3
93-72: Mandatory Kindergarten: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation for mandatory, adequately funded,
full-day kindergarten. (Amended by 01-54, 02-34,
99-72, 03-62, 07-75, 09-65, 11-74) Priority 2
94-83: Dispensing of Medication: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation that will mandate that only health
care professionals hired specifically for that position
may dispense medication to students. This legislation
would apply only to districts of 2,500 students or
more. (Amended by 11-73) Priority 3
98-71: Compliance with A.S. 4.20.149: NEA-Alaska
will lobby the Alaska State Board of Education and
Early Development and legislature to ensure
oversight of school district compliance with A.S.
4.20.149 (Employee Evaluation). (Amended by 01CA, 11-72) Priority 2
for full funding for state and federal mandates
regarding the requirements of educational employees
to attain the highly qualified status required under
NCLB. (Amended by 05-CA, 11-90) Priority 3
01-02: Political Action Plan: NEA Alaska supports
political action plans which train and encourage
membership to lobby at a grassroots level in their
communities to support the NEA-Alaska legislative
agenda. (Amended by 11-71) Priority 2
04-16: Charter Schools: NEA-Alaska shall strongly
oppose any legislation that removes charter schools
from local school districts and bargaining units.
(Amended by 11-89) Priority 2
01-22: Day in Session: NEA-Alaska will lobby the
legislature to add to AS 14.03.040 language which
will allow for a 3 hour “day in session” during 1)
parent conferences and 2) final examination
administration. Priority 3
01-61: Mandatory Formation of Boroughs: NEAAlaska shall lobby the legislature to defeat legislation
relating to the formation of taxable boroughs in areas
that are currently unorganized boroughs. Priority 2
01-63: Alaskan Teacher Exchange: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the state legislature to resume the Alaskan
Teacher Exchange Program and administer it through
the Department of Education and Early Development.
(Amended by 11-87) Priority 3
01-77: School Board Meetings in District: NEAAlaska shall lobby the Alaska State Legislature for a
statutory requirement that districts hold all school
board meetings within the districts served and provide
equitable access to public meetings via teleconference
or other technology. In multi-site districts, where
possible, meetings should rotate from site to site.
Priority 2
02-11: Distribution Date of Alaska’s Permanent
Fund Dividend: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to
amend the distribution date of Alaska’s permanent
fund dividend to the summer months. Priority 3
03-17: Continuation of Benefits Beyond Contract
Days: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to ensure
that school employees, who are employed in the same
job classification beyond the ending date of their
contract, shall receive the same benefits which they
received during their contract time. (Amended by 07CA, 11-92) Priority 2
03-58: Compulsory Attendance System: NEAAlaska shall lobby the State Legislature for
enforcement of stronger attendance requirements with
clearly defined consequences for parents whose
children are habitually absent from public school to
the detriment of their educational success. Priority 2
(Amended by 80-8, 99-71, 10-81, 11-91)
04-07: Unfunded Educational Employees Preparation
Requirements for NCLB. NEA-Alaska will lobby the
state legislature and will urge NEA to lobby Congress
04-23: Meeting NCLB & District Requirements:
NEA-Alaska seeks to ensure that when an education
employee is required to obtain any additional
endorsement(s) by the school district, take Praxis II
exams, attain HOUSSE/HELP, or complete other
actions necessary to meet the ESEA/NCLB
requirements for becoming highly qualified, the
district will reimburse the costs the employee incurs
in the course of meeting these requirements. (2004
Legislative Priority) (Amended by 11-88) Priority 2
04-43: Veterans Day Recognition: NEA-Alaska will
lobby for having Veterans Day recognized as a school
holiday throughout the educational system. (Amended
by 05-CA, 11-86) Priority 3
04-76: No Child Left Behind: NEA-Alaska
vigorously opposes reform movements such as
NCLB/ESEA, Race to the Top, and similar marketbased policies because they negatively impacts our
system of democracy by discrediting and dismantling
public education. We strongly urge the Alaska
Legislature to reject NCLB and the funding
associated with it. (Amended by 05-CA, 06-13, 07CA, 11-84, 12-59) Priority 3
04-77: Negative Ramification Protection for
Educators: NEA-Alaska shall lobby for legislation
that holds educators harmless from all negative
ramifications of ESEA/NCLB. (Amended by 11-85)
Priority 3
06-72: Preservation of Constitutional Equity and
Employee Rights: NEA-Alaska will lobby in
opposition to any attempt by the legislature to write a
constitutional amendment removing any of the equity
standards written in the Alaska constitution and
removing benefits from any of our members and their
families. Further, NEA-Alaska, through currently
funded publications and events, will oppose such a
constitutional amendment if brought before the
voters. (Amended by 11-69) Priority 3
07-76: Truancy Enforcement: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the legislature to strengthen truancy laws.
(Amended by 11-83, 12-60) Priority 3
08-23: Increase and Extend Denali Kid Care: Move
that NEA-Alaska lobby the state legislature to define
Denali Kid Care eligibility as 300% of the federal
poverty level. Further, coverage will be extended to
students up to age 22 who are still enrolled in
secondary school but have not yet graduated. Priority
09-23: Statewide Mentoring Program Expansion:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby the State Department of
Education and Early Development (DEED) to expand
and improve the statewide teacher mentoring
program. NEA-Alaska will actively work with DEED
on the expansion. NEA-Alaska shall work with
DEED and lobby the Alaska legislature for funding of
the statewide teacher mentoring program. (Amended
by 11-83) Priority 2
10-32: Defeating Gag Law: NEA-Alaska, in the
interest of protecting free speech rights and social
justice for all Alaskans, will direct any and all
resources to guide the public and lobby voters to
defeat the Alaska Anti-Corruption Act ballot
initiative (Gag Law.) (2010 Legislative Priority)
Priority 3
11-61: Health Care Coverage for Retired Members’
Children: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the legislature to
fully fund health care coverage of retired members’
children until the age of 26. In addition, NEAAlaska shall lobby AlaskaCare to include this
provision in their documents. Priority 3
11-94: Calculation of PTR: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to calculate Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) on
the basis of licensed/certified, regular classroom
teachers. The calculation of PTR would exclude the
use of specialist, coaches, teacher consultants,
teachers on special assignment, and administration.
Priority 3
11-133: Early Entrance to First Grade: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the legislature to allow districts to develop
a plan of action that allows early entrance to school to
meet the academic social/emotional needs of an
accelerated student. Priority 3
12-62: Equality at the Federal Level: NEA-Alaska
will work with NEA to lobby the Alaska
Congressional delegation members, requesting that
they (a) support the repeal of federal legislation that
discriminates against same-sex couples, and (b) help
enact federal legislation that treats same-sex couples
and similarly situated heterosexual couples equally
with regard to Social Security, health care, taxation
and other federal rights and benefits. This will be
reported to the annual NEA-Alaska DA until 2016.
Priority 3
13-08: Support of the Alaska Housing Authority
Teacher Mortgage Assistance Program: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby for the purpose of providing state funding
of mortgage insurance in support of the Teachers’ and
Health Care Professionals’ Housing Loan Program.
