1704 Old Eastern Avenue Baltimore, MD 21221 Phone: 410

1704 Old Eastern Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21221
Phone: 410-238-1167
Fax: 410-574-8785
Mrs. Caroline Hemling
Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Colleen Reed
Administrative Assistant
rev. 7/11
2011-2012 School Year
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Christ’s peace to each of you and to your families! Prayerfully everyone has
enjoyed this summer and is ready for a new school year.
Once again, thank you for entrusting Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish to assist
you with the religious formation of your child. Religious formation is an awesome
responsibility to share with you before our God. As your child’s secondary
educators, we will do all we can to help you in teaching your child the principles
and foundations of our Catholic Faith. Children are one of God’s greatest gifts,
so should you ever need assistance outside of the classroom it will be our
pleasure to help you.
Weekly Church attendance is one of the greatest privileges we have as
Catholics. At Mass, we hear God’s message through the Sacred Scriptures and
receive our Lord Jesus Christ in communion. Both parts of the Holy Mass help
us to spiritually fortify our souls and grow in our faith. Taking the children to
weekly Mass also gives them a positive example in living our Faith and spiritually
enriching them. When the children see that attending Mass is important to you,
they will one day recognize this for themselves.
This handbook contains critical information regarding our Religious Education
Program. Please read it carefully. Each section is titled to specify its contents.
Following the informational pages is the calendar for our school year.
If you have any questions, please contact the Religious Education Office by
phone or email. Someone will get back to you as soon as is possible.
May God bless all of you, and I look forward to serving you and your family this
In Christ,
Mrs. Caroline Hemling
Mrs. Caroline Hemling
Coordinator of Religious Education
Program Policies and Guidelines
Mission Statement
In partnership with the families and the parishioners of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Parish, the Religious Education program seeks to fulfill five specific tasks in helping to
know, to celebrate, and to contemplate the mystery of Christ in the Roman Catholic
To proclaim the Christian message and promote knowledge of the faith;
To prepare for prayer and worship;
To instruct for moral formation and motivate Christian living and service;
To build a sense of community and understand the Church as communal life;
To foster a missionary initiative.
(General Directory for Catechesis #85-86)
Religious Education Administration
Mrs. Caroline Hemling, Coordinator of Religious Education
Mrs. Colleen Reed, Administrative Assistant
The Religious Education Office is located on the second floor of the Parish
Center. Please use the front entrance of the Parish Center to access the office.
Office Hours: The Religious Education office opens the third week of August
through mid-June. Office hours are :
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
4:00 PM – 9:00 PM
9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
The Religious Education Office is closed on Friday. Any correspondence needing to be
dropped off on those days can be brought to the Parish Office and placed in our mailbox.
I. Admission
Participants of ALL Religious Education Programs at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
must be registered members of Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish. Parishioners from
other parishes may attend Our Lady of Mount Carmel programs with the written
permission from the pastor or Director of Religious Education of their parish.
II. Finance
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Religious Education Program is funded through the tuition
and fees of its programs. In all circumstances, the program strives to fulfill its commitment to provide quality Catholic education for its students. In return, the parental
obligation is to maintain support of these educational efforts and to fulfill the financial
obligations explained below.
Active/Inactive Parishioner
An Active Parishioner is one who is registered in the parish, is a member of the
Catholic worshipping community, and shows both commitment and support through
regular church attendance and use of weekly envelopes or Faith Direct. Registered
parish families who do not meet the criteria above will be considered Inactive
Active parishioner tuition cost:
$80.00 per student
Inactive parishioner tuition cost:
$90.00 per student
Sacramental Preparation Fees
First Eucharist Preparation:
First Reconciliation Preparation:
Confirmation Preparation:
RCIC Preparation:
Registration/tuition and sacramental fee payments can be taken care of through the
Religious Education Office during business hours. When the office is closed, please drop
your payment off to the Religious Education mailbox located in the Parish Center.
Yearly tuition payments must be paid in full upon the student entering the religious
education program. Sacramental program fees must be paid in full at each Information
Meeting. Should a family be experiencing difficulties regarding tuition/fee payments,
they should contact the Religious Education Office to make payment arrangements as
soon as possible.
