GUIDANCE EXTERNAL 4 AUGUST 2014 UNCLASSIFIED FORMAT AUDIENCE DATE CLASSIFICATION VERSION 2.0 ERROR HANDLING GUIDANCE PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide additional guidance on the implementation of error and outcome responses under the SuperStream Data Standard (the Standard). SCOPE This guidance note applies to registered superannuation entities and employers performing: member registration and contributions interactions as specified in the Superannuation Data and Payment Standard Schedule 4(a) document Data and Payment Standards – Contributions Message Implementation Guide, and rollover interactions as specified in the Superannuation Data and Payment Standard Schedule 4(b) document Data and Payment Standards – Rollover Message Implementation Guide. Except where specifically stated, guidance in this document applies equally to member registration and contribution, as well as rollover, interactions. BACKGROUND The data standard includes an Event XML schema that is carried in response messages to the sender of an original request message. This schema includes an element called Location.Path.Text which requires the use of an XPath expression to locate an Event (for example, an error). This original approach was limited and did not perform well when data was transformed from XBRL. It also required the party sending a request message to store the actual XBRL business document used for that message, so that it could use the XPath expression in the response to locate the error in its source XBRL. An alternative approach has been co-designed with the industry, in particular the SuperStream Standard Technical Committee, to overcome these limitations. This guidance note must be read in conjunction with the Superannuation Data and Payment Standard Schedule 6 document Data and Payment Standards – Error Code Management. RELATIONSHIP OF XBRL REQUESTS AND EVENT XML RESPONSES To simplify the identification of errors and correlation with their source, all parties must apply the following rules. Each Event XML document included in a response message must relate to a single XBRL request document. o This means that it is not permissible to provide an Event XML document in a response message that includes responses for members from more than one XBRL business document. The value for Location.Instance.Identifier must be the same value as the PartID of the original XBRL business document. Within the Event XML, all EventItems must contain the same value for Location.Instance.Identifier. CONTEXTUALISING ERRORS In order to allow errors to pass easily through data format translations, and to avoid the need for the sender to retain the original XBRL that was sent, a standard set of parameters (reflecting XBRL context information from the original request) will be reported in the event XML structure enabling contextualisation of errors, rather than using an XPath expression in the Location.Path.Text element. The Location.Path.Text element remains an optional part of the Event XML, however it should not be relied upon by sender or receiver as the primary method for locating errors. DEFINED EVENT XML PARAMETERS The set of parameters that should be provided in each response message is described in Attachment 1 (for member registration and contribution interactions) and Attachment 2 (for rollover interactions). The parameter sets reflect the minimum information needed to facilitate location of errors and correlation with their source. Suggested additional parameter names to ensure consistency across the industry may be added in the future, however this document does not include such suggestions. Additional parameters may be added by the party sending the response message as needed to help convey information intended to assist in treating outcome responses. If a party receives a response message that contains an Event XML document with additional parameters that it did not expect or does not require, those additional parameters should be ignored and the response message processed. In the special case where a party receives a request message and detects that a context with 1:1 cardinality is missing, no parameter information should be supplied in the error response (as the necessary information will not exist in the request message). In this case the entire request message should be treated as being in Error. 2 CORRELATING ERRORS WITH THEIR SOURCE The parameters provided in the EventItem are intended to enable a party to correlate the EventItem with the source request message. The use of parameters, rather than identifiers that are inherent to the XBRL business document, is intended to enable the correlation to occur irrespective of whether the data has been transformed. The following approach should be used to perform the correlation. Identify the relevant XBRL business document The ebMS3 message that carried the relevant XBRL business document is identified by ConversationID: the response message must share the same ConversationID as the original request message. The particular XBRL business document within the ebMS3 message is identified by the PartID, which is provided in the value of the Location.Instance.Identifier in the EventItem. Locate the EventItem The relevant context (for example, member details) may be identified by the value of the ReportPartyType (for single cardinality contexts), or by also using the dimensional parameters (for multiple cardinality contexts), which may be included in the Event XML. o Reference to the contextID parameter may be needed to distinguish between contexts that share identical contextual information (for example, the same member included twice in the original request)1. If there is no ReportPartyTypeDimension parameter then the EventItem is not associated with a particular context type. o This approach should also be used to designate an EventItem related to the entire message. Other parameters may be relevant for specific events (for example, {elementname} to advise the missing element name). RECOMMENDED GUIDANCE Funds should consider the guidance in this note and determine how best to apply it. Employers and their service providers should consider the guidance in this note and determine how to utilise the contextualised information received in the Event XML documents contained in response messages. 