Lab-Types of Reactions

Purpose: To study different types of reactions.
Materials and Method:
Reaction 1 -
2 small test tubes
test tube rack
sodium sulphate solution
barium chloride solution
Pour sodium sulphate solution into one of the test tubes to a height of approx.
3 cm. Pour barium chloride solution into the other test tube to a height of approx.
3 cm. Describe both solutions. Mix the two solutions by pouring one test tube into
the other. Record your observations of the reaction. Then, dispose of the mixture
in the inorganic waste container.
Reaction 2 -
large test tube
test tube rack
steel wool
zinc strip
lead(II) nitrate solution
Clean both sides of the bottom half of a zinc strip with a piece of steel wool. Put
a piece of paper towel under the strip to protect the desk top. Pour lead(II) nitrate
solution into the large test tube to a height of approx. 3 cm. Describe both
substances. Put the clean end of the zinc strip into the solution in the test tube.
After five minutes, record your observations of the reaction. (While you are
waiting, you can always go on with one of the other reactions.) Then clean the
zinc strip off with paper towel and return it to the container that you got it from.
The rest of the contents in the test tube should be disposed of in the inorganic
waste container.
Reaction 3 -
small test tube
limewater(calcium hydroxide solution)
Pour limewater into the test tube to a height of approx. 3 cm. Describe the
limewater. Using the straw, blow gently into the limewater until a change in the
solution is observed. Record your observations of the reaction. Then, throw the
straw in the garbage and pour the contents of the test tube into the inorganic
waste container.
Reaction 4 -
Bunsen burner
flint lighter
Obtain a piece of copper and describe it. Using the tongs, hold the piece of
copper in the hottest part of the burner flame for a few minutes. Remove the
piece of copper from the flame and allow it to cool. Record your observations of
the reaction. Then, put the piece of copper in the inorganic waste container.
Reaction 5 -
small test tube
wooden splint
hydrogen peroxide
manganese(IV) oxide
test tube rack
flint lighter
Pour hydrogen peroxide into the test tube to a height of approx. 3 cm. Obtain one
third of a spoon of manganese(IV) oxide.(Be careful! It stains!) Describe both
substances. Put the test tube with the hydrogen peroxide in the test tube rack
and add the manganese(IV) oxide to the hydrogen peroxide. Then, insert a
glowing splint into the test tube and hold it above the surface of the liquid.
Record your observations of the reaction and the splint test. Put the wooden
splint into the garbage after it has cooled down. Pour the contents of the test
tube into the inorganic waste container.
Reaction 6 -
small test tube
test tube rack
flint lighter
wooden splint
hydrochloric acid
Pour hydrochloric acid into the test tube to a height of approx. 3 cm. Obtain a
piece of magnesium. Describe both substances. Add the magnesium to the
hydrochloric acid. Touch the test tube beside the surface of the liquid. Insert a
blazing splint into the mouth of the test tube as soon as the magnesium has
finished reacting. Record your observations of the reaction and the splint test.
Put the wooden splint into the garbage after it has cooled down. Pour the
contents of the test tube into the inorganic waste container.
Record your observations in a table of your own design.
For each reaction, write the word equation and the balanced chemical equation for each. You may use the
hints below to help you.
Reaction 1 – One of the products of this reaction is sodium chloride, which is soluble in water.
Reaction 2 – This reaction is single displacement.
Reaction 3 – This reaction is caused by the carbon dioxide in your breath. The products are calcium
carbonate and water.
Reaction 4 – This is a synthesis reaction.
Reaction 5 – Water is one product of this decomposition reaction. Manganese (IV) oxide is a catalyst.
Reaction 6 – This reaction is a single displacement.
Did you include???
 Title - Proper format
 Purpose -Rewrite
 Materials/ Procedure – Reference
 Observations – Table of your own design
 Conclusions – Word Equation & Balanced Chemical
Equation for each reaction
Title Page – Proper format
 Purpose – rewritten
 Materials & Procedure - reference
 Observations – 3 per square, correct
Title Page – Proper format
 Purpose – rewritten
 Materials & Procedure - reference
 Observations – 3 per square, correct
1. (a) barium sulfate
(b) sodium sulfate + barium chloride 
barium sulfate + sodium chloride
(c) Na2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq)  2NaCl(aq)+BaSO4(s)
(d) double displacement
(e) water softening (many acceptable)
2. (a) zinc + lead (II) nitrate  lead + zinc nitrate
(b) Zn(s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq)  Zn(NO3)2(aq) + Pb(s)
3. (a) carbon dioxide + calcium hydroxide 
calcium carbonate + water
(b) CO2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)  CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)
(c) Fog machines – dry ice (many acceptable)
(d) Liming soil, sugar refining
(e) antacids
4. (a) copper + oxygen  copper (II) oxide
(b) 2Cu2(s) + O2(g)  2CuO(s)
(c) Synthesis
5. (a) Oxygen gas
(b) hydrogen peroxide  water + oxygen
(c) 2H2O2(l)  2H2O(l) + O2(g)
(d) decomposition
(e) hair bleaching, sterilizing (many acceptable)
6. (a) hydrogen gas
(b) magnesium + hydrochloric acid 
magnesium chloride + hydrogen gas
(c) Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)  MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
(d) single displacement
(e) stomach acid, many industrial uses
1. (a) barium sulfate
(b) sodium sulfate + barium chloride 
barium sulfate + sodium chloride
(c) Na2SO4(aq) + BaCl2(aq)  2NaCl(aq)+BaSO4(s)
(d) double displacement
(e) water softening (many acceptable)
2. (a) zinc + lead (II) nitrate  lead + zinc nitrate
(b) Zn(s) + Pb(NO3)2(aq)  Zn(NO3)2(aq) + Pb(s)
(a) carbon dioxide + calcium hydroxide 
calcium carbonate + water
(b) CO2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)  CaCO3(s) + H2O(l)
(c) Fog machines – dry ice (many acceptable)
(d) Liming soil, sugar refining
(e) antacids
(a) copper + oxygen  copper (II) oxide
(b) 2Cu2(s) + O2(g)  2CuO(s)
(c) Synthesis
5. (a) Oxygen gas
(b) hydrogen peroxide  water + oxygen
(c) 2H2O2(l)  2H2O(l) + O2(g)
(d) decomposition
(e) hair bleaching, sterilizing (many acceptable)
6. (a) hydrogen gas
(b) magnesium + hydrochloric acid 
magnesium chloride + hydrogen gas
(c) Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq)  MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
(d) single displacement
(e) stomach acid, many industrial uses
Marking Scheme – Types of Reactions Lab
 Title, Name, Date, Teacher’s name & Course Code
 Purpose, Materials, Procedure
 Vocabulary
 Grammar & Spelling
 Observations – 1 mark for each reaction
 Conclusions – 1 mark for each word and balanced equation
Marking Scheme – Types of Reactions Lab
 Title, Name, Date, Teacher’s name & Course Code
 Purpose, Materials, Procedure
 Vocabulary
 Grammar & Spelling
 Observations – 1 mark for each reaction
 Conclusions – 1 mark for each word and balanced equation
Marking Scheme – Types of Reactions Lab
 Title, Name, Date, Teacher’s name & Course Code
 Purpose, Materials, Procedure
 Vocabulary
 Grammar & Spelling
 Observations – 1 mark for each reaction
 Conclusions – 1 mark for each word and balanced equation