IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Emergency Plans 1 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Table of Contents Topic Pages Number Bomb Threat Blood Borne Pathogens Carbon Monoxide / Gas Leak Choking Civil Disturbances Death / Suicide Drowning Electrical Shock Emergency Contact Numbers Final Exam Fire Food Poisoning Guest Hurricane Letter Hurricane Hurricane – After the Storm Hurricane Watch Hurricane Warning Incident Report Injury / Illness Insurance Comp. Inspections Insurance Reporting Procedures Introduction HP HOTELS Emergency Contact List Media Policy Phone System Failure Power Failure Robbery Severe Weather Alert Sprinklers Thunderstorm / Tornado Water Shut Off Procedures 7-8 13 9 – 10 11 5 33-34 12 11 4 37 14-16 18 26 18 3 19-25 21-22 7 28-29 41 38-39 27 32 35-36 30 31 35 27 40 17 42-51 2 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Introduction Emergencies can happen at any time in a hotel. Many of them can be prevented, but unfortunately, some are unavoidable. Many of the emergencies also strike with little or no warning. So it is imperative that the hotel staff be well trained and prepared for emergencies before they occur. This Emergency Procedure Manual outlines the various threats that could occur at the hotel and presents the step-by-step procedures that should be followed by the staff for each one. This information will be maintained in binders in each department for quick access IN CASE OF EMERGENCY. Each member of the HP Hotels Managed Properties Team is a member of the Emergency Response Team. All Team Members will be trained on all emergency procedures and tested on the action steps. All Team Members will be retrained at six-month intervals. Periodic drills will be conducted with the Team to ensure their readiness. The Emergency Response Team is responsible for carrying out the action steps of the Emergency Plan. Each Team Member must: Understand the Emergencies that can occur in the hotel and what the goals are in case that Emergency occurs Understand their roles In Case of Emergency Know how the hotel fire alarm and sprinkler systems work Know the location of all fire pull stations Know the location of all fire extinguishers and how to use them Know who to contact In Case of Emergency Know the location of First Aid Supplies Know the location of Emergency Supplies Know the proper insurance contact and reporting procedures 3 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBERS Hotel Information Name Address Phone Number Street Address City, State, Zip General Manager Name Home Phone Cell Phone Area Director Name Home Phone Cell Phone HP HOTELS Emergency Numbers Phone 205-879-7004 or Fax 205-879-2680 Cell 205-281-0274 – Home 205-823-1492 Cell 205-965-5504 Cell 205-242-3702 Cell 205-281-2424 – Home 205-870-4780 Cell 205 356-8207 Mike Hines Kerry Ranson Joe Powers Chiman Patel Jeff Schneider Local Emergency Numbers ALL EMERGENCY FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICE DEPARTMENT LOCAL HOSPITAL LOCAL CLINIC SUICIDE PREVENTION ELECTRIC COMPANY GAS COMPANY WATER COMPANY POISON CONTROL ELEVATOR COMPANY TELEPHONE - LOCAL TELEPHONE / SWITCHBOARD INTERNET CABLE COMPANY 4 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 HP Hotels - Emergency Contact List Name Direct Phone Line Tel Ext Cell Phone # 205- Home phone # Internet Info / Misc Info Kerry Ranson President 205-879-7004 21 205-9655504 504-301-0689 Chiman Patel Chairman 205-879-7004 22 205-2812424 205-480-4780 Joe Powers VP Accounting 205-879-7004 12 205-2423702 Jeff Schneider VP Operation 205-879-7004 13 205-3568207 5 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 HP Hotels, Inc. Incident Report Hotel Name_____________________ Date of Incident:________________ Time of Incident: ______________________ Reported By: _________________________ Type of Incident __ Trip and Fall __ Bomb Threat __ Death __ Fire __ Hurricane __ Phone System Failure __ Robbery __ Tornado __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 911 Call from Hotel Carbon Monoxide Event/Gas Leak Drowning Food Poisoning Illness/Injury Power Failure Suicide Other Description of Incident _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ If bodily Injury: (What medical aid was given by whom?), or If property damage, give value and how damaged. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Action Taken:_________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ Manager on Duty _____________________________________________________________ Employees Involved/Witnesses / Name of Guest with address and phone number. ______________________________________________________________________ HP HOTELS Notified? _____ Were Police Summoned? ______ Fire Department Summoned? ______ Fire Medics Summoned? ______ Emergency Procedure Checklist Attached? ______ File in Incident Report File and Copy to HP HOTELS (205-879-2680) and Hotel Ins. Company if with J Smith Lanier send report immediately to Cynthia Hale 770-622-7236 (fax) To call reports in 770 814-4534 Attach Copy of Police Report 6 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Threats and Action Plans Bomb Threat – Description Any threat of someone placing a bomb in the hotel is to be taken very seriously in this day of terrorist activity and violence. Fortunately, the actual placing or detonation of bombs is extremely rare, but bomb threats do occasionally occur. In case of a bomb threat, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Determine as much information from caller as possible. Notify police immediately. Evacuate the hotel as quickly and smoothly as possible. GM or MOD to accompany police to search building Properly record the incident on an incident report Bomb Threat – Action Plan ___ Determine as much information as possible from caller. Pick up clues such as voice, background noise. Ask when device is set to go off and where it is located. Ask caller what type of device it is. Ask why bomb is being placed. Write down details of call immediately. ___ DO NOT USE ANY TYPE OF WALKIE-TALKIE RADIOS as they may set off bomb. ___ Dial 911 and