Applications - College of William and Mary

Recruitment Counselor Application 2016
Please return to the Panhellenic/IFC office (2 n d floor of the Campus Center) by Wednesday,
November 11 th at 5pm. You will be notified by November 20 th if you are invited to interview
and continue the application process. Contact Rachel Johnson, VP of Development, with any
questions at
Academic Year:
Current Cumulative GPA:
I initiated as a (circle one):
Contact Information
Cell Phone:
Will you be abroad spring 2016?
Are you applying to be a member of the 201 6 Orientation Staff?
Note: When considering this opportunity, please be aware that being an OA and a Recruitment
Counselor can be a difficult combination. Recruitment team will make sure all fall trainings are
coordinated with the director of FYE so that OAs may attend, as RC training is mandatory.
Please respond to the following questions and attach to this cover sheet
1. What characteristics do you have that make you an ideal Recruitment Counselor candidate?
2. What have you gained from William and Mary ’s Greek Community? How have you
contributed to the Greek Community?
3. The purpose of iValU is to help women identify chapters where they can live their own
personal values. How do you feel membership in your chapter and our Panhellenic community
allows you the opportunity to live your values?
4. In what do you show leadership in your activities/volunteering/work, either on - or offcampus? (And this doesn’t just mean elected positions!)
5. How did your Recruitment Counselor(s) positively affect your recruitment experience? What
would you have changed or done differently? If you joined a sorority through informal
Recruitment, what have observed about the impact of Recruitment Counselors on PNMs?
I, ___________________________, have read, understand, and agree to abide the attached
guidelines for Recruitment Counselors if selected. In addition, if selected, I will attend ALL
Recruitment Counselor Training Sessions.
2016 Recruitment Counselor Guidelines
Before beginning your application, please read the following and retain for your
1. Attend all trainings/events required in both the spring and fall:
a. All Recruitment Counselors must attend all training sessions. Trainings will take place one
night during each of the following weeks; Feb 2, Feb 16, March 16, March 30, and April 13
i. If studying abroad, all of these sessions must be made up at the study abroad RC
training, typically held the Sunday before classes begin
b. There will be trainings held in the fall, prior to the start of formal recruitment: Dates TBD
c. All trainings are mandatory. Excused absences and opportunities to attend make-up
trainings during the spring semester are at the discretion of the Vice President of
Development. Due to the nature of the fall training schedule, no make-up trainings will be
2. Maintain a positive attitude about the recruitment process
3. Act as a source of unbiased advice to PNMs
4. Respect the confidentiality in all aspects of the recruitment process, especially the confidentiality of
the PNMs
a. This includes all conversations with PNMs and all information accessed on Campus Director
5. Uphold all policies outlined in the Recruitment Guidelines
6. Maintain the regulations of Contact Restriction and positive contact
a. Recruitment Counselors may not disclose their affiliation, wear any sorority affiliated
paraphernalia, or take part in any chapter activities once she returns for the fall semester
b. Recruitment Counselors may not take part in Open House Recruitment functions during the
spring semester
7. Empower PNMs to make values-based decisions while giving them realistic expectations
8. Follow through on all commitments to both the Panhellenic Council and PNMs
9. Promote positive conversations between PNMs
10. Address any infractions of Recruitment conduct in accordance with Panhellenic Guidelines