
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Prefix & Suffix List
1st 4 ½ weeks
1. append2. cardi3. cerebr4. cran5.
9. nas10. orb11. pariet12. pelv13. peri14. pleur15. –stasis
16. super17. –tomy
18. endo19. adip20. chondr21. –cyt
22. epi23. –glia
to hand something: appendicular – pertaining to the upper limbs and
lower limbs
heart: pericardium – membrane that surrounds the heart
brain: cerebrum – largest portion of the brain
helmet: cranial – pertaining to the portion of the skull that
surrounds the brain
back: dorsal – position toward the back of the body
same: homeostaisis – maintenance of a stable internal environment
the study of: physiology – study of body functions
change/middle: metabolism, metatarsals – chemical changes that
occur within the body or middle
nose: nasal – pertaining to the nose
circle: orbital – pertaining to the portion of skull that encircles an
wall: parietal membrane – membrane that lines the wall of a cavity
basin: pelvic cavity – basin-shaped cavity enclosed by the pelvic
around: pericardial membrane – membrane that surrounds the heart
rib: pleural membrane – membrane that encloses the lungs within the
rib cage
standing still: homeostasis – maintenance of a stable internal
above: superior – referring to a body part that is located above
cutting: anatomy – study of structure, which often involves cutting
or removing body parts
within: endoplasmic reticulum – complex of membranous structures
in the cytoplasm
fat: adipose tissue – tissue that stores fat
cartilage: chondrocyte – cartilage cell
cell: osteocyte – bone cell
over, above: epithelial tissue – tissue that covers all free
body surfaces
glue: neuroglia – cells that bind nervous tissue together
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Prefix & Suffix List
1st 4 ½ weeks
1. append2. cardi3. cerebr4. cran5.
9. nas10. orb11. pariet12. pelv13. peri14. pleur15. –stasis
16. super17. –tomy
18. endo19. adip20. chondr21. –cyt
22. epi23. –glia
to hand something: appendicular – pertaining to the upper limbs and
lower limbs
heart: pericardium – membrane that surrounds the heart
brain: cerebrum – largest portion of the brain
helmet: cranial – pertaining to the portion of the skull that
surrounds the brain
back: dorsal – position toward the back of the body
same: homeostaisis – maintenance of a stable internal environment
the study of: physiology – study of body functions
change/middle: metabolism, metatarsals – chemical changes that
occur within the body or middle
nose: nasal – pertaining to the nose
circle: orbital – pertaining to the portion of skull that encircles an
wall: parietal membrane – membrane that lines the wall of a cavity
basin: pelvic cavity – basin-shaped cavity enclosed by the pelvic
around: pericardial membrane – membrane that surrounds the heart
rib: pleural membrane – membrane that encloses the lungs within the
rib cage
standing still: homeostasis – maintenance of a stable internal
above: superior – referring to a body part that is located above
cutting: anatomy – study of structure, which often involves cutting
or removing body parts
within: endoplasmic reticulum – complex of membranous structures
in the cytoplasm
fat: adipose tissue – tissue that stores fat
cartilage: chondrocyte – cartilage cell
cell: osteocyte – bone cell
over, above: epithelial tissue – tissue that covers all free
body surfaces
glue: neuroglia – cells that bind nervous tissue together
24. hist25. hyal26. inter27. macr28. neur 29. os30. phag31. pseud32. squam33. strat34. stria35. cut36. derm37. folic38. melan39. seb40. meat41. odont42. poie43. ax44. carp45. –clast
46. clav47. condyl48. corac-
web, tissue: histology – study of composition and function of tissues
resemblance to glass: hyaline cartilage – flexible tissue containing
among, between: intercalated disk – band of gap junctions between
the ends of adjacent cardiac muscle cells
large: macrophage – large phagocytic cell
nerve: neuron – nerve cell
bone: osseous tissue – bone tissue
to eat: phagocyte – cell that engulfs and destroys foreign particles
false: pseudostratified epithelium – tissue with cells that appear to
be in layers, but are not
scale: squamous epithelium – tissue with flattened or scalelike cells
layer: stratified epithelium – tissue whose cells are in layers
groove: striated muscle – tissue whose cells have alternating light
and dark cross-markings
skin: subcutaneous – beneath the skin
skin: dermis – inner layer of the skin
small bag: hair follicle – tubelike depression in which a hair develops
black: melanin – dark pigment produced by certain cells
grease: sebaceous gland – gland that secretes an oily substance
passage: auditory meatus – canal of the temporal bone that leads
inward to parts of the ear
tooth: odontoid process – toothlike process of the second cervical
make, produce: hematopoiesis – process by which blood cells are
axis: axial skeleton – upright portion of the skeleton that supports
the head, neck, and trunk
wrist: carpals - wrist bones
break: osteoclast – cell that breaks down bone tissue
bar: clavicle – cone that articulates with the sternum and scapula
knob, knuckle: condyle – rounded, bony process
a crow’s beak: coracoid process – beaklike process of the scapula
24. hist25. hyal26. inter27. macr28. neur 29. os30. phag31. pseud32. squam33. strat34. stria35. cut36. derm37. folic38. melan39. seb40. meat41. odont42. poie43. ax44. carp45. –clast
46. clav47. condyl48. corac-
web, tissue: histology – study of composition and function of tissues
resemblance to glass: hyaline cartilage – flexible tissue containing
among, between: intercalated disk – band of gap junctions between
the ends of adjacent cardiac muscle cells
large: macrophage – large phagocytic cell
nerve: neuron – nerve cell
bone: osseous tissue – bone tissue
to eat: phagocyte – cell that engulfs and destroys foreign particles
false: pseudostratified epithelium – tissue with cells that appear to
be in layers, but are not
scale: squamous epithelium – tissue with flattened or scalelike cells
layer: stratified epithelium – tissue whose cells are in layers
groove: striated muscle – tissue whose cells have alternating light
and dark cross-markings
skin: subcutaneous – beneath the skin
skin: dermis – inner layer of the skin
small bag: hair follicle – tubelike depression in which a hair develops
black: melanin – dark pigment produced by certain cells
grease: sebaceous gland – gland that secretes an oily substance
passage: auditory meatus – canal of the temporal bone that leads
inward to parts of the ear
tooth: odontoid process – toothlike process of the second cervical
make, produce: hematopoiesis – process by which blood cells are
axis: axial skeleton – upright portion of the skeleton that supports
the head, neck, and trunk
wrist: carpals - wrist bones
break: osteoclast – cell that breaks down bone tissue
bar: clavicle – cone that articulates with the sternum and scapula
knob, knuckle: condyle – rounded, bony process
a crow’s beak: coracoid process – beaklike process of the scapula