“Make a Shadowbox Assemblage” Worksheet ()

Find a shoe box or other container that will serve as the support for your shadowbox
assemblage. Gather a variety of objects—they may be items with great personal
meaning or other items you found or collected. Assemble them in a variety of ways
to come up with a composition you like. If you choose, embellish your box with paint,
collage, or decorations.
Reflect. Do the individual objects take on new meanings in this new arrangement?
Taken as a whole, what story does your shadowbox tell? Give your assemblage a
title and write a brief (50–100 words) label about your work. You may want to explain
the meanings of particular elements and discuss why you chose your title, etc.
Title: _________________________
Share. Exhibit your box assemblage for the world to see! Take a photo and share it
on Flickr by tagging it “MoMA Learning Shadowbox.” See the MoMA Learning site
or search “MoMA Learning Shadowbox” on Flickr to see other contributions!