inform operator that there has been a bomb threat at the hotel ___ Contact MOD immediately. ___ Begin Evacuation of Guest Rooms: __ Assign staff member at assembly area in front of hotel to receive guests, calm them and meet police officers __ Pull fire pull station to sound alarm __ Keep one staff member on switchboard to answer incoming calls __ Print In-House Guest Lists for staff members that will be calling 7 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 __ Call each room, saying: “This is the front desk, I am sorry to disturb you, but we have received a bomb threat and we are evacuating the hotel. Please exit the building at the closest end of the hallway to you and assemble in front of the building. (If the room is an accessible room, ask the guest if they need assistance.) __ Each caller to check off each room, noting whether guest was reached or not __ Take blankets/coffee to Assembly Area. Aid/assist guests in any way possible. ___ Follow police instructions, including accompanying bomb squad on search. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 8 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Description Occasionally, poorly vented equipment will cause carbon monoxide exhaust to concentrate in the laundry or in hot water heater areas. This can cause sickness or even death to employees or guests. Action Plan Look for symptoms such as drowsiness, dizziness, headaches and nausea. If these occur, do the following: ___ Shut off equipment in affected area. ___ Evacuate staff and nearby guests to fresh air. ___ Summon emergency medical help immediately. ___ Be sure equipment is repaired before restarting. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 9 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Gas Leak – Action Plan If presence of gas is detected in hotel by smell, do the following: ___ Notify Gas Company immediately. ___ If leak appears to be coming from building, evacuate building immediately. ___ Run In-House Guest List and make copies. ___ Start calling each guest room, marking ones that answer and don’t answer. ___ Send someone to evacuate meeting rooms. ___ Select someone to go handle assembly area. ___ When evacuation is complete, or firefighters direct, Front Desk locks cash drawer and evacuates. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 10 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Choking/Electrical Shock Choking and electrical shock are very real threat in a hotel. It is imperative that the Hotel Staff be prepared to immediately respond in case of these emergencies. Choking/Electrical Shock – Action Plan If a guest or employee exhibits signs that they are choking, do the following: ___ Perform Heimlich maneuver on guest. (Trained Employee) ___ Summon emergency medical assistance ___ Trained employee should perform CPR if necessary. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. If a guest or employee is being shocked or electrocuted: ___ Shut off power to the affected area or knock the source of electricity away from the victim with a wooden stick, broom or mop handle. ___ Be careful not to step into water that might be carrying the current, such as the swimming pool. ___ Summon emergency medical help immediately. ___ Trained employee should perform CPR. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 11 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Drowning Hotels that have swimming pools face the threat of accidental drowning. It is imperative that the Hotel Staff knows what to do in case of a drowning incident in order to attempt to save the victim. In case of a guest drowning, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Attempt rescue Summon emergency medical assistance Administer CPR Properly record the incident on an incident report Drowning - Action Plan ___ Person discovering victim: Call Front Desk immediately on pool phone ___ Front Desk: dial 911 ___ Front Desk: contact MOD ___ Rescuer: If victim is conscious: ___ __ Attempt to rescue using shepherd’s crook or life ring __ Enter water if trained with proper assistance. __ Once victim is moved to solid ground, assess condition, reassure them, get blanket, comfort them Rescuer: Unconscious victim __ Turn victim face up and move to shallow end of pool quickly __ Move to solid ground. __ Check to see if breathing. __ If not breathing, check for obstructed airway, begin CPR and continue until paramedics arrive. ___ Follow up to check on guest condition. __ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 12 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Bloodborne Pathogens Blood or other bodily fluids may contain hepatitis or other harmful diseases. Direct contact with eyes or skin must be avoided. Consult with General Manager or Head housekeeper for proper handling procedures. Action Plan When encountering suspected bodily fluid, following precautions must be taken to avoid exposure to Blood borne Pathogens. ___ Wear protective gloves (found in Housekeeping) ___ Wear protective gowns and goggles (found in Blood borne Pathogen Kit in Housekeeping) ___ Clean stained area with approved disinfectant. ___ Dispose of all soiled materials in thick trash bags. 13 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Fire Fire is a very real threat in a hotel and is one of the most deadly potential emergencies that can occur. Fortunately, the hotel is protected by smoke detectors, but quick action by the Hotel Staff will save lives and property in case of a fire. In case of a fire, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Summon fire department immediately Evacuate guests as rapidly and smoothly as possible to an appointed assembly area Secure vital information Properly record the incident on an incident report Action Plan - Departments Person Discovering Fire ___ Notify Front Desk by Radio or Phone. Give exact location and extent. ___ Attempt to use fire extinguisher to put out fire if it is safe to do so and fire is small. ___ Knock on guest doors in the immediate area to alert them to evacuate. ___ Close any doors in the area to slow spread of fire. Front Desk ___ Make sure fire alarm is still sounding. If not, pull the pull station at the Front Desk to sound Alarm again. Allow it to continue sounding. ___ Call 911 again immediately. State there is a fire definitely in progress and location. ___ EVACUATE HOTEL: Run In-House Guest List and make copies. ___ Start calling each guest room, marking ones that answer and don’t answer. ___ Send someone to evacuate meeting room. ___ Select someone to go handle assembly area. ___ Have E-key and deadbolt/chain cutters for firefighters when they arrive. ___ When evacuation is complete, or firefighters direct, Front Desk locks cash drawer and evacuates. 