Permission Letter - Mineralogical Society of America

Reviews in Mineralogy
and Geochemistry
1015 Eighteenth Street, NW, Suite 601, Washington, DC 20036
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Dear Permissions Editor:
The Mineralogical Society of America and the Geochemical Society jointly publish a series of graduatelevel text and research reference books entitled Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Presently we are
preparing Volume XX, Volume Name, edited by I. M. Editor and I. M. Geochemist. Our publication deadline is
Month Date, Year.
We request permission to include the following material in this and all subsequent print and non-print
editions of Volume XX, including versions made by nonprofit organizations for use of the blind or physically
handicapped persons, and in all foreign-language translations and other derivative works published or prepared by
The Mineralogical Society of America and the Geochemical Society for distribution throughout the world.
Please indicate by signing below that you are sole owner of the rights granted and specify (if you have a
preference) the copyright information you wish us to use in our credits. If you do not control these rights, I would
appreciate your letting me know to whom I should apply.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Add figure citations here.
Sincerely yours,
Author of a chapter in Volume XX
for the RiMG Series Editor
Signature and Title
Copyright owner
Copyright information, if any. If none, reference will be made according to our convention, i.e., “[Used by
permission of Publisher, from Rambo and Pinko (19XX), Specific Journal, Vol. X, Fig. Y, p. Z.]”, with full
bibliographic entry in the reference list.