NATIONAL DAIRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (I.C.A.R) KARNAL (HARYANA) ADVERTISEMENT NO.2-10/2015/Rectt./E.II(T)-(230)-Vol.I Applications are invited from the eligible candidates for recruitment of temporary technical posts Cat.I & II (Technician & Technical Assistant) at National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal & its Regional Station, SRS, of NDRI, Bangalore (Karnataka) and ERS of NDRI, Kalyani (West Bengal) as per details given below: Sl.No. Name of the Post /Grade /Category 1. 1. 2. Pay Band/Pay No. of Vacancy scale and Grade Reservation Pay position 2. 3. 4. Technician (T-1) / Category. I Technician, PB-1/Rs. 5200- Total: 08 T-1/ Cat.I 20200+2000/3-UR(Knl) F/FT, L/T, Workshop Grade Pay 1-UR-PHC-OH-Knl 1-OBC(Knl) 1-UR(SRS) 2-UR(ERS) Technical Assistant (T-3)/ Category. II Technical Assistant, PB-1/Rs. 5200- Total: 06 T-3 / Cat.II 20200+2800/3-UR(Knl) Field Farm Technician Grade Pay 1-OBC(Knl) 1-UR(SRS) 1-UR(ERS) 3. Technical Assistant, PB-1/Rs. 5200T-3 / Cat.II 20200+2800/Field Farm Technician Grade Pay 4. Technical Assistant, PB-1/Rs. 5200T-3 / Cat.II 20200+2800/Field Farm Technician Grade Pay 5. Technical Assistant, PB-1/Rs. 5200T-3 / Cat.II 20200+2800/Laboratory Technician Grade Pay 6. Technical Assistant, PB-1/Rs. 5200T-3 / Cat.II 20200+2800/Laboratory Technician Grade Pay &Qualifications 5. Matriculation passed or equivalent from a recognized Board. Bachelor’s Degree in Veterinary Sciences / Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry from a recognized University under VCI regulations. Bachelor’s Degree in Total: 08 3-UR(Knl) Agriculture / Agriculture 1-UR-PHC-OH-Knl with Animal Husbandry 1-SC(Knl) and Dairying, B.Sc in 1-ST(Knl) Animal Husbandry & 1-OBC-SRS Dairying from a recognized 1-ST(ERS) University / Institution. Bachelor’s Degree in Dairy Total: 05 3-UR(Knl) Science/ Dairy Technology/ 2-OBC(Knl) Food Science/ Food Technology / Food Science & Technology from a recognized University / Institution. Bachelor’s Degree in Total: 08 3-UR, (Knl) Science with Chemistry as 1-UR-PHC-OH-Knl one of the subjects from a 1-OBC, (ERS) recognized University / 2-SC, (Knl) Institution. 1-ST, (Knl) Bachelor’s Degree in Total: 05 2-UR(Knl) Science with Genetics, 1-OBC(Knl) Microbiology, 1-UR, (SRS) Biochemistry or 1-UR(ERS) Biotechnology as one of the subjects from a recognized University / Institution. 7. Technical Assistant, PB-1/Rs. 5200T-3 / Cat.II 20200+2800/Laboratory Technician Grade Pay Total-2 1-UR(Knl) 1-OBC(Knl) 8. Technical Assistant, T-3 / Cat.II Workshop PB-1/Rs. 520020200+2800/Grade Pay Total: 3 2-UR (Knl) 1-UR-(SRS) 9. Technical Assistant, T-3 / Cat.II Workshop PB-1/Rs. 520020200+2800/Grade Pay 10. Technical Assistant, T-3 / Cat.II Workshop PB-1/Rs. 520020200+2800/Grade Pay Total-4 1-UR(Knl) 1-OBC(Knl) 1-SC(Knl) 1-ST(Knl) Total-3 2-UR(Knl) 1-OBC(Knl) 11. Technical Assistant, T-3 / Cat.II Workshop PB-1/Rs. 520020200+2800/Grade Pay Total-4 3-UR(Knl) 1-OBC(Knl) B.Tech/ B.Sc. in Computer Science/ Bachelor of Computer Application from a recognized University / Institution. Bachelor’s Degree / Three years Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institution. Bachelor’s Degree / Three years Diploma in Mechanical Engineering from a recognized University / Institution. Bachelor’s Degree /Three years Diploma in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University / Institution. Bachelor’s Degree / Three years Diploma in Electronics and Communication from a recognized University / Institution. Age Limit: a) The age should be between 18 to 30 years for cat. I & II on the closing date of application. b) There will be no age limit for the employees of the Council for Technical posts only. c) The age relaxation shall be allowed to Schedule Caste, Schedule Tribe and Other Backward Class candidates as per the rules framed and instructions issued from time to time by the Central Government. d) Age relaxation for Physically Handicapped candidates is 10 years in addition to age relaxation applicable for SC/ST/OBC as the case may be. e) The age relaxation in case of RA/SRF engaged in different project in ICAR Institutes is 16 years 3 months without any break not more than six months for Technical Assistant (T-3) posts only as per ICAR norms. f) The crucial date for determining the age limit & qualification in each case will be the closing date for receipt of applications from candidates. Pay Bands/Scales/Grade Pay: a) PB-1, Rs.5200-20200 + Rs.2000/- (GP) (For Cat.I) Technician- subject to revision. b) PB-1, Rs.5200-20200 + Rs.2800/- (GP) (For Cat.II) Technical Assistant-subject to revision. 