14 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Assembly Area Coordinator ___ Pull time cards. ___ Take in-house guest list. ___ Go to assembly area and mark off employees and guests as they are accounted for. ___ Keep everyone calm. Housekeepers/Laundry ___ Move carts from walkways. ___ Report to Front Desk to assist with Evacuation. ___ Shut down all laundry equipment. Maintenance ___ Assist with evacuation. ___ Be prepared to shut off water to sprinkler system. ___ Reset fire panel. General ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 15 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Fire Action Plan - General If notified about Room Smoke Detector sounding: ___ Talk to guest to see if there is smoke. If so, proceed to Actual Fire Procedures. ___ If guest cannot be contacted, dispatch someone to investigate. ___ Notify maintenance if smoke detector is inoperable and block room. If Fire Alarm Siren Sounds: ___ Check fire panel to determine zone. Send someone to investigate source of alarm immediately with radio. ___ Dial 911 immediately. Tell them you have a fire alarm and source from fire panel. ___ Check out source of alarm immediately. Dispatch someone, or go yourself if you are alone. If you are the only staff member on duty at the hotel: Take cordless phone and in-house guest list and go to investigate quickly. ___ Notify MOD as soon as possible. Person investigating alarm: ___ Check for smoke or sign of fire. If you see or smell smoke, proceed to steps for Actual Fire. ___ Check fire alarm devices in area. If no fire: ___ Reset pull box if one has been pulled. ___ Notify fire department. ___ Reset Fire Alarm Panel. 16 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Food Poisoning We strive to keep our continental breakfast bar and healthful and sanitary as possible. However, a guest could become ill from tainted food. If a customer reports that they became ill with food poisoning after eating our breakfast bar, we will take steps to investigate. ACTION PLAN 1. 2. 3. Contact Local Hospital Contact your HP HOTELS Representative Fill out First Report of Injury and fax to HP HOTELS and Ins. Co. 17 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Severe Thunderstorm/Tornado The primary tornado season is January – April, but tornadoes can occur in any month of the year. The Hotel Staff must be aware during periods of severe weather for the threat of an approaching tornado and be prepared to take immediate action to protect lives. In case of a tornado, the goals of the hotel are to: 1 2 3 4 Have a reliable source for severe weather information Act when a tornado warning is issued to move guests and employees to safe locations as rapidly as possible Properly record the incident on an incident report. CPR/First Aid Training The management staff of the hotel will be trained in CPR and First Aid. Periodic retraining will be conducted to ensure staff readiness. ACTION PLAN When a SEVERE THUNDERSTORM WATCH is issued or strong storms are forecast: ___ Stow pool umbrellas. When a TORNADO WATCH is issued: ___ Notify guests with letter under occupied room door that there is a risk of severe weather, including possible tornadoes. When a TORNADO WARNING is issued: ___ Call each guest room. Tell them there is a tornado warning until (time). Notify them again that the safest place is in their guest room bathroom. 18 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Hurricane/High Wind South Coastal Alabama is prone to hurricanes during the summer and fall months. Fortunately, there is plenty of advance warning about approaching hurricanes, which gives the hotel time to prepare. Unfortunately, a tropical storm or hurricane can cause havoc with high winds, flooding from rains and tidal surges and tornadoes. In case of a hurricane, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Protect lives of employees and guests. Stockpile supplies and equipment. You can never have enough supplies or equipment on hand. Protect building. Protect furniture fixtures and equipment. Provide comfort to guests for the duration of the incident. Properly record all actions taken on an incident report ACTION PLAN START OF HURRICANE SEASON (JUNE 1) ___ Establish the Hurricane Action Team, to consist of GM, AGM, Director of Housekeeping and Maintenance Director. Meet to ensure readiness. Go over entire Hurricane Emergency Plan so that all team members know their roles. ____ Cover Hurricane Emergency Plan in each department’s training sessions so that all employees understand their roles. ____ Following positions to be staffed during hurricane: __ GM __ AGM __ Director of Housekeeping __ Director of Maintenance __ 2 housekeepers __ 1 Laundry __ 3 Front Desk/Night Auditors Volunteers should be solicited for line positions. Any employee who stays in hotel is permitted to allow their family to stay with them, understanding that all children must be under supervision. ___ Ensure that all Hurricane Action Team members are trained in CPR and First Aid. ___ GM and AGM are to constantly monitor conditions in the tropics. 