Castles Learning Journey - Milton Ernest VC Lower School

Ourselves Learning Journey
Name and locate the
continents and the UK on a
map of the world.
Name and locate the countries
and capitals of the UK on a
Walk around Milton Ernest to
learn about the physical and
human features. Take photos
of these using the Ipads for
use in later lessons.
Children will be using an
aerial map of Milton Ernest to
locate the features seen on
their walk around the village.
The children will be
describing the features of
Milton Ernest and explaining
their purpose.
What is the purpose of the
playground? What is it used
for? Why are there markings?
Children to create an aerial
map of the playground.
The children will be creating
an aerial map of the classroom
and the downstairs of the
school. They will label
features by using a key.
The children will be learning
about the school. They will be
looking at the different areas
and what they are used for.
They will photograph these,
insert them into Microsoft
Word and then write about
Children will be describing
and comparing the different
houses found in Milton
Ernest. Can they describe it
for their partner to draw?
What equipment would you
find in a playground? How is
it built? What shapes can be
seen? What materials are
used? How does the
equipment move? Children
design and make their own
What was school like for
children who came here in the
past? Locate 100 years ago
and 50 years ago on a time
line. What questions would
you ask a child from the past?
Who was Queen Victoria?
Children to learn about the
life of Queen Victoria and
produce a fact file about her.
What is the same/different
about her and Queen
Elizabeth 2nd?
Watch a video of school in the
past. Can the children spot the
similarities and differences
between school then and
school now?
What did children in the past
wear? Compare with clothes
today. How do we know
children in the past really did
wear these clothes?
What were Victorian houses
like inside? Compare to
modern houses. Why are there
no electrical appliances?
What were houses like 100
years ago? What features do
Victorian houses have? How
are they similar/different to
modern houses? Do we have
any Victorian buildings in
Milton Ernest?
Show the children the
artefacts from school in the
past. What were they used
for? What are they made
from? What do we have now?
What toys did children play
with in the past? Show the
children a variety of Victorian
toys. How were they played
with? What were they made
from? How are they different
to toys today?
History Objectives Recognises differences between past and
 Use simple vocabulary to describe the
passing of time
 Place simple events in chronological order
 Place similar objects into past and present
 Recognizes some differences between
ways of life at different times
 Uses and handles different sources to find
answers to simple questions
 Place events and objects in order and is
able to discuss similarities and differences
between them
 Recognise that their own lives are different
from people in the past
 Shows knowledge and understanding of
aspects of past beyond living memory
Geography Objectives Recognise features of places and their
purpose / use
 Express views of a local place
 Recognise how people can change an area
 Make maps using a variety of resources
 Position places on a simple map with
reference to the physical place
 Describe features and recognise features of
a place
 Describe what a place is like
 Recognise how places have become the
way they are
 Recognise how places can be improved
 Draw aerial plans and maps with a colour
key to show places and routes
 Use UK and world maps to locate places
Science Links
Ourselves scheme of
work (Year1)
Healthy living scheme
of work (year 2)
DT Objectives Use pictures to find out information and
develop ideas for modelling
 Investigate commercially produced
examples of a product
 Model ideas with kits and materials
 Reflect on their ideas as they are planning.
 Select appropriate techniques
 Select appropriate tools to carry out the
 Draw and label a simple design
 Describe what they need to do next
 Say why I like others work
 Join different materials appropriately
 Make simple measurements and mark
 Name the tools and materials needed to
produce their design
 Select the most efficient tool for the task
 Talk about changes they made
 Say what they like and what they would like
to improve and why
 Make simple changes
 Fold, tear and cut paper and card.
 Use glue gun appropriately (select use of)
We are TV Chefs –
create a recipe, then
film and edit it using
Ipads and software
We are celebrating –
Use software to create
a greetings card
Art links Portraits scheme of work
R.E: What does it mean to belong? The children will
recognise their own distinctiveness and that of others.
They will learn about religious ceremonies that express
How do we show we care? The children will describe
what religions say about caring for people and identify
ways in which they care for others.
Children who are taking part in Read Write Inc lessons
Take part in 15 minute phonic sessions per day
Read daily to a partner/adult
Develop comprehension skills
Develop the use of new vocabulary
Develop sentence building and grammar
Develop punctuation skills
Take part in daily spelling sessions
Develop handwriting skills
Write for a range of purposes
P.E :
Multi skills: The children will be using equipment to
improve their balance, agility and co-ordination.
Gym: The children will be developing the range of
travels, shapes and skills they can perform. They will
use these and a range of other movements to create
sequences on the floor and apparatus.
Children will be learning and reinforcing a range of
mental strategies including number facts, bonds to 10
20 and 100, adding and taking a multiple of 10, counting
in 1,2,3,5 and 10 to and beyond 100 and doubles and
halves up to and beyond double 10.
The main teaching will focus on a variety of topics some
of which are shown below:
Ordering numbers, completing number sequences,
recognising place value, addition and subtraction, making
arrays and grouping, totalling coins and giving change,
measuring, time and a variety of shape and space
Year 2 will also be looking at strategies for addition and
subtraction, multiplication and division and measures
involving metres, grams, kilograms, milli litres and litres.
Science – Ourselves- The year 1 children will be looking
at the parts of the body, senses, growing and humans as
Healthy living – The year 2 children will be looking at the
different food groups and what the body needs to stay
Materials- All children will be naming and sorting a
variety of materials and undertaking investigations that
will help them understand about properties.
Activities from the Music Express schemes of work for
year 1 and 2.