1 This approach will generally not assist where data has been transformed from XBRL, as a contextID is only relevant within an XBRL business document. Parties that need to perform the correlation where their data has been transformed will need to determine the method for resolving duplicates that best suits their particular scenario. 3 ATTACHMENT 1 – PARAMETERS FOR MEMBER REGISTRATION AND CONTRIBUTIONS RESPONSES The following tables outline the minimum parameter set to be provided against each context in the original request for the member registration outcome response and the contribution transaction error response. Where there is no identified context there is no minimum set of parameters. All senders of Event XML documents must use the values as listed exactly (case-sensitive, no spaces) when generating parameters for EventItems. This will allow recipients to use the parameters to automatically link the response to items within the original message they have sent. MEMBER REGISTRATION OUTCOME RESPONSE Parameter ReportPartyTypeDimension Description Explicit member dimension (Required value listed in italics) Message Sender Message Receiver Employer SuperFund Member Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory [Value=Message Sender] [Value=Message Receiver] [Value=Employer] [Value=Super FundMember] ContextID Unique context ID Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Identifier Unique entity identifier (for example, ABN) Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Scheme Entity identifier scheme Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory EmployersABNDimension Employer ABN N/A N/A N/A Mandatory SuperFundABNDimension Fund ABN N/A N/A N/A Mandatory SuperannuationFundUniqueSupe rannuationIdentifierDimension Fund USI N/A N/A N/A Conditional2 2 Must be provided if the USI was provided in the corresponding context in the original request message. 4 CONTRIBUTION TRANSACTION ERROR RESPONSE Parameter ReportPartyTypeDimension Description Explicit member dimension (Required value listed in italics) Message Sender Message Receiver Payer Payee Employer SuperFund Member Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory [Value=Messa geSender] [Value=Messa geReceiver] [Value=Pay er] [Value=Pay ee] [Value=Em ployer] [Value=Super FundMember] ContextID Unique context ID Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Identifier Unique entity identifier (for example, ABN) Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory Scheme Entity identifier scheme Optional Optional Optional Optional Mandatory Mandatory EmployersABNDimension Employer ABN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mandatory SuperFundABNDimension Fund ABN N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Mandatory SuperannuationFundUniqueSupe rannuationIdentifierDimension Fund USI N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Conditional3 3 Must be provided if the USI was provided in the corresponding context in the original request message. 5 ATTACHMENT 2 – PARAMETERS FOR ROLLOVER RESPONSES The following tables outline the minimum parameter set to be provided against each context in the original request for the initiate rollover error response and the rollover transaction outcome response. Where there is no identified context there is no minimum set of parameters. All senders of Event XML documents must use the values as listed exactly (case-sensitive, no spaces) when generating parameters for EventItems. This will allow recipients to use the parameters to automatically link the response to items within the original message they have sent. INITIATE ROLLOVER ERROR RESPONSE Parameter ReportPartyTypeDimension Description Explicit member dimension (Required value listed in italics) Message Sender Message Receiver SuperFund Member Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory [Value=Message Sender] [Value=Message Receiver] [Value=Super FundMember] ContextID Unique context ID Optional Optional Optional4 Identifier Unique entity identifier (for example, ABN) Optional Optional Mandatory Scheme Entity identifier scheme Optional Optional Mandatory TransferringSuperFundAllocatedMemberID Dimension Transferring fund member ID N/A N/A Mandatory TransferringSuperFundABNDimension Transferring fund ABN N/A N/A Mandatory TransferringSuperannuationFundUniqueSu perannuationIdentifierDimension Transferring fund USI N/A N/A Conditional5 ReceivingSuperFundABNDimension Receiving fund ABN N/A N/A Mandatory ReceivingSuperannuationFundUniqueSupe rannuationIdentifierDimension Receiving fund USI N/A N/A Conditional6 4 To remain aligned with original Rollovers implementation Must be provided if the USI was provided in the corresponding context in the original request message. 6 Must be provided if the USI was provided in the corresponding context in the original request message. 