22nd February: The German Sheperd Dog Breed

Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
22nd February: The German Sheperd Dog Breed Council of Great Britain
Educational Board. Lecture by Peter van Oirschot, Supervisor Breedaffaires
S.V. Netherlands
I like to thank GSDBC and the educational Board: your nestor honourable mr.
Percy Elliott, secretary Mrs. Sheila Ranking and my colleague international
judge mr. Brian Wootton for the invitation to have a conversation about topics in
the breeding, keeping, working and showing GSD in the 21st Century. Please
forgive me my lack of fluency in English. I hope I let some parts of the Kings
language survive today. Accepting the invitation to come here worried me
because “what news do I have to tell to such an experienced audience”? I don’t
have the answers and what I say is limited by a personal point of view. Far more
important is our common interaction and discussion about subjects presented
today…. for reflection and a starting point for new activities and focussing about
the future for our breed in a new century in Britain and the WUSV. We can
discuss the present developments in the GSD-scene today. I am convinced your
chairman will allow this and stimulates this today.
First: I want to introduce myself to you. My name is Peter van Oirschot, I
admire dogs from childhood. The most impressive birthday present I ever
received was at my 12th birthday. It was a pure-bred GSD-Bitch From that time
I got involved in the breed. In 1968 my kennel was registered affix “Van de
Herderskring” and I became youthmember of both VDH- NL and
SV_Germany. I trained about 12 different dogs for SchH and had different tasks
in VDH Vereniging van fokkers en liefhebbers van Duitse Herdershonden in the
Netherlands. In 1984 I became GSD Judge appointed from the kennelclub NL
and S.V. Zuchtrichter appointed from the S.V. Germany. In 1988 I became
Kormeister VDH Netherlands and since 1990 I am Breedwarden
(Vereinszuchtwart; supervisor Breedaffaires) of the VDH Netherlands.
My career within The GSD-scene you can call classic …..starting from down
under…out of practice. I work with GSD, I breed them, I show them….and I
spoil them. I was very lucky to meet GSD-people all over the world and to share
with them the common enthusiasm and sincere engagement with our breed. A
deep respect I felt and feel for the working Shepherddog. Searching for mines
and explosives, as rescue dog, tracking, using his senses and intelligence and
alertness in a variety of tasks as helper for mankind; a statue as man’s best
friend. Though maybe his most important duty is his source of joy in thousands
of homes as a lovely, reliable, intelligent companion.
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
Your Mr Brian Wootton gave me three interesting themes to start up the
1. Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual animals and
And of course an open interaction and discussion about this theme, guided
by your Chairman.
2. To refresh our knowledge about confirmation: why and what are we
judging? Do we as judges do our utmost to fill in aspects of health,
soundness, working abilities in confirmation, standardtype…….how do
we judge and why….. We refresh our knowledge by watching a video
and discuss it. Is modern judging going for the cosmetic dog or do we
have other aims?
3. The GSD is it a divided Breed? Strength and weaknesses in continental
Breeding and showing. Of course we will and must discuss the actual
situation within the WUSV and particularly Britain. The Chairman will let
you speak freely.
This is not a new subject. Like history is a discussion without ending and
every generation and its time has to respond to the actual situation by putting
their own questions and use history to answer them and to show
responsibility; we also have to ask new questions and show responsibility to
this subject “strength and weaknesses of the actual bloodlines in our breed. “
Bloodlines; what do we mean? A bloodline is formed by mostly an
influential sire through inbreeding and linebreeding which gives his features
to a range of related offspring. The Germans use the word “Hochzucht” and
this involves breeding with the best dogs: the breeding lines and families of
dogs which in a period are the best representatives of the breed. This
cumulates on the most important events in the GSD-world; particularly the
major shows – Siegershows in different countries and Landesgruppen- with
in the top the Mainbreedshow in the country of origin: Hauptzuchtschau in
Germany. Those dogs, lines and families which can perform there and their
descendents are belonging to the Hochzucht. This system dominates German
Sheperddogbreeding for decades and has a worldwide influence on the
breeding of our breed. In this system we must remember: Sires have the most
influence upon the population. Dams (performing bitches) are the most
important for the individual success of the breeder (kennel.
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
The modern GSD is a product of this hochzucht. Several very good books in
Britain has dealt with its history: you know for instance the writings of
Malcolm Willis and Brian Wootton. From this books we learnt that each time
had to deal with its own problems with the breed. Too much youngsters have
a romantic view of the past. The true is that in the early years in the making
of the breed “this new breed was looking like an ugly cross among the
established luxurious showbreeds” in the early 20th Century.. Inbreeding and
line breeding made quick advantages . Inbreeding is combining animals that
are closer related as the average of the population. Close Inbreeding is
combining parents-children; (half)brothers-(half)sisters. Linebreeding is
combining within the 3th,4th or 5th generation. In the twenties of the 20th
century there were a lot of severe problems in character and surly the nazis
abused the working “qualities” for purposes we don’t want to talk about. It
took a very long time to get of this very bad image. When we compare the
development of our breed we notice a chancing in overall type and
construction. There is a big difference with other breeds where the standard
has been frozen to ideal representatives and an ideal image of the breed set in
the past. The architect of the GSD “Von Stephanitz” constructed a visionary
standard to be realized in the future. When he died his work was not finished.
