Registration Form Please fill out the blanks and check appropriate boxes, and e-mail it to the secretariat ( by September 15, 2011 A. Delegate Details Title: Mr./ Ms./ Dr./ Prof. Sex: Family Name: male / female First and Middle Name: Nationality: Date of Birth: Affiliation: Position Title: Address Work Home /P.O.Box: Zip Code: Country: Tel/Mobile: Fax: Email: Invitation Letter for Visa: Yes No B. Accompanying Person (if any) Title: Mr./ Ms./ Dr./ Prof. Sex: Family Name: male / female First and Middle Name: Nationality: Date of Birth C. Presentation Author(s): Title: Category: APA oral session / APA poster session/ D. Registration Fees Registration Fee ¥15,000 x person = ¥ (1) 1/2 Symposium poster session ¥5,000 x person (APA Meeting only) = ¥ (2) Excursion Fee ¥10,000 x person = ¥ (3) (to be paid at the registration desk in cash of Japanese yen) E. Itinerary Flight to/from Tokyo Arrival Date: Departed from Departure Date: Leaving for Accommodation: F. Social Events Welcome Reception Farewell Party Symposium Excursion With/ Without accompanying person G. Special Needs (if any) H. Only for Japanese 日本人参加者は下記の項目にも日本語で記入をお願いいたします。 氏名: 同伴者氏名: 勤務先名: 勤務先住所/ 自宅住所: 〒 2/2