Questionnaire on food allergy for national Food and/or Health Authorities. What this is all about INFOSAN has agreed to help EuroPrevall collect international information on food allergy and is therefore sending you the EuroPrevall questionnaire. EuroPrevall is an EU-funded project, which aims to improve the quality of life for food allergic people. To achieve this EuroPrevall will develop and spread new material on food allergy for use by food allergic consumers, health professionals, food industries and food control authorities. The first step to develop new material (e.g. website, brochures, leaflets, videos) is to find out what is already available as well as to find out what the information need is. This is where we would like your help. Why your response is important Your response is important because you are the only one who knows what your information needs are! We can only make our new information material as good as the input we get from the people who should use it. How you can benefit from EuroPrevall As new material EuroPrevall will mainly create a homepage with information for different target groups, e.g. food control authorities. This homepage will contain the newest information on food allergy based on what is already known and the new findings from the research activities in EuroPrevall. The homepage will be freely available for translation into other languages than English. You can benefit from EuroPrevall by using our material to bring awareness and new information about food allergy out in your country. You can find more information about EuroPrevall (e.g. the research activities) at How to fill out the questionnaire and where to send it You can print out the questionnaire and fill it out on paper. In that case please send the completed questionnaire to: Jørgen Schlundt Director Department of Food Safety, Zoonoses and Foodborne Diseases World Health Organization 20, Avenue Appia, CH-1211 Geneva 27 Switzerland You can also choose to fill out the questionnaire electronically. In that case please e-mail the completed questionnaire to: If you indicate in the questionnaire that you have information available on food allergy we would if possible like to see this material. Please send the material to the above address. You can contact us at the above address or e-mail if you have any questions regarding the questionnaire. We would like to receive your answers before 23 June 2006. Thank you for your help! The questionnaire If you want to fill out the questionnaire electronically you can copy and paste the tick box where relevant: Nr Question Organization details 1 Name of organization Name of contact person Contact details of contact person International telephone number E-mail address 4 Country 5 Language(s) Relevance of questionnaire 6 Is your organization the national authority responsible for food allergy in your country? Answer 2 3 Yes (go to question no. 8) No (go to question no. 7) 7 Please indicate the name and contact information of the responsible national authority: Name of organization Name of contact person International telephone number E-mail address Available information on food allergy 8 Has your organization made information Yes (go to question no. 9) material on food allergy? No (go to question no. 11) (Either as part of general information on allergy or as specific information on food allergy) 9 Who is your material on food allergy made for? a b c d e f g General public Food allergic people Food producers People serving food Health professionals Food control authorities Others (please specify) 10 Please indicate how the information on food allergy is available: a Written material such as leaflets, brochures or books Web page Link to webpage: DVD / Video Educational material Other (please specify) b c d e Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes No Yes http:// Yes Yes No No No If you have information available on food allergy we would if possible like to see this material. Please send the material together with the questionnaire. Your information needs on food allergy 11 Do you have information needs on food allergy? 12 Please, specify the information needs you have? Yes (go to question no. 12) No (go to question no. 13) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. If you have more please specify below. 13 Additional comments you want to bring to us? Thank you for your cooperation in helping raising food allergy awareness!