(AS 18.56.109) Priority 3
13-14: Expansion of Medicaid: NEA-Alaska will
lobby state legislation and administration to support
the expansion of Medicaid services. Priority 3
13-30: Lock-Down Drill Requirements: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby for changes in State statutes to require
lock-down drills to be conducted in every school in
Alaska on a quarterly or monthly basis. Priority 3
78-18: Rural Teacher Housing: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation to provide adequate and recurring
funding for rural school housing. Such legislation
would require school districts to be ultimately
responsible for adequate housing as defined by the
Alaska Uniform Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
Statute 34.03.00 – AS 34.03.36 to also include:
a) at least comparable to site administrative housing.
b) maintained to ensure a healthy, safe and secure
living environment.
c) leased at costs not to exceed site administration
d) part of the existing school utility systems when
and where possible.
e) adequately and realistically portrayed to potential
new teachers, and
f) provided equitably in a non-discriminatory
manner to all teachers and their partners
including teachers who own a residence within
the community.
In addition the legislation shall provide adequate
funding for new construction, upgrading and
maintenance and shall ensure that the money
generated from rent shall be put back into a teacher
housing improvement fund. (Amended by 80-57, 8087, 82-21,22,21, 85-41, 86-23, 89-107, 90-71, 91-97,
97-52, 98-CA, 99-CA, 00-CA, 01-78, 02-103, 05-11,
06-66, 07-08, 08-07, 09-07, 10-12, 11-06, 12-15)
009/2010/2011/2012 Legislative Priority) Priority 2
81-48: Employee Safety: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to require Districts to protect and to secure
the safety and welfare of education employees in their
working and living conditions. (Amended by 83-51,
86-CA, 87-111, 88-CA, 89-CA, 90-CA, 90-21, 93CA, 95-69, 00-47 and 05-CA) (2000 Legislative
Priority) Priority 2
89-20: ESP Inclusion: NEA-Alaska shall seek
amendments to include ESP in state laws. These
amendments shall include, but not be limited to, the
AS 14.20.095 Right to comment and criticize.
AS 14.20.100 Religious and political affiliation.
AS 14.14.105 Sick leave bank.
AS 14.14.107 Sick leave and sick leave transfer.
(Amended by 99-CA) Priority 3
97-09: Employee Rights Under PERA: NEA-Alaska
will continue to oppose and actively lobby against
legislative changes to PERA that will diminish any
rights that PERA affords to public school employees.
(Amended by 11-115, 12-72) Priority 2
77-25: Multi-Cultural Education Consultants: NEAAlaska shall seek funding for a full-time, multicultural education consultant for each school district
having resident ethnic group members totaling 1000
or more, and further, that this consultant's primary
objective will be to provide guidance and leadership
in developing curriculum programs. (Amended by 86CA, 94-73 and 95-CA) Priority 3
81-10: RIF and Rehire Policy: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation requiring districts to negotiate RIF and
rehire policies based upon seniority, and limiting
cause of RIF to the district wide loss of enrollment.
(Amended by 87-109, 88-CA and 92-CA) Priority 3
81-23: Cumulative Part Year Teaching Service: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to make part year
teaching service cumulative and count toward salary
placement and tenure. (Amended by 05-CA) Priority
83-19: Communications for Rural Districts: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to guarantee universal
and timely access to the information infrastructure in
rural districts, where a majority of school sites in that
district are not joined by a road system, for the
purpose of conducting and articulating school and
association business. (Amended by 95-CA and 07CA) Priority 3
83-45: Prohibit Military Aid: NEA-Alaska shall
continue to support NEA's lobbying efforts for federal
legislation to prohibit military aid to countries which
have a record of violating or denying human rights.
(Amended by 88-145) Priority 3
85-94: Limiting of Non-retention of Non-tenured
Teachers: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation limiting
the power of a school district to non-retain nontenured teachers. Specific criteria shall be
established dealing with reasons for non-retention
such as: incompetency, immorality, noncompliance,
or reduction in force. Further, said candidate for nonretention shall have the right to a formal hearing.
Additionally, said candidate for non-retention shall be
able to grieve the non-retention through arbitration.
(Amended by 86-1, 05-CA and Reaffirmed by 87-11)
(2004 Legislative Priority) Priority 2
86-88: Notification of Non-Tenured Teachers: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation requiring that any nontenured teacher who is to be non-retained by a district
be notified by May 1st or at least 30 days prior to the
end of the school year, whichever is earlier of the
current school year. (1986 Legislative Priority and
Reaffirmed by 87-105, Amended by 89-91 and 04-78)
Priority 3
88-09: Tenure Type "M": NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to achieve tenure for Type “M”: licensed
teachers. (Amended by 89-CA, 01-CA and 02-CA)
Priority 2
88-58: Sabbatical Leave: NEA-Alaska shall seek
change in AS 14.20.280-330 which would require
local districts to grant and fund sabbatical leave.
(Amended by 89-CA, 90-CA and 92-63) Priority 3
89-15: Leave Due to Working Conditions: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to require administrative
leave rather than sick leave for illness due to local
working conditions (e.g. asbestos) and health hazards
of epidemic proportions (e.g. hepatitis, head lice).
Priority 3
89-139: Martin Luther King Holiday: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby for Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday to
be added to those holidays which are recognized as
school holidays according to Alaska Statute
14.030.050. (Amended by 95-CA and 97-CA)
Priority 3
90-25: Sick Leave Transfer: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to insure the transfer of the earned benefit
of accrued sick leave between districts within the
state for relocating public school employees.
Furthermore, this transfer shall be automatic and take
place regardless of breaks in service. (Amended by
98-73, 11-07) Priority 2
92-48: Equity for Employees: NEA-Alaska will
vigorously seek passage of legislation for equity in
regard to health benefits and job security for all
education employees. Priority 2 (Amended by 0413)
93-03: Employee Strike Protection: NEA-Alaska will
actively seek legislation that protects striking public
employees from permanent replacement. Priority 2
93-06: Tenure Effective Date: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to make tenure effective on the first day
following completion of days of service equal to two
full school years when completed within three
consecutive years. Furthermore, NEA-Alaska shall
oppose any legislation that would weaken tenure or
the continuing employment rights of certificated staff.
(Amended by 06-19) Priority 2
93-102: Probationary Period For
Superintendents/Chief School Administrators: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to require a two year
probationary period before a superintendent/chief
school administrator receives a multi-year contract.
Superintendents/chief school administrators would be
subject to a comprehensive evaluation procedure.
(Amended by 95-78, 05-CA and 07-CA) Priority 2
students, parents, community members, and all
educational employees in the design and review of the
system. (Amended by 05-CA and 07-CA) Priority 2
94-34: Equity Training for All: NEA-Alaska shall
seek and lobby for legislation to require equity
training for all education employees. (Amended by
95-CA) Priority 3
98-52: Background Checks: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation requiring background checks on required
community service/welfare-to-work and workers in
public schools to ensure a safe school environment.
(Amended by 99-CA) Priority 2
94-98: Temporary Employees: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation to protect non-permanent employees
after 30 calendar days on the job by placing the
employee on permanent status, at which time all
rights and benefits shall be activated. Priority 2
95-23: Equitable Access to On-line Computer
Communication Services: NEA-Alaska shall
aggressively seek legislation and funding to provide
all education employees with no cost access to on-line
computer communication services.(Amended by 07CA) Priority 2
95-29: Prevention of Unilateral Job Splitting: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation that will prevent school
districts from unilaterally splitting jobs so employees
do not qualify for benefits. Priority 2
95-106: PTPC Code Training: NEA-Alaska shall
seek, through the Department of Education and Early
Development, to establish training for all educators
regarding their obligations to students as outlined in
the PTPC Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.
