Fighting Blindness The British Retinitis Pigmentosa Society GENETIC TESTING FOR RP Extracts from a Discussion Paper Prepared for the Board of Trustees by Stephen Jones Development Manager October 2009 Genetic Testing for RP CONTENTS Background This Discussion Paper Why Have Genetic Testing for RP? Do RP Patients Want Genetic Testing? Do Clinicians Want Genetic Testing for their RP Patients? Is Genetic Testing Available? What is the Official Position? What are the Potential Solutions? What Should RP Fighting Blindness Do? Research Advocacy Campaign Other Considerations and Related Issues Types of Tests and Associated Ethical Issues Different Methods of Testing and their Costs Commercial Testing and Private Payment Annex 1 Sir Alan Rudge’s Letter to Prof Farndon of the UK Genetic Testing Network Annex 2 Prof Black’s Project in Manchester Annex 3 The Process for Adoption and Approval of Genetic Tests and the Organisations Involved Annex 4 Genetic Tests and Service Levels (UKGTN Website) Annex 5 References and Links 2 Genetic Testing for RP Background The subject of genetic testing has been a discussion point within RP Fighting Blindness for some time. The largest research grant ever awarded by the charity was to Prof Graeme Black in Manchester (refer to Annex 2) to develop genetic testing services for RP. This grant started in 2005 and is on-going. Considerable interest in genetic testing has been raised within the membership of the charity. Some members have been tested through NHS channels while others have been refused. All this has taken place within the context of a rapidly changing scientific base, an emerging policy environment and widely different experiences for patients in different parts of the country. This complicated picture has led to questions being raised as to whether the lay membership of RP Fighting Blindness, led by the trustees, should be taking a more proactive role in trying to promote the interests of RP patients in relation to genetic testing. If so, should this be done through some form of advocacy campaign and if so, to whom should this be directed? The subject was discussed at a Board of Trustees meeting on28th January 2009 at which it was decided that Sir Alan Rudge would write a letter, based on a draft prepared by Prof Tony Moore, to Prof Farndon of the UK Genetic Testing Network. This letter, reproduced in Annex 1, was sent on 24th March 2009 and led to a subsequent telephone conversation between Prof Farndon and Sir Alan. Prof Farndon made various points, including a request that we should send case studies of RP patients who had experienced problems in obtaining testing. Two short case studies were subsequently sent. This Discussion Paper At Sir Alan’s request, Stephen Jones was asked to carry out some background research and prepare a discussion paper. A few meetings have taken place with certain key individuals, including Prof Tony Moore and a number of other contacts. In an effort to limit the number of pages in the main part of this report, much of the background material has been presented in annexes. 3 Genetic Testing for RP Why Have Genetic Testing for RP? Some of the reasons for testing are outlined below: 1. A genetic test can lead to a better diagnosis of an RP patient’s condition and a better prognosis of the way the disease may develop in the future. In some cases, knowing the actual genetic mutation may help ophthalmologists in the clinic to make clinical judgements and to recommend genetic counselling where appropriate. Also, by knowing the exact gene in question, clinicians may be able to save time and money by not testing patients for syndromic symptoms that might otherwise have been important to check for. 2. RP patients and their partners/spouses may be better placed to make important life decisions, particularly relating to having children (reproductive choice, in the jargon). For example, parents with one child with suspected Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) may greatly value a genetic test and counselling when considering whether or not to have more children. Similarly, a woman who knows she is at risk of carrying Xlinked RP, which could be passed on to her sons, may greatly value a genetic test and counselling. 3. Genetic testing allows family members to be tested if they wish. For example, in the case of families with dominant RP, young adults may wish to be tested at the time of making career choices. 4. As more and more clinical trials are planned for gene therapy and some other possible treatments for RP, it is essential that researchers can identify RP patients with the particular gene mutation in question so that candidates for the trials can be selected. 5. As RP genetic tests are developed further, it will become possible to engage in various forms of testing which are not yet commonplace, including pre-natal testing and pre-implantation selection of embryos. Clearly, such practices raise enormous ethical issues. 