Video Data Mining: An Architectural Review ABSTRACT Acquisition and storage of video data can be done easily. But to retrieve the useful information from video is a very challenging task. To solve this problem video data mining technique is used to extract the semantic information as per user demand automatically. Extraction of implicit knowledge including interesting patterns, summarization, comparison and video data relationships can be done by Video data mining. It is an interdisciplinary endeavor that draws upon expertise in computer vision, video processing, video retrieval, data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. This paper describes the proposed architecture and concept of video data mining to extract the useful information from video applications. Keywords Video data mining, Preprocessing, Feature extraction, Association and clustering. 1. INTRODUCTION To retrieve the video effectively and to facilitate new and better ways of entertainment, advanced technologies must be developed for searching and mining the vast amount of videos. Although valuable information may be hiding behind the data and the overwhelming data volume makes it difficult for human beings to extract them without powerful tools. Video mining system that can automatically extract semantically meaningful information from video databases. While numerous papers have appeared on data mining [1-4], some deals with video data mining directly [5-6]. In video databases, knowledge discovery deals with non-structured information, for this reason we need tools for discovering relationships between objects or segments within video components. In general video must be first preprocessed to improve their quality. Subsequently, these video files undergo various transformations and features extraction to generate the important features from the video databases. With the generated features, mining can be carried out using data mining techniques to discover significant patterns. These resulting patterns are then evaluated and interpreted in order to obtain relevant knowledge related application. Some research work has been done on video mining like [7] where authors focused on mining on medical video to detect the events from medical video. But in our paper we describe video data mining for video application in general, which can be applied to retrieve information from different video applications more frequently. 2. VIDEO DATA MINING PROCESS Figure 1 depicts the video data mining system architecture for applying in different video applications. Video data is the starting point of a learning system, then, the data pre-processing is used to discover important features from video data. Data preprocessing includes data cleaning, normalization, transformation, feature selection, etc. Detailed procedure depends highly on the nature of video data and problem’s domain. To facilitate the relational dataset video shots are detected. The set of rules will be applied on video shots. Given a set of rules on specified video shots, a video data mining algorithms is applied to extract useful information from video data. Video Data Data preprocessing Video Shots Mining Rules goal, we adopt some video processing techniques to segment a video sequence into shots, and applying data mining techniques to explore relationships among shots. 5. VIDEO MINING ALGORITHMS Video Data Mining Algorithms Figure 1. System Architecture of Video Data Mining To adopt the video data mining algorithms for data extraction an unsupervised technique is considered to present video files into groups. Following section describes various steps for video mining. 5.1 Clustering 3. FEATURE EXTRACTION There are two kinds of features: description based and content based. The former uses metadata, such as keywords, caption, size and time of creation. The later is based on the content of the object itself [8]. Higherlevel information from video includes: •Detecting trigger events (for example any vehicles entering a particular area, people exiting or entering a particular building) •Determining typical and anomalous patterns of activity, generating personcentric or object-centric views of an activity. •Classifying activities into named categories (for example walking, riding a bicycle), •Clustering and determining interactions between entities. The first stage for mining raw video data is grouping input frames to a set of basic units, which are relevant to the structure of the video. 4. PREPROCESSING OF VIDEO DATA Before applying video data mining on video data to extract the useful information the most important tasks is to transform the original video sequence into a relational dataset, since most traditional data mining techniques work on the relational database where the relationships between data items are explicitly specified. To facilitate this Grouping of a given collection of unlabeled video files into meaningful clusters according to the video content without a priori knowledge is done by the unsupervised classification. Clustering algorithms can be categorized into partitioning methods, hierarchical methods, density-based methods, grid-based methods, and model-based methods. An excellent survey of clustering techniques can be found in [9]. 5.2 Association Rules First association rules described in general. The most association rules studies have been focusing on the corporate data typically in alphanumeric databases [10]. There are three measures of the association: support, confidence and interest. The support factor indicates the relative occurrences of both X and Y within the overall data set of transactions. It is defined as the ratio of the number of instances satisfying both X and Y over the total number of instances. The confidence factor is the probability of Y given X and is defined as the ratio of the number of instances satisfying both X and Y over the number of instances satisfying X. The support factor indicates the frequencies of the occurring patterns in the rule, and the confidence factor denotes the strength of implication of the rule. The interest factor is a measure of human interest in the rule. For example, a high interest means that if a transaction contains X, then it is much more likely to have Y than the other items. Relatively little research has been conducted on mining video data [11]. There are different types of associations: association between video content and non-video content features. Association mining in video data can be transformed into problems of association mining in traditional transactional databases. Therefore, mining the frequently occurring patterns among different video contents becomes mining the frequent patterns in a set of transactions. In [12], the concept of content-based video association rules using feature localization is extended by the authors. They introduced the concept of progressive refinement in discovery of patterns in video. 6. KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY FROM VIDEO DATA Video Data Mining, also popularly known as Knowledge Discovery in video Databases refers to the nontrivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from video data. Data mining is actually part of the knowledge discovery process (KDD). Video data mining is the extension of data mining. The Knowledge Discovery in Databases process comprises of a few steps leading from raw data collections to some form of new knowledge. 7. APPLICATIONS Applications that require data mining of video databases includes: Web mining: to extract meaningful information and hidden patterns that may implicitly exist in video databases on web. Crime preventation: to infer potentially useful and previously unrecorded information with spatial and temporal proximity relationships. Geographical information system: the widespread use of GIS by local and federal governments and other institutions, necessitate the development of efficient data mining algorithm for geo referenced –data. Others: News broadcasting, military, video, education and training, cultural heritage, advertising, and interior design, sports videos [13], traffic video [14] etc. These applications have vast collection of images in the corresponding video databases and can be mined to discover new and valuable knowledge. 8. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK This paper describes a survey and proposed architecture of video data mining for extraction of knowledge. There are a number of applications where these techniques could be applied and extract hidden predictive pattern or information from video database. Further research work is to develop video data mining algorithms for information retrieval. REFERENCES [1]U. Fayyad and R. Uthurusamy, data mining and knowledge discovery in database, Communication of ACM 39(11), 1996. [2]R. Agrawal, T. Imeielinski, and A. Swami, data mining: A performance perspectives, IEEE TKDE, 5(6), 1993. [3]M.S. Chen, J. Han and P.S. Yu, data mining: An overview from a database perspective, IEEE TKDE, 8(6), 1996. [4]J. Han and M. Kamber, data mining: Concepts and techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2001. [5]J. Fan, X. Zhu and X. Lin, mining of video database, Book chapter in Multimedia data mining, Kluwer, 2002. [6]J.-Y. Pan, C. 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