III. Religious Education Classes
Religious education classes for children attending public schools are offered weekly from
September thru May. Classes meet on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 PM to 8:00 PM
unless otherwise indicated. These classes explore our Catholic faith through basic
doctrine, traditions, Christian attitudes, and the awareness of God through Scripture,
Prayer Services, and Liturgies.
All classes, Pre-K thru 8th grade, meet in the Lower and Middle School.
A. Attendance
Attendance at class, as well as at weekend and Holy Days Liturgies, is vital to the faith
development of children. Students should miss no more than 4 classes per year and
should attend Mass on a weekly basis.
Students should be in their classrooms by at least 6:40 PM in order to benefit from the
full class instruction. When classes “fall” on a holyday or vigil of the holyday, children
will attend the 7 PM Mass with their family.
B. Tardiness or Absenteeism
If a student is going to be late or absent from class, parents are asked to email
(creed@olmcmd.org) or call the office by 6:00 PM. Please leave your name, your
student’s name, the class they are in, and the reason for the absence. Your son or
daughter is responsible for making up the missed lesson(s). Parents are asked to assist
their children in this process. Contact your child’s teacher for missed assignments.
C. Cancellation of Classes
The Religious Education Program at Our Lady of Mount Carmel operates under the
Baltimore County Public School inclement weather policy. If county public schools are
closed due to inclement weather, all Religious Education classes are cancelled. The same
policy holds true if schools are closed early due to inclement weather. If Our Lady of
Mount Carmel School is closed, the Religious Education program is cancelled. Should
weather related conditions worsen after 3:00 PM, please listen for a cancellation
announcement on WBAL radio between 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM.
D. Student Progress Reports
Our program and its teachers take a personal interest in your child’s spiritual growth.
Your child’s progress in the Parish Religious Education Program of Our Lady of Mount
Carmel Church will be evaluated twice within our school year. A Student Progress
Report will be sent home in February and June. Review the report with your child,
ensuring them that you are aware of their spiritual academic progress.
E. Discipline
The policies of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Religious Education Program have the aim of
helping the student assume responsibility for his/her actions as a member of a
community. Whenever all individuals freely accept this responsibility, it may be said that
discipline exists. Good discipline, impartially administered, is not an end in itself. Its
ultimate purpose is to:
1. Develop true Christian character and sense of responsibility.
2. Protect the welfare and reputation of the individual as well as the school
community as a whole.
The purpose of our discipline code is dual. First, it must contribute to the creation and
continuance of an atmosphere where learning can occur. Second, the code should help
the individual student become a better decision-maker and grow in his/her ability to claim
responsibility for both the intentions and consequences of actions.
In order for these purposes to be fulfilled, it is imperative that all individuals involved are
clear about the rules and expectations that exist. Students are expected to conduct
themselves in a respectful, courteous, and orderly manner, i.e., not be a source of
disruption during class time or at other times while on the parish premises, field trips, and
other school related events.
Teachers are always responsible to confront students whose behavior is inappropriate.
The student and teacher should work together to develop a plan which will assist the
student in developing appropriate responses to situations and improve behavior.
If a child responds to the teacher’s correction in a positive way, parent contact is not
required, but teachers are always encouraged to inform parents of the progress of their
children. Open communication fosters an attitude of mutual trust and often enables the
parents and school to work together for the good of the child. Parents have a right to
know of strengths and weaknesses exhibited by their child before a serious “problem”
Students who do not respond to the action taken by the teacher to correct disruptive
behavior will see the Coordinator of Religious Education. The CRE with the student will
develop a plan and contact the parent. A second referral to the CRE will warrant a
behavioral contract with the student. Hopefully this process will assist the student in
developing appropriate behavior.
If a student’s behavior continues to show a lack of cooperation and effort, the parents will
be asked to meet with the CRE, the teacher and the student.
The involvement of the parents in the disciplinary process is seen as a means to have the
school work together closely with the home in an effort to place emphasis on corrective
measures with the hope of developing within the student responsibility for his/her own
Parental indifference to any conference or discipline plan that is deemed necessary may
be construed as a lack of concern for the child’s education, and may be prejudicial to the
continuance of the student’s enrollment in our program.
