Burlington-Edison High School 301 N Burlington Blvd Burlington, WA 98233 Anna Gildnes agildnes@be.wednet.edu Animal Biology Teacher/ FFA Advisor (360) 757-4074 x3222 Graduation Requirement: Life Science-Animal Biology or CTE Animal Biology is a course that combines the practical applications of animal husbandry with biological science concepts. The class will prepare students for employment in large animal careers and/or post-secondary education. A variety of instructional methods will be utilized, including presentations, hands-on experiences, labs, dissections, daily assignments from the biology and animal science textbooks and projects. Students will also conduct a Supervised Agricultural Experience project. Students are encouraged to be involved in leadership, career development and service learning activities through class, FFA, school and community experiences. This course is aligned with the Biology State Standards and will prepare students for the EOC Exam. Additionally, this course will satisfy either a science or CTE graduation requirement. OBJECTIVES EALR 1: EALR 2: EALR 3: EALR 4: Students will learn how to simplify and analyze complex situations by thinking of them as systems. Students will learn to conduct analyses and think logically through inquiry. Students will learn how science is used to create solutions and how to work collaboratively with others. Students will learn the functions of living organisms and the details of: Cell photosynthesis and respiration Genetic make-up and DNA molecule functions Reproductive function and characteristics Evolution’s function Ecology and the cycling of nutrients through nature Classification of organisms Course outline: This is a year-long, 1.0 credit course. Introduction to Animal Agriculture Science in agriculture (Taxonomy, Breed Classification, Scientific Method, Measurement) FFA Leadership opportunities (public speaking, Official dress, Emblem) Cells (Plant and animal cells, microscope use) Osmosis, diffusion Photosynthesis, Respiration, Enzymes Digestion and urinary systems Beef Industry Scientific selection of animals Genetics and Evolution DNA/RNA Reproduction Systems Ecology Animal Welfare/Consumer concerns Supervised Agriculture Experience project Page 1 MATERIALS Please be aware that you will need the following EVERY DAY to be successful: USB or flash drive for computer work done in class Pen (black or blue ink preferred) and Pencil College ruled notebook paper Journal (provided)- for reflective writing, essential questions, and note taking. Journals should be brought to class each day! Colored pencils, highlighters, glue stick, scissors (for journal and projects) CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Be on time, in your assigned seat Listen when the teacher or other students are talking Be respectful of yourself and others In accordance to school rules: a. No food/drinks in classroom or lab b. Hats, hoods, beanies are not to be worn…I will take them away and keep them until you pick it up at the end of the day. c. Cell phones, or other electronic devices should be put away and turned off when the bell rings. The use of cell phones or electronic devices will be allowed with teacher instruction. First Offense: Confiscation of property until the end of the school day. Pick up all devices in office. Second Offense: Parent notification and/or confiscation of property until picked up by parent/guardian. d. On lab days, be sure to dress appropriately: closed toes shoes, hair back, clothing with “proper” fit The teacher dismisses class: stay at your desk until dismissed. a. Lining up at the door will result in appropriate discipline (either time after school or detention). b. You will be given time to pack up before the bell rings. Permission is always required to leave class! This is a safety issue. a. Student planner must be signed and taken after permission is granted. b. Student privileges to leave class for bathroom use may be revoked if a student abuses the ability to leave class. c. Students will not be granted permission to leave class to get water. STUDENT GUIDELINES TO SUCCESS: STUDENT DECLARATIONS 1. Graduation……..We strive each day towards our goal of graduation. 2. Respect………….We treat our peers, adults, and the school community with respect and courtesy. 3. Education ………We value our education and take personal responsibility for our own learning. 4. Accountability….We take personal accountability for our actions and decisions. 5. Togetherness……We work together to create a peaceful learning community free from racial, homophobic or otherwise derogatory language and behavior. Attendance 1. Be on time: in your seat when bell rings! Be ready to go with journals! 