November 11, 2010 Class 19 Intrinsic Carrier Concentration 3 m k T 2 n 2 e B2 e 2 Ec 3 m k T 2 p 2 h B2 e 2 k BT Ev k BT Multiplying n by p Eg 3 3 k T np 4 B 2 me mh 2 e k B T 2 which is a magnitude independent of the Fermi level and only depends on the temperature. From material to material, Eg will be different and also the effective mass of electrons and holes will be different, but given a material, np only depend on T. For instance, at 300K for Si, Ge, and GaAs, np=2.10x1019 cm-6, 2.89x1026 cm-6, and 6.55x1012 cm-6 In an intrinsic semiconductor, the number of electrons is equal to the number of holes, since each electron leaves a hole behind, thus 3 Eg 3 k T 2 ni pi np 4 B 2 me mh 4 e 2 k B T 2 Also using this equality, we can find a value for the Fermi level. We make n and p equal and found, from the top of the valence band Ev=0 (what implies Ec=Eg) e 2 k BT 3 Eg m 2 h e k B T me or m 1 3 Eg k BT ln h 2 4 me Thus, if the effective mass for electrons and holes is the same, the Fermi level is right at the middle of the gap. Mobility Mobility is defined as the drift velocity (absolute value) divided by the electric field. The symbol for mobility is the same as for chemical potential , to distinguish when we refer to the mobility a subindex will be used (e for electrons and h for holes). In terms of the mobility (and this can be used as a definition for mobility) conductivity is given by nee neh 1 And by using the definition for conductivity ne 2 the mobility in terms of microscopic m parameters is given by e h e e h me h for electrons and holes respectively. Extrinsic Semiconductors-Impurity Conductivity The conductivity of a semiconductor can also be increased by modifying the lattice from its perfect conformation. For instance, the addition of 1 boron atom for every 105 atoms of silicon increases the conductivity of silicon in three orders of magnitude. To fix the concepts let’s consider tetravalent semiconductors such us Si or Ge. They form a diamond-like structure where each atom is covalently bond to four other atoms. Lets supposed one of these atoms is replaced by a pentavalent atom. Then there will be 1 extra electron that can be given up to the lattice for conduction. This extraneous atom is known as donor impurity. If instead a trivalent atom is substituted for one of the atoms in the lattice, then there will be a missing electron that can attract one of the electrons in the lattice, thus generating a hole. This is known as an acceptor impurity. Donor states Let’s assume a pentavalent atom is added to the crystal (for instance As), studies reveal that indeed this impurity enters as a substitution (replaces existing atoms) and not as an interstitial (in between atoms already in the lattice). The crystal is neutral because the electron remains in the crystal, but it remains near the ion of the inserted atom since all other atoms are neutral. The only effect at this point is that the coulombic attraction between As+ and the electron is partially decreased by the polarization these charges produce in the medium, thus the coulombic potential experienced by the electron is given by 1/4εo e/εr, where ε is the dielectric constant in the crytal. We will consider this as a hydrogen-like atom where the coulombic interaction is shielded by a dielectric medium and the mass of the electron is the effective mass. The binding energy of the e4m electron in a hydrogen atom is given by Eh thus, the binding energy of the 2 24o 2 electron to the impurity ion is: e 4 me 13.6 m Ed 2 e 2 2 m 24o The radius of the orbit of these electrons is given by (doing the same correction) ao ad where ao si the bohr radius 0.529Å. me m 2 Considering as an example me/m=0.1 for Ge and 0.2 for Si, and using the dielectric constant from table 4, the binding energies are found to be 5meV and 20meV. Compare those values with the band gaps of 1.11eV for Si and 0.66 eV for Ge at room temperature. The important information here is that those electrons are very weakly bounded and can go into the conduction band very easily. Precise calculations predict ionization energies of 9.05 meV for Ge and 29.8 meV for Si. (This is how much into the gap these donor states are from the bottom of the conduction band) The radius of the orbit for this electrons is around 80 Å and 30 Å for Ge and Si respectively, thus at moderate doping level, the electron orbit overlaps forming a band of impurity that lies right below the conduction band. Conduction in the impurity band can occur when the charges hop from one ion to the next one. This conduction is increased if some acceptors are present so some of the ions remains unoccupied thus making the hop more effective. Acceptor states The problem is what happens when an impurity with one less electron than the host atoms is present. In that case, we can say that a hole is bounded to the impurity that can be filled up if one electron from the valence band gets attached to the impurity completing the four bonds; this process leaves a hole in the valence band. This process is equivalent to the process described above where a donor is ionized by losing the extra electron that then goes to