Explore…… Express……. Exchange……. Creating Exhibit……. Digital Presentations Evaluate……. NEELB ICT SUPPORT SERVICE Creating Digital Presentations This progression is based on the work of Cluster 3 in the School Empowerment through ICT Pilot Project during the 2005-2006 school year. Thanks to the following schools who participated: Buick Memorial PS (NEELB) Bushmills PS (NEELB) Holywood PS (SEELB) Magherafelt PS (NEELB) St Anne’s PS, Corkey (NEELB) St Mary’s PS, Bellaghy (NEELB) St Teresa’s PS, Belfast (BELB) St Vincent de Paul PS, Belfast (BELB) NEELB ICT Support Service June 2009 NURSERY FOUNDATION STAGE P1 P2 NEELB Creating Digital Presentations Click here for guidance on ICT in the Nursery Setting CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES ICT SKILLS TS & PC Powerpoint/Slideshow Creation of electronic books modelled by teacher with pupil input Teacher determines structure of book Can use scanned drawings or photos Pupils contribute text/captions, voice recordings 2Create a Story Pupil/s draw pictures, adding sounds and animation Teacher/Classroom assistant acts as scribe, as appropriate Finished books “read” by pupils Powerpoint/Slideshow Creation of electronic books by teacher and pupils Use storyboard to plan Pupils contribute text and input, if appropriate 2Create a Story Pupils storyboard simple 4 page story for 2Create a Story Pupils input text, with support as required, adding sounds and animation Completed books read and shared ICT Support Service Express Contribute to class book Read class book As a class activity, communicate ideas/thoughts/feelings using familiar text, images and/or sounds Make voice recording under guidance of teacher Use simple tools to draw pictures Select from bank of sounds Input text, with help as necessary Join in shared ICT experiences with teacher/peers (WWO) Talk about their experiences involving ICT (SM) Read and respond to text Express Contribute to class book, creating and refining ideas As a class activity, present ideas using familiar text, images and/or sounds Understand value of classroom technology eg. scanner, digital camera, IWB, microphone Create simple story, using pictures, sounds, animations Input text, with/without support Exhibit Print work Experiment with ideas through creation of text/pictures/ sound (BC) Select information needed to complete a task (MI) Learn to work cooperatively (WWO) Talk about what they are doing (SM) Resources Powerpoint/Slideshow 2Create a Story Digital camera Microphone Scanner IWB for storyboarding Projector June 2009 KEY STAGE 1 P3 P4 NEELB CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Powerpoint/Slideshow Create class/group presentation, with teacher guidance Teacher and pupils plan, using storyboard if appropriate Incorporate digital images or Use bank of images provided by teacher/pupils Pupils input text/captions/sound 2Create a Story Pupil/groups of pupils storyboard and create simple electronic story, inclusive of suggestions from teacher/peers Pupils input text and select appropriate images, sounds and animation Groups/classes share completed presentations Powerpoint/Slideshow Create class/group presentation, with guidance from teacher Pupils plan how to create presentation, with/without help Record and use digital images or Select from bank of images provided by teacher/pupils Pupils input text/captions/sound 2Create a Story Pupil/groups of pupils storyboard and create simple electronic story Present work to other groups/classes ICT Support Service Creating Digital Presentations SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES ICT SKILLS TS & PC Express Present ideas using text, images and/or sounds as class or group Select from bank of sounds/animations Understand how classroom technology can be used Make voice recording working in partnership with teacher With help, select and format text-font, size, colour Use storyboard to plan Use graphics tools to draw pictures Input text, with/without support Share books with others Evaluate Begin to delete and edit text Create and refine ideas Exhibit Log in using username Save work Express Present ideas using text, images and/or sounds as class or group Select and use images/sounds /animations Use classroom technology with support eg. camera, microphone Exchange Present completed work to an audience (teacher/peers) Select and format text Use graphic tools to draw Evaluate Create and edit text, with support Exhibit Save work Find and load saved work Ask different types of questions (TPSDM) Locate and select information (MI) Generate ideas (BC) Plan and suggest how to carry out the activity (MI) Work cooperatively (WWO) Talk about how their work might be improved (SM) Build and combine ideas (BC) Resources Powerpoint/ Slideshow 2Create a Story Digital camera Microphone Scanner IWB for storyboarding Projector June 2009 Creating Digital Presentations KEY STAGE 2 CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Powerpoint P5 P6 NEELB Teacher designs template for presentation, with appropriate pupil input, including background, font etc Pupils use template to create class/group presentation Pupils can work in pairs/small groups to create slides Can be fiction or non-fiction Pupils research information in given format Select and insert from bank of images or copy and paste from Internet Insert sounds/voice recording as appropriate Pupils ask questions or carry out research(eg. create a book for younger audience – interview to identify suitable topics) Pupils create short group presentation in chosen format, taking account of audience Use “house style” to ensure continuity Pupils generate and use some of own ideas within parameters Whole class teaching for skills – insert pictures, backgrounds etc Work in groups to apply skills to own project ICT Support Service SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES ICT SKILLS TS & PC Explore Research information Copy/paste/save graphics from Internet Express Create slides from template Compose and enter text in appropriate presentation format Inset images from clip art/digital camera/My Pictures folder Use classroom technology eg. microphone, digital camera Present to an audience Exchange Use ICT to communicate Evaluate Edit text to refine ideas Exhibit Store and retrieve work Explore Plan/research independently Express Create short group presentation Plan layout of presentation to suit audience eg. younger pupils Select suitable background Create and redraft work combining text, sounds, graphics Add appropriate animation Develop skills of presenting to an audience Exchange Use ICT to communicate Evaluate Review work and make improvements Exhibit Manage files Access and locate information relevant to a task (MI) Plan activity with an idea of audience (MI) Use ICT creatively to express ideas (BC) Decide what needs to be done as a group and share responsibility (WWO) Work towards success criteria discussed with teacher (SM) Research, access and select information (MI) Create, develop and present ideas (BC) Experiment with multimedia to present ideas (BC) Develop roles in group work (WWO) Review work with reference to success criteria (SM) RESOURCES Powerpoint Digital camera Microphone Scanner IWB for planning Projector Video Camera June 2009 KEY STAGE 2 CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Powerpoint P7 NEELB Pupils plan presentation independently, for a specific purpose and audience eg. incorporate quiz for younger pupils Pupils discuss what they need to complete presentation Research, select, evaluate and organise information from various sources Pupils choose format and layout of presentation, generating and using own ideas appropriately Create group/individual/class presentations, using text, sound, graphics, digital video Whole class teaching for skills – insert action buttons, hyperlinks, manipulate images Work in groups to apply skills to own project ICT Support Service Creating Digital Presentations SKILLS AND CAPABILITIES ICT SKILLS TS & PC Explore Research information independently Express Plan for specific audience and purpose Integrate text, graphics, sound, moving image, animation Use ICT creatively eg. manipulate images Insert action buttons eg. page turns Insert hyperlinks Insert digital video clips Use appropriate animation Present show to an audience Exchange Exchange powerpoints with others Evaluate Review work against success criteria and make improvements Exhibit Store and retrieve work Manage files needed for presentation Organise work in personal folders Research, select, organize and present information (MI) Create and present information in different forms and styles (BC) Experiment with designs and outcomes (BC) Work collaboratively to plan, produce and review Evaluate work (SM) RESOURCES Powerpoint Digital camera Microphone Scanner IWB for planning Projector Websites Video Camera June 2009