Medical Terminology Handout (units 5:1and 5.2) Student Outcomes: DEMONSTRATE THE ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE AND USE INTERPERSONAL SKILLS EFFECTIVELY (07.0) Rationale: Students must understand medical terminology to communicate effectively. Students can’t perform adequately if they cannot interpret information from the patient’s record. WORD PARTS ARE THE KEY! Word roots contain the basic meaning of the term. They usually, but not always, indicate the involved body part. Suffixes usually, but not always, indicate the procedure, condition, disorder, or disease. If the word has a suffix it always comes at the end of the word. Prefixes usually, but not always, indicate the location, time, number, or status. A prefix always comes at the beginning of a word. Pronunciation rules for medical terminology 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ch sounds like k ( ex: chiropractor, chyme) ps sounds like s ( ex: psoriasis, pseudo) pn sounds like n ( ex: pneumonia, pneumatic) c sounds like a soft s when it comes before e, i, and y g sounds like a soft j when it comes before e, i, and y i sounds like eye when added to the end of a word to form a plural (ex: glomeruli, villi, bacilli) Rules for using Combining Vowels Are used to make a medical term easier to pronounce a. (ex: speedmeter vs. speedometer) Commonly used vowels are i, o, and sometimes y and u ( however “o” is the most commonly used vowel) Is used when the suffix begins with a consonant ( neur(o) + -plasty = neuroplasty) Always used when two or more root words are joined ( gastr(o) + enter(o) + -itis= gastroenteritis) Do not used a combining vowel when the suffix begins with a vowel ( neur(o) + -itis= neuritis) Do not place a combining vowel between a prefix and the word root Recommended method to study medical terminology for upcoming tests: 1. Use a set of index cards to make flashcards of the abbreviations and word parts found on the prefix, suffix, and word root list given by your instructor. Place one abbreviation, prefix, suffix, or word root on each card. Put the abbreviation or word part on the front of the card and the meaning of the abbreviation or word part on the back of the card. Study both sides of the flashcards. 2. Use the flashcards to learn the meanings of the abbreviations and word parts starting with quiz#1, and so on until all are learned. Practice correct spelling of all of the words. 3. Prepare for quizzes as scheduled. The quizzes will be cumulative. They will cover the words for the weekly quiz plus any words/abbreviations learned in previous weeks. Note: HS2 Medical Terminology Tentative Quiz Dates: Quizzes will be cumulative! Quiz #1=9/12 Quiz #2= 9/29 Quiz #3= 10/7 Quiz #4= 10/23 Quiz #5= 11/6 Quiz #6= 11/21 Quiz #7= 12/5 Quiz #8= 12/17 Review Medical Terminology (see tentative quiz dates below) ** Quiz #9= 1/8/2015 Quiz #10= 1/22 Quiz #11= 2/9 Quiz #12= 2/23 Quiz #13= 3/11 Quiz #14= 3/31 Quiz #15= 4/15 1 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#1 1. AHCPR 2. CDC 3. DRGs 4. FDA 5. HMO 6. LTCFs 7. NIH 8. OSHA 9. OBRA 10. PPOs 11. USDHHS 12. WHO 13. @ 14. A&W 15. Abd 16. ABG 17. Ac 18. ACS 19. ACTH 20. AD 21. ad lib 22. ADH 23. ADL 24. ARF 25. AHA 26. AIDS 27. AKA 28. AKI ( acute kidney injury) 29. AM/am 30. AMA 31. AMI 32. amb 33. amt 34. ANA 35. ANS 36. ant 37. approx 38. AP 39. aq, aqua 40. AS 41. as tol 42. ASA 43. ASAP 44. ASHD 45. AU 46. AV 47. Ax 2 Define these word parts and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#2 1. Bacti 2. bid 3. bil. 4. BKA 5. Bl 6. Bl Wk 7. BM,bm 8. BP, B/P 9. BR,Br 10. BRP 11. BS (X3) 12. BSC,bsc 13. BUN 14. Bx, bx 15. CEUs 16. RDs 17. DPM 18. DO 19. ECG 20. EKG and EKG Tech 21. EEG and EEG Tech 22. EMT 23. HOE 24. HOSA 25. LPNs/LVNs 26. EMT-P 27. PTs 28. PharmDs 29. PCT 30. PT 31. PAs 32. RNs 33. ARNP/NP 34. CNE 35. CRNA/CNA 36. RTs 37. DVMs 38. (foot or minute)= 39. (inch or second)= 40. degree= 41. female= ( or F) 42. male= ( or M) 43. one= ( ) 44. two= ( ) 45. V= 46. X= 47. L= 48. C= 49. D= 50. M= 51. ounce= 52. pound or number53. lower or down= 54. higher, elevate, or up 55. less than ( ) 56.greater than ( ) 3 Define these word parts and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#3 a-, anab -able -ac, -ic acr-(o) ad aden-(o) adren-(o) aer-(o) -al alba-algia ambian-(o, us) angi-(o) ante-(ro) antiappend-(i,o) arter-(io) arthro -ase -asthenia ather-(o) audi-(o) aurautobibio-blast blephar-(o) brachibrachybradybronchi(i,o) bucc-(a) calc-(u,ulus) carcin-(o) card(o)/cardi (a,o)carp-(o) -cele –centesis cerv-(ic) chem.