3: Establish Life Membership Proposed Change to ACBNY Constitution Submitted by: Kathy Casey kcasey03@nycap.rr.com 518-462-9487 Purpose: To establish a membership classification of life membership within ACBNY Justification: ACB already has one and ACBNY should, too. Affected Article/section: Article IV Membership ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be of the following classifications: A. Voting member: Any person eighteen years of age or older who lives or works in New York state, or who has lived or worked in New York State is eligible to become a voting member. B. Members at Large: Any person, eighteen years of age or older, who lives or works in New York State, or who has lived or worked in New York State, who is not a voting member of any ACBNY affiliate, may become a member at large. Members at large have the same rights as voting members. Applications shall be made through the Membership Committee chair. C. Junior Members: Persons sixteen or seventeen years of age residing in New York State may become junior members of ACBNY, but shall not vote. Their names shall not appear on lists sent to the ACB National Office. They may apply for junior membership either through an ACBNY affiliate, or directly through the Membership Committee chair. D. Associate Members: Any person eighteen years of age or older who is interested in supporting ACBNY may hold an individual associate membership, but shall not vote, or hold office. Any individual may apply for associate membership either through an ACBNY affiliate, or directly through the Membership Committee chair. The names of associate members shall not appear on lists submitted to the ACB National Office. E. Organizational Members: Any Organization within New York State, which is interested in supporting ACBNY, may hold an organizational membership, but shall not vote. The organization's name shall not appear on any list sent to the ACB National Office. Organizations shall obtain membership directly through the Membership Committee chair. Proposed Changes: Add a new section after section E which reads: F. Life member: 1. Any person eligible to become a voting member or member at large is eligible to become a Life member. Life members have the same rights as voting members. A life member may be a member of an affiliate of ACBNY. Life members shall be counted when figuring affiliate voting credentials. Applications for Life membership shall be made through the Membership Committee chair. The names of Life members shall appear on lists submitted to the ACB National Office. 2. Dues for life members shall be assessed at half the rate of Life membership in the American Council of the blind, Inc. at the time of application for said Life membership in ACBNY, which may be paid in no more than five (5) consecutive annual installments. Proposed New Language: ARTICLE IV MEMBERSHIP Membership shall be of the following classifications: A. Voting member: Any person eighteen years of age or older who lives or works in New York state, or who has lived or worked in New York State is eligible to become a voting member. B. Members at Large: Any person, eighteen years of age or older, who lives or works in New York State, or who has lived or worked in New York State, who is not a voting member of any ACBNY affiliate, may become a member at large. Members at large have the same rights as voting members. Applications shall be made through the Membership Committee chair. C. Junior Members: Persons sixteen or seventeen years of age residing in New York State may become junior members of ACBNY, but shall not vote. Their names shall not appear on lists sent to the ACB National Office. They may apply for junior membership either through an ACBNY affiliate, or directly through the Membership Committee chair. D. Associate Members: Any person eighteen years of age or older who is interested in supporting ACBNY may hold an individual associate membership, but shall not vote, or hold office. Any individual may apply for associate membership either through an ACBNY affiliate, or directly through the Membership Committee chair. The names of associate members shall not appear on lists submitted to the ACB National Office. E. Organizational Members: Any Organization within New York State, which is interested in supporting ACBNY, may hold an organizational membership, but shall not vote. The organization's name shall not appear on any list sent to the ACB National Office. Organizations shall obtain membership directly through the Membership Committee chair. F. Life members: 1. Any person eligible to become a voting member or member at large of ACBNY is eligible to become a Life member. Life members have the same rights as voting members. A life member may be a member of an affiliate of ACBNY. Life members shall be counted when figuring affiliate voting credentials. Applications for Life membership shall be made through the Membership Committee chair. The names of Life members shall appear on lists submitted to the ACB National Office. 2. Dues for life members shall be assessed at half the rate of Life membership in the American Council of the blind, Inc. at the time of application for said Life membership in ACBNY, which may be paid in no more than five (5) consecutive annual installments. Affected Article/section: Article V Yearly Dues Original Language: Article V. Yearly Dues Dues shall be set by the Board of Directors, provided this rate is higher than the dues charged by ACB National. Dues amounts may vary according to type of membership. Each affiliate, member at large, organizational member, and associate and junior member not belonging to an affiliate shall submit the required dues to the Treasurer. This must be done at least thirty days prior to the date on which dues must be received by the ACB National Office. An alphabetical list of voting members shall be sent along with these dues. This list shall also be sent to the Membership Committee chair. The Treasurer shall notify each affiliate, member at large, organizational member, and associate and junior member not belonging to an affiliate that dues, and where applicable membership lists, must be sent. This notification shall be sent in writing at least thirty days before the State dues submission date. A list of the names and addresses of those receiving dues notification shall be provided to the Treasurer by the Membership Committee chair at least thirty days before notices are due. Proposed Changes: Add “, except for Life members,” after “Dues” and before “shall be set” And Add “and Life member” where “affiliate, member at large, organizational member, and associate and junior member not belonging to an affiliate” appears. Proposed New Language: Article V. Yearly Dues Dues, except for Life members, shall be set by the Board of Directors, provided this rate is higher than the dues charged by ACB National. Dues amounts may vary according to type of membership. Each affiliate, member at large, organizational member, and associate and junior member not belonging to an affiliate and Life member shall submit the required dues to the Treasurer. This must be done at least thirty days prior to the date on which dues must be received by the ACB National Office. An alphabetical list of voting members shall be sent along with these dues. This list shall also be sent to the Membership Committee chair. The Treasurer shall notify each affiliate, member at large, organizational member, and associate and junior member not belonging to an affiliate and Life member that dues, and where applicable membership lists, must be sent. This notification shall be sent in writing at least thirty days before the State dues submission date. A list of the names and addresses of those receiving dues notification shall be provided to the Treasurer by the Membership Committee chair at least thirty days before notices are due. Affected Article/section: Article IX Standing Committees section I Original Language: I. Membership Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair and three members to be appointed by the President. The Membership Committee chair shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining a roll of the members of each affiliate, the members at large, organizational members, and junior and associate members not belonging to an affiliate. During the course of the year, each affiliate shall provide the Membership Committee chair with changes, additions to and deletions from its membership roster. The Membership Committee chair shall furnish the Newsletter Editor with an up-to-date roster of all ACBNY members, and shall furnish the Treasurer with a list of all members at large, organizational members, and junior and associate members who are not members of affiliates. The Membership Committee members shall assist the Membership Committee chair in performing these functions, and shall be responsible for recruiting and helping affiliates recruit new members and communicating whenever possible with former members, encouraging them to rejoin. Proposed Changes: Add “and Life member” where “affiliate, member at large, organizational member, and associate and junior member not belonging to an affiliate” appears. Proposed New Language: I. Membership Committee: This committee shall consist of a chair and three members to be appointed by the President. The Membership Committee chair shall be charged with the responsibility of maintaining a roll of the members of each affiliate, the members at large, organizational members, and junior and associate members not belonging to an affiliate and Life members. During the course of the year, each affiliate shall provide the Membership Committee chair with changes, additions to and deletions from its membership roster. The Membership Committee chair shall furnish the Newsletter Editor with an up-to-date roster of all ACBNY members, and shall furnish the Treasurer with a list of all members at large, organizational members, and junior and associate members who are not members of affiliates and Life members. The Membership Committee members shall assist the Membership Committee chair in performing these functions, and shall be responsible for recruiting and helping affiliates recruit new members and communicating whenever possible with former members, encouraging them to rejoin. -end-