Intuitive Painting with Brianna Gosselin

Intuitive Painting
with Brianna Gosselin
Learn the art of intuitive painting and exploring the process of creating rather than only being
concerned with the finished product. We will be exploring how to approach the canvas, paint
applications, mark making, texture choice, warm versus cool colours, colour theory and layering.
Learn to listen to your intuition and trust in the creative process, discover what emerges
between each layer of paint and bring out what comes naturally.
Week 1
A welcome to the creative and spiritual journey of intuitive painting
Discussion on how our lifestyle plays an important role in the creative process
Using our personal journals for reflection, observation, recording our thoughts, colour
combinations etc.
Introduction to our art supplies and tools
Colour Wheel Project
Small Project
Week 2
Journal Work
Learn how to focus our energy, how to clear our mind from everyday life and stresses
Begin working on our canvases with our first layers and second layers
Group Discussion
Week 3
Journal work/focusing techniques
Continuing work on our layers and discover what we see
Groups Discussion
Homework: Play
Week 4
Journal work/focusing techniques
Continue working on our layering and building up of our images/shapes
In depth look of our colour wheels and theory (contrasting colours)
Group Discussion
Week 5
Journal work/focusing techniques
Discussion on how we are feeling about the process, learn how to work with roadblocks
Group Discussion
Continue to work on our pieces
Week 6
Journal work/focusing techniques
Work on bringing our pieces together, discussion on how to use varnishes/glazes to ensure
archival purposes
Group Discussion
Homework: Inspiration
Week 7
Journal work/focusing techniques
Learn how to professionally hang our pieces (proper finishes), document our art and tips for
sharing our art outline
Social media discussion/art groups
Week 8
Journal work/focusing techniques
Begin work on new pieces with our first few layers
We will explore more mark making techniques (diy stamping, textures, nature, etc.)
Continue work on pieces
Week 9
Journal work/focusing techniques
Continue to work on our layers and building up our images
Group Discussion
Week 10
Journal work/focusing techniques
Work on our pieces and discuss various ways to continue creating after the term
Group Discussion
End of term party
Required Materials
 Acrylic Paint: red, blue, yellow, black, white and a variety of any colours that speak to
you, they can be vibrant, bold, or neutral. It is important to select colours you find
 Brushes: Foam brushes (mod podge ones - these can be purchased at the dollar store)
and a variety of brushes you prefer to use
 A Spray Bottle for Water
 A variety of mark making tools you find interesting: sticks, hair clips, stamps, corks,
string, stencils, comb etc.
 Canvasses: We will be working on at least two paintings at a time. It is recommended to
work with canvases 18x20 or larger
 A small notebook or journal. We will be exploring how to record daily findings that are
inspirational to us and help us organize our thoughts. These art journals/notebooks are
personal and you will not be required to show them to the class if you do not wish to.
There is always the option of using the school's supplies for an additional $35. This
doesn't include canvases. You must purchase you own canvas please.