Training will address issues of equity and bias on the
grounds of race, color, creed, sex, national origin,
marital status, political or religious beliefs, physical
or mental condition, social or cultural background,
and sexual orientation. (Amended by 07-CA)
Priority 2
96-30: Workload: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation
to make educational employee work load a mandatory
bargaining topic. Priority 2
97-08: Wage and Hour Statute: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation that incorporates non-licensed school
district employees into the State’s wage and hour
statutes. Priority 2
97-44: Survivor Benefits: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to assure that health insurance coverage
and survivor benefits of a single retired school
employee shall continue to cover dependent children
through the age of 26. (Amended by 13-55) (1997
Legislative Priority) Priority 2
97-46: Evaluation System for Superintendents/Chief
School Administrators: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation directing Department of Education and
Early Development to adopt an evaluation system to
apply to superintendents/chief school administrators.
The evaluation system shall include input from
98-72: Worker’s Compensation Regulations: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to change the Worker’s
Compensation regulations to insure that teachers and
educational support staff are not forced to use
insurance coverage or accrued sick leave for injuries
suffered as a result of a physical assault or due to the
necessary physical restraint of a student. (Amended
by 02-CA, 12-36) Priority 3
99-64: Evaluation of Certificated Staff: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the legislature to amend the certificated
evaluation process to ensure that all input to the
evaluation of certificated staff is signed by the person
providing the input. Priority 3
99-65: Assault: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the Alaska
Department of Education and Early Development to
develop and implement clear, concise policies to
protect the rights of education employees who are
threatened or assaulted in the workplace, and outline
the responsibilities of the district with regard to the
protection of the employee involved in the threat or
assault. (Amended by 07-26) Priority 2
99-70: Comparable Pay: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to ensure comparable pay for comparable
work, education and/or experience. Priority 3
01-31: Forgiveness for Education Loans: NEAAlaska shall lobby the Alaska State Legislature to
approve legislation to encourage teachers to stay
and/or return to Alaska with loan forgiveness
incentives when hired by a district in Alaska.
Priority 2
01-74: For-profit Corporations and Public Schools:
NEA-Alaska will lobby the Alaska State Legislature
in opposition to the administration of public school
districts by private, for-profit corporations. (2001
Legislative Priority) Priority 2
03-07: Rural Safety: NEA-Alaska will lobby the state
legislature to fund a fully accredited law enforcement
officer to be located in all villages or communities
with public schools. Priority 3
04-12: Reduction in Force of Classified Employees:
NEA-Alaska shall develop and lobby for RIF
language (similar to AS 14.20.177) to protect
classified employees. Priority 2
04-54: DEED Training on Sexual Orientation and
Gender Identity Issues: NEA-Alaska shall lobby
DEED to provide training on sexual orientation and
gender identity issues for all DEED staff. New and
continuing DEED staff will be given updated training
annually on educational issues related to sexual
orientation and gender identity that affect Alaskan
students, families, and educational staff. Priority 3
05-61: Safe Street Crossing: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation and/or work with school districts and local
authorities to improve the safety of school zone street
crossings for the protection of our children. Priority
07-18: Contract Resignation Deadline: NEA-Alaska
shall actively lobby the Professional Teaching
Practice Commission (PTPC) to maintain the current
(07) policy regarding contract violation. Priority 2
79-08: Funding for Assessment and Counseling:
NEA-Alaska shall seek increased funding for meeting
the mandates of Alaska Statute and Department of
Education and Early Development regulation,
including, but not limited to: (1) assessments and
identification of potential special education students
whether or not these students eventually are certified
for special education; (2) counseling services for the
students eligible for special education services.
(Amended by 83-92 and 97-CA) Priority 3
82-39: Speech and Language Pathologists Case Load:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation establishing a
maximum case load for speech and language
pathologists of 40 students not to exceed 90 student
contacts per week, with each time a student is
scheduled defined as a contact. In no case shall a
therapist's caseload exceed 40 students. (Amended by
86-72 and 02-79) Priority 3
93-31: Licensure for Administrators of Special
Education: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to
amend Alaska Education Regulation 4 AAC 12.035
Licensure for Administrators of Special Education in
the following manner:
EDUCATION. Each person employed [solely] to
administer a special education program must
possess (1) both a Type B certificate issued under
4 AAC 12.030 and a Type A certificate issued
under 4 AAC 12.020 endorsed for special
education or for a related services specialty, or
(2) a Type B certificate issued under 4 AAC
12.030 endorsed for special education or a related
services specialty. (Eff. 7/16/89, Register 111)
AS 14.07.060
AS 14.20.020
Priority 3
AS 14.30.255
99-11: Federal Law 504: NEA-Alaska will lobby for a
legislative amendment seeking clarification of
expectations and requirements in Section 504 of PL
93-11 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973), and seek to make
changes through legislation to make 504 more
effective and reasonable. Priority 3
99-74: Funding for Special Education: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the state legislature and will urge NEA to
lobby Congress for full funding of state and federal
mandates regarding Special Education. Further NEAAlaska shall lobby the state legislature to provide
adequate funding for instruction to students with
special needs throughout the curriculum to include,
but not be limited to, art, library, music and physical
education. (Amended by 04-45 and 00-27) Priority 2
00-30: Summer School for Special Needs Students:
NEA-Alaska will lobby the state legislature for full
funding for school districts to provide summer school
for eligible special education students at a local
school site. The services are to be provided by a
licensed and/or certificated Special Education teacher
and/or related service providers. (Amended by 0944) Priority 2
02-10: Privatization of Staff Positions: NEA-Alaska
will lobby the Alaska state legislature to oppose
outsourcing of any school district staff positions
through privatization. (2003 Legislative Priority)
(Amended by 03-70, 07-64, 09-41, 11-131) Priority 2
04-89: Early Childhood Center Regulations: NEAAlaska will promote legislation requiring Early
Childhood Centers, Special Education Early
Childhood Centers, and Special Education
Community Site-based Centers that are part of a
school district to adhere to the same regulations,
policies, and contractual agreements as other schools
in the district and that administrators in such places
be properly licensed with a Type B certificate.
Priority 3
05-06: Increased Funding for Special Education:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation establishing
supplemental funding of special education separate
from foundation funding. Priority 2
10-19: Medicaid Funding for Special Education:
NEA-Alaska will seek legislation to have
reimbursements for Medicaid services, generated by
special education service providers to districts,
directed to the school districts’ Special Education
budget instead of the general fund. (Amended by 11129) Priority 3
11-139: Support All Efforts to Repeal HSGQE:
NEA-Alaska shall support Senate Bill 10 in the 27th
Alaska Legislature. NEA-Alaska shall support all
efforts to repeal the High School Graduation
Qualifying Exam (HSGQE). Priority 2
80-81: Mandatory Counselor Funding: NEA-Alaska
81-01: Increased Funding for Child Care: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to increase state funding
for quality child care and early childhood programs,
and before and after school programs for school age
children. (Amended by 04-36) Priority 2
84-74: Alaska Physical and Mental Health Programs:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation and funding to
establish social service programs with qualified
personnel to provide students, families, and education
employees in rural and urban areas with counseling
and support to include, but not be limited to drug and
alcohol abuse, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, sexual
abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, suicide
prevention, crisis intervention, and truancy.
