UPDATE REPORT NHS EDUCATION FOR SCOTLAND MENTAL HEALTH STAKEHOLDER STEERING GROUP September 2012 Contents Page Children and Young People Projects update 3 Education to support values based and recovery focussed practice 4 Dementia 5 Increasing access to psychological therapies update 6 2 1. CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLES’ MENTAL HEALTH PROJECTS UPDATE 1.1 Children and Young Peoples’ Mental Health- Competencies Framework Project The CAMHS competence framework is now complete and can be accessed on http://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-psychology/CORE/child-adolescentcompetences/CAMHS%20Competences%20Framework_V1%20(2).pdf It is also available at http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/camhs where it has been linked to ksf. The map contains documents on different competence areas relevant to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services. The competence framework also has an accompanying guide for Young People and Parents Carers – see: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-psychology/CORE/child-adolescentcompetences/CAMHS%20Framework%20service%20user.pdf The framework was launched at the CAMHS Open Meeting on 16th November 2011 at Murrayfield Stadium. 1.2 ‘Essential CAMHS’ Learning Materials The Essential CAMHS learning resource has been produced on disc initially, with it eventually being made available on line. It contains 5 core modules: child and adolescent development, child and adolescent mental health, engagement, assessment, and intervention. The learning resource has been designed to encourage reflective practice, and the learner is encouraged to discuss reflective practice activities with their supervisor or group mentor, as well as recording reflections in a learning portfolio. The implementation of Essential CAMHS has begun in Ayrshire and Arran with 3 groups of staff. Glasgow has also received presentations about the resource and aim to implement and evaluate it with two teams. A number of other Scottish sites have also been identified for early implementation. A full evaluation of the experiences of both new staff and supervisors will be carried out. 3 2. EDUCATION TO SUPPORT VALUES BASED AND RECOVERY FOCUSSED PRACTICE Scottish Recovery Indicator An updated version of the tool SRI-21 was launched by the Minister for Public Health on the 31st of October 2011. The tool enables mental health services to assess and develop practice and is focussed on ensuring the recovery of the people who use their services. In doing so it highlights issues in relation to inclusion, rights, service user and carer involvement and equalities and diversity. A further commitment concerning SRI implementation is very likely to be included in the new Mental Health Strategy for Scotland, and the consultation document for the strategy specifically asks – ‘what support needs to be in place to support SRI -2 implementation’ ? NES and SRN will continue to work together in 2012/13 to support 2 further types of learning networks, one for Advanced recovery Practitioners and anther SRI-2 learning network. The Leading Better Care Delivery group have also agreed that SRI-2 should be a Clinical Quality Indicator for Senior Charge Nurses in mental health and this will provide further impetus in taking forward SRI-2 usage. 10 Essential Shared Capabilities ESCs) Learning Materials An additional generic 10 ESCs resource has been produced based on the 2011 Mental Health resource but widening applicability to all staff. The resource is similar in style and content with one significant development being the re writing of the Module on Socially Inclusive practice into a new module on Inclusion, Assets and Outcomes focussed practice. The resource is now available as an interactive PDF on the NES ‘Little Things Make a Big Difference’ web site at http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/making-a-difference/resources.aspx Another 10 ESCs resource specific to application of the ESCs to the care and support of children and young people is currently under development. . 10 Top Tips for Mental Health Staff Supporting Carers NES has worked with Support in Mind Scotland to develop tip cards on 10 Top Tips for Mental Health Staff Supporting Carers. The tips are based on the findings of Support in Minds’ carers’ surveys and also 1 http://www.sri2.net/ 4 further consultation with carers. They provide mental health staff with information about steps they can take to significantly improve carers’ experiences and involvement. The cards were launched in June alongside Support in Mind’s Carers pack see http://www.supportinmindscotland.org.uk/files/Support%20in%20Mind %20Scotland%20-%20Summer%202012%20newsletter.pdf . To order copies of the tip cards email mental.health@nes.scot.nhs.uk 3. DEMENTIA The NES/SSSC Promoting Excellence’- A framework for working with people with dementia, their families was launched alongside the Standards of Care for People with dementia in Scotland on the 6th of June 2011. See http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2011/05/31085332/0 Phase 2 of this work programme is underway and involves undertaking a range of activities to implement the strategic Workforce Development Plan. This work is overseen by a NES/SSSC Dementia Programme Board and update papers form the Board are available to Stakeholder group members on request or can be downloaded from