the conduction band. The mathematical solution is similar to that of donor impurities; however the effective mass of the electrons in the valence band depends on what valence band they are in. Ionization of acceptor species are also in the order of a few meV, thus a band of acceptor level is positioned very close to the valence band making it easy for electrons in the valence band to occupy those levels. In a particular material, if the number of donor species is larger than the acceptor species, then conduction is dominated by electron conduction and the materials is known as n-type semiconductor (n for negative), if instead acceptor species are more than donor species, conduction is dominated by holes and the material is known as p-type semiconductor (p for positive). Thermal ionization of Donors and Acceptors By applying chemical equilibrium, the number of electrons due to donors, assuming that there are no acceptors is given by 1 m k T 3 2 2 Ed nd 2 e B2 N d e 2 k B T 2 For the number of holes, we can use that np must be constant np=ni2 where ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration. If we assume that all donors have been ionized, then in the case of extrinsic semiconductors n=(ni+nd)~ nd for a donor concentration larger that the intrinsic carrier concentration. In that case p= Ni2/nd. In any case, the addition of donor impurities, increase the number of negative carriers over that of intrinsic semiconductors leading to a decrease on holes so that np remains constant. It can be shown than in any case, n+p is larger than for the intrinsic semiconductor. 3 A similar equation is found for acceptors when no donors are present. 1 m k T 32 2 Ea p 2 h B2 N a e 2 k B T 2 The number of holes is larger than for the intrinsic case while the number of electrons is smaller such that np is the same as for the intrinsic case and n+p results to be larger than for the intrinsic case. When both are present the problem is very complicated. Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic material In simple terms both paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials are materials that respond to an external magnetic field with a magnetization on their own. For paramagnetic materials, the magnetization M (defined as the total magnetic moment per unit of volume) is parallel to the applied electric field while for diamagnetic materials M is in the opposite direction. There are three source of magnetization in a material, the electron spin, the electron orbital angular momentum, and changes in the orbital momentum due to an external magnetic field. The first two, intrinsic electron spin and orbital momentum both are “permanent” magnetic moments and magnetization occurs when these align with the external field. The last source of magnetic moment leads to diamagnetism. The relationship between an applied field and the magnetization is the magnetic susceptibility. M o where o is the magnetic permeability of vacuum. B Paramagnetic materials are characterized by positive susceptibility while diamagnetic materials are characterized by negative susceptibility. Diamagnetism Consider a material with closed-shell atoms, in each atom, there exist pair of electrons that spin around the nucleus at similar speed but in opposite direction, their magnetic moments thus cancel. The centripetal force on each of these electrons is giving by v2 e2 Fc m k 2 Where e is the positive of the electron charge and the minus in the equation r r indicate the force is towards the center of the orbit (attractive electron-nucleus interaction) When an external magnetic field is applied, both electrons experience an extra force due to that field. Fm=q vB Consider two electrons spinning in opposite directions with the same speed with the plane of the orbit parallel to the surface of the paper; each electron will have a magnetic moment L (the angular moment) in opposite directions. The electron spinning clockwise will have a magnetic 4 moment out of the page while the electron spinning counterclockwise will have a magnetic moment pointing into the page. Consider that the applied magnetic field is into the page. The new centripetal force will be v2 e2 Fc m k 2 ev B r r Where vB will be radial, the minus implies a magnetic force pointing towards the center of the orbit and the plus when pointing outwards For the electron spinning in the clockwise direction, the magnetic force is towards the nucleus and thus the centripetal force increases. The electron increases its speed to compensate for the extra centripetal force and thus its magnetic moment, which points out of the page increases. The opposite will happen to the electron spinning counterclockwise, it responds decreasing its momentum which is into the page. The overall effect is a net (weak) magnetic moment pointing out of the page, opposite to the applied field. Diamagnetism is present in all materials, however if net magnetic moments exist, diamagnetism so weak that is not appreciated. Diamagnetism is usually treated in terms of the Larmor Theorem that says that in a magnetic field the electron’s motion is that of the electron when the field is not present plus a precession with frequency eB This is half of the cyclotron frequency of an electron in a magnetic field. 