(Amended by 85-114, 90-70, 91-CA, 98-CA, 02-81,
07-CA, and 08-48) Priority 2
87-17: No Consolidation Funding Reductions: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation requiring the State
Department of Education to establish, publish, and
apply criteria for the issuance of waivers for the state
requirement that school districts spend 70% of
revenue on direct instruction, materials, and
programs. (Amended by 88-108, 13-76 and was a
1987 Legislative Priority) Priority 3
87-77: Fund Pre K-12 Counseling: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation for funding mandatory Pre K-12
developmental counseling and guidance programs in
each school. These programs are to be staffed with
adequate qualified personnel to maintain the program.
(Amended by 07-CA) Priority 2
89-56: Instructional Support Services/Special
Education: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to
provide full funding and instructional support staff to
the teachers of special education students in regular
classrooms. (Amended by 90-65 and 08-50) Priority
89-82: Education Funding Equalization: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation that helps equalize educational
funding when property values change. (Amended by
94-59) Priority 2
93-71: Class Size Priority: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation establishing funded class size maximums
(per certified regular classroom teacher) of fifteen
students in kindergarten through third grade; twenty
students in grades four through six; and twenty-five
students in grades seven through
twelve. The funding of such legislation should not be
at the expense of educational programs already in
place. (1994/1995/1996/1997/1998/2006 Legislative
Priority) (Amended by 94-85, 95-51, 96-37, 97-CA,
98-29, 98-CA, 00-CA and 06-41) Priority 2
93-98: Limit on Board Activity Funds. NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation that requires District School
Boards to publish an annual report in the appropriate
local newspaper(s) and on district websites based on a
state audit itemizing the district funds used by school
boards for:
a) Personal income of each board member from
all sources of the school budget. This shall
include but not be limited to stipends,
salaries, benefits, per diem, honorariums,
phone bills.
b) All money used for travel to and from any
meeting or conference or for school business.
c) All money spent by the administration/board
in all aspects of grievances. This shall
include all legal and consulting fees and
travel in support of.
d) All money spent on negotiation. This shall
include all legal and consultant fees and
travel in support of.
Furthermore: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to
require a state audit of each school district. This
audit shall focus on how the monies are spent by
categories that are understandable by the general
public. This report shall also be printed in the
appropriate local newspaper(s). (Amended by 00-CA,
05-CA, 13-79) Priority 2
97-24: Capital Improvement Funding: NEA-Alaska
will lobby the state legislature to fund significant
capital improvements on older schools at a state
funding rate of no less than eighty percent (80%).
Priority 2
98-09: NCATE Accreditation: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the Alaska State Board of Education and Early
Development to require National Council for
Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)
accreditation for all education programs in the state,
and to require University of Alaska programs to
prepare for accreditation. In addition, NEA-Alaska
shall seek the support of other stakeholders in
education (Alaska Association of School Boards;
principals, associations; counselors associations) for
this NCATE accreditation. (Amended by 05-CA, 06CA and 07-CA) Priority 3
98-74: Superintendents’ Compensation Package:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby the State School Board
and/or legislature to insure that the total
compensation package and terms of the
superintendents’ of schools contracts be part of the
public record pertaining to school district budgets.
(Amended by 00-CA) Priority 3
99-66: Education Funding/Appropriations: NEAFoundation Formula treats all Alaskan children
equitably. (Amended by 04-09) Priority 2
99-84: Adequate Funding for Education: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the legislature to seek ways to ensure
adequate forward funding for education, with an
increase no less than the cost of living through
inflation. (2004/2005/2006 Legislative Priority)
(Amended by 04-35, 05-47, 06-CA, 06-38, 08-55, 0909, 10-79, 11-96, 12-09)
(2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/2013 Legislative
Priority) Priority 1
00-08: Databases for Alaskans: NEA-Alaska shall
actively lobby the Alaska Legislature to support
funding for Databases for Alaskans (magazines,
newspapers and more), an online resource included in
the University of Alaska capital budget request.
(Amended by 05-CA) Priority 3
00-66: Instruction and Summer School for
Academically At-Risk Students: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the Alaska Legislature for adequate funding for
school districts to provide instruction and summer
school for students who fail the High School
Graduation Qualifying Examination and/or students
who are at risk of failing and are below proficient on
benchmark exams. (Amended by 05-38, 06-CA, 11104) Priority 3
01-01: Education Endowment: NEA-Alaska shall
seek establishment of an education endowment fund.
An integral part of this effort will include a public
information and education campaign explaining
endowments. Priority 3
01-03: New School Construction: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation to provide increased funding at state
funding rate of no less than 80% for construction of
new schools to alleviate overcrowding, unsafe
conditions and/or remove and replace antiquated
buildings. (Amended by 13-72) (2001 Legislative
Priority) Priority 2
01-07: Hepatitis A & B Immunization Funding:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to offer state
funded Hepatitis A & B immunizations to all
education employees. Priority 2
02-45: State Funded Immunizations: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation to provide state funded
immunizations that may be necessary for biological
hazards for all education employees. Priority 2
03-20: Support for SESA (Special Education Service
Agency): NEA-Alaska will lobby the state legislature
for reauthorization, for adequate funding, and for the
status of the Special Education Service Agency
(SESA) removal from sunset. (Amended by 05-CA,
06-CA, 07-CA, 11-36) Priority 3
04-15: Foundation Formula: NEA-Alaska shall seek
to raise the foundation formula, specifically for a
lower pupil-teacher ratio, through legislation.
Priority 2
05-19: Funding for Arts and Library Sciences: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to ensure adequate
funding for maintenance and/or restoration of arts and
library science programs. Priority 2
06-11: Support for Regional Living Centers: NEAAlaska will seek legislation that adequately funds
regional student living centers to provide optional
programs of secondary education for Alaska’s high
school students. (Amended by 11-103) Priority 3
07-28: Guaranteed Base Student Allocation: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation setting the Base Student
Allocation (BSA) at no less than $5953 per student
with automatic inflation-proofing of that amount for
at least two years’ appropriations, guaranteeing
districts at least that amount with which to plan
budgets and programs. (2007 Legislative Priority)
Priority 2
07-46: Alaska Marine Highway and the Alaska
Railroad Benefits: NEA-Alaska will seek legislation
that allows public school students, accompanying
coaches, and official chaperones to travel as walk-on
passengers at no cost when traveling to participate in
extra-curricular and co-curricular activities. Priority
07-70: Families: NEA-Alaska will lobby state and
federal government for funding to institute new and
support existing community-based programs that
support families; including, but not limited to: home
visits for training and assistance in government help
programs’ paperwork, post secondary education
paperwork, parenting, housekeeping, childcare,
health, and nutrition. The families of students who are
identified as at risk or not graduating on time shall
have these programs made available to them,
coordinated by a school to family teacher/counselor.