19 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 ___ Know history of storms that have affected the area in the past. Study damage caused by past tropical storms and hurricanes. Check with Emergency Management or Civil Defense to review maps to determine if hotel will be affected by flooding from storm surge or rainfall. ___ Complete supply of photocopied evacuation route maps for use if mandatory evacuation is ordered, or if guests decide to voluntarily evacuate. ___ Make reservation with local rental company for an emergency generator for fire system, refrigerators, coffee maker and laundry equipment. ___ Survey all first floor areas that could be affected by flooding. Decide what equipment, furnishings and records will need to moved to higher floors if a significant hurricane threatens. Decide where the items will be stored if necessary. ___ Designate emergency supply storage area in cool dry place. ___ Designate safe areas in hotel that guests will be evacuated to if conditions become especially severe. Choose downwind side of building or in center rooms away from windows and above expected water levels. ___ Designate which windows in lobby and office area that will be shuttered if Category 2 winds (>95 mph) are anticipated. ___ Inventory plywood for shutters. ½ inch marine plywood works well. Pieces should be cut to fit each window and marked. Holes should be pre-drilled every 18 inches for screws. ¼ inch lead sleeve anchors (not plastic) should be hammered in the holes. Anchors should be at least two inches long. Tapping screws at least two inches long will be used to bolt the plywood in place. ___ Review cutoffs for water, gas and electricity. Make sure that all Hurricane Action Team members are familiar with these cutoffs. You should not have to cut off natural gas. If you do, do so at the cutoffs at the appliance. ___ Items to have on hand: __ Jugs of water (enough for 1 gallon per room for two days) __ 6 Higher Quality Flashlights for staff __ One inexpensive flashlight per room __ Three sets of batteries for staff flashlights; one set for each guest flashlight and plenty for portable radios and weather radio __ Tape (masking and duct tape) __ Sandbags __ Heavy plastic for emergency repairs __ Can of roofing tar ___ Trim back any dead branches from trees. Prune trees to allow air to flow through. ___ Contact agencies and companies that will be conducting official business in the area during and after the hurricane. ___ Update letter that will be given to all guests on arrival about special hurricane policies. Write script that Front Desk will use to alert guests making reservations about policies. 20 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 HURRICANE WATCH Hurricane conditions possible within 24-36 hours. ___ Obtain generator from rental company. Ensure there is sufficient fuel to run generator for 3 days. Do not store fuel inside building. ___ Stay in constant contact with HP HOTELS Director of Operation to inform of situation. ___ Conduct a Hurricane Action Team meeting to bring everyone up to date and go over Action Plan. ___ Conduct meeting of all employees. Tell them what to expect and review individual and departmental roles in preparing for the hurricane. ___ Give employees regular progress reports on the hurricane and how it will impact the hotel. ___ Allow employees who will be staying during the storm to go home and make their personal preparations. ___ Compile list of official shelters that will be used for guests if a mandatory evacuation is ordered. ___ Verify good supply of photocopied evacuation route maps for use if mandatory evacuation is ordered, or if guests decide to voluntarily evacuate. ___ Secure disaster business for hotel: __ Contact insurance adjuster __ Contact FEMA 404-562-8725 __ State Emergency Management __ Television stations that will have crews in the area __ Utility companies ___ Obtain and store additional items needed: __ 2 days supply of canned food products (Spam, Deviled Ham, Vienna Sausage, Crackers, bread, Peanut butter, jelly, etc.) __ Extra flashlight batteries __ Fill all automobile gas tank to full, stations may not work when power is out. __ Styrofoam plates, plastic flatware and trash bags. __ Continental breakfast items for 3 day period for everyone in the hotel. Purchase single service, non-perishable items as much as possible. __ Nails, tools, , plastic, etc. for minor repairs after storm. __ Several gallons of regular household bleach (no soap or additives) for water purification after storm __ Secure a supply of games and magazines to keep guests occupied during storm. ___ Try to limit trips, as roads will be busy. 21 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 ___ Secure cellular phone with one spare battery for outside communication. HOTELS Director of Operations of the number. Notify HP ___ Have camera and film on hand to document any damage for insurance purposes. ___ Obtain sand for sandbagging entrances, etc. ___ Check and secure all external windows, doors and door locks to ensure they are in proper working order, especially all rooftop doors. ___ Ready the plywood for shuttering windows when hurricane warning is issued if winds are expected to exceed 115 mph. ___ Make sure there is sufficient cash on hand ($1000) to make purchases for the hotel. ___ Check fire extinguishers. ___ Check first aid kits. ___ Check weather radio and portable radio for batteries and proper operation. ___ Clean and check all roof drains and gutters. ___ Keep guests informed of the storm’s status so that they can prepare. Distribute memos to them about progress of the storm and hotel preparation. Post notices in lobby also. Keep lobby or breakfast area TV on Weather or News Channel for continuous updates. ___ Do not drain swimming pool. Add extra chlorine. 