6. Well into the future, it is expected we will enter a period with increased use of pharmacogenetics – individually tailored treatment according to genetic background. Do RP Patients Want Genetic Testing? Anecdotal evidence appears to indicate that there is widespread interest among RP patients wishing to be tested. An approach to collecting more rigorous data about the motivations of RP patients is currently underway by Dr Martin 4 Genetic Testing for RP McKibbin, an ophthalmologist working in Leeds. Preliminary findings of his work suggest that there is a high demand for testing among RP patients. A suggestion about improving the quality of the data about RP patients and their preferences in regard to genetic testing is made later in this report. In the meantime, and in the absence of better data, we will have to proceed on the basis of evidence gained from meetings, the helpline and individual contacts, which indicate dissatisfaction, at least in some parts of the country, that genetic testing is not available. A request in the e-newsletter of 18th April 2009 for members to come forward with their genetic testing experiences, elicited only six responses, one of which was from the USA. Only two of the responses described problems with obtaining tests and these were used as the case studies that were sent to Prof Farndon. Do Clinicians Want Genetic Testing for their RP Patients? For the reasons set out in the section “Why Have Genetic Tests for RP”, it appears that specialist ophthalmologists with a high workload in RP want their patients to be tested in most cases although some are more accepting than others of arguments about testing only being justified if clinical utility can be proven. If treatments existed for RP, it would be easier to prove clinical utility but the absence of treatments means that the tests must be justified on other grounds. Other things being equal, and setting aside funding issues for the moment, it appears that most ophthalmologists would like to have access to genetic testing for their RP patients. The experiences of some ophthalmologists with regard to the availability of tests are presented in the next section. Is Genetic Testing Available? Prof Graeme Black is concerned that some people within RP Fighting Blindness have been promoting the idea that every RP patient should have a genetic test. In the first pace, he points out that many genes causing certain types of RP have not yet been discovered. Secondly, tests have not yet been developed for some types of RP. For example, his team in Manchester are still in the relatively early stages of developing tests for some types of recessive RP. Thirdly, he is not convinced that all RP patients will necessarily benefit from having such a test, particularly where there is little evidence of clinical utility. From the contacts made with clinicians working in eye clinics, it appears that their experiences on behalf of their RP patients vary greatly. The Manchester area is well served for testing and some clinicians in other areas report few problems in 5 Genetic Testing for RP obtaining approval for testing for their RP patients, including Prof Moore of Moorfields and Prof Wright of Edinburgh. Dr Susie Downes of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford reports that she likes to test all her RP patients where an appropriate test exists. She submits requests through her hospital genetics department and has never been refused. However, other clinicians experience considerable difficulties, including Prof Lotery of Southampton. He reports extreme difficulty in getting approval for testing for his RP patients. He would like to get most of his patients tested but the majority of applications are rejected and he does not even bother submitting applications for some RP patients because he knows the outcome in advance. Dr Martin McKibbin of St James University Hospital, Leeds, reports considerable frustration at what he perceives to be the unequal treatment in his area. He makes applications to the Yorkshire Regional Genetics Service and finds that RP is treated as unimportant in comparison to many other genetic conditions. He finds that one of the best chances for being accepted is pre-pregnancy testing when couples are making decisions on whether or not to try to become pregnant. What is the Official Position? As described in Annex 3, a highly convoluted process, involving a plethora of organisations, is in place, firstly, to test and approve new genetic tests for use within the NHS and, secondly, to manage the approval process at the level of the individual patient. Once a laboratory, such as Manchester, has developed a new genetic test it must seek approval for use within the NHS through official channels starting with the UK Genetic Testing Network (UKGTN). Once a test has received technical approval and been through the GenCAG process, clinicians in eye clinics can then request genetic tests for particular patients. However, ophthalmologists must channel these requests through genetic clinics which fulfil a “gate-keeping” function. Local NHS bodies must then decide if an application for a test is to be allowed on the basis of clinical utility and cost. The interested reader who wishes to delve much more deeply into these issues is referred to Prof Tony Moore’s report “Genetic Ophthalmology in Focus” published in April 2008. The full reference and link are given in Annex 5. This report makes recommendations in relation to specialist genetic ophthalmology services. The even more interested reader who wishes to place these issues in the context of genetic testing for all conditions is referred to the House of Lords report on Genomic Medicine (a full reference and link is given in Annex 5). 