(Amended by 13-74) Priority 3
08-51: Off-Setting Retirement Liabilities: NEAAlaska will lobby the state legislature to write a
resolution to support the repeal of the Windfall
Elimination Provision and the Government Pension
Offset. (Amended by 09-66, 11-105, 13-59) Priority
08-53: High Energy Costs: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislative action that addresses high energy costs for
school districts, by establishing a consistent, on-going
relief mechanism. (Amended by 09-56 and 12-10)
Priority 2
09-54: Dedicated Funding of Vocational Education:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to consistently and
adequately fund vocational education in addition to
inflation proof base student allocation. (Amended by
13-75) Priority 2
10-44 Fully Funded Preschool: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation resulting in fully funded ½ day
preschools. Priority 2
11-93: Increasing Educational Funding: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation increasing the resources
available to pre K through 12 education in Alaska.
This legislation may include:
Increases to the base student allocation;
Increases to special education, vocational
education or other block grant funding;
Other grant increases that require legislative
approval. Priority 2
13-68: Support for Full Funding of Public School
Library Collection Development Grants: NEAAlaska will actively lobby for full funding of the
Public School Library Collection Development Grant
as created in AS-14.56.360-375. Priority 3
13-69: School Counselor Funding: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation for funding and increasing PreK-12 certified counselors to provide counseling,
services and support and guidance programs that
specifically address suicide prevention, student
safety, and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) housed
in every public school in Alaska. (Amended by 8081) Priority 2
13-70: Consolidation of Small Districts: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation to consolidate the
administration of small school districts (districts with
student enrollment of 150 or fewer) within a
geographic region when it promotes the best
educational offerings for students, promotes
educational equity, and promotes efficiency. Priority
84-09: TRS/PERS Contribution While on Unpaid
Leave: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation requiring a
district to pay both the educational employee's and
the district retirement contributions if the employee
suffers on-the-job injury and is on unpaid leave.
(Amended by 90-CA and 92-CA) Priority 3
86-14: Contributions to TRS: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation stating that no person in the TRS can
contribute more than or be eligible for greater
benefits than the highest paid public school teacher in
the state. (Amended by 95-CA) Priority 3
93-26: Automatic Post-Retirement Pension
Adjustment: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to
change TRS statutes to permit retirees less than age
60 to qualify for the Automatic Post-Retirement
Pension Adjustment if they have been retired at least
five (5) years. Priority 2
93-27: Medicare Part B Reimbursement: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation to reimburse retirees for the cost
of the Medicare Part B premium. (1994/
1995/1997/1998/1999/2000/2001/2002 Legislative
Priority) (Amended by 94-89, 95-96, 97-41, 98-46,
99-59, 00-51, 01-52 and 02-64) Priority 2
93-82: Retirement Contributions: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation that would require employers to pay
retirement contributions and provide other negotiated
benefits to employees who are on worker's
compensation leave. Priority 3
93-93: ESP Year-for-Year Retirement Credit: NEAAlaska shall seek legislative changes in PERS to
reflect one full year’s credit in PERS toward
retirement for each school year worked by an
educational support member. This full year’s credit
shall be funded under the current retirement formula,
which is shared equally by the employee and the
employer. Until such time NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to fund the State Unemployment Benefit
Program for all educational support employees that
are determined by the State of Alaska to be on leave
without pay status. This legislation shall pertain to
those employees that the school district considers
permanent or permanent part time.
003 Legislative Priority) (Amended by 94-41, 95-101,
96-42, 97-27, 98-48, 99-76, 01-51, 02-104, 03-73, 1163) Priority 2
96-75: Supplemental Benefits System: NEA-Alaska
will seek to have public school employees included in
the Supplemental Benefits System. (Amended by 9850, 99-CA and 02-9) Priority 2
97-11: PERS Retirement Benefits: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation to provide PERS retirement credit for
Education Support Professionals’ accrued leave using
the same formula used under TRS, one year is one
hundred seventy days therefore seventeen days is onetenth of a year. (2003 Legislative Priority) (Amended
by 03-23, 05-CA, 11-121) Priority 2
98-76: Medical Retirement: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation that allows a disabled education employee
eligible for full retirement the option to seek
disability retirement. Priority 3
99-02: Restore Benefits: NEA-Alaska will lobby the
governor to appoint a task force, consisting of a
majority of PERS and TRS members serving as
representatives, in order to research and report the
implications of the defined contribution retirement
system, explore alternative options and ways to
reduce costs of providing health care to retirees.
(2001/2002/2003/2006 Legislative Priority)
(Amended by 01-13, 02-12, 03-13, 06-08 and 07-41)
Priority 2
calculation of a year of service from days worked to
contract hours. Priority 3
04-84: TRS Credit for Specialists: NEA-Alaska will
work for an addition to the TRS Years of Service
calculation to allow the purchase of outside credit for
Special Education specialists (such as PT/OT, school
psychologists, speech and language therapists) who
held a full-time position, in an educational setting,
which allowed a state license or specialist certificate
in lieu of a teaching certificate. Priority 2
99-60: Opposition to Diminishment of Retirement
Benefits: NEA-Alaska shall vigorously oppose a
multiple tier retirement system, any attempts to
change the TRS/PERS to a defined contribution
system, or any other legislation that diminishes
retirement benefits. (2004/2005 Legislative Priority)
(Amended by 03-CA, 04-48 and 05-32) Priority 2
05-25: Retirement Credit for Summer Months Prior
to Current Statute Limit: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation that would allow Education Support
Professionals the opportunity to buy in retirement
credit for time prior to current legislative statute limit.
Priority 2
00-49: Survivor Benefits for School Employees
Killed or Disabled while performing school duties:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation requiring the State
of Alaska to provide health insurance and benefits to
the employee, spouse and dependents until the
dependents reach the age of majority if a school
employee dies or becomes disabled while performing
school duties. (Amended by 09-60) Priority 2
05-26: Retirement Benefits: NEA-Alaska shall work
for legislation that changes the Public Employees
Retirement System to allow accrued sick leave for
education support professionals to be applied towards
retirement credit in PERS utilizing a similar formula
as is used for teachers under the Teacher Retirement
System. (Amended by 11-67, 12-24) (2011/2012
Legislative Priority) Priority 2
02-46: Summer-Temp PERS Credit: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation to correct the problem caused by
9/10 month employees who choose full-year credit in
PERS but have additional money taken from their
checks when working summer-temp employment.
(Amended by 06-CA) Priority 3
06-68: Restore Defined Benefit Retirement System:
NEA-Alaska, in the interest of restoring retirement
with dignity and attracting and retaining quality
public employees, will direct its resources to guide
the public and lobby the legislature to restore and
maintain a defined benefit retirement system.
(Amended by 07-40, 08-26, 09-10, 10-33, 11-04, 1212) (2007/2008/2009/2010/2011/2012/2013
Legislative Priority) Priority 1
03-15: Equal Retirement Benefits: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation to change PERS and TRS
statutes to ensure that a legal jurisdiction’s
sanctioned, but non-traditionally married, retiree’s
partner will be equal to a married retiree’s spouse
with regard to all benefits and status. Priority 2
03-51: TRS Benefit Calculations: NEA-Alaska shall
investigate TRS benefits calculations, make
recommendations, and advocate legislative changes
on behalf of half-time employees, job share
employees, and non-traditional full-time employees.
