Summer Special Topics Course Proposal Form

Summer Special Topics Course Proposal Form
Department name:
Dates for proposed special course (defined as a topics course outside the parameters of a normal
course, not yet in the catalog and offered for up to two cycles before going to EPCC):
Topics course number and title:
Is this the first time offering this summer project/course: ☐Yes ☐No If no, when offered before?
Name of proposer:
Name of educator responsible for running the project:
Due date: April 1st relevant year; submitted to office of Evening, Weekend & Graduate Programs, AVP.
Directions: Please consult with the Department Chair and Associate Vice President, plus any staff and
faculty involved in the topics course. Give detailed information so that all departments affected
(Registrar; Conferences, Business Office; Academic Affairs; IS; Library; PR; financial aid) are alerted and
asked for input.
Description of project as it will appear in flyer and PR:
Supply details of the topics course (when, where, how delivered) attach continuation sheet as needed:
Is it offered for credit or audit?
What pricing is proposed (include rationale)?
How many students are expected; what is the cap?
What is the educational format (eg. Hybrid, intensive residential retreat, online etc.)
Identify the objectives for the course:
Proposed by: _____________________________________
Department Chair
Reviewed by: ______________________________________
Reviewed by: ______________________________________
Associate VP