6 Genetic Testing for RP The official reason given for refusing permission for genetic tests for RP is usually to do with clinical utility. If treatments existed for RP then it would be easier for clinicians to demonstrate clinical utility but in the absence of treatments a case must be made along other lines to do with diagnosis, prognosis and family decision-making. The fact that an RP patient wants a test is not sufficient. The strength of the argument for clinical utility depends to some extent on the type of RP in question, but it appears that NHS Commissioners in different parts of the country make very different decisions for similar cases. If clinical utility is not proven then the official position is that the genetic test is needed primarily for research reasons and should be paid for from research funds, such as the research budget of RP Fighting Blindness, rather than from NHS funds. A whole chapter of Prof Moore’s report is devoted to the subject of clinical utility. It is also important to note that testing patients in preparation for future clinical trials does not form part of the clinical utility debate. Therefore, this argument in favour of carrying out tests needs to be made vocally and separately from arguments concerned with clinical utility. Tony Moore emphasises that funding is the main reason for genetic tests being rejected for patients. Official explanations of refusals may be couched in terms of clinical utility not being proven but the underlying reason is lack of funding. There is some confusion about exactly which bodies are the key decision-makers for funding decisions in particular cases. As already noted, requests from ophthalmologists are passed through their local genetics service, acting as the “gate-keepers”, with onwards involvement of Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) and Specialised Commissioning Groups (refer to Annex 3). What are the Potential Solutions? It may be stating the obvious, but if funding is the key issue, then a substantial reduction in the cost of tests would ease the situation. The costs of tests carried out in Manchester are given on their website and the links are given in Annex 2. As more tests are carried out and as new technologies are introduced, the costs should reduce, but it is difficult to know what the timescale will be for these developments to happen. One project to watch with interest in the future is the development of tests using high throughput gene sequencing at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. This is being led by Dr Susie Downes and her colleague, Dr Andrea Nemeth, a clinical geneticist. Using very expensive Roche 454 Life Sciences equipment they will develop new tests for submission to UKGTN and may subsequently be in a position to offer testing for RP patients through the NHS. It is intended to work in collaboration with Manchester. Significant developments are expected in the next few months. Such testing does offer the prospect of cheaper tests but it is too early to be certain that this will be the case. 7 Genetic Testing for RP In the meantime efforts must be made to work within the existing system. It is clear that problems are being experienced in particular parts of the country. The role for RP Fighting Blindness is discussed below. What Should RP Fighting Blindness Do? On the basis of discussions with various key players, the consensus appears to be that RP Fighting Blindness should proceed down two complementary paths: 1. Research Continue supporting research efforts to develop genetic testing for RP. This need not be exclusively in the form of support for Prof Black and his team in Manchester but they are likely to be the main recipients. The existing project and Prof Black’s work are described in Annex 2 where it is also noted that he has recently secured £0.5 million of funds from Fight for Sight for RP genetic testing. A further application to RP Fighting Blindness has also been flagged up. In simple terms, the more research that is undertaken, the more gene dossiers will be submitted to UKGTN (ref Annex 3) and the more RP tests will be listed in the Directory for future access by clinicians. 2. Advocacy Campaign Any advocacy campaign must have very clear objectives. It is conceivable that one objective could be to campaign at a national level for more money to be devoted to RP testing by engaging in a lobbying campaign in Westminster. However, a full scale lobbying campaign would almost certainly require specialist help and would be very expensive, probably well beyond the means of RP Fighting Blindness. An alternative objective would be to focus on the specific problem areas relating to RP testing and have an advocacy campaign designed to address those problems. The targets for such a campaign include: UK Genetic Testing Network – Sir Alan Rudge has already written to UKGTN (Annex1) and had a telephone conversation with the director. As well as being the body that approves tests, UKGTN also has a remit to provide equal access to testing in all parts of the country and that is patently not happening at the present time. Further pressure could be exerted on UKGTN, backed up by support from ophthalmologists who are experiencing problems in obtaining approval for tests for their RP patients Genetics Commissioning Advisory Group (GenCAG) – as pointed out in Annex 3, GenCAG is the next step in the chain after UKGTN and might also be a suitable target for the same sort of campaign as described above. 