NPF 2013 discussion feedback: Living Standards and Sustainability Our Buses and Railways: giving communities more of a say Three workshops took place on the policy paper ‘Our Buses and Railways: giving communities more of a say’ at the National Policy Forum in June 2013. The paper addresses the need for greater accountability and control over local transport services, and increased integration of the transport network. Representatives agreed that the amended paper should reflect the changes outlined below: It was felt that the amended paper should reflect how changes such as reregulation and devolution could make life easier for transport users, and illustrate the outcomes we would expect from reregulation and devolution The possible role of mutuals was a recurring theme of discussion, and delegates agreed that the paper should be amended to reflect the role that mutual could play. On the first set of options, it was felt that the amended paper should reflect both options. It should note that Integrated Transport Authorities and Passenger Transport Executives may cease to exist within the next six months, and so references to these organisations (in relation to devolved transport powers and funding) may cease to be relevant. Representatives argued that the proposals to devolve power should be framed in a more positive way to make the case for devolution. On the second set of options, it was felt that the amended paper should reflect both options. It should be made clear that ‘deregulation exemption zones’ will not necessarily be an exception to the rule, and the paper should make a positive case for reregulation.