Atomic Theory

Atomic Theory - Candies
This is what I use. I know that last year I circulated this PP on this
list and other teachers had good additions and suggestions for other
Democratus - Hard candies of different shapes and colors. ( I wish I
could find some with hooks, etc.)
Dalton -Round sour balls of different colors to represent the
different atoms
JJ Thomson - Chocolate chip cookies (plum pudding model)
Rutherford - Tootsie roll pops (hard shell surrounding a nucleus)
Bohr - There is a candy (I think it is called Gobstoppers) that is a
hard candy that changes colors as you suck on it. (represents the
different energy layers)
Schroedinger - Ferro Rochet. Soft outer shell (orbitals) surrounding a
hard nucleus.
I put the candies on display during the presentation and the students
have to select the appropriate model. Afterwards, I give them the
candies and they are devoured in about 5 seconds.