Table S1 Summary of number of phytoplankton taxa. Shown are the minimum, maximum and mean number of taxa sampled for the main phytoplankton groups for each lake, with the observation period (month) given in brackets. Also shown for each phytoplankton group are: “sub-total”, the total number of taxa observed throughout the year (by lake); “persisting taxa”, the percentage of taxa that were found in all samples taken throughout the year (by lake); “species in common”, the number of taxa common to both lakes; and “total”, the total number of taxa found, both lakes combined. Lake Bourget Phytoplankton groups Cyanobacteria Chlorophyceae Chrysophyceae Dinophyceae Diatomeae Cryptophyceae Zygophyceae Lake Annecy Annecy & Bourget Min. (month) Max. (month) Mean Sub total Persisting taxa Min. (month) Max. (month) Mean Sub total Persisting taxa Species in common Total 1 (Mar, May) 2 (Mar) 1 (Jan) 0 (Jan, Feb, Nov) 2 (*) 1 (Jul) 0 (*) 9 (Sep) 11 (Jun, Oct) 13 (Aug, Oct) 4 (May, Sep) 9 (Jan) 4 (*) 2 (May) 4 5 7 2 4 3 <1 16 31 37 8 18 5 3 0% 3.2% 0% 0% 0% 20% 0% 0 (Feb) 3 (Jun) 7 (Jan) 0 (Nov) 1 (Oct) 2 (May to Jul) 0 (*) 3 (Jan) 7 (Nov) 19 (Oct) 3 (Mar) 10 (Aug) 4 (*) 2 (Aug) 2 7 12 2 6 3 <1 12 19 32 9 20 4 2 0% 10.5% 3.1% 0% 5% 25% 0% 7 12 16 7 8 4 1 21 38 53 10 30 5 4 **indicates three months months can can be beimplied. implied.For ForDiatomeae Diatomeaein inLake LakeBourget: Bourget:Apr, Apr,May, May,Jul Juland andSep. Sep.For ForCryptophyceae CryptophyceaeininLake LakeBourget: Bourget:Feb, Feb, Mar, Sep and Oct. Zygophyceae Lake Bourget: Jan, Mar, indicates that that more more than than three Mar, Sep and Oct. ForFor Zygophyceae in in Lake Bourget: Jan, Mar, Apr, Jul and andSep SeptotoNov. Nov. Cryptophyceae in Lake Annecy: Feb Sep andtoSep to For Nov. For Zygophyceae Lake Annecy: JanOct to and Jun,Nov. Oct and Only one species (Erkenia subaequiciliata) Apr, Jun, Jun, Jul ForFor Cryptophyceae in Lake Annecy: Feb and Nov. Zygophyceae in LakeinAnnecy: Jan to Jun, OnlyNov. one species (Erkenia subaequiciliata ) was reportedwas for reported for Prymnesiophyceae in both lakes. Prymnesiophyceae in both lakes. 1 Table S2 Presence or absence of signature genes of phytoplankton viruses in virus-like-particles (VLPs) sorted using flow cytometry (FCM). The tests were carried out using PCR to amplify genes from the sorted VLP after concentration using 30KD-Amicon (Millipore) with primers described in Table 1. Then the correct size of the amplicons was verified using electrophoresis in 1.5% agarose gel to determine whether a specific viral group was present or not. The sample codes give the lake (A=Annecy, B=Bourget) and the month of sampling (1-11). The “-2” designates the second sampling time. So, for example, A6 and A6-2 are the first and second samples taken in June from Lake Annecy. B6 is the first sample taken in June from Lake Bourget. The seawater samples were collected in the summer from coastal waters of the VilleFranche and Roscoff Bays (France). Samples A6 A6-2 A10 A11 B6 Freshwater B8-2 B9-2 B10 B11 B11-2 Villefranche/mer Seawater Roscoff VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP2 VLP1 VLP1 VLP2 mcp - 2 polB + + + + - Viral gene markers psbA g23 + + + - g20 + + - Table S3 Summary of Pearson's correlation analysis between the abundance of specific viral DGGE bands and specific phytoplankton taxa. For each lake are reported the taxa being significantly related to the largest number of DGGE bands (p<0.05) and the percentage of bands accounting for the whole community. Lake Bourget Chlorophyceae Genetic markers Chrysophyceae The most significant taxa % bands related polB Chlamydomonas conica mcp Diatomeae The most significant taxa % bands related 16% Dinobryon divergens Fotterella tetrachlorella 16% g20 - g23 - Cryptophyceae The most significant taxa % bands related 16% Cyclotella costei Dinobryon cylindricum, Dinobryon divergens and Kephyrion sp2 15% - - - - Dinophyceae The most significant taxa % bands related 17% Rhodomonas minuta Cyclotella delicatula 21% - - - - Zygophyceae The most significant taxa % bands related The most significant taxa % bands related 11% Cyste de Ceratium hirundinella 11% Cosmarium depressum var. planctonicum 8% Cryptomonas rostrata 17% Peridinium willei 15% Cosmarium tenue 8% - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Th Ap Ap Lake Annecy Chlorophyceae Genetic markers Chrysophyceae Diatomeae Cryptophyceae Dinophyceae Zygophyceae % bands related The most significant taxa % bands related The most significant taxa % bands related The most significant taxa % bands related The most significant taxa % bands related The most significant taxa % bands related polB Choricystis minor, Flagellé diam 5µm, Oocystis solitaria, Stichococcus bacillaris and Pyramimonas micron 17% Kephyrion sp1 25% Cyclotella delicatula 33% Cryptomonas marsonii and Cryptomonas sp. 17% Katodinium fungiforme 8% Cosmarium tenue and Xanthidium alpinum 4% mcp Choricystis minor and Chlorophycées sp. 19% Kephyrion sp1 23% Cyclotella delicatula 35% Cryptomonas marsonii, Cryptomonas sp. and Rhodomonas minuta 16% Gymnodinium helveticum and Katodinium fungiforme 13% Cosmarium tenue 10% g20 - - - - - - - - - - - - S g23 - - - - - - - - - - - - S The most significant taxa Supporting Information PCR condition optimization The many steps related to PCR amplification can cause biased results, including the particular kit, enzymes or thermal cycler used, number of cycles, etc. Prior to present this study, we made a considerable effort to optimize PCR conditions. In this goal, we changed the parameters and observed how they could affect each community “richness”. For the PCR, we mainly played on the annealing temperature of each primer set to optimize the reaction for our field samples. We used pooled field samples obtained from both lakes for the test and ran it in duplicates. Based on the same sample, we tested a gradient of annealing temperatures to 3 Th define the optimal one for each primer set. Equal volumes of PCR products were firstly loaded in 1.5% agarose gel to verify the produced DNA quantity using gel electrophoresis, and DGGE were run to examine the “richness”. The annealing temperature providing the densest bands in the agarose gel was chosen for further refinement. We then refined the annealing temperature with several gradient PCRs until no significative changes in bands density (DNA quantity) and number were observed in DGGE. DGGE condition optimization For the DGGE, we played on the DGGE gradient for each set of amplicons (for each primer set). Firstly, we ran the pooled field samples to observe the band positions in gels. DGGE bands were excised from the most top and bottom side of each gel and verified by PCR (sometimes by cloning-sequencing) to know the edge of the fingerprints. Several runs were conducted to refine the gradient to separate maximally the bands and stopped until the gel included all bands. The optimization consisted thus in a balance between the inclusion of all possible bands and their optimal separation. Comparison of DNA extraction methods Short et al. (2010) reported that non-extraction methods (i.e. using the treated viral concentrate as the PCR template) could give better result for diversity investigation. Several methods exist to treat viral particles, however, no study reported so far how these different treatments affect the efficiency of viral DNA liberated from the capsid, thereby the influence on the “diversity”. We tested six DNA extraction methods (five non-extraction methods and one extraction method using a kit, Fig. S1) on the same field sample obtained from Lake Annecy and Bourget. We did not detect changes in the number and composition of DGGE bands for g20 and g23 (Fig. S1), suggesting the absence of influence of DNA extraction methods on cyanomyovirus and T4-like myoviruses. However, a significant difference was observed for the phycodnaviruses. The “cold/freeze+heat” treatments (e.g. VCC, VCF) resulted in higher DGGE band numbers for mcp than other methods (the “only heat” treatment and kit). On the other hand, the “VC” method produced bands (e.g. bands “1” and “2” in Fig. S1) that the “VCF and VCC” did not. Hence, we used the DNA extraction method 4 “VC” +“VCF” for polB and mcp gene amplification. By contrast, for psbA, g20 and g23 gene, we used the “VC” method. Fig. S1 DGGE comparison of different DNA extraction for the cyanomyoviruses (A: g20 gene), the T4like myoviruses (B: g23 gene) and the phycodnaviruses (C: mcp gene). The PCR and DGGE were conducted using a pooled sample and conditions were described in the Materials and Methods. (i) VC: PCR directly from the viral concentrate; (ii) VCC: cold-heat treatment (Chen et al. 1996), the chilly viral concentrate was put at 95°C for 3 min, and in the ice for 2 min; (iii) VCS: before PCR, the viral concentrate was heated 15 min at 95°C. (iv) VCB: boil-method (Chen et al. 2009), the viral concentrate was boiled at 100°C for 10min. (v) VCF: freeze-thaw method (Short and Short, 2008), the viral concentrate was freezed at -20°C and then heated 3min at 95°C for 3 repetition; (vi)Kit: viral DNA was extracted by QIAmp MiniElute Virus Spin Kit (Qiagen) from the viral concentrate. 5 6