5 6 ROLLOVER TRANSACTION OUTCOME RESPONSE Parameter ReportPartyTypeDimension Description Explicit member dimension (Required value listed in italics) Message Sender Message Receiver SuperFund Member Rollover Payment Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory [Value=Message Sender] [Value=Message Receiver] [Value=Super FundMember] [Value=Transferring Fund] ContextID Unique context ID Optional Optional Optional7 Optional Identifier Unique entity identifier (for example, TFN) Optional Optional Mandatory Optional Scheme Entity identifier scheme Optional Optional Mandatory Optional TransferringSuperFundAllocatedMemberID Dimension Transferring fund member ID N/A N/A Mandatory N/A TransferringSuperFundABNDimension Transferring fund ABN N/A N/A Mandatory N/A TransferringSuperannuationFundUniqueSu perannuationIdentifierDimension Transferring fund USI N/A N/A Conditional8 N/A ReceivingSuperFundABNDimension Receiving fund ABN N/A N/A Mandatory Optional ReceivingSuperannuationFundUniqueSupe rannuationIdentifierDimension Receiving fund USI N/A N/A Conditional9 Optional 7 To remain aligned with original Rollovers implementation Must be provided if the USI was provided in the corresponding context in the original request message. 9 Must be provided if the USI was provided in the corresponding context in the original request message. 8 7 ATTACHMENT 3 – EXAMPLE EVENT XML DOCUMENT FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TRANSACTION ERROR RESPONSE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tns:Event xmlns:tns=""> <tns:MaximumSeverity.Code>Error</tns:MaximumSeverity.Code> <tns:EventItems> <tns:EventItem> <tns:Error.Code>SUPER.GEN.GEN.4</tns:Error.Code> <tns:Severity.Code>Error</tns:Severity.Code> <tns:Short.Description>Mandatory Data Element Not Supplied</tns:Short.Description> <tns:Detailed.Description>{elementname} is mandatory and MUST be provided.</tns:Detailed.Description> <tns:Parameters> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ContextID</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>CNTRCVR01</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>Identifier</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>123456789</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>Scheme</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text></tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReportPartyTypeDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text> SuperFundMember</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>EmployersABNDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>85946723123</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>SuperFundABNDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>11100472571</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>SuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>11100472571001</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>elementname</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>PersonDemographicDetails.Sex.Code</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> </tns:Parameters> <tns:Locations> <tns:Location> <tns:Location.Instance.Identifier>68304e14-81bd-4a32-9195-1a4b8cd22046</tns:Location.Instance.Identifier> </tns:Location> </tns:Locations> </tns:EventItem> 8 </tns:EventItems> </tns:Event> 9 ATTACHMENT 4 – EXAMPLE EVENT XML DOCUMENT FOR ROLLOVER TRANSACTION OUTCOME RESPONSE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <tns:Event xmlns:tns=""> <tns:MaximumSeverity.Code>Error</tns:MaximumSeverity.Code> <tns:EventItems> <tns:EventItem> <tns:Error.Code>SUPER.GEN.GEN.4</tns:Error.Code> <tns:Severity.Code>Error</tns:Severity.Code> <tns:Short.Description>Mandatory Data Element Not Supplied</tns:Short.Description> <tns:Detailed.Description>{elementname} is mandatory and MUST be provided.</tns:Detailed.Description> <tns:Parameters> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ContextID</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>MBRROLLVR01</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>Identifier</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>123456789</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>Scheme</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text></tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReportPartyTypeDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text> SuperFundMember</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>TransferringSuperFundAllocatedMemberIDDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>123123123</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>TransferringSuperFundABNDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>11100472571</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>TransferringSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>11100472571001</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReceivingSuperFundABNDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>76003920474</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>ReceivingSuperannuationFundUniqueSuperannuationIdentifierDimension</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>76003920474001</tns:Parameter.Text> </tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter> <tns:Parameter.Identifier>elementname</tns:Parameter.Identifier> <tns:Parameter.Text>PersonDemographicDetails.Sex.Code</tns:Parameter.Text> 10 </tns:Parameter> </tns:Parameters> <tns:Locations> <tns:Location> <tns:Location.Instance.Identifier>68304e14-81bd-4a32-9195-1a4b8cd22046</tns:Location.Instance.Identifier> </tns:Location> </tns:Locations> </tns:EventItem> </tns:EventItems> </tns:Event> 11