8 Genetic Testing for RP NHS Commissioners – the decision on whether or not to approve applications for genetic tests for particular RP patients is taken by local commissioners after referral from clinical geneticists. The actual bodies responsible vary and may change over time according to the success of efforts to reform the system. Where individual Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) are the bodies responsible there is little opportunity for RP Fighting Blindness to try to influence their decisions because there are simply too many of them. But where Specialised Commissioning Groups (SCGs) are responsible there would be a real opportunity for RP Fighting Blindness to approach and try to influence them. There are only 10 such bodies and the ones with the worst record in approving RP tests could be identified and then approached by the charity. The Genetic Interest Group (GIG) has offered advice in implementing such a scheme. Such efforts could be supplemented by a limited lobbying campaign at Westminster. RP patients refused testing could approach their MPs who would ask questions to Ministers in the usual way. A question in the House planted by RP Fighting Blindness is also a possibility. Again. GIG would offer advice. 9 Genetic Testing for RP Other Considerations and Related Issues Types of Tests and Associated Ethical Issues Up to this point genetic testing has been mentioned in a general sense but there are, in fact, many types of tests. A categorisation of tests and service levels, extracted from the UKGTN website, is presented in Annex 4 to illustrate the range and complexity of the tests. Included in the list are prenatal diagnosis and pre-implantation testing. Such tests are seldom carried out at the moment for RP patients but may be more prevalent in the future. All genetic tests involve ethical issues but these tests, in particular, raise very serious moral questions. Some parents, for example, may seek to use IVF techniques to select an embryo without RP. In rare cases involving prenatal tests, the situation may arise where parents want to abort a foetus which tests positive for RP. It is beyond the remit of this paper to engage in these debates but it is important to flag up these issues because they will undoubtedly become more significant in the future. There is also the question of whether people who have had tests must report the results to prospective employers or to insurance companies. The current position relating to the insurance industry is that a moratorium has been placed on this issue until 2014 although there is evidence that insurance companies are already taking such information into account when quoting premiums. Different Methods of Testing and Their Costs Again, it is beyond the remit of this layman’s paper to discuss the different testing methods except to note that there are different methods and the costs for tests vary greatly. The BRPS funded project in Manchester is based on molecular testing and the costs are given on the website (link given in Annex 2). Other methods of testing include the use of microarrays (gene chips), for example, available from Asper in Estonia ( The uses and limitations of this service are pointed out on page 72 of Genetic Ophthalmology in Focus. Another method, high throughput gene sequencing, has already been mentioned in the context of the project at the John Radcliffe in Oxford and some people think this will be the testing method of the future. Prof Black’s new project, funded by Fight for Sight, includes a component on high throughput gene sequencing. This holds the prospect that costs per test could be reduced. If this could be achieved, it would go a long way to resolving the problems experienced 10 Genetic Testing for RP by RP patients whose tests have not been approved for funding reasons. There would still be a need for funding but at a lower and more affordable level. Looking further into the future, some scientists predict that nanopore technology will be used for genetic testing. Commercial Testing and Private Payment A number of commercial companies are now offering genetic tests for a wide range of genetic conditions. A number of companies, including deCODEme and 23andMe, have received a great deal of publicity. A particular criticism of such direct-to-consumer tests is that an individual receives results, which may be very difficult to interpret and should be accompanied by advice from a clinician and genetic counsellor which are seldom part of the package. In recent times, some members of RP Fighting Blindness have received approaches