His testament was to maintain the GSD as a suitable working dog with a
scale of new tasks as helper of mankind: in appearance and temperament
based on the excellent mental qualities of the herding dog in the continental
meaning: sound in body and spirit.
The subject of bloodlines in the past gave us the debate of what is the right
type. We have at this moment a communion opinion about the standard-type.
The questions we have to answer now are : 1. “How about this standard-type
in the present days” 2. How about the soundness of the breed: its health, its
performances, its image? 3. How about the GSD as a suitable working dog:
helper of mankind? 4. How about the harmony between appearance and
temperament and the excellent mental qualities: sound in body and spirit.?
1. Standardtype
The development of the standard type can clearly be demonstrated looking to
dogs like: Sieger 1925: Klodo v. Boxberg Sieger 1929 He was in his days a
turning point for the problems in his times and he was a surprising Sieger.
He marked the standard type of a more stretched medium seized dog in a
period the dogs were large, square, high legged and the temperament became
less. Von Stepanitz surprised the GSD-scene when he gave this sable
Tjechoslowakien Sieger, which gave good temperaments but much long
coats, the German Title.
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
Utz Haus Schutting Sieger 1929 was a turning point too. He dominates the
bloodlines in the Hochzucht and since Utz Schwarz-gelb is in and sable is
out. The origine of the sable colour is found in lines without Utz.Utz is
criticized because lack of temperament and teethproblems VA “50/’51: Rolf
Osnabruckerland Sieger 1955 Alf Nordfelsen are a example of succefull
complementary breeding. VA ‘62/’63 Jalk Fohlenbrunnen The siegers &
VA of the seventies: the big three: Quanto Wienerau, Canto Wienerau, Mutz
Pelztierdarm. Quanto/Canto Wienerau are a example of complementary
breeding and successful inbreeding: L-Litter Wienerau – VA Jalk
Fohlenbrunnen. Mutz Peltierfarm formed a very good combination with
Quanto Wienerau. Mutz gave good working temperaments and masculinity.
As direct sire-line his influence is disappearing. The eighties brought : the
bitch Palme Wildsteigerland: source of success for kennel Widsteigerland
through her sons: Siegers Uran Wildsteigerland and Quando Arminius. She
had a major influence on the breed. The Q-litter Arminius with Sieger
Quando brought legendary Odin Tannenmeise. With the Q-litter
Armius/Uran Wildsteigerland (Palme!!), Odin Tannenmeise (Quando A.) and
Cello Rǒmerau (Quana A.) the inbreeding is getting narrow now. And this
“PALME/URAN/QUANDO/ODIN/CELLO family brought us in the
nineties till present days: Ulk Arlett, Ursus Batu, Yasko Farbenspiel.
Looking to above mentioned dogs we can conclude that there is a clear
comparison in standard type without exaggerations (Ubertypisierung) as we
notice in the American standards and the Alsatian-type. We don’t want a
cosmetic dog. GSD breeding is not nice, nicer, nicest. A Zuchtschau is not a
beautycontest. We also can conclude that the period of the brothers Walter
(Wienerau) and Hermann (Arminius) Martin brought more unity in the
Hochzuchtbreed. As we ask ourselves do we breed according the standard
ideals of visionair Von Stephanitz I think that in our days there is a warning:
to want more can mean to get worse.
We have indeed improved in general the standard type of the GSD. I think
we saw the highlight of breeding in the eighties for instance in the Quanto
Wienerau-line via Quando Armius to Odin Tannenmeise and in Uran
Wildsteigerland with the predominant influence of Palme Wildsteigerland.
But every advantage brings along his own disavantage. We got unity also in
genetic make-up what means loss of genetic variation. Unity in type but also
unity in pigmentation sometimes less pigmentation. Hochzuchtbreeding
became a lot of copying the success formula of successful breeders, doing
more of the same. The demand for type was a demand for the predominant
type set by the world-famous kennel “Von der Wienerau”. Out of this type
was out of the Hochzuchtbreeding. Hochzucht developed in a one way street.
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
If we have to criticize we must do it according the aims of the standard:
- angulations of the forehand, specially the lay of the shoulder blade and
forehand reach
- clear distinction in sex characteristics between males and females
- rich pigmentation
- the athletic dog: height and overall bodyweight
- the outlines: specially straight back and correct long underline
- length and height proportions
- a balanced dog with not exaggerated hind angulations. Good developed
thighs in hindquarters in proportion to the middle hand and the forehand
- correct front and chestdevelopement
- correct joints, elbows, hocks and correct coming and going
For a suitable working dog this means: gaiting in harmony and endurance but
also enough groundspeed, running, galloping, springing, sitting, turning
easily. Not over seized, overweight, doggy appearance, lack of firmness. And
of course a champion must show spirit in appearance and charisma. A breed
dog must behave himself like a perfect gentleman, reliable and selfconfident.
