
Special Education Program’s Guidelines for Footnoting and Referencing

The Special Education faculty has approved of the following formats for use by Special Education majors when completing papers and projects.

Each reference on your References page should be specifically reflected in the context of the paper by a footnote.

Conversely, no reference should be listed on the Reference page unless it has been cited within the text by a footnote.


Paraphrasing work by one or multiple authors

O'Reilly (1989) concluded that it was a substantial improvement ...

Although any method of analyzing the errors can be used, the Reading Miscue Inventory

(Layon & Goldstein, 1991) is perhaps the most popular.

Paraphrasing work with no author listed

The conclusions, which draw on years of research, found that … (New drug appear,” 1992).

The book College Bound Seniors (1993) cites many instances …

Inserting short quote

Keynes (1994) states, “The effect disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (p. 23).

Inserting a longer quote

Layton (1991) provided the following except from one of her students' portfolios that indicates the degree of reflection that goes into the selection of portfolio materials.

I chose these papers from my portfolio because they show my best work and worst work. They portray both sides of my academic performance in math this semester. (p.72)


Personal Communications *

The student’s teacher reports that the student continues to ….. (Butterworth, 2000.)

Examples of Modified APA References Page Entry Styles


Layon, R., & Goodstein. L. (1991). Personality assessment.

New York: John Wiley.

Chapter in an Edited Textbook

O'Leary, K., & Johnson, S. (1979). Psychological assessment. In H. Quay and J. Werry (Eds.),

Psychopathological disorders of childhood (210-246). New York: John Wiley.

Journal Article

O'Reilly, C. (1989). The confirmation bias in special education eligibility decisions. School

Psychology Review, 18, 126-135.

Magazine Article

Henry, W. A. (1990, April 9). Beyond the melting pot. Time, 135, 28 – 31.

Article, No Author

New drug appears to cut risk of heart failure. (1992, July 15). The Washington Post, p. 12.

Internet *

Daniel, R.T. (1995). The history of Western Music . In Britannica Online: Macropedia Online. http://www.eb.com: 180/cgi-bin.html [1995, June 14].

Internet, No Date Given *

Pritzker. T. J. (No date). An early fragment from central Nepal . http://www.ingress.com/~astanart/pritzker/pritzker.html

* Not a standard APA format.


Internet, No Date or Author Given *

What can a teacher do about learning disabilities?


Personal Communications *

Butterworth, S. Personal communication. September 28, 2000.


Piers, E., & Harris, D. (1984). The Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale.


Counselor Recordings and Tests.

Test Manual

Nurss, J., & McGauvran, M. (1986). Metropolitan Readiness Tests, Teacher's Manual, Part II:

Interpretation and Use of Test Results.

New York: Harcourt Brace Janonovich.

Mental Measurement Yearbook

Noyce, R. (1989). Review of Test of Written Spelling. In J. Conoley & J. Kramer (Eds.), Tenth mental measurement yearbook (pp. 860-861). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.

Classroom Materials

Bullock, J. (1989). This is Touch Materials . Colorado Springs, CO: Innovative Learning Concepts.

Cumulative Records

Caruso, E. (1998) Entry in Cumulative records from student’s teacher.

Child Study Team Report

Guzman, A. (1999) Middletown, NJ School System, Child Study Team Psychologist


* Not an APA standard format