by email offering testing for RP. The company in question is based in Belgium. The email quotes the cost of a test for recessive and sporadic RP at Euro 2800. Prof Moore has provided advice on this subject which is available to be passed on to members. We may find that many more offers of this type are made in the future. The Human Genetics Commission is currently carrying out a consultation on direct-to-consumer marketing of genetic tests. The reference is given in Annex 5. Another aspect of private payment, flagged up by some RP Fighting Blindness members, is that they have offered to pay the costs of a genetic test while wishing to remain an NHS patient. This appears to be a grey area, with uncertainty about whether it might be allowed in certain circumstances. The prevailing view appears to be that it is not allowed. 11 Genetic Testing for RP Annex 1 Sir Alan Rudge’s Letter to Prof Farndon of the UK Genetic Testing Network 24 March 2009 Professor Peter Farndon UKGTN Clinical Genetics Unit Birmingham Women’s Foundation NHS Trust Metchley Park Road Edgbaston Birmingham B15 2TG Re Molecular Genetic testing for patients with inherited retinal disease and their families Molecular genetic testing for some forms of retinitis pigmentosa and other inherited retinal diseases is available as an NHS service provided by the Regional Genetics Service in Manchester. It makes sense for molecular genetic testing for eye disease to be concentrated in a single specialist laboratory and the genetic laboratory in Manchester provides an excellent service. At present there are a limited number of tests available and BRPS has provided seed funding to the Manchester laboratory to develop further tests for retinal disease that could be made available as an NHS service. It is evident from the feedback that we have from our members and from discussions with ophthalmologists around the UK that there is a strong demand for molecular genetic testing. This is likely to increase as more clinical trials of novel therapies get underway; many of these trials will require knowledge of the specific mutation causing the retinal disease. It is also clear that many patients are unable to access the genetic testing that is available because of lack of funding and other factors such as poor communication between ophthalmologists, geneticists and general practitioners. Many specialist ophthalmologists are unable to arrange testing as clinical geneticists act as ‘gate keepers’ managing limited budgets and may not see ophthalmology as a priority area. There is a striking degree of geographical disparity in access to specialised genetic ophthalmology services and molecular 12 Genetic Testing for RP genetic testing. The major determinant of whether a patient can access molecular genetic testing is where they live. This is clearly not acceptable. Our organisation contributed to the GTN commissioned report “Genetic ophthalmology in focus: a needs assessment and review of specialist services for genetic eye disorders” ( and the major concern highlighted by patient groups that took part in the discussions that informed the report was inequitable access to genetic testing. This issue is now the major cause of concern for our members. It is raised repeatedly at our local and national meetings. Perhaps you would be kind enough to let me have your comments or observations on these concerns and how they might be addressed in the future and how such services might be improved. c.c. Mr Alistair Kent, Director, Genetic Interest Group 13 Genetic Testing for RP Annex 2 Prof Black’s Project in Manchester In April 2004, Prof Graeme Black of the University of Manchester submitted an application to BRPS for a five year project at a cost of £385,000 under the title, “RP – widening access to genetic testing services”. Manchester is home to one of only two National Genetics Reference Laboratories (the other being in Salisbury). The lay summary included the following “this project aims to develop cost effective strategies for genetic testing and to demonstrate the clinical utility of testing to Health Service Commissioners with a view to integrating a defined test for RP into the NHS and making it accessible to the UK population” The project was approved and started in January 2005. Emphasis at first was on testing for X-linked RP, then dominant forms, with the intention of including recessive forms in the later stages of the project. Prof Black’s 4th Year report was considered and approved by the trustees at their meeting of 29th April 2009. The full report was circulated to trustees in advance of the meeting. The report included a geographic breakdown (table and map) of the reports of X-linked and dominant RP issued by the Regional Molecular Genetics Service in the period 2005-8. Information about the Manchester genetics service is available at: Examples of the RP tests and their prices are available at: ADRP X-linked RP Prof Black has indicated that he will be seeking further funding from RP Fighting Blindness. It is also known that the Manchester team are to receive £0.5 million from Fight for Sight for a project connected with genetic testing for RP. Official details about this project have not yet been released but it is understood that about half the money will be used for developing new tests including use of high throughput gene sequencing and the other half will be devoted to developing data about patient views and perceptions about testing. As Prof Black points out this will improve the data relating to those who are tested but does not take account of those patients whose testing has been refused by NHS Commissioners. 