
Rockvale Middle School
Taylor Sant
6th period language arts
Richard Rorabaugh
March 1, 2013
Luxembourg is a country like no other, because it is full of life and the people are so
diverse. The location is perfect, right in the middle of Europe. The Government is small but
keeps control of the people. Many countries have fought for Luxembourg’s land, but in the end
Luxembourg became an independent country. The people of Luxembourg are mostly Roman
Catholic. The temperature is so mild that you could sit in the sun during summer and feel good.
Luxembourg is truly a place like no other.
The location of this country is fantastic it has Germany towards the east, France is south,
and Belgium is north and west. Luxembourg is a little bit smaller than Rhode Island. There are
two main regions of Luxembourg the Oesling or also called the Ardennes and Bon pays. The
Oesling covers the northern part of Luxembourg lying on the Ardennes hill; the other main land
region is called the Bon Pays in French and Gutland in German both meaning “good Land”. This
country is very mountainous in the north and very steep in the south. The moselle river valley
makes up most of the border between Luxembourg and Germany; the moselle river valley is also
called the vineyards.
The government of Luxembourg is a constitutional monarchy; the monarch is called the
Grand Duke or Grand Duchess depending on your sex. Luxembourg is the site of the European
Court of Justice, European Court of Auditors, and European Investment Bank, as well as other
vital EU organs. In the court system there are three districts, two courts, and one chamber called
the Chambre de Députés. Luxembourg ranked 16th among the top world donors of
development aid to Afghanistan, with total aid of $1,488,399,000 as of 2010. The judges are
appointed for life by the monarch. The prime minister is the leader of the government.
The history of Luxembourg is very interesting. Many countries have tried to rule
Luxembourg including Spain and the burgundians. In the tenth century Luxembourg became an
independent country. In 1963 Luxembourg celebrated their 1000th anniversary. In the 80s
Luxembourgish became their official language. Luxembourg ranked 16th among the top world
donors of development aid to Afghanistan, with total aid of $1,488,399,000 as of 2010. In 1949
Luxembourg joined a union with Belgium and the Netherlands called Benelux. Every year on
what we call Christmas Chrëschtkëndchën (Chr•a•SK•a•ndchen) comes and brings presents, he
is basically there Santa.
In Luxembourg the main religion is Roman Catholic. “Luxembourg originated from a
roman castle meaning good land. Luxembourgers is there official name. Luxembourg is a
peaceful country. When Luxembourg was no longer a territory everyone migrated to this land,
but Italy makes a whopping 14% of this county.
Luxembourg has very calm weather. Usually the temperature in January is 33 degrees
Fahrenheit; In July it is 63 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm weather can generally be expected from
May to September. At winters high point it is 17 degrees Fahrenheit. The rainfall is annual
making total rainfall 75cm yearly.
Luxembourg is a country that anybody would want to live at. It is right in the middle of
Europe. The monarch is called the Grand Duke or Duchess. Luxembourg is 1049 years old. They
are mostly Roman Catholic. The weather is perfect. In conclusion, Luxembourg is truly a country
like no other, it is full of life and the people are as diverse as anybody can think of.
949 Hei
Heinrichs, Ann. Luxembourg Enchantment of the world. China, children’s press, 2005 2004 2/21
“Luxembourg- climate”. Encyclopedia of the nation’s 2013
“Luxembourg”. Nations and their cultures 2013