Emma Smith
‘”To Buy or Not to Buy”: Hamlet and Consumer Culture’, Shakespeare Studies
(forthcoming, 2011)
‘Prenzie Angelo:
Making meanings from Measure for Measure ’ , Journal of Law,
Philosophy and Culture (forthcoming, 2011)
‘‘Time’s comic sparks’: the dramaturgy of A Mad World My Masters and Timon
of Athens’ with Laurie E. Maguire, in The Oxford Handbook to Middleton eds
Gary Taylor and Trish Henley (forthcoming, Oxford University Press, 2011)
‘Richard II’s Yorkist Editors’, Shakespeare Survey 63(2010)
‘Performing Relevance/Relevant Performances: Shakespeare, Jonson,
Hitchcock’, in New Directions for Renaissance Drama and Performance Studies ed
Sarah Werner (Palgrave, 2010)
The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance English Tragedy, coedited with Garret J.
Sullivan, and chapter on ‘Shakespeare’ (Cambridge University Press, 2010)
‘Recent Studies in Tudor and Stuart Drama’, with Emily C. Bartels, Studies in
English Literature 50 (2010)
‘Shakespeare’s Critical Reception’, in The New Cambridge Companion to
Shakespeare eds Stanley Wells and Margreta de Grazia (Cambridge University
Press, 2010)
‘The Shakespeare Authorship Debate Revisited’, Literature Compass 5/3 (2008)
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
‘Shakespeare Serialised’, in The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and Popular
Culture ed. Robert Shaughnessy (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
‘Freezing the Snowman: (How) can we do performance criticism?’ in How to
Do Things With Shakespeare ed. Laurie E. Maguire (Blackwell, 2007)
Othello: Writers and Their Works (Northcote House, 2005)
A Guide to Criticism: Shakespeare’s Comedies (Blackwell Publishers, 2004)
A Guide to Criticism: Shakespeare’s Tragedies (Blackwell Publishers, 2004)
A Guide to Criticism: Shakespeare’s Histories (Blackwell Publishers, 2004)
‘Signes of a Stranger: The English Language and the English Nation in the
Late Sixteenth Century’ in Archipelagic Identities: Literature and Identity in the
Atlantic Archipelago, 1550-1800 eds Philip Schwyzer and Simon Mealor
(Ashgate Press, 2004)
Shakespeare in Production: Henry V (Cambridge University Press, 2002)
‘So much English by the Mother’: gender, foreigners and the mother tongue in
William Haughton’s Englishmen for My Money’, Medieval and Renaissance Drama
in England (13, 2001)
‘Studying Shakespeare and his Contemporaries’, in Talking Shakespeare eds
Deborah Cartmell and Michael Scott (Macmillan, 2001)
‘Ghost Writing: Hamlet and the Ur-Hamlet’ in The Renaissance Text ed.
Andrew Murphy (Manchester University Press, 2000)
‘“Either for tragedy, comedy”: attitudes to Hamlet in Branagh’s In the Bleak
Midwinter (1995) and Hamlet (1997)’ in Shakespeare, Film, Fin de Siècle eds Mark
Thornton Burnett and Ramona Wray (Macmillan, 2000)
‘“Sir Johnston and Lady Forbes-Robertson left for America on Saturday”: marketing the 1913 Hamlet for stage and screen’ in Moving Performance: The
British Experience of Early Cinema eds Sarah Street and Linda Fitzsimmons
(Flicks Books, 2000)
‘Author v. Character in early modern dramatic authorship: the example of
Thomas Kyd and The Spanish Tragedy’ in Medieval and Renaissance Drama in
England (11, 1999)
ed. and intr. Thomas Kyd: The Spanish Tragedie (Penguin: Harmondsworth,
1998), pp.184. ISBN 0 14 043646 4
‘Henry Chettle’ and ‘George Whetstone’, New Dictionary of National Biography
Reviews for Shakespeare Survey, Year’s Work in English Studies, Early Modern
Literary Studies, Review of English Studies, Biography, Renaissance-Reformation,
Women: A Cultural Review, Comparative Drama, Times Literary Supplement (1997- )
Work under commission
Revenge Tragedies (Penguin)
Great Myths about Shakespeare, with Laurie E. Maguire (Blackwell)
The Concise Handbook to Shakespeare (Cambridge)
Marlowe in Context, edited with Emily C. Bartels (Cambridge)