14 Genetic Testing for RP Annex 3 The Process for Adoption and Approval of Genetic Tests and the Organisations Involved UK Genetic Testing Network (UKGTN) “The UK Genetic Testing Network advises the NHS on genetic testing across the whole of the UK. It aims to ensure the provision of high quality equitable genetic testing services. The network is a collaborative group of genetic testing laboratories, clinicians and commissioners of NHS genetic services and involves patient support groups.” “A core function of the UKGTN is the clinical and scientific evaluation of proposed new molecular genetic tests for adoption as mainstream NHS services. Gene Dossiers are submitted by member laboratories to the UKGTN for initial evaluation against agreed criteria. The UKGTN recommends to NHS commissioners those tests that meet the criteria. However as NHS Commissioning remains within local arrangements it is recognised by the UKGTN that inclusion in the Directory does not guarantee NHS funding” The tests adopted for RP can be found at and typing in retinitis pigmentosa. UKGTN is a sub-group of GenCAG. Genetics Commissioning Advisory Group (GenCAG) /Genetics/Geneticsgeneralinformation/DH_4117687 “The Genetics Commissioning Advisory Group was set up to take a strategic national overview of genetics in healthcare delivery. It aims to provide advice to commissioners of genetics services to enable them to provide appropriate services for NHS patients and their families. Members are drawn from relevant professional bodies and groups and Royal Colleges, an umbrella patient support group (the Genetic Interest Group - GIG) and from the specialised commissioning groups which commission these services in the NHS” GenCAG looks at the UKGTN recommendations from the commissioners’ perspective in terms of criteria such as value for money. GenCAG effectively signs off the UKGTN recommendation and passes to commissioners. Genetic testing is defined by the NHS as a Specialised Service. In England Specialised Services are commissioned by Specialised Commissioning Groups 15 Genetic Testing for RP (SCGs). There are separate arrangements in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Specialised Commissioning Groups (SCGs) SCGs commission services on behalf of their Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). There are 10 SCGs in England and their boundaries are the same as for the Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs). Each SCG covers a population of between 2.5 and 7 million. The SCGs report to the National Specialised Services Commissioning Group (NSCG) which has a remit to coordinate specialised services commissioning for England. There is yet another body known as the National Commissioning Group (NCG) which is responsible for commissioning services for extremely rare conditions where the total number of patients is usually less than 400. 16 Genetic Testing for RP Annex 4 Genetic Tests and Service Levels (UKGTN Website) Service level fields and definitions Sequencing of entire coding region Determination of the nature and order of the nucleotide bases of the gene being tested. This analysis includes the exon and intron-boundaries. Sequencing DNA identifies most nucleotide bases that vary from the normal (wild-type) sequence. Types of sequence alterations that may be detected Pathogenic sequence (disease-causing mutation) reported in the literature Sequence alteration predicted to be pathogenic but not reported in the literature Sequence alteration of unpredictable clinical significance (missense) Sequence alteration predicted to be benign but not reported in the literature Benign sequence (polymorphism) reported in the literature Possibilities if a sequence alteration is not detected Patient does not have a mutation in the tested gene (e.g., a sequence alteration exists in another gene at another locus Patient has a sequence alteration that cannot be detected by sequence analysis (e.g., a large deletion) Patient has a sequence alteration in a region of the gene (e.g., an intron or regulatory region) or in another gene/exon not covered by the laboratory's test Adapted from the ACMG Recommendations for Standards for Interpretation of Sequence Variations (2000). Sequencing of select exons Determination of the nature and order of the nucleotide bases of specific exons of a gene. Specific exons of a gene are sequenced when these have been identified as the regions of the gene most likely to contain pathogenic mutations. This analysis will include the DNA sequencing of the exon and intron-boundaries of each of the selected exons Types of sequence alterations that may be detected Pathogenic sequence (disease-causing mutation) reported in the literature Sequence alteration predicted to be pathogenic but not reported in the literature Unknown sequence alteration of unpredictable clinical significance Sequence alteration predicted to be benign but not reported in the literature Benign sequence (polymorphism) reported in the literature Possibilities if a sequence alteration is not detected Patient does not have a mutation in the tested exons (e.g., a sequence alteration exists in another exon or in a gene at another locus) Patient has a sequence alteration that cannot be detected by sequence analysis (e.g., a large deletion) Patient has a sequence alteration in a region of the gene (e.g., an intron or regulatory region) not covered by the laboratory's test Adapted from the ACMG Recommendations for Standards for Interpretation of Sequence Variations (2000). 