
Get Clean In Home Script
Brief Intros/Welcome/Thank Host for opportunity to come and share ways to create
a Non Toxic Home…Tell your Shaklee Story—2-3 minutes.
Lead in…you could say: What do we do when we bring a new baby home
from the hospital… Talk about all of the different things we do to keep babies
safe… car seats, safety belts, baby gates, plug covers etc.
And why do we put locks on our cabinets? To keep them safe from
hazardous household chemicals. But then, when the baby goes to
sleep, we get those same chemicals out and spray them all over the
babies environment… the high chair tray they eat off of, the floor
they crawl on, the air they breathe – it doesn’t make any sense.
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So many Moms are SHOCKED to realize that there are hundreds of
scary chemicals in many of the products we use every day and became
really passionate about sharing with other families a way to get
dangerous products out of their homes. (We came into Shaklee as
environmentalists and fell in love with Basic H many years ago—Your
story.) actually the year before 81,000 chemicals began to be
introduced into our environment- less than 20% having ever been
tested for safety.
Let’s take a look at some of the most common hazardous household
chemicals and which ones may be hiding out in your bathroom, laundry
room or under your kitchen sink.
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Hold up a big thick binder.
Now… I can either lecture to you out of this
binder – Or we can play a game!... Which would you rather do? Of
course everyone would rather play a game!
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Deal the picture cards evenly among the guests, one set at a time as the
host reads the first color card, etc. You keep the cards with the
chemical names and bullet points. Tell them this is “no peek” clue and they
need to keep the cards face down. It doesn’t matter how many each
player has. If you have a small group, each player will have more and vice
versa. You just want a variety of people to have a variety of cards.
Again, There are lots of chemicals in Brand X cleaners but today we
are going to talk about 6 of the most common…
You get to help show WHERE in our homes, these bad guys might be
lurking. Go through each chemical. Explain the effects and then ask WHO has that
color card. Go around and ask them to call out which products they have.
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On Sodium Hydroxide:
This is the one that is especially dangerous for kids!
It causes 75% of all caustic injury to the esophagus of kids under 5
Can cause
burns in/on Tissues
Chronic skin irritations
Irritations to the respiratory tract,
liver and kidney damage
Because it causes esophageal irritation you wouldn’t want this
in your dish products
Point out how many personal care products it is in – a great
door opener for our products for babies, skin etc. Isn’t it
amazing that the same chemical that is in Drano is also in
toothpaste?... Wow.
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 Linked to Asthma
 Causes burns
 Harmful if inhaled, ingested or in contact with the skin
How many kids in your class years ago had asthma – maybe a few?
Now – MANY kids struggle with breathing problems? People with
asthma and allergies often get worse at night – they are in PJs,
under sheets and blankets… if the detergent isn’t rinsing and does
have optical brighteners – that can be a problem. Dreft has almost
the same ingredients as Tide – just a baby friendly label.
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On Butyl Cellosolve:
 Linked to reproductive harm, Can cause irritation and tissue damage from inhalation
 Exposure for 15 minutes while cleaning a shower showed that people inhaled 3 times
the acute exposure limit.
 Exposure through skin harmful
 Has been linked to reproductive issues… again – how many people 50 years ago
had trouble having children – only a few. Who knows at least one person
recently who has had trouble getting pregnant? Also because this ingredient can
cause problems by being inhaled and through the skin
MAKE THIS POINT: When using these products you should be wearing a mask and
gloves. And of course – these aren’t generally products you would wear a mask and
gloves with.
....A pediatrician at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City has been analyzing the chord
blood of newborn babies. He's found over 200 industrial chemicals in the blood.
SCARY!! (Healthy Child Healthy World dvd – Shaklee partnership with Healthy Child
Organization. Order dvd from Shaklee. $5 ea)
Show the handwriting samples of children affected by Clorox smell For Learning
Disabilities, bed wetting.