2. Tardies (unexcused): a. First and second tardy-Free b. Third tardy-time with Mrs. Gildnes or Referral 3. Make-up policy for work: a. 1 day excused absence=1 day to make up work! It is your responsibility to find out about make-up work. Find a buddy Presentation and Lab days cannot be made up. Alternative assignments may be assigned as make-up work for labs. Call me or email if you have some kind of group project and are sick that day!!! Yes…call me! b. If you are re-taking a test, you must demonstrate that you have taken the steps to re-learn the material, prior to a retake. Students should see Mrs. Gildnes after school, individually, to determine what steps should be taken. Page 2 GRADING Grading 1. Tests/Quizzes 20% 2. Assignments/Homework 55% 3. Science Journal 20% 4. Supervised Agriculture Experience project 5% Grading Scale 93% - above = A 90-92% = A87-89% = B+ 83-86% = B 80-82% = B77-79% = C+ Total: 100% 73-76% = C 70-72% = C67-69% = D+ 60-66% = D F BELOW 60 Assignment Expectations: Each student is expected to keep and maintain all class work. The three-ring notebook will not be graded but students may use the notebook as a resource on some quizzes, tests or other assignments as seen fit. 1) Science Journal: Notes and the daily questions at the beginning of each period taken in this class should be kept in the provided notebook. Cornell notes will be used often for journal entries. If you are absent on the day of notes you are responsible for making these up. Most of the notes are posted on the PowerPoint section of Mrs. Gildnes’ website. Only Animal Biology work should be in this journal. 2) Assignments/Tests: Students will do many hands-on activities for the course. Class work, homework, tests, group work, speeches, posters, papers and detailed lab write-ups will be some of the assessments used. Late work will not be accepted unless special accommodations are made with the teacher. Most of our work is done in class. Students are expected to meet deadlines…the same can be expected of the teacher. All assignments should be turned in to Mrs. Gildnes. Students may refer to the board for assignment due dates and work missed when absent. 3) Leadership: Opportunities for leadership development will be offered during the year through the FFA and other organizations. These opportunities will be posted on the grade messaging system, as well as in the classroom. Make-up work is entirely your responsibility. If you are absent on the day work is either turned in or handed out you will NOT be able to make-up the work, unless your absence is excused. Late work will not be accepted unless special accommodations have been made. Checking grades. It is expected that students advocate for themselves. You may check grades online by accessing BurlingtonEdison School District Skyward Family Access at http://www.be.wednet.edu/. You will need to know your logon name and password. Grades will be posted within two days of when the assignment is submitted. Tests may take up to one week to get submitted into the online grades. Cheating/Plagerism Cheating: The dishonest act of using someone else’s work to better one’s own efforts and/or dishonestly claiming that someone else’s work is one’s own. Plagiarism: The act of stealing and passing off the ideas or words of another as one’s own; using (creating a production or document) without crediting the source; presenting as new or original an idea or product taken from another source. On the first offense of cheating or plagiarism, students will need to come in after school to re-do work to receive credit. If work is not re-done, the student or students will receive a zero on the work involved Communication Family access: There will be several times throughout the year that I utilize family access to communicate with you or your guardians. Please make sure that your family and personal email is updated. twitter: follow Mrs. Gildnes (@annagildnes) for updates about the class and FFA opportunities Need help? Before school-Available by appointment with Mrs. Gildnes After school – Everyday, until 3:00 there will be help available for additional instruction or making up tests/quizzes Library- General tutoring services available for all students from 7:00-7:40 and 2:40-3:20 M-Th Tiger Time-Students can make-up quizzes and tests from 1:30-2:30 on Wednesdays. Arrange with Mrs. Gildnes first Page 3 This page left blank intentionally Page 4 Burlington-Edison High School 301 N Burlington Blvd Burlington, WA 98233 Anna Gildnes AGildnes@be.wednet.edu Animal Biology Teacher / FFA Advisor (360) 757-4074 x3222 Animal Biology Parent and Student Acknowledgement Please Return This Page By Friday, 9/4/15 Parents, please look over the syllabus and talk to your student about the requirements of Animal Biology. This course is aligned with the Biology End of Course Exam. This is a biology course, with a focus on animals. All students will take the E.O.C. Exam within the last 8 weeks of school. Once you have read everything please sign this sheet and have your student return it! ______________________________________________________Parent Name (print) ______________________________________________________Parent Signature Parents: please be sure that your email and phone number is updated in on the school system (skyward). There will be communication to you throughout the year, utilizing the online school system. Students, by signing below, you are acknowledging that you have received a I have a copy of Mrs. Gildnes’ classroom guidelines and course expectations (4 pages total). You agree that the contents of these pages are your responsibility to follow and understand. Please be aware, this is a biology course, with a focus of animals. ______________________________________________________Student Name (Print) ______________________________________________________Student Signature Students: please be sure that your email is updated in on the school system (skyward). There will be communication to you throughout the year, utilizing the online school system. Comments or concerns: Page 5