C7 NAME ____________________________ DATE _________ BLOCK #_______ AVERAGE ATOMIC MASS ACTIVITY Lab Preview 1. What are isotopes? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. What is the mass number of an element? __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 3. What is the average atomic mass of an element? ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ The extremely small size of atoms makes it impossible to count them individually or directly determine their individual atomic masses. As we discussed in class, average atomic masses depend on the number and masses of isotopes of an element. In this activity, we will use colored candies to represent atoms in an average atomic mass calculation. Plain candies will be assigned an imaginary mass number, and peanut candies will be assigned a different imaginary mass number. Purpose: To become proficient at calculating average atomic mass of mixtures of isotopes. Materials: 1 bag of red candy mixture (peanut and plain) 1 bag of blue candy mixture (peanut and plain) 1 bag of yellow candy mixture (peanut and plain) 1 bag of orange candy mixture (peanut and plain) 1 bag of green candy mixture (peanut and plain) 1 bag of brown candy mixture (peanut and plain) Calculator (optional) This activity sheet Set-up: Six bags of candy will be placed on each lab bench. Each bag contains candy of a different color (see materials list). Each bag will be a different “station.” Every bag is labeled with the “mass number” of the peanut candy and the “mass number” of the plain candy. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS: DO NOT EAT ANY CANDY USED IN THIS ACTIVITY. EVERY GROUP IN MORE THAN ONE CLASS WILL USE IT, AND IT IS NOT SAFE TO EAT! Procedure: 1. Find a partner (groups of 1 or 2, no groups of 3). 2. Each group must go to a different station at a bench. Once a group has chosen a bench, they must stay at that bench (no examination of samples on the other bench). 3. Note the color of the candy in the bag at the starting station. CHECK TO MAKE SURE THAT THERE ARE 20 PIECES OF CANDY IN THE BAG. 4. Record the “mass” of the peanut and plain candies that is marked on the bag in the appropriate space in the data chart provided below. 5. Without opening the bag, count how many peanut candies are in the bag, and record that information in the appropriate space in the data chart provided below. C7 6. Without opening the bag, count how many plain candies are in the bag, and record that information in the appropriate space in the data chart provided below. 7. Move around the bench to the next station when instructed to do so. 8. Repeat steps 3 through 7 until the number and masses of each color of candy have been recorded in the data table below. Data Table: Color Peanut Candy “Mass Number” Plain Candy Number “Mass Number” Number Blue Red Yellow Orange Green Brown 9. After all data has been recorded in the Data Table, use the information in the data to calculate the product of number mass for each type of candy. Record these calculations in the Calculations Table below. 10. Calculate the average mass of each color of candy, and record these calculations in the Calculations Table below. 11. Look at the average mass for each color of candy. Is the value closer to the value for peanut or plain? Record this in the Calculations Table below. Calculations Table: Color Peanut Candy Plain Candy Average Mass “Mass Number” Number of Candies “Mass Number” Number of Candies total _ mass total _ candies Is the average mass closer to the peanut or plain candy mass? Blue Red Yellow Orange Green Brown Data Analysis 1. Compare the results obtained for average mass with another group at a different bench. How did your values of average mass for each color compare? ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Does the number of each type of candy affect the value that you get for average mass? _____________ If yes, in what way? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________