17 Genetic Testing for RP Mutation Scanning The screening of DNA by one of a variety of methods to identify variant gene region(s). Regions identified as variant with respect to the normal (wild type sequence) are further analysed to identify the specific sequence alteration. Methods commonly in use for mutation scanning by UKGTN laboratories are CSGE; DGGE; SSCP; DHPLC. Some Clinical Implications: Mutation scanning is used when mutations are distributed throughout a gene, when most families have different mutations (private mutation) and when sequence analysis would be excessively time-consuming due to the size of a given gene. Mutation scanning may include the entire gene or only select regions. Targeted mutation analysis Testing for the presence of common mutations found in most or a high proportion of individuals with a specified disease Examples are: i) Glu6Val for sickle cell anaemia ii) the trinucleotide repeat expansion associated with Fragile X iii) deletions associated with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (dosage) iv) a set of mutations (e.g., a panel of mutations for cystic fibrosis), as opposed to complete gene sequencing or mutation scanning. Confirmation of known mutations Testing of at-risk family members for their family-specific (private) mutation where the mutation has been identified as part of a diagnostic service. This includes predictive tests but not confirmation of mutations identified in a research laboratory Gene Tracking Testing DNA sequence polymorphisms (normal variants) that are near or within a gene of interest to track within a family the inheritance of a disease-causing (pathogenic) mutation in a given gene The three steps of gene tracking (linkage analysis) are: i) Establish haplotypes for each individual: Multiple DNA markers lying on either side of (flanking) or within (intragenic) a gene region of interest are tested to determine the set of markers (haplotypes) of each family member. ii) Establish phase by comparing haplotypes between family members: By comparing the haplotypes of family members whose genetic status is known (e.g., affected, unaffected), the haplotype associated with the disease-causing allele can be identified. iii) Determine genetic status: Once the disease-associated haplotype is established, it is possible to determine the genetic status of at-risk family members. Some Clinical Implications 18 Genetic Testing for RP This method is often used when direct DNA analysis is not possible because the gene of interest is unknown or a mutation within that gene cannot be detected in a specific family. Prenatal diagnosis (synonym: prenatal testing) Testing performed during pregnancy to determine if a fetus is affected with a particular disorder. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), amniocentesis, periumbilical blood sampling (PUBS), are examples of procedures used to obtain a sample for testing Preimplantation diagnosis: (synonym: preimplantation testing, PGD) A procedure whereby analysis for a genetic mutation is carried out on a single cell removed from early embryos conceived by in vitro fertilisation. Other Analysis of patient samples not identified in the previous service levels. These could include for example, i) clinical confirmation of mutations identified in a research lab ii) analysis of a patient sample using testing procedures or new technology not described in the available service level fields Comprehensive analysis Analysis of a patient sample using all or a subset of the service levels described above. Example i) gene tracking to identify which one of a group of genes to test followed by ii) targeted mutation analysis for the common mutations in the identified gene followed by iii) mutation scanning of the gene for those negative in (ii). 19 Genetic Testing for RP Annex 5 References and Links Title: Genetic Ophthalmology in Focus A Needs Assessment and Review of Specialist Services for Genetic Eye Disorders Report for the UK Genetic Testing Network Tony Moore and Hilary Burton April 2008 Published by the PHG Foundation The full report (97 pages) and a summary (4 pages) can be downloaded at Title: A Common Framework of Principles for Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Services Principles and Consultation Questions Human Genetics Commission The full 27 page report can be downloaded at Title: Genomic Medicine House of Lords Science and Technology Committee July 2009 20