-(o) chir-(o) chlor-(o) chol-(e,o) chrom (o) –cide circum- 4 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#4 col- (in,o) con contracost-(a,i,o) crani-(o) –crine cryptcutcyan-(o) cyst-(i,o) cyt-(e,o) dactyl-(o) -desis dec-(a,i) dent-(i,o) derm-(a , at,o) di-(plo) dors-(i,o) duoden-(o) dys-ectomy electr-(o) -emesis gyn-(ec,o) -emia encephal-(o) endoenter-(i,o) epierythroesophag -esthesia euex-(o) galactogast-(i,ro) -genetic, -genic genitorgeront-(o) gingivgloss-(o) gluc-(o) gly-(co) –gram graph 5 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#5 c ( with small line over top) ° C C&S c/o CA Ca+ CAD cal Cap CAT Cath CBC CBVA CBR CCU CEO *CHF CHO Chol Cl Cl liq cm CNS C/O COPD CP X2 CPR CRF ARF CS CSF Cu CVA CVD Cx d D&C D/C, dc, disc D/W DAT DC DEA del Del. Rm Dept DHHS Diff dil DM DNA DNR DOA DOD DON DPM DPT Dr DSD dsg, drsg DVM Dx,dx *known as heart failure 6 Define these word parts and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#6 hem-(a, ato,o) hemi hepat-(o) herniheterohist-(o) hom-(eo, o) hydro hyperhypnohypohyster(o) -iasis-ic, -ac ile-(o, um) interintraitis-kinesis, -kinetic labi-(a,o) lacrimalact-(o) lapar-(o) laryng-(o) latero- leukolingua-(a,o) lip-(o) lith-(o) -logy lymph-(o) -lys( is,o) Macro Mal Malacia Mammo -mania mastmelan-(o) med-(i) -megaly mening-(o) meno-meter gyn-(ec, o) -metry micro- 7 Quiz#7 EBL ECG, EKG EEG EENT EMG EMS EMT ENT EPA ER ESR Etiol ETOH exam ° F FBS FBW FC FF, FFl FHR Fl FSH ft FUO Fx GB Gc GH GI Gm, g gr GTT GU Gyn H H2O H2O2 HA (H/A) HBP/HTN HBV HCG HCl Hct HDL HEENT Hg Hgb HHA HIV Ht HTN 8 Define these word parts and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#8 mono-mortem muc-(o, us) multi my-(o) myel-(o) myring-(o) narc-(o) nas-(o) -natal necr-(o) neoneprh-(r, ro) neur-(o) noct-(i) nonocul-(o) odont-(o) olig-(o) -ologist -ology -oma oncooophor-(o) -opia -opsy opt-(ic) or-(o) orch-(ido) -orrhea orth-(o) -oscopy -osis ost-(e, eo) ot-(o) -otic otomy ovariopanpancreat-(o) -paresis -partum path-(o,y) ped-(ia) -penia pent-(a) -pepsia, -pepsis perperi- 9 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#9 h, Hr, hr= HOB HOH HOSA HS Ht Hyst Hx, hx I&D I&O Isol IUD IV jt K+ KCL IDDM (L) L&D L&W L, l Lab H, IM in ICU inf Irrig Kg, kg KUB LDL liq LLQ LMP LOC LP LPN LS LUQ LVN Lap lat lb LTC* (typo in book) 10 Define these word parts and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#10 phag-(o) pharyng-(o) -phasia -philia, -philic phleb-(o) -phobia phon-(o) -phylaxis -plasty -plegia pleuro-pnea pneum-(o) pod-(o) polypostpreproct-(o) psorapseudopsych-(i, o) -ptosis pulmon-(o) py-(o) pyel-(o) pyr-(o) quadr(i), quadr(o) radi-(o) re–rrhea –rrhagia –rraphy rhin-(o) retroren-(o) rect-(o) sarc-(o) -sarcoma sanguine-(o) scler-(o) -sclerosis -scope -scopy -sect semi- 11 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#11 mcg MD ( Medical Doctor, muscular dystrophy) Med mg Mg MI mL, ml mm MN MOM MRI MS N/A N/S N/V Na NA NaCl Neg Neur NG NICU NIDDM nil No Noct NPO NVD O&P O2 Obs Od OD (right eye, Doctor of Optometry) oint OJ OOB OP OPD OR Orth Os OS OT OTC OU oz 12 Define these word parts and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#12 sep-(ti) sinistr-(o) son-(o) –spasm sperm-(ato) splen-(o) –stasis stenostern-(o) –ostomy subsup- (er, ra) tachytetra–therapy therm-(o,y) thorac-(o) thromb-(o) –tox(ic) thyr-(o) transtri–trophy tympan-(o) trach-(e, i, o) uniur-(o) ureter-(o) urethr-(o) –uria uter-(o) vas-(o) ven-(a) ventrovertebr-(o) viscer-(o) vit-(a) zoo- 13 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#13 p P PAC PAP para Path Pb pc PCA PCC PCT PDR PE Peds per pH Pharm PID PM, pm PMS PNS po PO post post-op PPE PPW Pre-op prn Psy Pt Pt PT PTT PVC PVD q q2h q3h q4h qd qh qhs qid qns qod qs qt 14 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#14 R R/O RBC RDA REM RLQ RN RNA ROM RR RRT Rt RT RUQ Rx S&A s, w/o S/S, S&S SA sc SICU SIDS SOB Sol Spec SpGr SPN ss SSE Staph stat STD/ STI STH Step STH Supp Surg susp Sx syp Sz 15 Define these abbreviations and study daily **Remember the quizzes will be cumulative** Quiz#15 T&A T, Temp tab TB Tbsp TAH TCDB TIA tid TLC TO tol TPN TPR TSH Tsp TUR TURP TWE tx U/A, UA URI UTI UV VAG VD VDRL VICA VO Vol VS w/c WBC WNL wt XR y/o YOB Yr Zn 16