2m A classical treatment of the electron precession is as follow. Consider an electron in an orbit with a frequency equal to the Larmor frequency. The current associated with this electron is given by 1 eB I ef e 2 2m The magnetic moment associated with a current in a loop is given by current x area, thus the momentum associated with the precession motion of an electron is given by e2 B 2 where is the mean square of the radius of the projection of the electron orbit 4m over a plane perpendicular to B <2>=<x2>+<y2> For an spherically symmetric distribution, <r2>=<x2>+<y2>+<z2>, thus <r2>= 3/2 <2> and e2 B 2 r . 6m The above is the magnetic moment per electron, if there are Z electrons in each atom and N atoms per unit of volume, then the diamagnetic susceptibility is given by 5 o M B o NZ B o NZe2 6m r2 These results hold even if the electron is treated within the quantum mechanics formalism. Paramagnetism We can imagine a number of individual atoms with permanent magnetic moments pointing in all directions due to the random thermal effect. Then a magnetic field is applied, the potential energy of a magnetic moment in a magnetic field B, is given by U=-.B where the minimum energy is obtained when and B are parallel to each other. There is now a competition between the temperature to misalign the moment and the magnetic field to align them. The collective contribution of a number of individual magnetic moments leads to a mild (in most materials) magnetic field parallel to the external applied field. According to quantum theory, the magnetic moment of an atom or ion is given by =ħJ where ħJ is the total angular momentum which is the sum of the orbital plus the spin angular momentum. is known as the gyromagnetic or magnetogyric ratio. g B e where B is the Bohr magneton, which is closely equal to the spin 2m magnetic moment of a free electron. g is known as the g factor and for an electron spin is ~2. For a free atom, it is given by the Landé equation J J 1 S S 1 LL 1 (notice that for a just a spin, L=0, J=S, and g=2 g 1 2 J J 1 Also, The magnetic energy is given by U=-.B=mjgBB where mj is the angular momentum component in the direction of the magnetic field with values between J and –J. As example consider a state with no orbital momentum (s levels for instance), in this case mj=½. U=½ 2.0 BB=BB (for this case with L=0, =B). In the absence of an external magnetic field, these two levels will be degenerate (they will have the same energy), however, when in a magnetic field, they split in two level EoBB where Eo is the energy of the level before the magnetic field is applied. In general, the relative population of these levels depends on the temperature as: B N1 N e B e k BT k BT e B k BT N2 N e B B e k BT k BT e B k BT with N1 and N2 are the population of the lower and upper level. (Notice that for very low temperature N1 N and N2 0 while for very high temperature both then to ½N. The interpretation is that at low temperature the sample is completely magnetized, thermal effect is 6 too small and all the magnetic moments get to align with the external field. For high temperature instead, magnetization is completely lost since half of the spins are up and half of the spins are down. The total magnetization is given by B M N1 N 2 N k BT e B e k BT e e B B k BT k BT B N tanh k BT At high temperature (BB<<kBT), the argument of tanh is very small and tanh(x)~x thus M ~ N B B B k BT The temperature dependence of M/B is general, even when L is not zero and it is known as the curie law M C B T C is the Curie constant. Thus o M B oC T Ferromagnetic materials Ferromagnetic materials have atoms grouped together is domains. Inside each domain atoms have their magnetic moment aligned. Let’s consider that domains are misaligned with other domain and thus the total magnetic moment is zero. If an external magnetic field is applied, the domains will try to rotate to align to the magnetic field. Since the entire domain needs to be rotated, there is some resistance for that to happen and the magnetization curve is not linear. As the applied field increases, more and more domains align until saturation is reached (all domains are align to each other). The thermal effect is a lot less important than for paramagnetic materials. Thermal energy is able to rotate individual atoms, but not entire domains, thus the magnetic susceptibility (depends on the field) is in the order of thousands. If after the material is completely magnetized the magnetic field is decreased, domains do not completely rotate back to their random orientation but due to mechanical resistance to this rotation, the demagnetization is not complete even when the applied field is brought back to zero. The material is now permanently magnetized. Only if a magnetic field in the opposite direction is applied, the magnetization can be brought back to zero. However if further increased in the opposite direction, magnetization in the opposite direction occurs. The cycle continues forming what is called and hysteresis curve. 7