1 - Moodle Cynnal

1. The lesson has clear phases
Beginning of lesson:
 Learning objectives are clear: learners know what they are going to LEARN.
 Learning objectives include skills as well as linguistic objectives (eg; to develop correct pronunciation; to
read for detail; to build sentences; to identify patterns; to use language creatively; etc)
 At Key stage 3, the learning objectives refer to the new programme of study.
 A starter activity provides a purposeful start to the lesson and reviews prior knowledge.
 Activities
 Activities
 Activities
 Activities
 Activities
 Activities
are timed.
are planned to support the learning objectives: they are purposeful and relevant.
are linked: each activity follows on logically from the previous one.
are varied,
are challenging and extend the pupils’ learning
are tailored to the different capabilities of the learners , so that they can all succeed and make
End of lesson:
 A review, involving pupils, effectively evaluates the lesson and sets the scene for future learning.
 All pupils have achieved the learning objectives at a level appropriate to their needs.
2. Pupils are motivated and engaged in their learning
Pupils know what they are learning.
Pupils understand the purpose of each activity.
Pupils know what is expected of them.
Pupils are encouraged to learn independently. They are required :
 to think (e.g. seeking language / sound patterns)
 to discuss with others (e.g. success criteria/ pronunciation/ accuracy/ texts/ possible answers/etc)
 use their own ideas (e.g. creative use of language/ open-ended tasks/ relevant topics)
 plan (e.g. a dialogue/ a piece of writing/ an oral presentation/ a thematic approach /etc)
 make decisions ( correct pronunciation /accuracy /correct answer/ answering questions/sequencing:
living graphs/ organisation of work / etc)
 problem solve ( e.g. Odd one out/ mystery /fill in gaps /sentence or text building /etc)
Pupils work well collaboratively; they respect their peers.
Pupils are actively engaged throughout the lesson
Pupils work at an appropriate pace
Pupils clearly enjoy the lesson
Teacher uses questioning techniques to aid understanding
Learners behave well as a result of their level of engagement
Inappropriate behaviour does not disrupt the learning.
3. Sharing how to improve
Success criteria are shared / discussed with pupils.
The teacher uses current and prior attainment to plan and drive the lesson.
Most pupils and the teacher are clear about their performance targets.
Pupils are encouraged to assess their own work as well as their peers’.
Pupils have opportunities to set their own targets.
Verbal feedback is helpful and suggests ways to improve.
Praise for learning and behaviour is a key feature during the lesson.
Written feedback is consistent and regular. It contributes to pupil progress
4. Standards in MFL ( Estyn )
Good features
In Key Stage 3, most pupils can:
 carry out oral tasks of 2 or 3 exchanges in Y7
 conduct short conversations , in full sentences, with
good pronunciation
 offer opinions and reasons
 manipulate simple structures , transfer language
from one context to another
 write full sentences in Y7, leading to short pieces
with extended paragraphs, in the early stages with
help from models.
 draft and redraft written work( often on computers)
 use strategies to learn and remember language
 have a sound understanding of grammar
 draw analogies with other languages
 use dictionaries well.
Outstanding features
In Key stage 3, pupils:
 listen with real understanding , picking out
details as well as gist
 infer meaning, e.g. by comparing with other
 understand language out of context
 speak with confidence, in full sentences, at
 provides extended answers beyond what
teacher expects
 have a very good accent
 try out new structures
 transfer language across topics and
 use complex sentences from known
structures/ language
 start manipulating language in Y7
 write paragraphs and short letters by
spring of y7
 have a thorough grasp of grammar
 by Y9, write extended pieces, with a
variety of structures, adverbs,
connectives and tenses.
 express opinions in details with reasons.
Good features
In Key stage 4, most pupils :
 identify opinions and feelings as well as concrete
 express opinions on a range of issues, with reasons,
sometimes in complex language
 write accurate extended pieces of writing with
variety of tenses, vocabulary and expressions
 extend written work with a range of clauses and
 modify other examples and link sentences in
different ways.
 write imaginatively
 use 2 or more skills in combination
 re-cycle previously learned language
 have a thorough understanding of grammar
 have the confidence to ask for explanations.
Outstanding features
in Key Stage 3, pupils also;
read and listen to extended authentic
materials with familiar and unfamiliar
carry out free-ranging unscripted
conversations, often using and adapting
new language
discuss contemporary issues
write descriptions as well as narrative
pay increasing attention to accuracy and
understand how the language works.