Thursday, April 19th 3:00-7:00 Registration, West lobby of CCC Friday, April 20th 8:00-11:00 Registration, Fifth floor hallway, CCC 8:30-9:00 Welcoming Remarks, Room 509 Rafael Núñez-Cedeño, Department of Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese, UIC. Larry Poston, Senior Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, UIC. Christopher Maurer, Head, Deptartment of Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese, UIC. 9:00-11:00 Phonology Historical Linguistics Room 501 Chair: Frank Nuessel, University of Louisville 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 Richard Morris, Middle Tennessee State University, From ladrar to ladrido: Morphosemantic Conditioning in the Derivation of Spanish Sound-Words. Fernando Martínez-Gil, Ohio State Kathleen M. O'Connor, Indiana University at University Constraints on Consonantal Bloomington, Parametric Change and the Intrusion: Evidence from Old Spanish and Development of SVO Interrogatives in the Old French. History of French. Ioana Chitoran, Dartmouth College, Kirsten Fudeman, Ithaca College, The Phonemicization, Morphologization and Loss Chronology of /s/-Loss in Old French as in the Vowel Inventory of Romanian. Reflected in Early Judeo-French Glosses. Susann Fischer, University of Postdam, Rethinking the Tobler-Mussafia-Law: Data from Old Catalan. Coffee break Syntax Room 501 11:30-12:00 Chair: Dieter Wanner, Ohio State Sonia Colina, Arizona State University, No Word-Final Epenthesis in the Synchronic Phonology of Spanish. 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:30 Room 509 University Margarita Suñer, Cornell University Anna Maria DiSciullo and Stanca Somesfalean, Université de Quebec, Montreal. On Complement/Non-complement Asymmetry. Syntax Room 510 Chair: Christina Totora, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Margarita Suñer, Cornell University.The Lexical Preverbal Subject in Romance Null Subject Languages: Where art Thou? Antxón Olarrea and Francisco Ordóñez, University of Arizona and University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, Questions in Caribbean Spanish: Weak Pronouns and YP Pied-piping Cilene Rodrigues, University of Maryland at College Park, Loss of Morphology and Subjectto-Subject Movement in Finite Tense Configurations Acrisio Pires and Cilene Rodrigues, University of Maryland at College Park, Non-finite Adjuncts in Romance: Deriving Null Subjects through Remnant Movement. First language acquisition Sociolinguistics Room 509 Chair: Ana Teresa Pérez-Leroux, University of Toronto Room 510 Lisa Davidson and Géraldine Legendre, Johns Hopkins University. Defaults and Competition in the Acquisition of Functional Categories in Catalan and French. MaryEllen García, University of Texas at San Antonio, Slow Death: Morphology in the Spanish Narratives of Bilinguals. Chair: Jorge M. Guitart, SUNY-Buffalo 12:00-12:30 12:30-2:30 1:30-2:30 2:30-4:00 2:30-3:00 3:00-3:30 3:30-4:00 4:00-5:00 Ricardo Etxepare, CNRS & LEHIA, and Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria, University of the Basque Country & LEHIA, The Hidden Syntax of in Situ WH-questions. Lunch Business meeting Language in Context/Pragmatics María Blume, Cornell University, Interaction of Morphsyntax and Discourse Context: NonFinite Forms in the Acquisition of Spanish as a First language Felipe Pieras, University of Alberta, Direct vs. Indirect Attitude Measurement and the Planning of Catalan in Mallorca. Second Language Acquisition Syntax/information structure Room 501 Chair: Graciela Reyes, University of Illinois at Chicago Room 509 Chair: Andrew Farley, University of Notre Dame Room 510 Raquel Hidalgo, Complutense University of Madrid, From Grammar to Discourse Organization: Metadiscursive and Interpersonal Functions of Marked Topics in Conversational Peninsular Spanish. Elisa Baena, University of Illinois at Chicago, Towards a Definition of Irony: Analysis of the Uses of the Terms Irony, Ironic, and Ironically in the Spanish Press. Rosina Márquez Reiter, University of Surrey, Pragmatic