Priority 3
07-07: Prohibiting TRS/PERS Discrimination:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation which prohibits
districts from hiring, non-retaining or terminating for
the purpose of cost savings due to the difference in
retirement contributions by the district. Priority 2
07-21: TRS/PERS Appropriation: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the legislature to make appropriations to the
TRS/PERS to make them actuarially sound. Priority
04-17: Government Pension Offset and Windfall
Elimination Provision: NEA-Alaska will continue
lobbying Congress to repeal the Government Pension
Offset and the Windfall Elimination Provision which
adversely impact the families of Alaska education
employees and creates economic inequity of
retirement benefits among education employees.
(Amended by 04-19 and 05-33) Priority 2
08-63: Medicare Practitioner Reimbursement Funding
Concerns: NEA-Alaska will lobby the Alaska
Congressional Delegation and the Alaska State
Legislature to support federal legislation providing an
increase in funding for Medicare practitioner
reimbursement, particularly including equitable
funding for primary care physicians and adjustments
for cost of living. (Amended by 10-37) Priority 3
04-42: TRS Calculation Adjustment: NEA-Alaska
shall support legislation and/or TRS adjustment to the
09-31: TRS Retirement: NEA-Alaska will lobby
legislators so that TRS shall allow for credit to be
given in hours rather than days. This will allow for a
four day work week. Priority 3
11-10: Primary Care for Alaska Seniors: NEAAlaska shall lobby the Alaska State Legislature to
create and fund a program to provide incentive for
Alaska physicians to provide primary care to
Medicare patients. Priority 2
11-65: Disclosure of Defined Contribution to New
Hires: NEA-Alaska will petition the Alaska
Department of Education and Early Development to
disclose current TRS/PERS retirement and benefit
plans, including the impact of GPO/WEP during the
licensing/certification process. Furthermore, NEAAlaska will seek to make the review of these
disclosures a requirement prior to ATP application
submittal, and employment. Priority 2
12-26: State Retirement Fund in 2012: NEA-Alaska
will lobby the Alaska State Legislature to pay down
the unfunded liability of the Alaska State Retirement
fund in 2012. Priority 2*
13-07: Employees Participating in TRS shall also
participate in SBS (Supplemental Benefit System):
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to require school
districts to offer the option to participate in the state
employee’s SBS (Supplemental Benefit System.)
Priority 3
78-24: License Renewal Appeal: NEA-Alaska shall
seek regulations that will provide for an appeal and
guaranteed contract and tenure of licensed teachers
when the State Office of Teacher Licensure fails to
renew licenses in a timely manner or when
institutions of higher learning have not completed the
required paper work. (Amended by 8-69 and 88-CA)
Priority 3
78-42: Funding for Remedial Reading Students:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby for legislation which would
provide a certified reading teacher for each school
site having from 51 to 300 students or a major
fraction thereof. Specialist qualifications should meet
International Reading Association guidelines. The
reading teacher funding would be in addition to and
separate from the basic foundation unit. (Amended
by 82-85, 83-62, 87-36, and 89-CA) Priority 3
following minimum graduation requirements for high
school students: 4 units of credit in language arts; 3
units of credit in social studies; 2 units of credit in
mathematics; 2 units of credit in science; 1 unit of
credit in health/physical education, and 1 unit of
credit in the arts. (Amended by 84-94, 85-150, 93-38,
94-CA and 98-CA) Priority 3
87-44: Mandate Licensed Subs: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation to mandate that non-licensed
substitute teachers may be employed only if licensed
substitutes are not available. Priority 3
87-144: Continued Funding for Bilingual/Bicultural
Programs: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation for
increased funding for students in language categories
C, D, and E (in addition to A and B) in
bilingual/bicultural education programs. (Amended
by 90-CA and 94-60) Priority 3
87-145: Definition of Basic Education: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation to support the ancillary services
such as, but not limited to, counselors, nurses, and
reading teachers, as well as such basic educational
programs as, but not limited to, art, music, special
education, as being part of any basic educational
program. (88-CA, 89-CA, 95-CA and 98-CA)
Priority 3
88-39: Reinstate Forgiveness Clause: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation which will reinstate the
forgiveness clause in the Alaska State Student Loan
Program to education employees working in their
field five years who teach five years in Alaska. NEAAlaska will seek to add retroactive language to this
bill. (Amended by 89-CA, 01-CA, 06-CA and 09-73)
Priority 2
88-127: "Children at Risk": NEA-Alaska will lobby
the Alaska State Department of Education and Early
Development and the Alaska State Legislature for
funding and programs to assist all children that do not
qualify for special services and have significant
difficulties in academic achievement. The funding of
such legislation should not be at the expense of
educational programs already in place. (Amended by
83-61, 87-CA, 90-CA, 95-CA, 98-32 and 08-13)
(1998 Legislative Priority) Priority 2
81-68: NEA-Alaska Defined Criteria for Licensure:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation guaranteeing
NEA-Alaska participation in defining and
establishing criteria for licensure, renewal of teacher
licensure, and re-licensure. (Amended by 96-27 and
07-CA) Priority 3
89-57: Childhood Disease Disclosure: NEA-Alaska
shall propose legislation to request that parents and/or
physicians notify the School Nurse or Principal
promptly with the knowledge of any child attending
their school who has a communicable disease. These
communicable diseases would include, but not be
limited to, those diseases presently required to be
reported to the State Department of Epidemiology.
Priority 2
83-41: Increase of Subject Areas for Graduation
Credit: NEA-Alaska shall pursue legislation with the
90-13: School Libraries: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the
legislature and educational agencies to ensure that all
students have equitable access to a school
library/media collection staffed by a licensed
library/media specialist as outlined in the American
Library Association student/item guidelines.
(Amended by 96-46 and 98-31) Priority 2
90-19: Technology Funding, training and Access:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation that would provide
continuous funding for classroom technology and
educational technology training to ensure that all
students have equal access to the educational benefits
available through electronic communication services
to complement the guidance and support of an inclassroom certified professional. (Amended by 0447, 96-10 and 01-27) Priority 3
91-116: Immunization Exemptions: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation which establishes objectives and
specific standards for religious and medical
exemptions to immunizations. Priority 3
92-45: Emergency In-Take Shelter: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation for state funding for the development
of a 24 hour emergency in-take shelter, seven days a
week, for the temporary safety or protection from
domestic violence and/or neglect for families and/or
children within each community. The development
of the in-take shelter program should be in
collaboration with local organizations. (Amended by
10-48) Priority 3
92-122: Child Abuse Investigations: NEA-Alaska
shall urge the legislature to increase funding for OCS
and other agencies who are responsible for
investigating child abuse complaints as defined in
A.S. 47.17.010-47.17-070 so that child abuse
complaints may be investigated more adequately and
expeditiously. (Amended by 05-CA) Priority 3
92-123: Child Abuse Allegations: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the state legislature and the appropriate
agencies for laws and regulations:
1. to protect school employees from false and
malicious child abuse complaints.
2. to require the agency receiving the complaint
to immediately notify the educational
employee of the allegation.
