Observing Performance and Gathering Data Policy

Management/Supervisory Personnel
OP 4315.05(a)
To provide an accurate and fair performance evaluation, an evaluator needs to know what an
employee does as opposed to what an employee can do. Information about an employee’s
performance is available from a wide variety of sources, the most common being direct
observation and the examination of documents.
Observations should be conducted to provide samples of natural and typical behaviors and
data gathered during observations should be recorded. Scheduling multiple observations,
both formal and informal, provides representative samples of an employee’s performance
from which to draw conclusions about employee competence.
Formal observations are scheduled in advance to give the employee ample notice that an
observation is planned, while informal observations do not require prior notification. Formal
observations are a required part of the appraisal process for many County Office employees,
particularly certificated employees and classified assistants assigned to classroom work sites.
Work products, statistical documents, feedback forms and work samples can also provide
data about employee progress and accomplishments, assuming that such documents are a
direct result of an employee’s actions. Assumptions about the relationship between a
document and employee performance should be made carefully and with caution to minimize
the potential for error. No single source of data is sufficient in providing a complete picture
of an employee and evaluators are encouraged to combine a variety of data gathering and
observation techniques when conducting performance appraisals.
The evaluator’s purpose in observing and collecting data is to justify or document judgments
that will be made at the conclusion of the evaluation cycle. Employees are encouraged to
contribute to the data gathering process by creating their own portfolio with work
samples/evidence of achievement.
Purpose: To secure unbiased information and descriptive data about an employee’s
performance from which an evaluator can provide feedback to the employee and create
defensible judgments.
Timeline: Performance observations and data gathering extend throughout the appraisal
period and/or meet the requirements specified in negotiated agreements, including the
One 30-minute classroom observation, with 2 days advance notification, is required
for AFT unit members
Two 30-minute classroom observations are required for ASCOE unit members; the
first observation requires 24-hour notice
Two 30-minute classroom observations are required for ROPTA unit members; the
first observation requires 24-hour notice
OP 4315.05(b)
One 30-minute classroom observation is required for assistants in the SEIU
bargaining unit
Evaluator and employee follow the agreed-upon observation/data gathering procedure
and timeline if one was established during the goal planning conference.
Evaluator notifies employee of pending formal observation, providing advance notice
as specified in the applicable negotiated contract.
Note: Not all observations require advance notification.
Evaluator may meet with the employee prior to an observation as specified in the
negotiated contract, at the request of the employee or at the discretion of the
evaluator. Together the evaluator and employee may determine what part of an
employee’s performance will receive attention based on typical work behaviors and
they may select techniques/instruments to be utilized during the observation.
Employee performs day-to-day duties as planned.
Evaluator observes the activity and records data utilizing the data gathering
techniques and instruments available or adapting techniques and instruments to suit
her/his style, the type of observation or data collection needs. Evaluator observes for
a minimum duration as specified in negotiated contracts (usually 30 minutes) or for a
longer time to meet the goals of the observation and/ or to allow for closure.
Evaluator schedules and conducts a post-observation conference as required by
contract (usually within five work days of a formal observation), at the request of the
employee or at the discretion of the evaluator.
See OP 4150.05 Holding a Performance Conference
Evaluator files observation records and any documentation from observation
conferences for later reference. Evaluator may wish to make notes on a draft version
of the final appraisal form at this time.
Employee may request additional observations. Note: When observations are
informal and/or not required by contract, advance notice is not required. Postobservation conferences in these instances may be formal and scheduled or informal
and brief, based on the content of the conference, the needs of the employee and the
purpose(s) of the evaluator.
OP 4315.05(c)
Data Gathering
Employee may ask evaluator, peers, clients or, in the case of assistants, the teacher
with whom s/he works to observe performance and complete feedback forms.
Observer completes form and returns to employee.
Employee determines if the information will be incorporated into the evaluation
process or if it is to be used only as a means of self-assessment.
Employee may also gather work samples and documents that evidence achievement as
a portfolio of professional work which is incorporated into the evaluation process.
Evaluator may ask clients for feedback regarding employee performance.
Evaluator may gather employee work samples or review written materials produced by
the employee in the performance of her/his job, such as reports, IEPs, teacher
notebooks, workshop evaluation summaries, etc.
Evaluator and employee, working independently or collaboratively, may review and
organize employee portfolio and/or evaluator’s working file prior to the evaluation
Policy References: SP/AR 4115/4315. Evaluation/Supervision
Procedure approved: August 15, 1994