http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/media/1427018/dpb_update_aug12_final_ web.doc 4. PRE REGISTRATION MENTAL HEALTH NURSING PREPARATION NES continues to work, on behalf of SG with Higher Education Institutions to support implementation of the National Framework. We have also, on behalf of the CNO Directorate – SGHD, updated the framework in light of the NMC review of pre-registration nursing and the new NMC standards that were published in September 2010. The 2012 version of the framework is available on the NES web site at http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-and-training/by-themeinitiative/mental-health-and-learning-disabilities/publications-andresources/publications-repository/national-framework-for-preregistration-mental-health-nursing-field-programmes.aspx 4. PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES The importance that the Government places on rapid and equitable access to effective Psychological Interventions within NHS Scotland is demonstrated by the introduction of the current HEAT Access Target Deliver faster access to Mental Health Services by delivering 18 weeks referral to treatment for psychological Therapies from December 2014. 5 NES is working to support NHS Boards to deliver on the HEAT target through teaching and training. 4.1 Competencies/Stepped-Care The competence frameworks for CBT, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Humanistic Therapy, Systemic Therapy and PTs Supervision have been produced in partnership with Skills for Health. The CBT framework lays out the competencies necessary to deliver CBT at both the ‘low intensity’ and High Intensity’ levels of stepped care. This framework is being used to inform the restructuring of CBT training in Scotland. Website: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinicalpsychology/CORE/competence_frameworks.htm The next stage of the work-the production of National Occupational Standards for the various therapeutic modalities-is now complete. In addition to the work on PTs competences in Adult Mental Health, NES has commissioned a competence framework for CAMHS services, which is available at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/clinical-psychology/CORE/child-adolescentcompetences/CAMHS%20Competences%20Framework_V1%20(2).pd f 4.2 Increasing Capacity for Delivering Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (‘Mindfulness’) for Depression in Scotland The scoping, planning, and delivery of training for a rollout of Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy has been completed. A draft competence map, adapted from the CBT competence framework, has been developed for Mindfulness for depression, and a trainers network has been established. Both ‘basic level’ and ‘advanced level’ training were delivered in a number of Board areas in order to ensure the sustainability of high quality training provision in the longer term. Ongoing supervision of trainees is being provided to consolidate the skills learned during the initial training 4.3 Supervision The competence framework for supervision of psychological therapies has been produced in partnership with Skills for Health. NES has developed a curriculum for generic psychological therapies supervision training based on this framework and this was piloted at the end of March 2009. The course was very favourably received by practitioners from a range of therapeutic backgrounds, and we have now developed and piloted a ‘training for trainers’ package which will enable NHS Boards to provide their own supervision training. The ‘training for trainers’ course was delivered in March and October 2010, and in March 2012. The staff who took part in these courses have begun to roll out the generic psychological therapies supervision training in local 6 areas. So far more than 370 psychological therapies staff have been trained to deliver PTs supervision through the roll-out. 4.4 Guidance for NHS Boards In partnership with the SGHD Mental Health Division and the Psychological Therapies steering group, NES has updated guidance for NHS Boards on the local delivery of evidence-based psychological therapies. The document‘The Matrix: A Guide to evidence-based Psychological Therapies in Scotland’ has been designed to help NHS Boards: Deliver the range, volume and quality of Psychological Therapy required to achieve the HEAT Psychological Therapies Access Target, and to meet ICP accreditation standards; Provide evidence-based psychological interventions in other key government priority areas. The new version of ‘The Matrix’ can be found at: http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/media/425354/psychology_matrix_2011s.p df The summary evidence tables in the document cover Key areas within Adult and Older People’s Mental Health services Key areas within services for children, young people and families Some aspects of Long Term Conditions management and physical health care. The current version includes new or revised tables summarising the evidence base for the application of Psychological Interventions With Older People With Children and Adolescents With people with Learning Disabilities With Forensic populations For Trauma and PTSD For Depression The intention is to continue to extend the evidence tables over time to give more comprehensive coverage, and to update the recommendations as new evidence becomes available. An evidence table for self-harm, and an update of the table on alcohol misuse are underway. There are plans to develop sections on ‘Psychological Interventions in Physical Health’ and on neuropsychology. 