1. Syllabus and Scheme of Examination for the post of Technician(T-1): The question paper for the written test will be of 100 marks consisting of objective Type-Multiple Choice Questions as per the following scheme:Paper/Sections I II III IV Subject Maximum Marks/Questions General Knowledge 25 Mathematics 25 Science 25 Social Science 25 Total (1 mark for each question) 100 Total Duration/Timing for candidates 1 ½ Hours (i) 2. The selected candidate for the post of Technician (T-1) will have to undergo one year on-thejob training which will be provided by the respective Institute. Selected candidate will be called as Technical Trainee during the training period. After successful completion of the one year training, a certificate to this effect will be provided by the Director of the concerned Institute and regular appointment will be done. Scheme of Examination for the post of Technical Assistant(T-3) All Groups: The written test will be of 100 marks and of objective type and the duration of the test will be two hours as detailed below:- Paper/ Sections I II III IV Subject Maximum Marks/ Questions General Knowledge 20 General English 20 Quantitative Aptitude 20 Question from Agriculture Related subjects (For 40 those who are applying in the functional group of Library and workshop Staff, 15 questions will be from their functional group. The remaining 25 questions (1 mark each) will be from Agriculture. Total (1 mark for each question) 100 Total Duration/ Timing for candidates 2 Hours I Questions will be objective Type Multiple choice, set both in hindi and English in respect of Section 1, 3 & 4. The question s in Section 1,2 & 4 will be of level commensurate with the essential qualifications viz. Graduation and questions in Paper 3 will of 10th standard level. II There will be no interview for the post of Technical Assistant (T-3) and Technician (T-1) and after the completion of the written test the Directors of the Institutes, shall publish the result according to the available vacancies at the respective Institutes, on the basis of the merit and taking into account the orders for reservation for SC/ST/OBC/PH issued by the Government. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ABOVE POSTS:1. Last date of receipt of application is 16.02.2016 upto 5:00 PM. 2. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and enhanced qualification does not entail candidates to be called for written test. Where the number of applications received in response to the advt. are large and it will not be convenient or possible for the Institute to call all those candidates for written test, the Director, NDRI, Karnal reserves the right to fix the criteria for calling the candidates on the basis of qualification, experience etc. After screening the applications, the candidates will be called for written test. 3. These posts are non-government under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, which is an autonomous body and will be governed by New Pension Scheme 2004 introduced by Govt. of India with other service conditions mutatis-mutandis and as amended from time to time. 4. All posts are temporary but likely to continue. Candidates must ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility conditions for these posts with regard to qualifications and age etc. 5. Persons already in employment should route their application through proper channel which should reach to the Institute within the closing date failing which his application will not be considered. 6. No correspondence will be entertained from any candidates for selection/appointment. Canvassing in any form will be treated as disqualification. 7. Candidates are advised to send self attested copies of each testimonial in support of their qualification or any other authentic document in support of their age alongwith mark-sheets and caste certificates as applicable etc. with their applications. 8. The application should be addressed to the Senior Administrative Officer, Establishment-II (Technical) Section, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001 in the proforma appended strictly type-written accompanied by a latest pass-port size photograph affixed thereon duly self attested alongwith Examination fee (Non-refundable) of Rs.100/-(One Hundred Only) is to be sent in the shape of Bank Draft only drawn in the favour of “ICAR-UNIT-NDRI” payable at Karnal issued after the date of publication of Advertisment & written on the back the name of the Candidate, post name & Sl.No. Candidates belonging to SC/ST & PH are not required to pay any fee. Women candidates are also exempted to pay application fee. OBC candidates are not exempted and they are required to pay the full prescribed fee. Application Proforma and advertisement are also available on the Institute Web Site Examination fee in the shape of Indian Postal Order (IPO) or Cheque will not be accepted. 