F. Volunteer Catechists and Aides
Volunteer Catechists, Aides, Monitors and Office Assistants enable the Religious
Education Program to exist. Any Catholic young adult or adult with an adequate
knowledge of his/her faith and the ability to relate to children is invited to be a part of this
ministry. Training and guidance is provided for volunteers throughout the program. All
volunteers, in any capacity, must abide by the Archdiocese of Baltimore Policy for the
Protection of Children and Youth (STAND). These policies require that every volunteer
submit an application, participate in training, abide by the Code of Conduct for Church
Personnel, have three references and undergo a criminal history check prior to any
volunteer service.
G. Dismissal
Pre-K and Kindergarten parents are asked to come into the building and pick up their
children at their perspective classroom door at 7:50 PM. Children in Grades 1-8 will be
dismissed at 8 PM. Grades 1st-4th will be dismissed from the covered doorway adjacent
to the Church; 5th – 8th grades will be dismissed from the same doorway used as our main
IV. Sacramental Programs Offered
“Children ordinarily are to be enrolled in a Catholic School recognized by the
Archdiocese or a Parish Religious Education or Homeschooling program approved by
the pastor/pastoral life director prior to entrance into the program for immediate
Sign’s of God’s Love p. 8
Archdiocese of Baltimore
A. First Eucharist
Second grade students prepare in the spring of the school year for First Eucharist using a
Family-Based program. Parents along with their child are required to attend one First
Eucharist Information Meeting before beginning preparation for this Sacrament. See the
attached calendar for dates regarding this Sacrament.
B. First Reconciliation
In accordance with the newly revised, “Sacramental Guidelines for the Archdiocese of
Baltimore”, Second Grade students in the Catholic School and the Religious Education
Program will prepare for First Reconciliation in the fall of the school year, using a
Family-Based program. Parents of children in other grade levels who have not yet
received this sacrament need to contact the Director of Religious Education to register for
this sacramental program.
Parents, along with their child, are required to attend one First Reconciliation Information
Meeting before beginning preparation for this Sacrament. See the Religious Education
calendar for dates regarding this Sacrament.
C. Confirmation
Preparation for this yearlong program begins in the fall of eighth grade and ends in the
fall of their ninth grade following year with the Celebration of Confirmation. This
program is also open to any student in grades eighth thru twelfth. Informational meetings
for this sacrament take place in November of the school year.
Parents, along with their candidate, are required to attend one Confirmation Information
meeting before being accepted into the program. Seminars, liturgies, retreats, service
hours and an interview with a parish staff member are components of the Confirmation
preparation. See the Religious Education calendar for dates regarding this Sacrament.
D. Christian Initiation of Children
Parents wishing to bring their non-Catholic child, aged 5-17, into the Catholic Faith
should enroll their child into the RCIA Adapted for Children program. Parents are
encouraged to ensure their child is either enrolled into Our Lady of Mount Carmel School
or our Parish’s Religious Education Program. Preparation meetings to become a Catholic
are held three times each year. See the Religious Education calendar for dates regarding
this Sacrament.
E. Older Baptized Children Missing Sacraments
Instructions for older baptized children who have not received First Eucharist or First
Reconciliation are made on an individual basis. Call the Religious Education for
information regarding this matter.
V. Text Books
The series used in the Pre-K thru eighth grade is Resources for Christian Living’s Faith
First: Legacy Edition. It is a series that builds students’ understanding of faith concepts,
develops religious literacy, encourages integration of faith and life, includes strong
Scripture study chapters, and integrates lessons with the liturgical year, the saints and
Sunday Mass.
In accordance with Archdiocesan regulations our Religious Education Program works
with its parents to educate its students in the proper respect and teachings of Catholic
values concerning family life, the morality of relationships and human sexuality. This is
done through the use of RCL Benziger’s Family Life program. At the beginning of the
year, parents are provided with a Family Study Guide and the appropriate grade-level
textbook. This program will be taught throughout the months of January and February.
“Education, broadly defined, includes the entire process by
which culture is transmitted from one generation to the next.
Educational research supports the view that the home is the
critical educational institution. Study after study identifies home
and family as vital forces strongly affecting school achievement.
Throughout the world the home is the crucial factor in
determining children’s overall performance.”
The Catechetical Document p. 219
Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pray for us!