Variation in Peninsular Spanish: the Case of Conventionally Indirect Requests. Yan-kit Ingrid Leung, McGill University, L2A vs. L3A: A Comparative Study of the Acquisition of French DPs by Vietnamese Monolinguals and Cantonese-English Bilinguals. Kimberly L. Geeslin, Indiana University at Bloomington, Native Speaker Baselines and the Second Language Acquisition of Copula Choice. Julia Herschensohn and Karyn Schell, University of Washington and Stanford University, Constructing L2 Aspect: a Longitudinal Study of Spanish Preterit/Imperfect. Syntax Cecilia Poletto and Raffaella Zanuttini, University of Padova and Georgetown University, Marking New Information in the Left Periphery: the Case of pa in Central Rhaetoromance. Phonology Room 501 Chair: Michael Mazzola, Northern Illinois University. Room 509. Chair: Elena Benedicto, Purdue University C. Beyssade, University of Paris 3 & LLF, J.M. Marandin, LLF & University of Paris 7, and A. Rialland, University of Paris, Ground/Focus Revisited. A Perspective from French. Laura Domínguez, Boston University, Movement Types and Focus-Marking in Catalan. Chair: Asun Martínez Arbeláiz, Michigan State University. 4:00-4:30 Barbara Bullock, Penn State University at University Park, Split Base Effects in French Verb Stem Allomorphy. Jon Franco and Alazne Landa, University of Deusto and University of the Basque Country, Null Objects Revisited: a Reply to Sánchez' (1998) LSRL XXVIII Paper. 4:30-5:00 Carlos-Eduardo Piñeros, University of Iowa, Syllable Wellformedness, Alignment, and Vocalization in Chilean Spanish. Marta Luján, University of Texas at Austin, The Anaphoricity of Determiners. 5:30-6:30 Plenary Speaker María Luisa Zubizarreta, University of Southern California, Intervention effects in the French wh-in-situ construction: syntax or interpretation? Cardinal Room. Chair: Luis López, University of Illinois at Chicago 6:30-8:30 Reception Cardinal Room Remarks: Clark Hulse, Interim Dean, Graduate College, University of Illinois at Chicago Saturday, April 21st 8:30-9:00 Registration Fifth floor hallway, CCC 9:00-11:00 Language in context/pragmatics 9:00-9:30 9:30-10:00 10:00-10:30 Phonology Syntax Room 501 Chair: Richard Cameron, University of Illinois at Chicago Room 509 Chair: Robert Hammond, Purdue University Room 510 Chair: Laurent Dekydtspotter, Indiana University at Bloomington. Bonnie Fonseca-Greber and Linda Waugh, University of Arizona, The Personal Pronouns of Spoken French: Grammaticalization, Discourse-Pragmatic Change, Semantic Change, and Change in Process. Scott Schwenter, Ohio State University, A Pragmatic Re-Analysis of como Conditionals. Chip Gerfen and Kathleen Hall, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, S-Aspiration with and without the /s/ in Eastern Andalusian Spanish. Elixabete Murguia, University of Maryland, Spanish VP Ellipsis and Coordinate Structures. Juan Manuel Sosa and Nancy Hedberg, Simon Fraser University, The Prosody of Topic and Focus in Spanish. Randall Gess, University of Utah, On the Resolution of Three-Consonant Sequences in Late Latin: Phonetics, Phonology, and Optimality Theory. Christina Tortora, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, The Syntax of Aspectual Prepositions in Romance. Francisco Ocampo, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities, Topic and Focus in Spoken Spanish. 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-2:30 2:30-4:30 Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach and Scott Schwenter, Ohio State University, A Scalar Propositional Negative Polarity Item in Spanish. Coffee break Phonology Syntax Room 501 Room 509 Chair: Marta Luján, University of Texas at Austin Chair: Barbara Bullock, Pennsylvania State University at University Park Travis Bradley, Pennsylvania State University at University Park, On Hypercorrection and Preaspiration in Dominican Spanish. Mario Saltarelli, University of Southern California, A Constraint Interaction Theory of Italian Rafforzamento. Lunch Phonology 501 CCC Chair: José Ignacio