Tabland Farms Ltd - People 4 Success

Job Description
This is a fixed term employed position for one year
To provide support for KCPA Playcentres on all Property matters
To oversee the maintenance of the KCPA Association Office
To be the direct liaison person between MOE and KCPA on all Property matters
Reporting Lines:
Report to Executive Property Convenor
Report to Executive of KCPA
Hours of Work:
Up to 10 hours per month and up to 66 hours at National/Regional Meetings
Desirable skills
 Demonstrate knowledge of Playcentre and its philosophy
 Belief in Playcentre and enthusiastic about the core values of the philosophy.
 Understanding and acknowledgement of Te Tiriti O Waitangi
 Knowledge of the various legislative documents as they relate to the
Job Description
 Able to work independently with sound organisation and prioritisation skills
 Able to be a role model
 Able to work within a team environment
 Have a commitment to bi-cultural development within Playcentre
 Knowledge and understanding of the KCPA Administration and be familiar with
association policies.
 Knowledge of the KCPA Constitution.
 Be familiar with the Local Territorial Authorities processes that relate to Property
 Communication skills
 Facilitation skills
 Leadership skills
Keep updated on current issues within KCPA
Submit a report to Executive and Association meetings
To oversee the update of files, resources, and property information on
Playcentres and KCPA Office, in consultation with the KCPA Office
Staff and Centre Support:
This to include:
 Document of tenure
 Building and site Plans
 Relevant consent certificates
 Any LIM, and/or PIM, reports held
 Copies of funding applications (in relation to property)
 Maintenance Schedule
 Health and Safety Checks
 Building Warrant of Fitness Certificate
 And any other document that provides relevant information on the
land and building.
Provide support for Centres
 Provide advise and/or support on all property issues that pertain to the
individual centre
 Provide up-to-date information on Midland Regional Capital Works
 Be able to support a centre that is in the process of building upgrades
or replacement of building.
 Hold an annual Health and Safety Support meeting
Provide support to the Liaison Officers on Property issues
 Consult with Centre Supports on the following Property Matters:
 Assist the Centre Support where required to follow up on any
concerns or issues that pertain to Property.
Reports submitted and circulated with minutes
Files are current with relevant information
Centres have received support as required
Maintain an up-to-date MRCWF folder and relevant information
pertaining to MOE Discretionary Grant
Support received by Centre
Meeting held
Supporting documentation and advise sent to Centre Supports as
Completed as required
Information shared with CS
Attend Regional and National Property Meetings.
 Be an ambassador for KCPA.
 KCPA viewpoints and feedback will be presented accurately and
 Attend the meetings of Midland Region Property held 3 times a year,
and the annual NZPF National Property and Equipment meetings.
 Attend any other meeting that is called that pertains to Property, or as
directed by KCPA
Be responsible for the KCPA Administration Building.
 Develop a 5-year maintenance schedule.
 Oversee any persons who are employed or contracted to carry out any
works to the building and/or grounds.
 Report to Exec Meetings regarding any major maintenance that is
 Arrange for any minor maintenance required to the building and
grounds to be carried out.
 Ensure that the KCPA Office meets requirements that pertain to:
Within the
 Local bylaws
annual Health
 Education Act
and Safety
 NZPF Quality Management Systems
Ensure that all KCPA Playcentres are meeting minimum Health and
Safety requirements for an Early Childhood Centre.
 Oversee and support the Centre Supports in carrying out an annual
Minimum Health and Safety Standards Check.
Monitor all Playcentre documents of tenure.
 Be part of any negotiations with the Leaser as required.
 Liaise with the KCPA Honorary Solicitor as required.
 Liaise with MOE on all POD and LTO issues as required.
 Liaise with the Centre and CS as required
Representation at Regional and National meetings has been
reflective of KCPA feedback
Attendance noted with a report being submitted
Report from meeting to be submitted to Exec meeting.
Attendance noted with a report being submitted if required
Report from meeting to be submitted to Exec meeting
Schedule in place and actioned
Work carried out on building is completed.
Report submitted
Building maintained to a satisfactorily standard
Office meets all regulations and requirements
Training Support provided to Centre Supports when required
Copies of completed checks are received and filed.
Assist Centre Supports in any issues that require follow-up
Centre Security of Tenure is current
Submit any lease renewals for legal opinion as required
KCPA are aware of any pending issues
Centres are involved in the consultation process
Liaise with Ministry of Education regarding property matters
 Be the contact for KCPA with the Ministry of Education Central Region
Office on all matters that pertain to Property
 Attend any meeting between MOE Central region Office and Playcentre
Building Warrant of Fitness of Playcentre buildings
 To liaise with the Independent Qualified Person contracted to check all
Playcentre buildings to ensure they comply.
 Liaise with the Centre and Centre Supports on all matters pertaining to
the BWOF.
 Liaise with Councils to gain approval.
 Be familiar with the Policies for a Playcentre and Association.
 Liaise with Treasurer who ensures insurance cover annually
 Liaise with the centre and Centre Supports as required
Playground Fixed Structures
 To be responsible for the approval at Association meetings of all new
Playgrounds and upgrades to existing Playgrounds.
 To assist if needed with the Playground Audit as required under the
New Zealand Playground Safety Standards.
 Liaise with the Centre Supports as required.
All issues brought to the attention of the KCPA Executive
Attendance noted and report submitted to next Exec meeting
BWOF are current
Issues resolved
Insurance policies are reflective of the needs of the individual
Playcentre and Association
Noted in minutes of Association meeting
Audits carried out as required
 Attend National Equipment Meeting
 Provide support to Centres in matters relating to Equipment for Playcentres
 Liaise with Centre Supports to ensure centres undertake an annual Equipment check, providing support where necessary
 Provide up to date information relating to Equipment for Playcentres, Watchout list, etc.
Staff members signature
Signature on behalf of executive