SO F T CO ATE D W HE ATE N TE R RI E R CL U B O F AM E RI C A, I NC. MEMBERSHIP TYPES Membership is open to all persons in good standing with the American Kennel Club who support the objectives of SCWTCA, Inc., and subscribe to the Constitution & Bylaws and Code of Ethics of SCWTCA, Inc. Type of Membership available to apply for: Voting Memberships: Two membership categories enjoy all Club privileges and include the right to hold office and serve on the Nominating Committee. All of these membership types have Breeders Directory Privileges. These shall count towards the determination of a quorum. Applications require the signature and recommendation of two voting members that the applicant has known for two years. Individual membership is open to US residents 18 years of age or older, carries one vote, and pays dues. Household membership is open to two adults residing in the same US household, carries two votes, and pays modified dues. Non-voting Memberships: There are three non-voting memberships that enjoy all club privileges except the right to hold office or serve on the Nominating Committee. These shall not count in the determination of a quorum. Associate membership is open to all individuals 18 years of age or older who may not yet qualify for individual membership, but support the mission of SCWTCA Inc. and pay modified dues. Associate applicants will complete the current membership application with the notation of applying for Associate membership. Upon application, the signature and recommendation of one voting member is required that the applicant has known for one year. After 24 months of continuous membership, the Associate member(s) may apply for full membership. The Associate member does not have Breeders Directory Privileges. International: Applicants who do not reside in the United States may apply for International membership. Applicants will complete the current membership application. Since International Members have Breeders Directory privileges they must have two sponsors that they have known for 24 months. Junior membership is open to individuals under 18 years of age and pay modified dues. Junior members who have maintained continuous membership for at least 24 months and have reached their 18th birthday may apply for voting member status. Applicants must have two sponsors that they have known for 24 months. SCWTCA Membership Types rev 2012-11-14 p 1 of 1