If there is sun there is also shadow. The nineties till present days brought us
also GSD on the upper limit of height and weight. A lot of criticism was over
the top line: overstretched bodies, roached backs, sloping backs, unbalanced
dogs, steep upper arms in combination with overangulation of the
hindquarters and bad fronts, elbows and cow hocks. How can such dogs get
excellent places even on a Hauptzuchtschau? Typy dogs with rooming gaits
seen from the side handled by experts can impress! Exaggerations are
waiting around the corner. Sometimes it is wiser to maintain as to improve.
Take for instance the problems: soft ears, uppersize, soft temperaments,
upperarms, front and look to some most influential producers:
 Palme Wildsteigerland: upperseize,ears
 Uran Wildsteigerland (Palme), dwarfs, ears
 Quando (Q-litter) Arminius (Palme) Uppersize, front/upperarm, Lack
of Hardness (Belastbarkeit)
 Cello Romerau (Quana A.) Upperseize, Ears, Upperarm
 Odin Tannenmeise (Quando A.) 65cm! Ears, temperament (Lazy)
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
Seize, ear problems, temperament failures; perhaps some health, fysic and
genetic problems are possibly a result of continuing family breeding and
inbreeding with ignoring the problems.
Hochzucht became one big family. We see this in the pigmentation. In
temperament we certainly improved the breed. The GSD became friendlier
but also a softer dog. Less hardness means also more suitable as a pet but
also more dogs, some to dull, lacking spirit and some impressed by stresssituations. In general the temperaments are more reliable and certainly not
dangerous or shy. But this friendly, soft dogs in stressful circumstances lacks
hardness, spirit and endurance and they cannot bring us what we want from
a multi-purpose working dog. Can we blame our hochzuchtdog the sins of his
family? That does not mean that he has not a good character but sometimes
we miss something….
Actual Problems stated by Mr. P. Messler S.V. President in his annual
 Health: HD;ED;Problems in the backregion
 Ubertypisierung: overangulation;
Without stability in the Hindquarters in stance/movement
 To less attention: general appearance To much emphasize details:
 Problems Over seize, weight, Pigmentation
 Farbvielfalt = Genvielfalt Colour( Type)diversity = Genetic Diversity
More Genetic diversity = more health and vitality
Too much emphasize: unity in type
If you study the scheme of direct sire-lines of the VA males you notice
the marking point of Utz Haus Schutting in the direct sire-lines. You can see
the uniformity in type in the picture of all VA-dogs. If you notice the
inbreeding you see the similarity in offspring. All VA-dogs are one big
family. They would all be invited to the same family-party.
The period Messler brought none alternatives:
No alternative lines for the Palme sons Uran/Quando and Q-litter Arminius
are presented.
The Mutz-Line is fading.
- Cello Romerau (Eros Luissenstrasse: seize!) is a representative of the Qlitter (Quana)
The F-litter Von Hirschel through VA Quartz Templari has no results: FCIWorldsieger 2002 Romeo Pallas Athene got no real change.
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
Are these VA-dog real producers?
A VA dog has at least 60 studs/year. Average 6 puppies/litter is a
yearproduction of 360 offspring. If a sire shows a offspringgroup at a
Hauptzuchtschau of at least 10 dogs = 2,8%
You can see: 1. how many offspringgroups the VA dogs presented in the
period 1998 – 2002 2. Which VA dogs born before 1997 did present at least
10 VA/V dogs in the Workingclass: dogs with SchH, Surveyed and
succeeded in the couragetest? The conclusion is :
If you study the Breedvalues of HD and use as source S.V.-Genetics CD-rom
1-2003. Total 25 Males: Breedvalue: 60-70: 1 Breedvalue 70-80: 1
Breedvalue: 80-90: 11 Breedvalue: 90-100: 9
BREEDVALUE 100 – 110: 3 !!!!
But if you study the breedvalues of very influential Breeddog used for
inbreeding the results are schocking:
Uran Wildsteigerland 95 Quando Arminius 103 Cello Romerau 107
Odin Tannenmeise 95 Zamb Wienerau 104 Ulk Arlett 101
How can there be a improvement in HD if there is a strong inbreeding on
Dogs with a relatively High Breedvalue for HD? Is this a possible answer
why there was no real progress in HD the last years?
The most beautiful dog at the moment is Larus Batu. But his HD Breedvalue
102 and that of his damline with linebreeding over Zamb Wienerau (104) and
Jeck Noricum (Noch Zugelassen) makes him a dog with a warning and he
should be used wisely. Was his VA grading too early if you consider a
Hauptzuchtschau as a ZUCHTschau?
IF we come to a conclusion about the present bloodlines: we must state
that in fact it is one family. The unity in type is enormous. We reached a high
peak in anatomy, overall type but there is a clear warning for
“Ubertypisierung”. The disadvantage is that a bottleneck can appear due to a
lack of genetic diversity. Problems which do occur in the present Hochzucht
can only disappear by more genetic diversity: widening the blood basis.
Peter van Oirschot, Supervisor Breedaffaires S.V. Netherlands
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.
Strength and weaknesses of the modern GSD: actual Bloodlines.