STARS II (Application Process is for Juniors Only) The Science, Technology, and Research Scholars II Program (STARS II) is a highly selective program for junior year students. Students will participate in a science research project until they graduate during the spring 2008; summer 2008; fall 2008; and spring 2009. STARS II is a program for junior year students who are underrepresented in the sciences to include students of color, women, economically disadvantaged, first generation college students and the physically challenged with majors in biology, molecular biophysics and biochemistry, chemistry, chemical engineering, biomedical engineering, applied physics, geology, and computer science. STARS II scholars receive compensation during the academic year up to ten hours a week for 26 weeks for research in their respective research groups. In the summer they receive a stipend to continue their research for ten weeks, either at Yale University or at another academic or industrial site approved by their mentors. In February 2008 an official welcome is held for the STARS II juniors and their mentors. STARS II senior scholars are required to present final research projects to their colleagues and mentors during a dinner held each April of the senior year. This dinner also serves as an opportunity for STARS II junior scholars to see what is expected for their presentation in the senior year. STARS Enrichment Activities STARS scholars enjoy special dinners with scientists in various disciplines from Yale and other universities, as well as the traditional study breaks and dinners with group members. STARS students in research are strongly encouraged to participate in a full range of scientific professional activities. Faculty encourage scholars to attend and present during regional and national scientific conferences. 1 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH SCHOLARS (STARS II PROGRAM) PREAPPLICATION - JUNIORS ONLY DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 4:30 p.m. Attn: Dean Pamela Y. George SSS, Room 110, Yale College Dean’s Office. Use Computer or typewriter to complete the application. Name ( Last, First, Middle): ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Yale Mailing Address:_________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Yale Telephone Number_______________________________________________ Yale email address:___________________________________________________ Student SID#:________________________________________________________ College:__________________________________ Class Yr. _________________ Sex: (M)ale_________ (F)emale ____________ Race/Ethnic Background. Please Check all that apply. Black/African American (Specific Ethnic Origin)___________________________ Asian/Asian American (Specific Ethnic Origin)_____________________________ Caucasian (Specific Ethnic Origin)________________________________________ Hispanic/Latino/a (Specific Ethnic Origin) ________________________________ 2 Native American (Specific Tribe) __________________________________________ Multiracial (Specify) _____________________________________________________ Status in U. S.: (C) itizen, (R) esident Alien, (N)on resident Alien or citizen_________ Financial Aid Provided (Y or N): ____________ Major: Do you have a mentor for your proposed research project? If yes, mentor(s) name and department? If no, who are you considering to contact to be a mentor for your project? Name and department? RESEARCH STATEMENT: Limit your response to one page or less Proposed research project. 3 DEADLINE: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 - 4:30 p.m. Attn: Dean Pamela Y. George SSS, Room 110, Yale College Dean’s Office. Questions? Email: or 4