Once these complaints have been filed, investigated
and definitely determined to lack merit, they shall be
expunged from all records of OCS, the police
department and all school district files within two (2)
working days of these findings. (Amended by 95-CA
and 05-CA) Priority 3
93-02: CPR and First Aid Training: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation requiring all school districts to
provide biannual CPR and First Aid training for all
employees. (Amended by 95-CA) Priority 2
93-05: Lapse of Licensure Fine: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation that directs the Department of
Education and Early Development to change the
penalty for lapse of licensure to a minimal fine, rather
than termination of employment. (Amended by 05CA and 07-CA) Priority 3
93-34: Substitute Teacher Training: NEA-Alaska will
seek legislation or petition Department of Education
and Early Development to require school districts, at
their expense, to develop substitute teacher/school
nurse training procedures which will include, but not
be limited to, information on school facilities, lesson
plans (teachers only), discipline policies, support
services, laws regarding student rights, evacuation
procedures, school nurse manual and health screening
(nurses only), and other pertinent information.
(Amended by 98-CA and 98-80) Priority 3
93-55: Mandatory Training in Behavior and Safety
Issues: NEA-Alaska shall seek passage of legislation
which mandates annual training for all educational
employees. This training shall include:
a) management procedures for dealing with
students who exhibit behaviors dangerous to
themselves and/or others;
b) procedures to deal safely with students who
have contagious diseases. Such training will
include rights of students as well as rights
and responsibilities of educational
employees. (Amended by 95-CA) Priority 2
94-10: Site Based Decision Making: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the State Legislature and the Department
of Education and Early Development to support and
fund implementation of site-based decision making as
defined in the NEA Resolutions F-18 Site-based
Decision Making. (Amended by 07-CA) Priority 2
95-49: Peace Officer’s Authority Pertaining to
Runaways: NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation that
allows peace officers to have authority to pick up
runaway children and return them to their homes or, if
a safety concern exists in the home, to an appropriate
social service agency. (Amended by 98-CA and 0292) Priority 2
95-70: Safe Schools: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation to ensure safe schools by:
A) Increasing consequences for bringing a
weapon to school.
B) Funding regional juvenile centers for children
9-16 years of age.
C) Providing supplemental funding for
alternative-to-suspension placements within
D) Lobbying the legislature to change applicable
laws to ensure that all education employees
who have direct contact with a student
convicted of a violent act shall be informed of
E) Developing alternate educational
opportunities, outside of the regular school
setting, for students who have exhibited
dangerous and/or repeatedly violent, and/or
gang-related and/or weapons-related
F) Requiring law enforcement officials to
disclose information to the appropriate school
district officials regarding prior violent
incidents/weapons incidents in a student’s
history that are related to the safety of other
students and/or school personnel. Further,
this information will be provided to
appropriate school staff and noted in the
student’s permanent file to ensure that the
information is disseminated in the event of
said student’s transfer. (1995/1996
Legislative Priority) (Amended by 96-38, 98CA, 03-61l, 96-35, 95-12 and 95-28)
Priority 2
96-55: Training Regarding Assault (Reporting,
Defining): NEA-Alaska shall seek regulations
through the Alaska Department of Education and
Early Development to require the following:
1) A working definition of assault as it applies
in a school setting;
2) Training for all educational employees
regarding assault, whether physical, verbal or
3) A definition of the conditions under which
reporting assault is mandatory;
4) Reporting procedures for assault;
5) Rights of assaulted employees. (Amended by
98-CA) Priority 2
98-11: Mentoring Programs: NEA-Alaska shall lobby
the legislature to reinstate funding for mentoring
programs in the state, as referenced in the licensure
proposal from the State Board of Education and Early
Development. (Amended by 07-CA, 12-50) Priority
99-12: Ensuring Quality Education: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation ensuring that any entity
delivering educational programs to Pre K-12, and
receiving state funding, must provide curriculum that
will meet state standards. Priority 2
99-20: Job Description: NEA-Alaska shall, through
its locals, lobby each school district to provide a clear
and comprehensive job description for each different
classification of employment. This description shall
be provided at the start of each negotiated contract,
and these job descriptions could only be changed with
the association’s written consent. (Amended by 05CA) Priority 3
99-21: Intervention Plans: NEA-Alaska will lobby the
State Board of Education and Early Development and
Legislature to ensure that individual intervention
plans are developed for all students who are at risk of
failing the Alaska High School Graduation Qualifying
Exam. The State of Alaska will be responsible for the
costs of identification, design, implementation, and
delivery of intervention services. Funding for regular
programs will not be impacted. (Amended by 02-95)
Priority 3
00-07: Equality of Accountability: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the State Board of Education and Early
Development and the legislature to amend current
legislation to hold all educational delivery systems
(including private schools and home schools)
accountable to state student performance standards,
including Standards Based Assessment and High
School Qualifying Exams. Priority 2
00-13: Alternative Certification: NEA-Alaska will
actively lobby against any/all legislation that reduces
the integrity and criteria of an Alaska teaching
certificate. (2000 Legislative Priority) Priority 2
00-15: Proctoring State Mandated Tests: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation that will hold harmless
any school district employee required to proctor state
mandated tests for damages resulting from acts such
as judgments regarding student cheating, disruptive
behavior, or other activities outside of the proctor's
control. Priority 2
00-19: Standards-Based Report Cards: NEA-Alaska
shall lobby the legislature to fund and require districts
to work collaboratively with education associations to
acquire and implement a report card system that
reflects standards-based educational practices.
(Amended by 01-CA and 07-CA) Priority 2
00-22: State Emergency Response Commission
Representation: NEA-Alaska will lobby the
legislature to change AS 26.23.071 (b) to place a
representative of the DEED on the State Emergency
Response Commission. Priority 3
00-43: Private School Exit Exam: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the legislature to require students attending
private schools that receive state funding to take the
High School Qualifying Examination. Priority 2
00-56: Accredited Programs: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the Alaska State School Board to oppose any
regulations that would certify paraprofessionals as
licensed teachers without completing an accredited
teacher education program. (Amended by 05-CA)
Priority 2
00-58: Department of Education and Early
Development Support for “At Risk” Students to Pass
High School Graduation Qualifying Exam: NEAAlaska shall lobby the legislature to require the
Alaska Department of Education and Early
Development to develop and implement a plan that
provides funding and training specifically targeted to
help districts support groups of students traditionally
less successful at completion of the High School
Graduation Qualifying Exam. (Amended by 06-52)
Priority 2
Elementary Secondary Education Act (ESEA)
mandated requirements. (Amended by 11-34)
Priority 2
00-59: Alternative Methods of Certification: NEAAlaska will actively lobby for alternative licensure
programs that meet NCATE standards or their
equivalent and that lead to professional licensure for
paraprofessionals. Priority 2
03-16: Unemployment Benefits: NEA-Alaska shall
seek legislation to include education support
professional eligibility for unemployment benefits
regardless of continuing employment status. Priority
01-21: Public School Employee Protection: NEAAlaska shall lobby to enact legislation to permit the
use of restraining orders for adults who threaten or
endanger public school employees in the school
environment. (2001 Legislative Priority) Priority 2
03-53: Non-certified Administrator Evaluations:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to require school
boards to annually evaluate district administrators
who are not certified, and to seek input from parents,
teachers, students, school employees, and community
members at large. Priority 3
01-34: Multiple Measures for Diploma: NEA-Alaska
shall seek legislation that requires districts to gather
data using multiple assessment tools, including the
H.S.G.Q.E. results, to determine eligibility for a high
school diploma. Priority 3
01-75: Administrator/Superintendent Licensure:
NEA-Alaska will lobby for the requirement that all
public school administrators, including superintendents shall hold appropriate administrative State
of Alaska license. (Amended by 04-28, 09-39)
Priority 2
02-07: Opposition to the Provisional Two-Year Type
P Certification: NEA-Alaska shall oppose the
provisional two-year Type P certificate and actively
seek legislation to eliminate or impose controls upon
such Type P certificate holders and the districts that
employ them. (2002 Legislative Priority) Priority 2
02-16: Alaska Schools Activities Association Board:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby the Alaska Schools
Activities Association (A.S.A.A.) to include a
teacher/coach from each representative region as a
voting member of the Alaska Schools Activities
Association Board. (Amended by 05-CA) Priority 3
02-43: Attracting and Retaining Quality Education
Employees: NEA-Alaska will aggressively lobby for
compensatory measures that will attract and retain
quality educators and ESPs for the benefit of our
students. Compensation includes, but is not limited
to, salaries, retroactive Alaska student loan
forgiveness, returning teacher bonuses, costs of living
adjustment, travel reimbursements, professional
development/continuing education, mentoring
programs, and transferable years of experience.