Hualde, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 2:30-3:00 Eric Mathieu, University College London, On Covert Movement in French N-Words. Timothy Face, Ohio State University, Contrastive Focus and Global Intonation in Spanish. Kate Paesani, Wayne State University, Some Thoughts on Auxiliary Selection: The Case of the passé surcomposé. Viviane Deprez, Rutgers University, Constraints on the Meanings of Bare Nouns: A Comparative Study of Haitian, Seychelle and Cap Verdian Creoles. Language in context/sociolinguisitcs Syntax/semantics Room 510. Chair: Cristina Schmitt, Michigan State University. Room 509. Chair: Anna María Escobar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Esther Brown and Rena Torres Cacoulos, University of New Mexico, One Phoneme, Two variables?: Initial vs. Final s- Reduction in Spanish. Ana Bravo, Complutense University of Madrid, On the Functional Status of the Epistemic Future in Spanish, IUOG. 3:00-3:30 3:30-4:00 4:00-4:30 5:00-6:00 Plenary Speaker 7:00-8:30 Banquet Erik Willis, Millikin University, The Intonational Expression of Contrastive Focus in Mexican Spanish. Heloisa Salles and Marta Sherre, Karen Zagona, University of Washington, The role of Universidade de Brasília, Variation Aspect in Construal of Complement Clause Tenses: The between A and PARA Introducing Double Access Reading in Spanish and Italian. Indrect Objects in Ditransitive Constructions: A Study of the Northeastern Variety of Brazilian Portuguese, Cinzia Russi, University of Washington, On Jorge Guitart, SUNY Buffalo, Alicia Cipria, University of Alabama, Spanish Perception the Contrast /e/ ~ /?/, /o/~/?/ in Italian: Near Sociolinguistic Variation and Lack of Verbs and Sequence of Tenses: Aktionsart Effects. or Complete Merger? Stylistic Control in the Spanish of Pseudo-Monolectals in Castile and Puerto Rico. N. Ariana Mrak, University of Houston-Downtown, Clitic Simplification in a Contact Variety of Spanish. Leo Wetzels, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Phonology of Mid Vowels in Brazilian Portuguese. Room 605. Chair: Rafael Núñez-Cedeño, University of Illinois at Chicago Cardinal Room (reservation only) Sunday, April 22nd 9:00-10:00 Ricardo Otheguy, City University of New York, Graduate Center, Adaptation and simplification models of language contact in the Spanish of the Plenary United States. Speaker Cardinal Room. Chair: Graciela Reyes, University of Illinois at Chicago 10:00-12:00 Language in context/pragmatics Syntax Second language acquisition 10:00-10:30 Room 501. Chair: Francisco Ocampo, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities. Room 509. Chair: Yves Roberge, University of Toronto. Room 510. Chair: Julia Herschensohn, University of Washington Maj-Britt Mosegaard Hansen, University of Copenhagen, Form and Function of yes/no Interrogatives in Spoken French Tonia Bleam, University of Pennsylvania, (Non) Parallels between Double Object Constructions and IO Clitic Doubling. Gillian Sankoff, University of Pennsylvania, Adverb Placement in Montreal French: L1 and L2 Speakers in a Bilingual Contex. 10:30-11:00 1:00-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 Closing remarks Louis de Saussure and Bertrand Sthioul, University of Texas at Austin and University of Geneva, French "narrative imparfait" and Represented Thought. John Charles Smith, University of Oxford (St. Catherine’s College), Romance Ethics and Basque Allocutives: Encoding NonArguments in Verbal Morphology. Michela Ippolito, Massachusetts Institute of Julie Auger, Indiana University at Technology, The Imperfect Modality. Bloomington, Pronominal Clitics in Picard Revisited. Almeida Jacqueline Toribio, Pennsylvania State University at University Park, On Adjectival Modification in Spanish-English Code-Switching. Bill VanPatten, University of Illinois at Chicago Room 605. Giuli Dussias, University of Mississippi, and Nuria Sagarra, University of New Mexico, Online Processing of Tense and Plurality in a Second Language: the Competition between Lexical and Grammatical Cues.