Story of Aluwihare Rala 1629

King Rajasinha the Second (1629-1687)
Rebels from Alawwa surrounded the Nillamba castele during King Rajasimha II’s time.
To safeguard the life of the King the ever faithful Matale Aluwihare Wanigasekara
Bandara acted as a double for the King risking his life. He wore royal robes and slept in
the king’s bed covering his face. Rebels believing he was the king, stabbed him to death.
Then they started looting the royal treasury shouting that the King is dead. After some
time they found Aluwihare Bandara missing among the nobles. Then they suspected that
they might have killed the wrong person. It was well known that Aluwihare resembled
the king but was completely toothless. They force opened mouth of the imposter now
dead, and found he was completely toothless. They panicked and wanted to kill rebel
leaders who promised them that the king would be an easy prey for them. Now they knew
that they have lost valuable time plundering the royal treasury. By this time the king had
gone to a safe hideout. The timely action of Aluwihare had not only saved king’s life but
also gave him time to call for his loyal forces and capture the rebels. When the King went
to his royal chambers he saw what had happened to Aluwihare. He started to cry not
being able to bear the death of his kinsman.
He bestowed the rank and name to Aluwihare’s son. This young Aluvihare served the
king and his son King Wimaladharma II (1687-1707) very faithfully in time to come.
Robert Knox reports a rebellion in 1664 by Ambanwela Rala and he was soon captured.
He was sent to the court of Rajasinha II for punishment. King was so angry and could
not think of a suitable punishment. King was advised by his ministers to send him to the
Dutch for his punishment. Cunning Abanwela Rala made friends with Dutch agreeing to
provide them with all the information that they required about the Kandyan kingdom.
He was given a large land grant from Kollupitiya. He became a very rich coconut planter
and was given an official burial when he died at a ripe old age. Name Kollupitiya came
in to use after Ambanwela Rala meaning "land that Rala cheated from the Burghers".
King Wimaladharma Surya II (1687-1707)
Young Aluwihare Bandara was very loyal to the king at all times. It is said that King
Wimaladharma II son of King Rajasinha wanted to bring a queen for him from
Madurapura. This task was given to Aluwihare Bandara. While she was being brought
she fell from the palanquin in to the water at a seaport while being ferried. Young
Wanigasekara Bandara saved her life by jumping in to the water and catching hold of
her by her long hair. She showed her displeasure for being touched by a person who did
not have noble blood. Because of this Queen refused to speak to the King when she was
brought to the Castle. King took Aluwihare’s side and fully exonerated him for touching
the queen. It is said that Aluwihare then cut his own finger as a self-inflicted
punishment for touching the queen, even he did with an idea of saving her life. After
which the King presented young Aluwihare with a golden finger case to replace his lost