
Overview of key changes to
HR policies and procedures
June 2015
Overview of key changes to policies and procedures
June 2015
1. Capability, Whistle Blowing, Disciplinary, Harassment and Bullying and the Staffing Restructure
Guidance have each had the Professional Association/Trade Union Contact list removed.
This change was to avoid the need to make amendments to each document when there was a change of
contact for the county representatives. There will now be a separate list available on the grid in the HR
policy section which will be updated should there be any changes.
This also reduces the size of each document by one page.
2. Flexible Working
This is a new policy addressing demand for a policy framework to address the statutory right for all
employees to make flexible working requests.
3. Shared Parental Leave Toolkit
A toolkit has now been added to provide model forms for both employees and schools to use to manage
requests for Shared Parental Leave.
4. Alcohol, Drugs and Gambling at Work
Other than the layout and introductory section this has only had minor amendments in particular to the
support contacts.
5. Guidance on management of stress at work
This has been revised to include a risk assessment form, an individual assessment framework and
generally align with the latest guidance from HSE in this area.
6. Safer Recruitment
This has been updated to cover the updated statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education, which
covers Safer Recruitment requirements.
The key changes are as follows:
Deleted section 2 regarding the statutory requirements for recruiting Heads and Deputy Heads. These
restrictions are no longer in place.
Reference to the Criminal Records Bureau has been replaced with the Disclosure and Baring Service
A new section (5) has been added to cover Prohibition Orders.
The employment checks section (7) has been updated to include Certificates of Good Conduct, Prohibition,
and Childcare Disqualification declarations. Additional subsections have been added to cover some of
these points in more detail where necessary.
New sections (8 and 9) have been added to cover the offer of appointment and the Single Central Record.
A new subsection has been added to section 10 (10.1).
Overview of key changes to policies and procedures
June 2015
7. Health and Attendance
The Health and Attendance Policy has been reorganised and rewritten in many sections:
Key changes include:
Introduction of Attendance Improvement Plans replacing monitoring periods
Reinforced that pay will not be reinstated for unauthorised absences
Phased returns to work are no longer paid in full. Employees will now be paid for the work undertaken in
each week.
There is now a new framework for handling ill health capability meetings which is similar to the approach
applied at formal performance capability meetings.
The window of time to appeal a decision has been reduced to 7 calendar days.
The appeal provision has been amended from a rehearing to a review.
The return to work and self-certification form has been amended to include prompts for managers so trigger
points are not missed. A section on the impacts caused by the absence has also been included to provide
evidence of the impact of any absence which should be considered should it become necessary to dismiss
an employee due to absence from work especially where they may be covered by the Equality Act.
8. Code of Conduct
Revised introduction covering the scope of the code
New subsection to setting an example requiring staff to familiarise themselves with all policies and
procedures and comply with them.
There is an additional cross reference to the schools disciplinary rules in 1.4.
Amended wording to section 2.5 introducing dignity and respect.
Section 2.6 has been added covering behaviours towards students.
New section 3 covering relationships with students, this is designed to highlight social or family
relationships which may exist but not necessarily be transparent, for example family members with different
surnames. Knowledge of such links with students provides for the opportunity of targeted advice and
avoiding putting staff in a position where there may be a conflict of interest or other difficult set of
circumstances to manage.
The conduct outside work section has had some subsections moved into a new section (7) covering ESafety and Internet Use.
A new section (9) has been added on Dress and Appearance.
There is also a new section on compliance requiring employees to complete a form in appendix 2 to
confirm they have read the code of conduct and will comply with it.
Overview of key changes to policies and procedures
June 2015
9. Leave of Absence
The leave of absence policy has been amended to try to prevent abuse and reduce costs incurred by
It now highlights that school employees should make their partners aware of the rules which apply to them
as a school employee regarding leave to avoid them incurring cancellation charges to rearrange surprise
holidays for example.
Disability Leave (5.1) expanded to give the context of the sort of things that this is to cover.
Adjusted 5.2 to reinforce that time off for a sick child is usually unpaid.
5.3 has been expanded to give examples of where it may apply and define a dependant. Funerals are also
covered in more detail.
The examples listed in 5.4 have been restricted.
Linking to section 5.5, new guidance has been included on career breaks which may provide a mutually
beneficial framework for schools and employees alike in certain circumstances.
Moving house (5.6) has been amended to unpaid leave.
The sections 5.7 and 5.8 have been amended.
5.11 has been rephrased to have a wider scope giving the school discretion to look at applications from
staff that may represent their country in a sport.
A new section on IVF (7) has been added.
10. Childcare Disqualification Guidance and model declaration form
The Childcare Disqualification Guidance has been updated as has the model declaration form following the
publishing of the DfE’s statutory guidance on this matter.
The new statutory guidance reflects a softening in the position regarding this matter and as a result leaves
many school staff out of scope that were previously believed to have been covered.
The form has been amended to try to prevent information that is not covered by the regulations from being
There is added guidance on Data Protection as holding information that is not applicable may leave the
school in breach.
The guidance and form have now been incorporated into one document to reduce the risk of some
information being missed.
Overview of key changes to policies and procedures
June 2015