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On Sulfamic Acid:
 Toxic to lungs and mucous membranes
 Direct Skin contact is corrosive—causes burns
 Causes skin irritations
 Even Inhalation causes irritation to Gastro-Intestinal
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On Hydrochloric Acid:
 Severe damage to skin and eyes
 Throat irritation even when exposed briefly and at low levels
 Linked to reactive airways dysfunction syndrome (RADS)—first
sign of Asthma
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On Lye-Potassium Hydroxide:
 Harmful if swallowed or inhaled
 Can cause severe eye and skin burns
 Can cause severe respiratory and digestive burns
 Repeated skin contact may cause dermatitis (Eczema)
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Just remember to keep it simple, fun and fast moving. You want to
get everyone involved to create energy and momentum!
POSSIBLE OBJECTION: Some people might say – are these chemicals all that
dangerous? Wouldn’t we all be dead by now? I say – It’s kind of like smoking.
Don’t we all know that smoking is linked to lung cancer? Yes. BUT –
does every person who ever smoked a cigarette GET lung cancer?
No. Being exposed to these chemicals on a regular or chronic basis
has been linked to the problems we talked about. So it all boils down
to this… Do you feel lucky? Especially when you realize that you
aren’t just talking about ONE chemical in your home. You are talking
about lots of these things mixed together in a chemical soup. – Is it
worth the risk?
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Many people have these chemical cleaners in their homes NOT
because they want to make sure they have some Butyl Cellosolve or
Sodium Hydroxide around their families and pets but because they
often don’t realize there is anything else out there that can do the
KEY STATEMENT: What I am so excited to show you today, is a simple
way that you can get all of those chemicals out of your home, use
greener, safer alternatives that REALLY work and save money at the
same time… Let’s go!
This statement is important because you are selling them on the IDEA of Get Clean
before you even show them a product. You are providing a solution for their
problem and countering most objections they might be thinking they would have.
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Then, go into a regular product presentation. Below are some of the points I like to
make when sharing Get Clean.
I am so excited to introduce you to Shaklee’s Get Clean household
cleaning and laundry products… the safest, greenest and smartest way
to clean your home!
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Let’s start with the crown jewel of our cleaning line… Basic H2:
- This product is made with organic corn and coconuts and is
completely safe for the environment…
- It has been around since 1960 – before the word- “biodegradable”
was even in the dictionary!
- It has almost NO smell and is the same PH as your skin… very
gentle for those with allergies, asthma, eczema… Open bottle for
sniff test
- It is very versatile – over 1000 uses! Takes the place of many
different products. Several listed in profiler, share your favorites
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Shaklee doesn’t believe in shipping you water, they ship you the
super concentrated product that you can mix and dilute in different
ways… Go over 3 spray bottles - point out recipes on the labels
The Butterfly bottle is for windows and mirrors and takes the
place of Windex, Glass Plus... You only need 1-2 drops! But does
it work? Option: Have your host or a volunteer make a bottle of window cleaner
to show how EASY it really is. THEN, use that same bottle/window cloth to clean
the lipstick off of the mirror.
The Ladybug bottle is our all purpose cleaner and takes the place
of a Fantastic type cleaner for general cleaning, dusting etc. Show
cleaning cloth.
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The Sunflower bottle is your more powerful Degreaser and takes
the place of 409. You need just 1 ½ teaspoons per bottle of water.
Have someone put shortening on their hand, and then squirt some Degreaser
directly on. (Less messy than the old way of doing it) Have them rub it in to feel
Basic H2 begin to break up the grease. Then dry with a paper towel having them
note how soft their skin is… with no fumes, no burning sensation. Ask them if they
would be willing to try it on their other hand with a heavy duty toxic 409-type
Now this is an incredible product but what makes it even more incredible is
that what’s in this little bottle can save you LOTS of money! Just the Basic
H2 in this pint bottle is the same as 1 bottle of Woolite, 32 bottles of Mop N
Glo, 60 bottles of Fantastic and 728 bottles of Windex. – Imagine the
savings… not just in money but fewer trips to the store, less bottles in the
landfill and less chemicals in your environment!
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OPTION: Play “The Price is Right”.
Say I promised to show you how to save lots of money – right?
and economical these cleaners really are…
Let’s see smart
Take the Butterfly bottle and place it next to a bottle of regular window cleaner (like
Windex) and “green” window cleaner (like 7th Generation or Holy Cow). Give the host
or a volunteer 3 price tags (put on a post it or something that will stick to the bottle)
with the prices written real big. Example: $3.79, $2.99, less than 1 penny. Ask them
to match the price to the bottle – give them a prize if they can correctly match the
price to the correct product. This not only shows how economical H2 is but also how
even though there might be other safe, green products out there – they can’t beat us
on price.