(Amended by 09-82 and 02-44) Priority 2
02-111: Loan Forgiveness to Meet ESEA Mandated
Requirements: NEA-Alaska shall actively seek
legislation that provides 100% Alaska student loan
forgiveness for credit hours earned by currently
employed Alaskan school district employees
including education support professionals to satisfy
03-54: Improving School Designator Legislation:
NEA-Alaska will lobby the state legislature to
improve school designator legislation to recognize the
diversity of Alaska’s schools so every school has a
genuine opportunity for success. School site
individualization must be part of school evaluations
including such variables as: percentages of certain
school student populations, federal social-economic
determinations and historic test score patterns. (2003
Legislative Priority) Priority 2
03-55: Improving School Designator Labels: NEAAlaska will lobby the state legislature to rewrite the
school designator legislation to remove the negative
labels to be used (In Crisis and Deficient) and replace
them with more positive terms to define the needs of
schools. Priority 2
03-59: Library Science Degrees: NEA-Alaska
encourages the development and implementation of
an accredited degree/licensure in Library Science
throughout the university system in Alaska.
(Amended by 07-CA) Priority 2
04-33: Legislation for State-funded Hepatitis A & B
Immunization: NEA-Alaska will seek legislation to
provide state-funded Hepatitis A & B immunizations
to all education employees. Priority 2
04-92: National Board Certification/”Highly
Qualified”: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the State Board
of Education and Early Development and the
Legislature to consider an elementary teacher who
earns National Board Certification as either an Early
Childhood Generalist or Middle Childhood Generalist
to be recognized as meeting the federal definition of
“highly qualified” to teach in any elementary grade.
(Amended by 07-CA) Priority 3
05-18: Creationism and Intelligent Design as Part of
Science Curriculum: NEA-Alaska Board will oppose
any action by the Alaska Legislature, DEED, or local
school districts which requires the teaching of
“Intelligent Design” in the science curriculum. NEA-
Alaska will consider legal action as necessary.
Priority 3
05-58: Requirements for Rehiring Retired: NEAAlaska shall seek legislation on how to direct districts
to hire retired teachers only if the district has
searched for a qualified certified teacher and if there
have been no qualified teachers applying for this job.
The district will not be able to hire a retired teacher
over a qualified and certified teacher if they have
staff that can also teach the class(es) required.
Priority 2
05-64: NEA-Alaska Defined Criteria for Licensure:
NEA-Alaska shall seek legislation to expedite
teaching licenses for Related Services Specialists
(e.g., speech pathologists, school psychologists) who
hold national professional certification and current
active teaching licenses in other states.(Amended by
07-CA) Priority 3
06-09: Paraprofessional Options to Meet NCLB
Requirements: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the State
Board of Education and Early Development to
include in regulation a third option for
paraprofessionals to become highly qualified under
NCLB, based upon years of classroom experience and
professional development classes attended (similar to
the HOUSSE). (Amended by 07-CA) Priority 3
07-15: Support Staff: NEA-Alaska shall seek
legislation which requires that paraprofessionals
remain in their assigned positions. Substitutes should
be assigned to fill vacancies. If a substitute is not
available, administrators should fill in or teachers
should be asked to fill in and be compensated
according to contractual agreements. Priority 3
07-67: National Board Certification Highly Qualified
Reciprocity: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the Department
of Education and Early Development to recognize
educators who have attained National Board
Certification in another state as highly qualified in the
State of Alaska. Priority 2
07-68: National Board Certificate Path to Alaska
Certification: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the
Department of Education and Early Development to
recognize educators who have attained National
Board Certification in another state and completed
required Alaska certification course work (Alaska
Studies, Alaska Multicultural requirements) and any
professional development as determined by the
Department of Education and Early Development as a
Tier III Master Alaska Teacher. Priority 3
07-69: Best Practices in Teacher Licensure: NEAAlaska will lobby the State Legislature to repeal the
new 3-Tiered Licensure System. Priority 2
07-74: Preservation of Elective Programs in Alaska:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby Alaska state legislators on
the significant and adverse effects on the declining, if
not eliminated, elective programs in many of Alaska’s
school districts. (Amended by 12-51) Priority 3
08-04: Alaska School Incentive Award Program:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby the Alaska Department of
Education and Early Development and the Alaska
State Legislature to reallocate the Alaska School
Incentives Award Program funding to educational
priorities that directly benefit all students. Priority 2
08-21: State Board of Education NEA-Alaska
Appointment: NEA-Alaska shall vigorously lobby
the Governor to appoint an experienced NEA-Alaska
active teacher member to the next vacancy on the
State Board of Education. Priority 2
08-77: Administrative Licensure: NEA-Alaska shall
lobby the State Board of Education to require persons
obtaining their Type B certificate to include the
requirement of five years teaching experience.
Priority 3
09-20: Renewal Licensure Requirements: NEAAlaska shall lobby the Department of Education and
Early Development’s licensure department to include
professional development units, along with university
credits, to go towards renewal licensure requirements.
Priority 3
10-78: Forgiveness and Repayment Subsidies of
Education Loans: NEA-Alaska shall lobby the
Alaska State Legislature to create legislation that will
attract and retain new and current NEA-Alaska
members in Alaska with guaranteed student loan
forgiveness or loan repayment subsidies. Priority 3
10-83: Flexible State Test Dates: NEA-Alaska shall
seek flexibility for school districts in scheduling state
mandated student tests, such as High School
Graduation Qualifying Exam and Standards Based
Assessments, to avoid lost testing opportunity for
students. Priority 2
11-09: Culturally Responsive State Testing Window:
NEA-Alaska shall lobby the legislature and the State
Board of Education and Early Development to change
the state SBA testing window to the last three weeks
of April. Priority 3
13-29: Peer Review Demonstration Project: NEAAlaska shall seek state funding for two demonstration
projects for professional improvement to be led by
NEA-Alaska affiliates (one urban, one rural)
involving peer review, based on the principles
adopted by the NEA. Priority 2