Writing Opportunities in Geography

Manchester Education Partnership
Children’s Services
Opportunities to promote extended and non-fiction writing through the QCA units in Geography
Around our school – the Local Area
How can we make our local area safer?
Writing Opportunities
Pupils could:
Undertake fieldwork activities and then write a description / recount/ report of their walk
Write labels for places in our classroom and around the school
Produce non-chronological report in a pamphlet about the area
Write Instructions for how to get round locality (a word map)
Pupils could:
Write labels and captions for a wall display of pictures and photographs of the road
outside the school
Where in the world is Barnaby Bear?
1/ 2
Produce a report about the safety of the area
Devise questionnaires to ask family at home
Write a letter to the transport department at the local council to ask about the possibility
of a safety feature, eg a pedestrian crossing, being constructed.
Pupils could:
Write a report/ postcard from a country Barnaby has visited
Make a diary of Barnaby’s holiday activities from a country he has visited
Research some of the different places Barnaby has visited and write short reports/
accounts of what these places are like.
An Island Home
Pupils could:
Write instructions for how to get round the island
Write letters/ postcards for a role-play post office
Make a table comparing the Isle of Struay with where they live for specific geographical
features – transport, traffic, jobs, people, housing, landscape.
Working in pairs, write a short description of one aspect of life in Struay; Collate all of
these descriptions into a class description of ‘Life on Struay’.
Manchester Education Partnership
Going to the seaside
Children’s Services
Writing Opportunities
Pupils could:
Write labels and captions for key words and vocabulary to describe the physical and
human features of the seaside place they are learning about
A Contrasting Locality Overseas
Write a recount of a visit consolidating geographical vocabulary and understanding.
Write an information text to compare the seaside from the past with the present
Pupils could:
Write a ‘postcard’ from the contrasting locality describing an aspect of life there OR write
a letter from a contrasting locality describing what life is like there (Higher ability)
Write a list/ table (in groups) comparing the physical an human features of the
contrasting locality with their own locality, where they live
Write their own questions, as a result of research, to ask ‘someone’ from the contrasting
locality what it is like to live there.
Set up pen pal links or electronic links from a school in a contrasting locality to almost
set up a geographical forum (Q&A sessions and sharing clip and photos etc).
Passport to the World
Pupils could:
Y1: Write questions and answers about our local area
Y2: Opportunities for pupils to research different places and write short reports/
accounts about those places
Y3 – Y6:Pupils write their questions to carry out interviews with friends/ family/ local
people about their favourite holiday destinations
Pupils ’adopt’ a city and then research factual information about it, presenting their
findings using ICT/ in the form of a brochure/ poster/ as a written report/ account
Children’s Services
Manchester Education Partnership
What’s in the news?
Writing Opportunities
Pupils could:
- Write a short news report about a local issue – new housing estate, closing down the
corner shop. Pupils create posters about the issue to display around school.
Write and present their own weather forecasts.
Write a ‘before and after’ news report about a specific geographical event in the news –
flood, earthquake
Develop FOR and AGAINST arguments in a discussion about a proposed change in the
local area
Connecting Ourselves to the World
Investigating our Local Area
Pupils could:
Write a letter about their local area to be sent by e-mail to another school
Produce a short guide to the local area to be sent, by e-mail, to pupils in another school
Pupils could:
Write labels and captions for a large-scale map and picture display of the area around
the school
Write questions to ask friends and family about the jobs they do for a living in the local
Organise pen-pals with a class from a contrasting area and encourage pupils to keep
Weather Around the World
Write newspaper reports regarding any significant local changes
Pupils could:
Write weather reports and can use ICT to act these out and record them with
microphones, video cameras, etc.
Create a travel agent’s dictionary- outlining hot, cold, wet, dry regions etc.
Produce short descriptions of specific places to visit, including the weather/ climate.
Manchester Education Partnership
Improving the Environment
Children’s Services
Writing Opportunities
Pupils could:
Undertake role plays about local issues, leading to writing (such as letters of complaint
to the local authority). Summaries of differing points of view based upon role plays
Produce newspaper reports on local environmental issues (ie, waste ground behind the
school being a ‘black spot’
Prepare and present arguments for and against proposed changes to the local area
Design a poster to persuade people to dispose of their litter responsibly or recycle their
Village Settlers
Pupils could:
Write captions and labels for a large photograph of a village to identify the main physical
and human features and learn the main vocabulary of a village settlement
Compare the features of a village with the main features of where the live – suburb of
Manchester e.g. Gorton, a city - Manchester
A Village in India
Pupils could:
Write a story set in India using geographical information and knowledge of Indian life
Write instructions for how to get to India from the UK
Write questions you would like answered about India , that you would ask a person from
Chembakoli and would then research
Write a letter to a child in Chembakoli comparing your life to theirs
Identify and explain the main differences and similarities between Chembakoli and
where they live
Manchester Education Partnership
How and where do we spend our time?
Children’s Services
Writing Opportunities
Pupils could:
Devise a survey about how pupils in the class/ school spend their time; summarise their
findings in a short report
Write newspaper reports on local leisure opportunities.
Write about how they spend their leisure time compared to other pupils in the class
Pupils could:
Keep a diary of how water is used in the home for a week
Create posters/ leaflets with ideas for recycling/ saving water in the home
Write recounts of fieldwork, such as trips to water treatment works.
Create and explain flow charts for the water cycle or how the sewage treatment plant
Research the work of aid agencies in water provision in a less economically developed
country (LEDC) – write a brief report/ account of their findings.
Should the high street be closed to traffic?
Pupils could:
(Local Issue)
Local Traffic: An Environmental Issue
Write their own questions as part of a questionnaire/ survey of local people about an
environmental issue.
Write and present FOR and AGAINST arguments for a local issue – factual or as a roleplay. Balanced arguments from various points of view. Use these for and against
arguments to conduct a debate/ hold a public meeting – this could lead to persuasive
writing – letters, posters.
Make short presentations of their chosen/ allocated point(s) of view
Write persuasive letters to the local authority about the issue
Manchester Education Partnership
Contrasting UK Locality
Investigating Coasts
5/ 6
Children’s Services
Writing Opportunities
Pupils could:
Investigate aspects of the contrasting locality and produce (in pairs) short written reports
Produce a spider diagram form their investigations – ‘What makes this place special?
Design a poster/ brochure to attract visitors to go to the contrasting locality for a visit
Write a report/ table comparing the contrasting locality with where they live
Pupils could:
Write a newspaper report of an event where coastal erosion has resulted in building
Research and investigate an area of coast in the UK and produce a short written report
on their findings
Produce a geographical dictionary of the main terms and words related to investigating
coastal environments
Investigating Rivers
The Mountain Environment
Pupils could
Produce a geographical dictionary of the main terms/ words related to rivers
Write balanced arguments/reports- river pollution
Produce persuasive writing- bringing in tourists to a riverside spot.
Undertake research and report projects of rivers around the world.
Pupils could:
Produce balanced reports/ arguments on the effect of tourism in specific areas.
Produce persuasive writing- tourist board posters, slogans, adverts, etc.
Investigate a mountain environment and produce a short report of what the mountain
environment is like
Write a short written explanation of how tourism can affect a n area/ place
Design a poster/ write a short brochure to attract visitors to a mountain environment