22 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 HURRICANE WARNING – ACTION PLAN Hurricane Conditions expected within 24 hours. ___ Make decision on evacuation of the hotel after consultation with HP HOTELS Director of Operation and Local Emergency Management Officials. If Category 4 conditions in Houma or if Local Emergency Management Officials order hotel to be evacuated, then the decision will be made to evacuate. ___ Stay in constant contact with HP HOTELS Director of Operation to inform of situation. ___ Follow instructions given by local officials. ___ Secure all loose outside items in storage (Pool furniture, trash cans, large plants, pots, etc.) to prevent them blowing around in high winds. This should be done early as high winds will precede the hurricane by several hours. Do not place pool furniture in pool if sand may be pushed into pool, as it will make clearing pool later much more difficult. ___ Shut down electricity to pool equipment. Continue to add extra chlorine. ___ Sandbag any areas as needed to protect against expected flooding, especially the lobby. ___ Move first floor storage to second floor or higher if flooding is expected. ___ Recheck cellular phones. Recharge all cellular phone batteries. ___ Keep guests informed of the storm’s status so that they can prepare. Continue to distribute memos to them about progress of the storm and hotel preparation. Review safety options with the guests for height of storm: Guest bathrooms will be safest place, with door closed if on a floor high enough above any possible flooding. Point out other safe areas that will be used during the storm, such as stairwells, interior rooms, storage areas, etc. Designate a guest assembly area for entertainment during storm, with games, magazines, television, etc. Inform guest to close drapes tightly to minimize chance of any glass flying into room. Move vehicles to best area to prevent damage from flooding. Inform guests that candles or other sources of open flame are not to be used. ___ Post notices in lobby also. Keep lobby or breakfast area TV on Weather or News Channel for continuous updates. ___ Turn freezers and refrigerators to maximum cold and open doors only when absolutely necessary. 23 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 ___ Install plywood shutters on designated windows. ___ Close all drapes in the hotel. ___ Fill all bathtubs with water for use after storm if water is shut off (for bathing, flushing toilets, etc.) ___ Avoid using elevators, as power disruptions are likely in advance of the storm. ___ Make sure generator is grounded. Connect heavy gauge wire between generator grounding lug and an external ground source. Make your own if necessary by driving a length of copper piping into the ground. ___ Operate generator away in a highly ventilated area, not inside building. Keep elevated off ground with plywood. Let generator reach operating speed before electrical loads are connected. Keep air intake and ventilating grills clear. ___ Do not refuel generator while it is running. DURING STORM ___ Remain calm. ___ Serve refreshments, including coffee. ___ Give frequent updates on storm progress. ___ No candles or sources of open flame are to be used in the building. ___ Stay away from windows and doors, even if they are shuttered. ___ Keep doors and windows tightly shuttered during storm. ___ Be alert for tornadoes spawned by the hurricane’s circulation. If a tornado approaches: Go to an interior hallway or room Stay away from windows or glass Get under furniture or something sturdy ___ Be aware of the eye of the hurricane. If the eye passes over, there will be a period of calm conditions. Do not go outside. The hurricane conditions will return rapidly and with almost no notice from the opposite direction. ___ Stay in protected areas until all clear is given. ___ Use telephones only in case of emergency. ___ Turn off utilities if advised to do so by local officials or if leaks develop. 24 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 IF HOTEL IS EVACUATED OR SHUT DOWN TO GUESTS BEFORE STORM This decision must be made in conjunction with local officials and discussed with HP HOTELS Director of Operations prior to decision being made. ___ Stay in constant contact with HP HOTELS Director of Operation to inform of situation. ___ Place large sign in front window stating: Hotel closed due to hurricane All Money has been removed from building Emergency numbers to call (GM, HP HOTELS) ___ Communicate evacuation information to guests: Time they have to leave by Locations of nearby shelters, directions, acceptance of pets, etc. ___ Settle all guest accounts as they check out. ___ Conduct night audit as soon as last guest has checked out. ___ Make bank deposit with any cash left on property. ___ Move following items into storage areas that will be safe from flooding and away form potential broken windows: Computer terminals Audit boxes Critical files ___ Do not clean rooms. Secure all drapes in rooms. Remove any food left in rooms. Make sure all doors are locked. ___ Move all first floor furniture to higher floods if flooding is expected. ___ Make sure everything in hotel is unplugged. ___ GM removes important items: Any remaining cash direct billing information computer backup tapes credit card machines PMS CPU Employee Files Keys ___ Lock doors and take keys. 25 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 SEVERE WEATHER ALERT! Date: ___________________________________ Time: __________________________________ Dear Special Guest: We are glad to have you as our guest at the ___________________________. monitor We constantly weather conditions across _______________________________-in case severe weather is possible. The National Weather Service has informed us that there is a risk of severe weather in the area between now and _______________________. Should a TORNADO WARNING be issued, the safest place is in your guest room bathroom. Please do not drive during a tornado. Cars are among the unsafe places to be. Please monitor television channels ____________ for local broadcast severe weather coverage. Please note that we are in _________________. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call the front desk by dialing 0. Thanks! General Manager 26 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Hotel Guest Hurricane Information Dear Guest, Thank you staying with us. The _____________________Hotel will remain open unless local officials order a mandatory evacuation or Category 4 conditions are expected. Please be aware that we might be operating under very adverse conditions and want to advise you of a few important points: Please be aware that electrical power may be interrupted, as the hotel does not have full emergency power. Phone service may also be interrupted, so please bring a cellular phone if possible. No open flame sources will be allowed, so please do not bring Coleman stoves or lanterns or candles. We will provide 1 gallon of drinking water per room, 1 flashlight with 1 set of batteries per room. As supplies last. There will be a cold continental breakfast each morning, hopefully with coffee. Please be aware that pets will not be accepted under any situation. Please board your animals or make other arrangements. Please be aware that housekeeping services will be limited during the hurricane. We will make every attempt to provide you with fresh linen during the storm. Thank you for your patience during this weather event. Please contact the front office if you have questions or special needs. Sincerely, General Manager 27 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 AFTER THE STORM ___ Hurricane Action Team to survey all guest rooms and public areas to evaluate when full operations can begin again. Assess what equipment and repairs will be needed and get underway. ___ Implement any security controls to limit access to property. ___ Document all storm damage with photographs. Contact insurance company for any claims that need to be filed. ___ Re-install all equipment. ___ Move all items from safe storage. ___ Evaluate any employee assistance needs. ___ No candles or open flames. ___ Beware of downed power lines, weakened tree limbs or damaged structures that might fall. ___ Do not drive or walk in standing water. ___ Check utilities before turning them back on. Gas must be turned on by professionals. If building has been flooded: do not turn electrical circuits back on until a qualified electrician has checked them. ___ Check for sewer and water line damage. If you suspect sewer line damage, do not use toilets until the damage has been checked. ___ Do not reset breakers or replace fuses if water is still present in the building. Wait until all water has receded. ___ Do not stand in water when working with anything electrical. Wear dry clothes and rubber soled shoes. ___ If any electrical appliances smell or trips breakers when re-installing, do not use. ___ If you smell gas, or hear a blowing or hissing sound, contact Gas Company immediately. ___ Do not use tap water unless you are sure that it is safe. If you are advised of a water advisory, purify water before using. Boil water vigorously for three minutes. If there is no means to boil water, add 8 drops of newly purchased household bleach per gallon of water, then mix and allow standing for 30 minutes. You may also use water-purifying tablets. ___ Drive only if necessary. 28 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 ___ Cover broken windows and torn roof coverings immediately. ___ Clean all roof drains and remove any debris from roof. ___ Beware of snakes, insects and animals that may be driven to higher ground by flooding. ___ Check food for freshness before using. ___ Cut fallen tree limbs and felled trees. ___ Use proper safety precautions if chain saws are to be used. 29 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Injury/Illness Medical emergencies can arise at any time. Guests and employees can suffer from heart attacks, strokes, reactions to medication, food poisoning, falls and a myriad of other things. Rendering assistance immediately can be critical to the eventual outcome of the emergency and the health of the person. In case of an injury/illness, the goals of the hotel are: 1. 2. 3. Summon emergency medical assistance. Administer first aid Properly record the incident on an incident report (Heart Attack, Stroke, Work Injury) Action Plan ___ Contact MOD. ___ Assess medical situation. ___ Administer First Aid. ___ Call 911 if necessary if medical assistance is necessary. ___ Have someone direct paramedics to location. ___ Investigate incident and document all pertinent information. Record eyewitness statements. ___ If employee, complete workers compensation form and forward to insurance carrier within 24 hours. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 30 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Phone System Failure The phone system is very vital to the operation of the hotel. For that reason, the hotel staff must be very sensitive to any interruption in phone service and to take steps to minimize disruption in case one occurs. In case of a phone system failure, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Check for minor problems that might be causing the failure Notify phone service vendor immediately Have cell phones and fax phones available for guest use Properly record the incident on an incident report Phone System Failure – Action Plan ___ Check for simple problem such as a loose cord. ___ Call Phone Vendor to report problem. ___ Arrange to use fax line as the incoming phone line. Give that number to guests. Take messages if they receive calls and deliver to the room. ___ Use cell phones also for emergency guest calls. ___ Notify all guest rooms that phone system is not working. ___ Receive calls on the Lucent extension in phone room. 31 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Power Failure Interruption of power to the hotel is a very disruptive situation. Fortunately, most outages are of a short duration. It is imperative that the Hotel Staff be prepared for actual power outages, in order to minimize the inconvenience to the guests of the Hotel. In case of a power failure, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Notify power company Establish fire watch throughout hotel Check emergency lighting Distribute flashlights to staff members Keep front desk functions running as smoothly as possible Provide extra levels of comfort to the guests Properly record the incident on an incident report Power Failure - Action Plan ___ Contact GM or MOD. ___ Contact Power Company to report outage. ___ Distribute flashlights to all staff members. ___ Run down-time reports before Property Management System Power backup shuts down. ___ Check to ensure that emergency lights are working. ___ Use fail-safe keys for guests checking in. ___ Notify guests if power outage will be for an extended period. Make decision to evacuate hotel if power will be out more than 24 hours. Contact HP HOTELS Official to make this decision. ___ Set up fire patrols for duration of outage. Have staff members work in shifts, walking hotel for an hour at a time. ___ Safeguard continental breakfast food against spoilage during outage. ___ Protect against theft during outage by making sure that all cash and deposits are secured. ___ Take special effort to be sensitive to guest needs after incident. ___ After power is restored, inspect hotel to look for damage. 