9. Application not accompanied by the prescribed fee or incomplete or defective or unsigned declaration or without certified copies of their certificates i.e. without proof of qualification, age and caste certificate shall be summarily rejected. No representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any circumstances. 10. The candidates may submit their application strictly in the prescribed proforma as given in Annexure-I fill up the Column in their own handwriting. The envelope containing the application form should super-scribed in bold letters as “Application for the post of____________________, Sl.No.________________ as the case may be. 11. The selected candidates will be posted at respective station mentioned against each post. However, appointee will be liable to serve in any Institute(s) of ICAR located anywhere in India to begin with. 12. Application received after due date for any reason including postal delay be summarily rejected. 13. The Director, NDRI reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies, change any of the conditions, change the dates of tests and reject any or all applications without assigning any reason thereof, whatsoever & examination fee will not be refunded. 14. Place of posting will be decided by the Competent Authority at its discretion which will be binding on the part of the selected candidate. 15. All the dispute/litigation, if any, will be subject to Karnal (Haryana) jurisdiction only. 16. Earlier Advertisement No. 1-170/09/ADRP/E.II(T)-II-2013 & No. 1-170/09/E.II(T)/03-2014 appeared in the employment News during the month of February, 2014 and October, 2014 for the post of Technician(T-1), Technical Assistant(T-3) may be treated as cancelled. 17. All further instructions will appear only at the NDRI website: /Annoucements /ShowCirculars.aspx. Abbreviation used: UR=Un Reversed, SC=Scheduled Caste, ST=Scheduled Tribe, OBC=Other Backward Class, PH=Physical Handicapped, OH-Orthopaedic Handicapped. KNL- Karnal(Haryana), SRS-Southern Regional Station of NDRI, Bangalore(Karnataka) and ERSEastern Regional Station of NDRI, Kalyani, Distt. Nadia(West Bengal). Sd/Sr.Admn.Officer NATIONAL DAIRY RESEARCH INSTITUTE (I.C.A.R) KARNAL (HARYANA) APPLICATION FORMAT Advt. No._____________________ 1. Application for the post of :_________________ 2. Sl. No. of the Present post. :_________________ 3. Name in full (in Block letters) :________________________ 4. Father’s/Husband’s Name :________________________ 5. Nationality :________________________ 6. Place & Date of Birth :________________________ 7. Age as on closing date of Advt. :________________________ 8. Sex ( Male/Female) :________________________ 9. Present Address :________________________ :________________________ 10. Permanent Address :________________________ :________________________ 11. Whether belong SC/ST/OBC/PH :________________________ If yes, enclose attested copy of the certificate issued by the Competent Authority :________________________ 12. (a) Name of Employment Exchange :________________________ (b) Regn. No. and valid upto, if any :________________________ 13. Educational/Technical Qualification:Sl.No. Name of Exam. Univ./Board 1. Year of passing Grade/Divn.& % of marks in aggregate Affix latest passpost size photograph duly self attested Subject passed :2: 14. Experience/proficiency (particulars of all previous and present employment:Name of Employer indicate Autonomous/ Govt./Private Designation Pay Scale/ Salary Period From Duty To 15. Details of Application fees: Name and address of Date of Issue the issuing Bank Demand Draft No. Amount (Rs.) 16. Whether his/her relative is employee in NDRI, Karnal or any of the ICAR’s Institute Sr.No. 1. Name Designation Name of the Institute Relationship 17. Any other information the candidate may like to add:----------------------------18. Declaration:I do hereby declare that all the statement made in this application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand and agree that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect/incomplete or ineligibility being detected at any time before or after selection, my candidature is liable to be rejected. I shall be bound by the decision of the Director, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal. Place: Date: Signature of Candidate