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Basic H Wipes:
Shaklee took Safe, Powerful H2 and put it into a convenient wipe! These are
great for quick clean ups on the go. You can clean your dashboard, your
purse, tennis shoes… they are great to take camping… and when you are done
cleaning – you can throw the wipe right into the recycling can!
Germ Off Wipes:
Basic H2 is a great cleaner but sometimes we need to disinfect especially in
the kitchen and bathroom. These handy, disposable wipes safely get rid of
e-coli and salmonella with NO bleach or alcohol! Use on doorknobs, phones,
light switches and cart handles during cold/flu season.
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Scour Off:
This heavy duty scouring paste is made with ground cherry pits and takes the
place of Ajax, Comet etc. It’s great for baked on grime, stove tops (even
smooth tops), scummy shower doors, stains on Formica and more. Best of all,
you don’t need gloves or a mask to use it!
Now let’s talk about laundry… remember - so many people with asthma, allergies
and eczema get worse at night because they are surrounded by residue from
laundry products in their jimmies, sheets, pillowcases...
Liquid Laundry Concentrate:
One bottle does 32/64 loads! It is HE compatible and also comes in Fragrance
Free AND Powder formulas.”
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Soft Fabric Liquid:
One bottle does 64 loads. No itchies! Great for static and wrinkles.
Soft Fabric Dryer Sheets:
If you are a sheet person, these are for you! These are made with a unique
recyclable paper and the softening agent is veggie based and a great on static.
You can split the sheet in half for smaller loads and throw the used sheets in
recycling! Talk about checking their lint trap for oily residue.
Nature Bright:
This is our laundry booster… it helps get your whites whiter and your
brights brighter with no chorine. Tell grout story (picture) or favorite stain
story and do the iodine demo. Explain re-usable container.
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Dish Care:
Go over the liquid and powder… Pass around liquid – smells great! Also makes a great
car wash, or bubble bath!
Explain PH and why it is good for skin. You can also mention the toothpaste since we
just saw that many toothpastes have dangerous chemicals in them!
Option: Mention baby and personal care options.
Touch on the reusable containers; tools etc in the Kit to help them use products
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Option 1: If you are really excited about what you heard today and you
know others who would love to hear this message AND you are
interested in helping people get healthier, fun, recognition and free
travel, making lots of money OR all of the above, Join as a Gold
Distributor with our “Green Business in a Box”. How many people out
there have toxic products in their home and would LOVE to hear this
message. And, Thanks to Oprah and people’s growing interest in
green products, we can hardly keep up with the demand! WE NEED
HELP! This option includes your products, tools training and even 3
(or 6) months of your own website! So put a number 1 in the upper
right corner of your questionnaire. ($299.00 Get Clean Mission Pack)
Shaklee plants 5 trees to offset the carbon footprint of shipping and making this.
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Option 2: If you are excited and can think of some other people that
would love to hear this message – host a demo just like this at your
place and you will get FREE and DISCOUNTED products for doing
that, and Join with our “free products” membership and when you
share Shaklee products with others, you can earn a bonus that pay
for your Shaklee products. Then put a number 2 in the upper right
corner of your questionnaire. ($39.95 and get your free product with next 100
PV order)
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Option 3: If you are excited about what you saw here today – you will
want to get started with our Get Clean Starter Kit! So put a number
3 in the upper right corner of your questionnaire. - Remind them that
they are getting over $3400 worth of non toxic cleaners for one low price. And that
joining with a Shaklee Consumer will save them on this and all future purchases.
No matter which option you choose, I am dedicated to providing you with a level
of service that matches the high quality of the Shaklee products and helping to
match you to the products and membership option that’s right for you!
Take orders and FOLLOW UP with a good new member appointment to share the other
product lines!
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Member application
Get Clean – 4 simple ways to Get Clean
Hazardous Chemicals in the Home
Get Clean Price List
Basic H2 directions and sample
Information sheet with box for number.
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