The Consideration Process:
The consideration of assistive technology is not a separate process but rather a process that
parallels the development of the IEP. Using information obtained from the Present Levels of
Performance, the Case Conference Committee should match the features of the assistive technology
device(s) or service being considered to the student's abilities and educational goals. The Case
Conference Committee should consider assistive technology that will work best for the student with
the least amount of intrusion and restriction in the student's daily routines. Consideration should be
given first to those strategies, accommodations, modifications and/or low assistive technology
options that are appropriate and effective in providing reasonable educational benefit. Depending on
the knowledge base of the Case Conference Committee, consideration of higher technology options
may require the Committee to seek additional assistance/consultation or a referral for an assistive
technology evaluation.
Trial Period:
Before committing resources to purchase assistive technology, a trial period with the device(s)
should be implemented. The trial usage should occur in those educational settings addressed in the
annual goals and objectives or benchmarks. A plan for careful documentation of the degree to
which the device provided the desired outcome is required for justifying the provision of the
assistive technology recommended by the Case Conference Committee. Trial periods should be
specified in the appropriate section of the IEP and include specifics of location, duration and
Documentation Forms:
The following forms are designed to provide the Case Conference Committee with a framework for
considering assistive technology. If a student has educational, developmental or access needs in
one or more of these areas, the Case Conference Committee should use the forms to indicate that a
general type of assistive technology is included in the IEP and then specify more detail in the
appropriate sections of the IEP. Each educational area identifies specific tasks that are supported by
available technology. The Case Conference Committee is reminded that an assistive technology
evaluation should be regarded as any other evaluation and that appropriate evaluation notice and
consent procedures apply. The appropriate form(s) should then be attached to the IEP as
documentation of the special factor consideration. Each educational area includes a range of low to
high assistive technology options, as well as assistive technology services, that may need to be
provided. The forms address the following educational areas:
Study Skills
Access to Educational Programs
Orientation and Mobility/Travel Training
Daily Living/Recreation/Leisure
The Case Conference Committee is reminded that an assistive technology evaluation should be
regarded as any other evaluation and that appropriate evaluation notice, consent AND TIMELINE
procedures apply.
Adapted from Assistive Technology Creating a Pathway by the Iowa Department of Education and the Bureau of Children, Family &
Community Services, 1998