Concept Paper
First Draft on Measures to enhance Maritime Security
First Draft on Measures to enhance Maritime Security
ARF Seminar on Maritime Security (Track 1, with the participation of invited experts)
Co-Chairs: EU and ++++++
Date & Venue: 2 nd Half of 2008, to be decided
Subject: Maritime Security in the ARF
Main topics :
Recommended Model for National Legislation on Maritime Security;
Recommended structure and responsibilities of National Authorities;
Framework of inter-agency cooperation;
Principles for ship and port facility security assessments.
Goal of the seminar:
Recommendations to ARF Ministerial Meeting on strengthening Maritime Security in the
ARF-context - notably in identifying Maritime Security risks, and the development of sound and progressive Maritime Security policies, including exchange of maritime security related information in order to establish sound security assessments and plans, strengthening interconnectivity, and establishment at National Level of solid legislation on maritime security
Co-Chairs’ Summary Report will summarise the key outcomes of the discussions at the seminar. Follow-up is foreseen at ARF-ISG, through actions by ARF member states, individually or collectively. There will be an opportunity for input by ARF member states during the 85 th
session of the Maritime Safety Committee of the International Maritime
Organization (26 November- 5 December 2008) which is to debate this item. Conclusions may be submitted to the ARF Ministerial Meeting in 2009.
Format of the seminar:
It will be a Track 1 seminar, but also including a limited number of selected intelligence, military, industry and academic representatives. The seminar will last 2 days. On the 2 nd day, a site visit may be arranged for interested participants following the final session of the seminar.
The morning session on the first day will be a plenary with opening remarks by the Cochairs, followed by a keynote address and an introduction addressing the issue of maritime security in the broader sense and how the seminar fits within this context.
The afternoon sessions and the subsequent morning session will address sequentially the key issues in round-table format. The intention is to encourage free-flowing discussions, and to avoid set-piece interventions by delegates.
Possible Areas to be covered:
Developing Maritime Security in the ARF context
Recommended Model for National Legislation on Maritime Security
Recommended structure and responsibilities of National Authorities
Framework for inter-agency cooperation on maritime security matters at national level,
Identifying key maritime security risks and improving sharing information and responsibilities with private operators at Security levels 1, 2 and 3
Steps to ensure practical and realistic implementation of legislation by National
Authorities adapted to the context of each country
Principles for ship and port facility security assessments
Role of government in the development of drills and exercises
Establishment, at National Level, of sanctions in case of breaches of relevant national legislation and recommended enforcement procedures
ARF members will be asked to forward ideas and other inputs in writing in advance of the seminar. On the basis of these inputs, the Co-Chairs will draft a paper (or papers) which will be distributed before the seminar to serve as a basis for discussions during the seminar itself.
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13 March 2008
Concept Paper
First Draft on Measures to enhance Maritime Security