دورة التطبيقات الحديثة ألهم األمراض الحيوانية - 1اسم المحاضر :أ .د /أبراهيم مصطفى أبراهيم غنيم – 2عنوان المحاضرة :التشخيص اإلكلينيكي للحمل – 3القسم :الدراسات اإلكلينيكية. – 4التخصص :الوالدة وأمراضها – 5المرتبة :أستاذ – 6العنوان :جامعة الملك فيصل – كلية الطب البيطري و الثروة الحيوانية. – 7البريد اإللكترونيighoneim@hotmail.com : – 8الجوال4564664673 : – 6التليفون - 5816644 :داخلي 2286 1 Pregnancy Diagnosis in Domestic Animals 1- It is a mean of identifying and combating fertility problems at early stage as possible. 2- pregnant animals should be managed differently from non pregnant animals. 3- Assist economy and efficiency of lock management by Early identifying non pregnant animals which then culled or served again with minimum delay. 4- To certify animals for sale or insurance purposes. General principles of pregnancy diagnosis 1 - Absence of estrus after mating in all domestic species except the bitch is cardinal sign of pregnancy but in many pathological condition estrus may be absent although the animal is not pregnant. 2 - Detection of the fetus and fetal membranes either direct or indirect by X rays or ultrasound. 3 - Detection of physical changes in the mother to accommodate the fetus e.g. increase the abdominal circumference. 4 - Detection of the endocrinological changes associated with pregnancy e.g. PMSG, progesterone, estrone sulphat …….etc. 5 -Detection of the maternal changes which depended on endocrine changes e.g. absence of estrus and change in the character of cervical mucus. Methods of Pregnancy Diagnosis: 1- Detection of endocrinological changes and pregnancy associated substances: a- Milk progesterone test: Conducted on milk samples taken 21 to 24 days post-breeding. Elevated progesterone concentrations would indicative of an early pregnancy. b- Blood progesterone test: Requires a blood sample taken 21 to 24 days post-breeding. Elevated levels are indicative of an early pregnancy. c- Fecal progesterone metabolites: Requires a rectal fecal sample taken 18-24 days post- breeding. Elevated levels of fecal progesterone metabolites are indicative of an early pregnancy. 2 d- Blood test for equine chorionic gonadotropin: Secretion of eCG by endometrial cups from day 40 to 100 of gestation. Requires blood serum sample from the suspected mare from day 40 to 100 post-breeding. Commercial kits used to be available to test for eCG in blood serum. e- Blood oestrone sulphate: Requires a blood sample taken at least 120 days post-breeding. Elevated levels of oestrone sulphate are indicative of vital fetus. 2- Detection of maternal changes secondary to endocrinological effect: a -The cow during pregnancy is not exhibited usually to estrus. b- Cervical mucus becomes more viscous under effect of progesterone. c- The electrical conductivity of the vaginal mucus membrane decreases. 3- Detection of physical changes of the mother during pregnancy: Distention of the abdomen is noticeable in last trimester of pregnancy especially in primparous. 4- Detection of the fetus and fetal membranes: a- By rectal examination: Palpation of the changes in ovaries , uterus, chorionic membrane, cervix and uterine artery. Determination of the ovarian changes: Presence of a corpus luteum which produce progesterone. Determination of the uterine changes: Size uterine horns increase in size as gestation advances. Location-in relation to pelvic rim, advances in anterior direction. Tone-pregnant horns have flaccid feeling Presence of fluid in the horns Presence of the embryo or fetus. Presence of cotyledons. Determination of chorionic membrane Detected by grasping the uterine wall between thumb and forefinger and lifting slightly; called "slipping the membrane". Caution, this can terminate pregnancy if it is done in mare. 3 Changes of uterine artery: Found the uterine artery on the right side near the forward edge of the pelvis and the artery is enlarged. Increase the flow of blood in the artery. Determination of cervical changes. b- Ultrasonography: What is ultrasonography? Ultrasonography utilizes pluses of sound waves that are projected towards its intended structures and within seconds the echoes are returned to the source from which they originate. Various body tissue conduct sound differently. Some tissues absorb sound waves while others reflect them. The transducer is responsible for sending and receiving the sound signals while the computer converts the sound signal into an electrical signal, which is viewed on a computer screen. There are two types of transducer: linear which produces a rectangle image and sector which produces an image similar to that of a "slice of pie". The transducers com in several frequencies: a 7.5 MHz transducer which is used to produce great details but only image superficial structures, a 3.5MHz transducer can penetrate deeper structures but lacks detail, and a 5 MHz transducer is usually a good compromise in detail and penetration. The picture that ultrasound generates on the monitor is in different shades of white and grey which is dictated by the echogenicity of tissues. Tissues and or fluids present two types of echogenic patterns: anechoic: No echoes of sound; hence, black is visualized on the monitor (i.e.,fluid). Hyperechogenic: Increased echoes of sound; white is visualized on the monitor (i.e., bone). 4 Utilization of ultrasound to detect pregnancy and earliest stage of gestation pregnancy can be detected with 95-100% accuracy in several species Species Horses Transducer placement Transrectal Earliest days from mating 15 Cattle Transrectal 25 Sheep/Goats Sheep/Goats Transrectal Transabdominal 03 45-50 Dogs Transabdominal 25 Camel Transrectal 17 5 Diagnostic criteria Embryonic vesicle Embryonic vesicle Fetal fluid Fetuses, placentomes Fetal heart beat Embryonic vesicle