7 4.5 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy A package of ‘training for trainers’ in mentalisation-based therapy was completed, and the new trainers are cascading the training in local areas. 4.6 Other modalities NES has supported training in a number of other areas including Behavioural Family Therapy (BFT), which can benefit individuals experiencing complex and enduring mental health problems and their families Inter-Personal Therapy (IPT), which is recommended for Depression, Social Anxiety and Eating Disorders Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy, which can help reduce the risk of relapse in Depression. 4.7 CAMHS We have deployed government resources to commission training in Child Psychodynamic Psychotherapy from the Scottish Institute for Human Relations, We are also delivering training, and creating the necessary supervision infrastructure, in Systemic and Family Therapy, CBT for Children and Adolescents and Parenting programmes. 4.8 Other Activities Psychological Therapies Training Co-ordinators NES is working with Boards to deploy resources to support the sustainable delivery of training. We now have service level agreements in place with all territorial Health Boards. In many Board areas this resource has been used to fund sessions for a Psychological Therapies Training Co-ordinator (PTTC) to provide extra capacity to assist with the identification of training and supervision needs, and to organise and deliver training and supervision where appropriate. Psychological Interventions Team The Psychological Intervention Team has completed the training programme for 2011 – 12. Over 40 different training events have been delivered across Scotland to a total of 1136 staff. The programme includes highly specialist (8%), high intensity (17%) and low intensity (75%) training options to ensure capacity is built in multi-disciplinary groups working in primary, secondary and specialist clinical settings. The training has been provided through high quality education delivered by experts in their field. Each initiative was developed in consultation with SGHD Mental Health Directorate Psychological Therapy sub-groups ('Alcohol', 'Older People', 'Forensic', 'Trauma and PTSD' and 'CBT Alternative Delivery Mechanisms') and NHS Board Psychological Therapy Strategy groups. 8 Following consultation with local boards and the Psychological Therapy sub-groups, the Psychological Intervention Training Programme for 2012 – 13 is being developed. Many of the training events that were organised by the Psychological Intervention team last year were oversubscribed and are being offered again in 2012 – 13. All planned events are advertised on the Psychological Intervention Team web pages: Date Course Title Venue Target Audience Going beyond the tip of the iceberg: Creating a NES Central low intensity, multi-level, 13th Offices, 2 multi-purpose service in Sept 12 Central Quay, primary care and the Glasgow community for older people Applicable to those with remit for service development and design, including Mental Health Strategy Leads, Service Managers within Older Adult Mental Health Services and Primary Care, PTTCs and Senior Clinical Staff Training the Trainers: 18th & Foundations of The Lister, Hill 19th Education for Sq, Edinburgh Sept 12 Facilitators of Training in Psychological Therapies Experienced practitioners who have participated in the NES Alcohol and Other Drug Training Events (MI, CRA or C-BIT) or comparable training, and have a high level of confidence in the delivery of the core CBT skills in working with substance misuse problems FOLLOW UP FOR LEARNING COLLABORATIVES: Trauma focussed 25 Sept cognitive behavioural 12 therapy (CBT) for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions (North) Delegates that attended the 2 day Suttie Centre, trauma focussed CBT for PTSD University of training and the 3 month follow up Aberdeen day 10 Oct 12 FOLLOW UP FOR LEARNING COLLABORATIVES; Trauma focussed cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and related conditions (South) Medical Education Training Centre, Kirklands Hospital Delegates that attended the 2 day trauma focussed CBT for PTSD training and the 3 month follow up day 19th Oct & 2nd Nov 12 An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Anxiety Disorders (North) Royal Cornhill Hospital, Aberdeen Registered Mental Health staff with experience of working with people with anxiety problems but do not have a qualification in CBT 29th & 30th Training the Trainers in Behavioural Activation Stirling Management Participants will be registered mental health staff with expertise 9 Nov 12 for Depression 1st & 8th Feb 12 An Introduction to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Conference Centre and experience in using & delivering Behavioural Therapy with people who have depression PG Medical Registered Mental Health staff Centre, with experience of working with Garnavel people with anxiety problems but Royal Hospital do not have a qualification in CBT Further information is available at: http://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/education-andtraining/by-discipline/psychology/multiprofessional-psychology/psychologicalinterventions-team-(pit).aspx For further information on the Psychological Intervention Team, please email: Anne.Joice@nes.scot.nhs.uk 10