Year 2 – Art –– Spring 2 – Mosque, Africa

Year 2 – Art –– Spring 2 – Mosque, Africa
Level 2
 I comment on differences in others’ work and I suggest ways of improving my
own work.
 I create collages sometimes in a group, sometimes on my own.
 I mix paper and other materials with different textures and appearances.
 I use shape, texture, colour and pattern in my collage
 I use pencils, pastels and charcoal in my drawings.
 I show patterns and textures in my drawings by adding dots and lines.
 I show different tones using coloured pencils.
 I explore ideas from my imagination or from real starting points.
 I comment on differences in others’ work and I suggest ways of improving my
own work.
 I make a variety of lines of different sizes, thickness and shape.
LO: 1a. Record from first hand evidence, experience and
2c. Represent observations, ideas and feelings; design
and make images.
3a. Review what they and others have done and say
what they think and feel about it.
Level 1
 I can use thick and thin brushes.
 I paint pictures of what I see.
 I can draw lines of different shapes and thicknesses.
 I can draw with crayons and pencils.
 I can use ready mixed paints to show my ideas.
 I have explored and experimented with lots of collage materials.
 I cut and tear paper, textiles and card for my collages.
 I can sort and arrange collage materials for a purpose.
 I describe what I think about my own and others’ work.
 I can name the primary and secondary colours.
 I can use glue, paste and other adhesives.
 I respond to ideas and starting points.
Level 3
 I explore ideas and collect visual and other information for my work.
 My cutting skills are precise.
 My skills now include coiling, overlapping.
 I know the striking effect work in a limited colour palette can have, through
 I can make paper coils and lay them out to create patterns or shapes.
 I comment on similarities and differences between my own and others’ work.
 I adapt and improve my own work.
 I use a number of brush techniques using thick and thin brushes, to produce
shapes, textures, patterns and lines.
 My 3D work has a well thought out purpose.
 I use the technique of adding materials to create texture, feeling, expression or
Paint a picture of the mosque or an Islamic pattern.
Children research pictures of the mosque and Islamic patterns. Using powder paint mix appropriate colours
necessary. Emphasis on bold colours and the correct thickness of paint. Give children the opportunity to use
a variety of brushes and to add detail in further sessions.
Look at finished paintings. Discuss the differences and similarities of the paintings. How could they improve
3b. Say what they may change or improve in the future.
LO: 1c. Collect visual and other information to develop
2b. Try out tools and techniques including drawing.
2c. Represent observations, ideas and feelings; design
and make images. 3a. Review what they and others have
done and say what they think and feel about it.
3b. Say what they may change or improve in the future.
4a. Show how visual and tactile elements including
colour, pattern, texture, line, tone, shape and form can
be combined.
their own work? What did they find easy/difficult? Which brushes did they use?
Draw a picture of the outside or inside of the mosque
Create a picture using pastels. Discuss the details to be included, remembering the background too so a
complete picture is created. Encourage children to experiment with shade, line and blending.
Discuss different shades of colour used, thickness and thinness of lines, blending techniques, compare
methods used.
As above but reproducing Islamic patterns, Arabic writing and designs for a prayer mat.
1b. Question and make thoughtful observations about
starting points for work.
1c. Collect visual and other information to develop ideas.
2a Investigate the possibilities of a range of materials and
2c. Design and make artefacts that communicate
observations, ideas and feelings by using a variety of
3a. Review what they and others have done and say what
they think and feel about it.
3b. Say what they may change or improve in the future.
4a. How visual and tactile elements including colour,
pattern, texture, line, tone, shape and form can be
4c. Artists, craftspeople and designers in different times
and cultures.
Design, make, decorate and evaluate and African mask.
 Look at examples of African masks on Google Images. Discuss the variety of features, shapes, colours
 Design a mask deciding on colours, materials, shape.
 Make a mask using layers of cardboard, including 3D features such as nose, eyebrows, mouth. Ensure
mask is glued together securely.
 Decorate the mask using ready mixed paint and collage materials.
 Review what they and others have done, say what they think and feel about it. Say how they might
improve their mask.
 Write an evaluation of their mask.