32 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Suicide / Death Unfortunately, suicide is a very part of our society today. One of the places that people choose to commit suicide is often a hotel. For these reasons, the Hotel Staff must be cognizant of potential suicide victims and react in case of an attempted suicide. In addition, natural deaths do occasionally occur in hotels. In case of a guest death or suicide, the goals of the hotel are to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Summon emergency medial assistance and police immediately Administer first aid Prevent possible injury to other guests or employees Secure area Secure personal effects of deceased Properly record the incident on an incident report Death – Action Plan ___ Upon notification, dial 911. ___ Contact MOD. ___ Secure area. ___ After police have released area, clean room using proper Bloodborne Pathogen procedures. ___ With witness present, secure guest belongings, taking complete inventory of items. Secure for relatives to pick up. ___ Be especially sensitive to needs of family members who come to the hotel to pick up belongings. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS and Insurance Company 33 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Suicide – Action Plan ___ If person calls from room saying they are going to attempt suicide, GSA should connect them immediately with Suicide Prevention. Try to see if they have a gun. __ On switchboard, press START, dial number for suicide prevention ___ Immediately dial 911 and tell operator that we have guest attempting suicide. Tell operator if caller had gun. ___ Contact MOD immediately. ___ Secure E-Key, bolt cutters and information on guest and have ready for police arrival. ___ Dispatch staff member to clear floor of staff members and post at elevator to prevent guests from stepping off on floor and direct emergency personnel. ___ Secure area. ___ After police have released area, clean room using proper Blood borne Pathogen procedures. ___ With witness present, secure guest belongings, taking complete inventory of items. Secure for relatives to pick up. ___ Be especially sensitive to needs of family members who come to the hotel to pick up belongings. ___ No one to release information to media except for General Manager. ___ Notify HP HOTELS Officer. ___ Complete incident report. File and fax to HP HOTELS. 34 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 CIVIL DISTURBANCES PROCEDURES Internal Disturbance (Non-Violent) ___ Notify emergency response team ___ If group is not violent, the team leader (or other person skilled in group interaction) should contact the leader and attempt to find the reason for the disturbance. ____ Suggest a cessation of activity while attempts are made to resolve the situation privately. ____ If disturbance is directed toward an in-house individual or group contact the individual or group spokesperson to find out additional information. (Uncooperative or violent) ____ Contact police and provide them with as much information as possible. ____ Remove guests from the area if possible. ____ Remove cash or other valuables from the area, if possible. _____ Attempt to isolate the disturbance from other areas of the hotel. _____ Monitor group activity and record any actions taken against the hotel or its guests. _____ Meet arriving police and be prepared to brief them about the situation. External Disturbance _____ Contact Emergency Team _____ Call police and provide as much detail as possible. _____ Secure building entrances wherever possible. _____ Position individuals to safeguard the hotels vital equipment; communications, water supply, electrical stations and other critical areas. _____ Follow instructions of arriving police 35 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Robbery – Action Plan ___ In case of a robbery do not panic. ___ Give the robber the money. ___ Do not try to hide money from them. Remember that your safety is more important than any amount of money. ___ Once the robber has left, call the police immediately. ___ Give them as much information as you have and follow their instructions. ___ Then call the General Manager or Manager on Duty. ___ Call a representative of HP HOTELS. 36 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Crisis Communication Policy / Media Policy During emergencies, it is possible for the media to show up at your hotel and inquire about he events that have taken place. It is the policy of HP Hotels for all questions from the media to be directed to the Hotel General Manager or the HP HOTELS Director of Operations. During employee orientation the General Manager must convey this policy to all employees. 37 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 HP HOTELS MANAGED PROPERTIES EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FINAL EXAM Name ________________________________ Date _________________ 1. a. b. c. d. In case of a bomb threat, the building is searched by: A team of employees from the hotel The fire department Smokey the Bear The MOD and any designated employees 2. a. b. c. d. e. f. Which events require Evacuation of the Hotel? Actual Fire or Smoke __ yes __ no Bomb Threat __ yes __ no Gas Leak __ yes __ no Tornado __ yes __ no Hurricane __ yes __ no Power Failure __ yes __ no ___ __depends __depends __depends __depends __depends __depends 3. Scenario: You are walking by the pool and notice a child floating face down in the water. What would you do? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Scenario: Guest was supposed to have checked out at 12 noon. There has been no answer on the telephone in the room. The housekeeper enters the room to clean it, but gets no response from the guest. What should she do? a. Let the guest sleep until 4:00 pm. b. Contact MOD and attempt to rouse guest with another employee. c. Call 911 immediately. d. Tickle the guest carefully. 5. a. b. c. d. Who is permitted to give out information to the media after an incident: Any employee GM or HP HOTELS representative Company lawyer Tom Brokaw 6. What is the hotel’s address? _________________________________________________________________________ 38 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 7. a. b. c. What is the first thing to do if a guest calls saying they are going to attempt suicide? Try to keep them talking on the line and ask someone else to call 911. Connect them to the suicide prevention line and call 911. Tell them you are sending someone up right away. d. Tell them you are calling the police. 8. When the fire alarm sounds, do we silence it while investigating the source? Yes ___________ 9. a. No __________ c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Which incidents require you to call 911 immediately? Fire Alarm Yes ____ No _____ Actutal Fire Yes ____ No _____ Suicide Yes ____ No _____ Power Failure Yes ____ No _____ Death Yes ____ No _____ Hurricane Yes ____ No _____ Injury or Illness Yes ____ No _____ Bomb Threat Yes ____ No _____ Robbery Yes ____ No _____ Drowning Yes ____ No _____ 10. a. b. c. d. What is the safest place for guests during a tornado? Their car Ditch or ravine Lobby Guest Room Bathroom b. 39 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Insurance Reporting Procedures: By reading this Emergency Manual, you have learned the proper procedures to handle any emergency that can happen at your hotel. Once the incident(s) has been handled, it is now time to contact your hotel’s insurance company. Proper insurance forms must be filled out completely and faxed to the appropriate insurance agent and HP HOTELS, within 24 hours of the incident. This section includes HP HOTELS Incident Report forms, however your insurance agent will require their own reports to be used. It is the responsibility of the General Manager to call and request a proper First Report of Injury from the hotel’s insurance company. Insurance Reporting Information: (to be filled in by GM) Insurance Company Name Contact Name Phone Number Fax Number Address, City, State First Report of Injury from requested? 40 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Hotel Sprinklers: Most hotels have a sprinkler system in the guest rooms and common areas. Things to remember regarding sprinkler systems: A. An authorized company must inspect them at least once per year. Keep the inspection on file. B. For any reason, if your sprinkler system is down or temporarily out of order, you must contact your hotel’s insurance company and notify them that your system is out of order and how long it will remain out of order. Failure to notify your insurance company will result in loss of coverage! Insurance Company Inspections: Insurance companies sometimes perform “loss control” inspection visits from time to time and they issue their recommendations (fire extinguishers, lighting). If there is a claim because one of these recommendations were not followed through, then there is no defense to a claim, and loss of coverage may result. or surfaces, etc.) It is very important that these recommendations be corrected immediately Incident Report Forms: Immediately after injury or property damage has occurred, an incident report form or your Insurance Companies “First Report of Injury” must be filled out completely and faxed to both HP HOTELS and the insurance company. 41 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Shut – Off Procedures There will be occasions when you will have to shut off the water in you hotel. Each hotel will have property specific shut off valves. Most hotels have a main valve outside the hotel. Another main valve may be found entering the building. Other valves can be located throughout the building. If you can obtain a copy of the hotel blueprints, then you can have accurate records of all water valves. In the next few pages, paste Polaroid pictures of all valves at your hotel with written explanations on procedures to turn valves off. Some valves require a wrench or special tool. 42 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 MAIN WATER VALVE – OUTSIDE Picture One ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 43 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 WATER VALVE – AT BUILDING Picture TWO ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 44 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Other Valve - _________________________ Picture Four ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 45 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Valve – Other: ________________ Picture Five ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 46 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Valve – Other: ________________ Picture Six ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 47 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Valve – Other: ________________ Picture Seven ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 48 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Valve – Other: ________________ Picture Eight ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 49 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Valve – Other: ________________ Picture Nine ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 50 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Water Valve – Other: ________________ Picture Ten ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ______________________________ 51 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002 Gas Shut off Valve 52 Written and Customized for HP Hotels, Inc. June 2002